Stats question

Hi All
This is related to schema stats from production to QA.
We have two DB
Production: ABC
I did export for schema ABC from production and inported the complete schema using 'fromuser and touser' option for exp into XYZ.
Then i created table for production (ABC) stats using :
exec dbms_stats.create_stat_table(ownname => 'ABC', stattab => 'ABCSTATS', tblspace => 'ABC_DATA');
Then, i gathered the stats:
exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats(ownname => 'ABC',statown=>'ABC', stattab=>'ABCSTATS');
then, exported the table 'ABCSTATS' to file exp.dmp and imported into QA database XYZ.
PROD: exp file=/exp.dmp tables=ABCSTATS
QA: imp file=exp.dmp fromuser=ABC touser=XYZ
Now, i have complete data from PRODUCTION in QA and stats for production too in table ABCSTATS.
Now, When i do
exec dbms_stats.import_schema_stats(ownname => 'XYZ',statown=>'XYZ', stattab=>'ABCSTATS');
Then command runs sucessfully. But stats are not loaded as of procution.
I have stats cost coming for one query as 40,000 in production whereas in QA it is coming as 7,000 only.
Now the question is, is there something i am doing wrong? Or is this possible to load schema stats from one to another schema for same data structure.
OS: Sun10
DB: 10G
Edited by: aps on Apr 13, 2009 9:31 AM

this possible to import diffrent schame stats into other? Can someone confirm?its possible. you have to perform few manual tasks.
create the stat table in source and export source schema stats.
export the stat table from source using exp utility.
transfer and import the stat table into target database.
Now, the Schema in Stat table isn't available in your target.So, you have to update the STAT table column C5 to target schema name.
Now, Import the stats using exec dbms_stats.import_table_stats.
Any special reason you want to do this? Instead, you can gather stats in current Target schema?
Edited by: Anantha on Apr 13, 2009 2:13 PM

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    I presume you are trying to update the pin of only those people
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    : I'm trying compare two table in Oracle and with a firstname and
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    <s:State name="selected"/>
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                public var lProvider:ArrayCollection;
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                                    {label: "Tickets", checked: false}];
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                        <mx:Label text="{data.label}"/>
        <mx:VBox width="600">
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            <mx:Panel title="Ticket component" width="100%" height="200"
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    Message was edited by:

    I suspect one thing that changed was that those other examples were using a previous version of MS Access.
    Other than that I can only suggest that you use a prepared statement rather than attempting to the MS Access specific syntax.

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    Have compiler, will travail ;-)
    Cheers. Keith.
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    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class InitBlocksTesterpator
      private List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>() {
          add("This hack uses an anonymous inner-class to populate the list.");
          add("It causes serialization problems");
    C:\\Java\\home\\src\\forums\\ warning: [serial] serializable class <anonymous forums.InitBlocksTesterpator$1> has no definition of serialVersionUID
      private List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>() {
    1 warning
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        System.out.println("this is a instance initialiser block above the main method.");
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        System.out.println("this is a static initialiser block below the main method.");
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    Statement balances do not reduce after you pay them off. The statement balance is the balance on the card the last time your statement cut. Assuming a due date of the 8th and a statement date of the 11th, as you stated, this is how it works.   May 1 - Outstanding balance = $500. May 3 - Paid $500; Outstanding balance = $0. May 5 - Spend $500. Outstanding balance = $500.May 8 - Due Date. $0 due, but $500 outstanding balance. May 11 - New statement cuts. New statement balance = $500. May 20 - Spend $500. Outstanding balance = $1000. Statement balance = $500. May 25 - Pay $1000. Outstanding balance = $0. Statement balance = $500. June 11 - New statement cuts. Statement balance = $0.   Hopefully the above helps clarify how it works. Statement balance will always show the balance on the last statement cut date. Outstanding balance (or current due or some variant) is the total amount due. If you pay the statement balance in full, you won't get charged interest even if the current due is not paid in full. The CC system is based on the mail in payment system. Since it was created before the internet, instant online payments were not feasible. Thus, you pay your last months statement balance before this months due date, giving you time to mail in the payment. 

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    -- update the aggregated batch fields (blocking flag is 1 if query fact exist with BF=1 or if no query facts have been generated and
    -- for this group a query dimension record exist with blocking flag data or sql set to 1
    update qf_f_batch bat
    set (ts_ended_tz, ts_ended, nbr_error_msgs, blocking_flag) =
    (select coalesce(max(sysdate), sysdate),
    to_char(coalesce(max(sysdate), sysdate), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ,
    coalesce(sum(qryres.dummy_flag), 0),
    case when
    coalesce(count(qry.fk_query), 0)=0 and max(dqry.blocking_flag_data) > 0 or
    coalesce(count(qry.fk_query), 0)=0 and max(dqry.blocking_flag_sql) > 0 or
    coalesce(count(qry.fk_query), 0)>0 and sum (qry.blocking_flag) > 0
    then 1 else 0 end as blocking_flag
    from qf_d_query dqry
    left outer join
    ( select fk_query, blocking_flag from qf_f_query
    where fk_batch = varBatchKey) qry on (dqry.pm_primarykey = qry.fk_query)
    left outer join
    ( select fk_query, dummy_flag from qf_f_query_result
    where dummy_flag = 1
    and fk_batch = varBatchKey) qryres on (qry.fk_query = qryres.fk_query)
    where dqry.pm_current_flag = 1
    and dqry.enabled = 1
    and dqry.query_group = sGroup)
    where bat.pm_primarykey = varBatchKey;
    The update statement for nbr_error_msgs is incorrect (marked in bold, repeated here: coalesce(sum(qryres.dummy_flag), 0) )
    The correct update statement for field NBR_ERROR_MSGS is :
    How can I integrate the second SQL statement into the first statement? Obviously, if I add the second SQL statement into the package, then the package will do an update of the complete QF_F_BATCH table, which contains thousands of records. Obviously I want to only update the current batch (using varBatchKey).
    I am not an SQL expert (far from…) so for me this is extremely complicated. Can you help me?
    Thanks in advance!

    welcome to the forum.
    Please read SQL and PL/SQL FAQ
    Additionally when you put some code or output please enclose it between two lines starting with {noformat}{noformat}
    SELECT ...
    Your query is quite complex and without sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) it is not easy to help you.

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    parameter day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7
    sum(undotbs) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
    sum(txncount) 100 180 280 300 400 500 200
    max(maxquerylen) 200 150 300 120 120 230 340

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    else if(application.page1.citizen.rawValue==0){
    app.alert("Please select whether you are a United States citizen");"application.page1.citizen");
    else if(application.page1.citizen.rawValue==2){
    app.alert("Please select whether you are legally permitted to be employed in the United States");"application.page1.legally");
    The first if statement checks to see if the group of radio button(s) "citizen" has been selected (yes or no). Works fine. If the citizen radio button with a value of 2 (no) has been selected, kick out another error message indicating additional radio buttons (legally) is needing selection. This is my problem, when I select yes or no on the "legally" group of radio buttons, the second alert keeps popping up. Why can't it kick out and go on through the page? Am I missing something logically in the JS?
    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Well, I've been thinking that and I can't nail what I could be missing logically. I've got:
    else if(application.page1.citizen.rawValue==0){
    app.alert("Please select whether you are a United States citizen");"application.page1.citizen");
    else if(application.page1.citizen.rawValue==2){
    else if(application.page1.legally.rawValue==1 || application.page1.legally.rawValue==2){
    app.alert("Please select whether you are legally permitted to be employed in the United States");"application.page1.legally");
    The second if statement checks to see if they selected "no" for citizen. I've added in another if statement checking to see if legally radio buttons have already been filled in. Using the above approach kills my script from executing period.

  • Import statement question

    what's the difference between
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.*;
    is there any difference in bytecode generated? or time takes to compile?
    what's the best practice?

    Yes there is a best practice, it's the one you mentioned. Use the more specific import statement. If you're only using one or two classes from a package, explicitly name them in the import statements. That way somebody else reading your code (which includes yourself, six months later) can immediately get a better understanding of your code.
    If this rule is followed, and you see this as the first line of a source file:
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    then you know the StringTokenizer is being used. But if you saw this:
    import java.util.*;
    you wouldn't know which one is being used until you're deep in the code.
    Knowing right away whether a class is tokening a string, versus say using collections, makes it a lot easier to read.
    You should only use the whole-package include if you're importing a really big part of the package. For example:
    import java.awt.*;
    is probably OK because it's relatively unlikely a person will use only a couple classes from that package.

  • JDBC Sender update SQL Statement Question.

    I was wondering if there is a way to have the update SQL statement line in the JDBC sender update by time stamp, this would be very helpful.  Does anyone know a method of doing this?

    In the SAP documentation of the adapter it has this example for using the update SQL statement after the query statement:
    SQL statement for query: SELECT * FROM table WHERE processed = 0;
    SQL statement for update: UPDATE table SET processed = 1 WHERE processed = 0;
    What I want is to be able to put processed = (the current date) instead of processed =1 in the update statement, like this example:
    SQL statement for query: SELECT * FROM table WHERE processed = 0;
    SQL statement for update: UPDATE table SET processed = (the current date) WHERE processed = ' ';
    I seems like you can only use a fixed value for the update statements in the JDBC Sender though, I would like to know if you can use a time stamp or variable there.

  • Missing return statement question

    I got a missing return statement error when i compile in this code but however i dont get any missing return statement errors in the second code that i pasted here.. What is the difference i didn't get it ? Thank you.
    public class primechecker {
        static double remainder = 0;
        public static boolean primecheck(int number){
             for(int i=2; i<number; i++){
                  remainder = number % i;
                  if (remainder == 0){
                       return false;
             if (remainder !=0){
                  return true;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
    }That is the second code which gives no error.
    public class positiveornegative {
       public static boolean numbercheck (int number){
           boolean booleann = true;
           if(number > 0){
             return true;
           else if (number < 0){
             return false;
           else {
                return false;
        public static void main(String[] args) {

    In your first snippet, the compiler has no guarantee that the for loop will be executed at all. That leaves only one return inside an if condition which again it has no guarantee that it will ever be reached(the if test may fail). This leads the compiler to the conclusion that your method may never return anything at all. Yet it's definition says that it must return a value.

  • Newbie question :- An IN statement question

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    I want to use an IN statement (As below), This will enable the user to enter upto 5 serial numbers.
    select col.contract, col.order_no, col.customer_no, Customer_Name, odn.ship_address1, odn.ship_address2, odn.ship_zip_code, odn.ship_city, odn.ship_county, co.customer_po_no, col.part_no, col.catalog_desc Description, ith.serial_no,
    col.real_ship_date Ship_Date
    customer_order_line col,
    customer_info ci,
    inventory_transaction_hist ith,
    customer_order co,
    customer_order_deliv_note odn
    col.customer_no = ci.customer_id
    col.contract = ith.contract
    col.order_no = ith.order_no
    col.part_no = ith.part_no
    col.order_no = co.order_no
    col.contract = co.contract
    col.contract = odn.contract(+)
    col.order_no = odn.order_no(+)
    ith.serial_no IN ('&S1' , '&S2' , '&S3' , '&S4' , '&S5')
    (('&FROM_DATE') is null or ('&TO_DATE') is null or
    dated between to_date('&FROM_DATE','DD/MM/YYYY') and to_date('&TO_DATE','DD/MM/YYYY') + ( 1 - 1/ ( 60*60*24 )))
    The problem is that if they don't enter any serial numbers it return no values.. (it should do).. How can I I amend this SQl so if S1/2/3/4/5 has null values it does return some data
    Message was edited by:

    Well it will return customer order's, If I took out the IN statement and run it.. it will promt me for a date range and it will return a load of Customer Orders within that date range..
    With the IN statement, If I put a serial number and and specify a date range it will only bring back customers orders with that serial number in them.. The problem is if they don't specify a serial number and enter a date range nothing comes back ? It like I need to enter and if null blah blah

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    Add the following to your document
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    function InitPage(){
    Spry.$$('#MenuBar li').forEach(function(node){ /* for FF Chrome etc  */
         var a=node.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; // finds all a elements inside the li, but we only want the first so [0]
         if(a.href == window.location){
    Spry.$$('#MenuBar div.MenuItemContainer').forEach(function(node){ /* for IE */
         var a=node.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; // finds all a elements inside the li, but we only want the first so [0]
         if(a.href == window.location){
    and the style rules for activeMenuItem
    #MenuBar .activeMenuItem .MenuItem .MenuItemLabel {
         background-color: #592f8b; /* consider exposing this prop separately*/
         color: #ffffff;

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    Is there a built-in PL/SQL procedure that SQL Developer utilizes to generate the INSERT statements when one exports data from a worksheet in 'insert' format? Is it part of the DBMS_METADATA package?

    No this is all done in Java, we use the DBMB-METADATA only for generating DDL...

Maybe you are looking for