Starting with EP - Where to begin??

We are just starting to play with portals.  I have a system installed, and can access the portal.  However, I need to connect the portal to a 4.6c R/3 system.  I thought that the place to do this was under System Administration -> System Configuration, but I don't see it.  Can anyone guide us to a guide to getting started working with the portal.  I used the installation guide to get the portal up, but have been spinning my wheels since then.
Thanks in advance....

Hi John,
the best place to start looking for documentation is
If you are working with NW'04 Enterprise Portal go to , for EP 6.0 SP2 go to
Concerning Single Sign-On to SAP Systems from SAP EP you might start here:
Hope this helps,

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    The most perfect solution would be to get a CLR routine to either (a) Do a regular expression match, (b) Run a split routine at CLR speeds then do a simple LIKE, or (c) both (a) and (b).  If your requirements grow to handle more and more complex searches,
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    However, like the other answers, here's a way to do it reasonably well given your current requirements.  You may have to tweak the REPLACE logic if you have frequent OTHER forms of word delimiters.
    Method:  Pull data; add space before and after original text; replace all common word separators other than space with a space (so for example, "(These pretzels)", "He said 'These pretzels are making me thirsty" and so forth would
    be replaced with a space before "The"; then do a Patindex (you could do with just a LIKE also) on the search string prefaced with a space.  Here's an example, stealing from table sys.messages just for ease of demonstration.
    With SampleData as
    Select top 100 *
    , ' ' + Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(text, '"', ' '), '''', ' '), '/', ' '), '(', ' ') + ' ' as TextPlus
    from sys.messages
    where language_id = 1033
    Select TextPlus
    , patindex('% The%', textplus)
    from SampleData
    where patindex('% The%', textplus) > 1
    Same logic, in the most concise format:
    Select top 100 Text
    from sys.messages
    where language_id = 1033
    and ' ' + Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(text, '"', ' '), '''', ' '), '/', ' '), '(', ' ') + ' ' like '% the%'

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    StevenD: FYI, I did NOT give you the one star rating. I would never do that!
    StevenD wrote:
    Ow. Someone is grumpy today.
    Well, this is an assignment, so it is probably homework.
    Why else would anyone give HIM such an assigment, after all he has no LabVIEW experience and the tutorials are too hard for him?
    This would make no sense unless all of it was just covered in class!
    This is not a free homework service with instant gratification.
    OK! Let's do it step by step. I assume you already have a VI with the digital indicators.
    "...but have no idea where to begin".
    open notepad.
    decide on a format, possibly one line per indicator.
    type the document.
    close notepad.
    open LabVIEW.
    Open the existing VI with all the indicators.
    (are you still following?)
    look at the diagram.
    Who made the program?
    Does the code make sense so far?
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    How should the file be read (after pressing a read button, at the start of the program ,etc.)
    See how far you get!
    Message Edited by altenbach on 06-24-2008 11:23 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Hi there,
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    I hope below example code will help you to fix your issue,
    REPORT  ytest.
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_typ1,
              val TYPE i,
            END OF ty_typ1.
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_typ2,
              val1 TYPE hrobjid,
              val2 TYPE hrobjid,
            END OF ty_typ2.
    DATA : int_typ1 TYPE TABLE OF ty_typ1,
           int_typ2 TYPE TABLE OF ty_typ2,
           wa_typ1  TYPE ty_typ1,
           wa_typ2  TYPE ty_typ2,
           int_1001 TYPE TABLE OF hrp1001,
           wa_1001  TYPE hrp1001.
    REFRESH : int_typ1, int_typ2, int_1001.
    CLEAR : wa_typ1, wa_typ2, wa_1001.
    wa_typ1-val = 500001.
    APPEND wa_typ1 TO int_typ1.
    wa_typ1-val = 500002.
    APPEND wa_typ1 TO int_typ1.
    wa_typ1-val = 500003.
    APPEND wa_typ1 TO int_typ1.
    wa_typ1-val = 500001.
    APPEND wa_typ1 TO int_typ1.
    SORT int_typ1 ASCENDING BY val.
    LOOP AT int_typ1 INTO wa_typ1.
      wa_typ2-val1 = ( wa_typ1-val * 100 ) + 1.
      wa_typ2-val2 = wa_typ2-val1 + 98.
      APPEND wa_typ2 TO int_typ2.
      CLEAR : wa_typ1, wa_typ2.
    SELECT * FROM hrp1001 INTO TABLE int_1001
             FOR ALL ENTRIES IN int_typ2 WHERE
                 plvar EQ '01'          AND
                 otype EQ 'S'           AND
                 sclas EQ 'O'           AND
                 begda LE sy-datum      AND
                 endda GE sy-datum      AND
                 objid GE int_typ2-val1 AND
                 objid LE int_typ2-val2.
    LOOP AT int_1001 INTO wa_1001.
      WRITE : / wa_1001-objid.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Harish Kumar N

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    Yes. Here's the gist of how it works:
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    Word - Microsoft Support

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    Muralidhar wrote:
    When i see the online documentation i don't find api's which starts with package name "com.sun.*". where can i find documentation for this Api's. these are shipped with jdk by default. I am talking about jdk6.Those are not API's and you should not use them. They are implementation classes for the Java platform and subject to change from version to version, from platform to platform or from vendor to vendor.
    Edited by: baftos on Jan 11, 2011 7:56 AM

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    Links to good tutorials helpful.
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    All of this functionality that you are mentioning is available with Swing. You can do a google search for java Swing tutorials; if you need further help, please visit the Swing forum.

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    Just wanted to point out that in addition to using .NET/WMI to enumerate the printers, Windows 8 has a native PowerShell implementation you could use. It supports remote management, so you can even use it from a Windows 8 client to target your Windows Server
    2008 R2 instance. 
    $printers = Get-Printer -ComputerName $printServerName -Name bld*
    foreach ($printer in $printers) {
    Set-Printer -ComputerName $printServerName -Name $printer.Name -PermissionSDDL #fill in your permissions here
    Full description of these cmdlets:
    Excellent - Just fill in the SDDL.
    Does this work on WS2008R2 PrintManager Queues?  I find no -SDDL except on WS2012.  WS8 is missing this parameter. Is it only available on WS8 Enterprise?
    WS2008R2 also does not seem to support this.
    Get-Printer and its cousins are wrappers around The Q functions posted above.  The API has no security bits before WS2012.  Look at the MSDN and Technet articles for this CmdLet and the other "Printer" CmdLets.

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    where do i go to get started with the disabled phone process.  I selected the information regarding not syncing into itunes ever.  but where do I go on the site to get started

    You use iTunes and restore the phone from Recovery Mode. You will lose all content.

  • Where do I get started with OAS and JSP ?

    Where do I get started with OAS and JSP ?
    Please point me in the right direction!
    Post and/or email me at [email protected]

    The simplest way is to read OAS4082 Documentation:
    Developer's Guide: JServlet and JSP Applications.

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