Startup sound mute

I often turn on my Imac at night when the rest of my family sleeps.
I cant seem to be able to mute the "DIIING" startup sound, which is quite annoying in the middle of the night.
Please Apple...Make it possible to turn that thing of...
(i have tried muting before shutting down - no luck)
/Jan Denmark

My problem is the opposite!!
I WANT the beautiful startup chord, but it's not here on my second hand PB G4.
we initialised the disk before installing all my old stuff via CarbonCopy Cloner.
The original owner said he MAY have silenced the chime, but I'd have thought that would have been cancelled in the initialisation?

Similar Messages

  • How do I mute the startup sound

    How do I mute the startup sound on my imac

    The start up sound is there for specific reasons, for example if you do a Safe Boot or PRAM reset  you need the start up sound to do those key functions. I would recommend against masking it and follow Apple's suggestions.  Please read your owners manual, where Apple states:
    Putting Your iMac to Sleep
    If you‘ll be away from your iMac for less than a few days, put it to sleep. When your iMac is in sleep, its screen is dark. You can quickly wake your iMac and bypass the startup process.
    This means don't turn it off, my iMac is about 5 years old now. The only time it's restarted is when I'm doing updates, it has reliably that way and has never given me any problems. In short, let it sleep when it's not being used.

  • How to mute/delete startup sound in Mountain Lion?

    Is there a way to shut off/mute the startup sound in Mountain Lion without simply turning down all sounds?  For years I have used a third party pref pane called startup sound, but it has not been updated for OS 10.8.  Thanks.

    1. Login as administrator and open Terminal
    2. Create scriptfile for muting
    sudo nano /path/to/
    3. Enter this as content, when done press Ctrl+O to save and Ctrl+X to exit:
    osascript -e 'set volume with output muted'
    4. Create scriptfile for unmuting
    sudo nano /path/to/
    5. Enter this as content, when done press Ctrl+O to save and Ctrl+X to exit:
    osascript -e 'set volume without output muted'
    6. Make both files executable:
    sudo chmod u+x /path/to/
    sudo chmod u+x /path/to/
    7. Check if any hooks already exist (these will be overwritten, so make sure it is OK for you)
    sudo defaults read LoginHook
    sudo defaults read LogoutHook
    8. Add hooks for muting
    sudo defaults write LogoutHook /path/to/
    sudo defaults write LoginHook /path/to/

  • How to mute startup sound? (iMac, OS 10.8)

    Ever since I've upgraded to Mountain Lion, the startup sound came back.
    I am using an iMac so you clearly didn't read this post if you're suggesting the Silent Ninja application. I've even tried it myself, and it doesn't work.
    The Arcana is what I used to use with Snow Leopard and seems it's incompatible with 10.8.

    If you use the iMac's built-in speakers for sound when using the iMac, the startup sound reflects the volume setting for the built-in speakers.
    If you use headphones or external speakers connected to the headphones port on the iMac, that volume setting is stored separately (from the built-in speakers).  To mute the startup sound, disconnect anything in the headphones port, so that the iMac is using the built-in speakers.  Set the volume to mute. 
    You can now reconnect the headphones or external speakers, and the volume level should go back to normal, but the setting for the built-in speakers has been set to mute and it is retained.  When you startup, the startup sound should be muted.

  • Mac Air running Lion How to mute or turn down startup sound

    I go to library alot and need to mute or turn down startup sound.
    Any help?

    Turn the volume down before you shut down the MBair, the startup tone should be the same volume as when you shut down.

  • Mute Startup Sound

    I was using it for a long time StartupSoundPrefPane11b3 with no problems, but this week I had to erase my hd and restore the disk from time machine.
    Since then I can't use anymore your program, I checked the boxes "Turn on startup volume control" and "Mute" and turn on the lock.
    After turn off and on again I get the startup sound.
    I went to system preferences, and "Startup Sound" program but the "Mute" checkbox is not active anymore...
    What do you suggest me to do, please ?
    Many thanks!
    PS: I'm ruuning on a Mid 2007 iMac with 10.7.3 Lion software.

    leonel junior wrote:
    I don't want to wake up my little baby everytime I turn on the iMac...
    You can make a Mac do what you can't always make a baby do:
    Instead of shutting down your Mac (requiring a restart with a BOING!) just let it sleep. It is designed to do that.
    (Anyone who dreams up a way to fit a similar system preference to a baby will win the Nobel Prize...)

  • Mute Startup Sound...Please

    I was using it for a long time StartupSoundPrefPane11b3 with no problems, but this week I had to erase my hd and restore the disk from time machine.
    Since then I can't use anymore your program, I checked the boxes "Turn on startup volume control" and "Mute" and turn on the lock.
    After turn off and on again I get the startup sound.
    I went to system preferences, and "Startup Sound" program but the "Mute" checkbox is not active anymore...
    What do you suggest me to do, please ?
    Many thanks!
    PS: I'm ruuning on a Mid 2007 iMac with 10.7.3 Lion software.

    Look at Psst.  Also look at the Similar Software section lower down on page  linked to.
    I suggest you turn it down if you want but don't completely mute it since it acts as a error signal in certain cases.
    (I just realized you also posted this in another thread earlier)

  • How do i turn off the startup sound on macbook pro?

    how do i turn off the startup sound on macbook pro?

    You don't. You may find some third-party software that will, however. Try Auto Mute.
    Alternatively, you can try this:
    I think this is the best and simplest solution. Open a Terminal window and type (or copy/paste) the following to turn down the startup noise:
         sudo nvram SystemAudioVolume="%00"
    Press RETURN.
    And to restore it to the original value type:
         sudo nvram -d SystemAudioVolume
    Press RETURN.
    That's all folks.

  • How do I turn off startup sound?

    Every computer I ever had, the first thing I do is to turn off the startup sound because it is very annoying in a public place and sometimes in a quiet place. I have not been able to find out how to trun it off on my Air. I asked the guys at the stores and they just say you can't. That is really dumb. I turned off my speaker but that is not a practical way because I may not remember to turn it off when I shut down.
    The question is how do I turn it off permenantly.
    Love to know.

    imac/Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
    I find this great solution...
    <This is a Direct Download Link>
    MuteCon for Mac OS
    or go to
    mutec202.dmg(90.3KB)(recent version)
    is a japanese site but the app is in english.
    this app mute the sound before exit and demute after boot.
    works with Lion/snow leopard/ Mointain Lion
    set the preferences like this
    and add to Admin User acount to launch on startup.
    So easy...I can not believe I lost so much time.
    Help to spread the word!!!
    <Edited By Host>

  • 24" iMac Startup Sound

    I recently upgraded my PPC G4 to a brand new 24" iMac.
    On my G4, the mac startup sound would play over the external speakers, and when booting the computer late at night, I could turn down the volume to avoid waking my roommates.
    The new iMac 24" seems to blast the startup sound, even if I mute the volume before shutting down.
    Does anyone else have external speakers hooked up to their new 24"? Does the boot sound come from the external or internal speakers?

    One of the oddities of the iMac line is that the startup sound comes from the internal speakers. If you have external speakers plugged in and unpowered, it makes no difference, you still get a "BLING" when you start up. And since the 24" machine has extra big speakers and bigger audio amp, you get an extra big BLING! Nice, eh?
    You might try the freeware utility called "Psst" <>. I haven't tried it, but it does seem to be able to silence the startup sound on most Macs.

  • How to silence the startup sound?

    My MacPro emits the startup chord, loundly, from the internal speaker. All other sounds come from the external speakers. When I get home late it's like to wake the dead if I turn on my Mac.
    This did not work this way before, the startup sound played through the external speakers and I could turn them down.
    Any ideas how to kill the startup sound or make it play through the external speakers?

    Well, you know that's a funny thing, because I didn't actually intend to mute the startup chime. I just wanted it routed to the external speakers where I could control the volume properly, like the first poster. But the chime doesn't sound out of my external speakers. I don't hear it at all.
    And I don't care. If my Mac fails some test, it isn't going to work right, I'll find out about it anyway. I also don't care because in 20 years of owning Macs, if there was a problem with my Mac I can't remember any of them being due to a failed self test, it was usually a hard disk failure or something on the motherboard while I still got the normal startup chime. The power on self test does not, for example, tell PowerBook G4 owners about the widespread problem that their lower RAM slot has failed. I just haven't found the chime to be useful, while many users find it to be extremely annoying. Apple could just flash the front panel LED differently.
    The only time I've ever heard the failed self test tones is when I've played them back from some web page or utility that tells you what they mean.

  • Mighty Mouse and Startup Sound

    Two things...
    1) My Mighty Mouse scroller is very unreliable. On some ocassions it doesn't scroll at all and then on another day it's perfect! For the past couple of days, it hasn't been scrolling upwards but it's fine scrolling left, right and downwards. It's not physically stuck but it doesn't make the 'clicking' noise when I push it upwards, nor does it scroll! Is anyone else having similar problems, and what should I do?
    2) My iMac G5 is blasting out that noise when you switch it on. It's really loud and distorts the speakers. Not so bad in the afternoon, but when you switch it on really early in the morning, it's enough to wake the whole neighbourhood up. Is there a way to turn it down or switch it off? (I've tried turning the main volume down on the computer but these are two seperate volumes so it seems).
    Thanks in advance,
    El Barto

    To control the volume level of your startup sound, use this free utility:
    It will allow you to mute, or decrease the volume of just your startup sound. It leaves all other sound items at their normal level.
    As for the mouse, I would try it on another system. If it still acts-up, then I would contact Apple for a replacement.
    If it works fine on the other system, then you have a software problem.
    Either way, try re-installing the software on the CD that came with the mouse. That might help.

  • Startup sound, ARGH!!

    I perused this forum and could not find a satisfactory answer.  This startup sound is so loud it could break windows in the house.  I have tried this:
    Moved ALL sound sliders all the way to the left in the Sounds System Preferences.
    Tried that SystemPrefPane file but it will not run under OS X Lion.
    Tried clicking on mute ALL sounds.
    Tried Sound Ninja or something like that, no help.
    I am about ready to open the case and cut the speaker wire on my iMac.  Yes, I do know it is for POST reasons but I don't really care because if there's a problem I'd probably know it anyway.
    It WAS silent but just yesterday on bootup it started chiming again at FULL volume.  It makes your teeth rattle and your ears bleed.
    This is VERY serious, there MUST be a way to shut off that sound.
    I saw some way to do it with the terminal but that was confusing to me and I didn't want to mess anything up.
    If someone can come up with a way to do it I will PAY them REAL CASH, $$$, YES, I will pay someone to help me shut off this idiotic and loathsome chime once and for all.

    Um, yeah, thanks, but I already did that, I actually read every single one of them and none of them had any workable solutions.  All the thrid party software will not shut it off under Lion.

  • Startup sound too loud

    I own a macbook pro 15" bought on may 2011, working with Snow Leopard OS. It worked very well until it presented troubles with startup sound which suddenly completely disappeared. I cleared this reseting PRAM / NVRAM as explained in the Apple Support.
    Since then, another trouble appeared : startup sound reverted to a maximum level.
    I have tried many solutions unsuccessfully :
    - Lowering sound level, even to mute, before shutdown : no effect.
    - Starting my Mac with a connected headphone : no effect. The sound continued being emitted by the build-in speakers
    - Putting a toothpick in the headphone socket to eventually resetting anything wrong : no effect
    - Putting to the trash "" and "" files and restarting my computer : no effect
    - changing settings in the "Sound > out" category in the Pref Panel : no effect
    - Reseting PRAM and NVRAM again : no effect
    - Reseting SCM as explained in the Apple Support : no effect, startup sound is still to the maximum level.
    If anyone have any idea, i will take it favourably.

    I have downloaded and installed startupsound.prefpane. It seemed to have no consequence on my issue. I then thought that, maybe, putting "" and "" files from MacHD>Library>preferences>audio to the trash again could solve it. I did so and also added 2 "sound preferences files" from the "MacHD>Library>preferences" directory.
    I then restarted my computer and "God saved me!" : it worked!
    However, making some tests, changing sound level before restarting : no effect! Startup sound is still at its minimum and nothing make it change!
    Uninstalling Startupsound.prefpane has even no influence on it.
    I am just... desappointed
    I just can't understand.
    Any idea?

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    Ah, that sound
    I only know of apps for OSX to mute that sound, but none for Windows.
    But since thar startup sound is mainly used as a 'hint' if something is found during the startup-diagnosis, I personally have left it on.

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