Update statement, question

I’ve got a question which is probably very simple to you, but very difficult to me..
I’ve got the following (existing) update statement in an Oracle package:
-- update the aggregated batch fields (blocking flag is 1 if query fact exist with BF=1 or if no query facts have been generated and
-- for this group a query dimension record exist with blocking flag data or sql set to 1
update qf_f_batch bat
set (ts_ended_tz, ts_ended, nbr_error_msgs, blocking_flag) =
(select coalesce(max(sysdate), sysdate),
to_char(coalesce(max(sysdate), sysdate), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ,
coalesce(sum(qryres.dummy_flag), 0),
case when
coalesce(count(qry.fk_query), 0)=0 and max(dqry.blocking_flag_data) > 0 or
coalesce(count(qry.fk_query), 0)=0 and max(dqry.blocking_flag_sql) > 0 or
coalesce(count(qry.fk_query), 0)>0 and sum (qry.blocking_flag) > 0
then 1 else 0 end as blocking_flag
from qf_d_query dqry
left outer join
( select fk_query, blocking_flag from qf_f_query
where fk_batch = varBatchKey) qry on (dqry.pm_primarykey = qry.fk_query)
left outer join
( select fk_query, dummy_flag from qf_f_query_result
where dummy_flag = 1
and fk_batch = varBatchKey) qryres on (qry.fk_query = qryres.fk_query)
where dqry.pm_current_flag = 1
and dqry.enabled = 1
and dqry.query_group = sGroup)
where bat.pm_primarykey = varBatchKey;
The update statement for nbr_error_msgs is incorrect (marked in bold, repeated here: coalesce(sum(qryres.dummy_flag), 0) )
The correct update statement for field NBR_ERROR_MSGS is :
How can I integrate the second SQL statement into the first statement? Obviously, if I add the second SQL statement into the package, then the package will do an update of the complete QF_F_BATCH table, which contains thousands of records. Obviously I want to only update the current batch (using varBatchKey).
I am not an SQL expert (far from…) so for me this is extremely complicated. Can you help me?
Thanks in advance!

welcome to the forum.
Please read SQL and PL/SQL FAQ
Additionally when you put some code or output please enclose it between two lines starting with {noformat}{noformat}
Your query is quite complex and without sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) it is not easy to help you.

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    I need to know the correct answer to the below question as two exam papers provide different answers?
    Q- Which two steps are performed the first time any UPDATE statement is issued after the Instance is started? (Choose any two)
    A - Creating the parse tree of the statement
    B - Writing the modified data blocks to the data files
    C - Writing the modified data to the archived redo log files
    D - Updating the control file to indicate the most recent checkpoint
    E - Updating the data file header to indicate the most recent checkpoint
    F- Reading the blocks to database buffer cache if they are not already there
    Please help, as im preparing to give exams and such conflicts are making me even more confused.

    Well, the order would be A, F, B, C and I'm not sure on the checkpoint info. Archived Redo would be written AFTER online Redo.

  • JDBC Sender update SQL Statement Question.

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    In the SAP documentation of the adapter it has this example for using the update SQL statement after the query statement:
    SQL statement for query: SELECT * FROM table WHERE processed = 0;
    SQL statement for update: UPDATE table SET processed = 1 WHERE processed = 0;
    What I want is to be able to put processed = (the current date) instead of processed =1 in the update statement, like this example:
    SQL statement for query: SELECT * FROM table WHERE processed = 0;
    SQL statement for update: UPDATE table SET processed = (the current date) WHERE processed = ' ';
    I seems like you can only use a fixed value for the update statements in the JDBC Sender though, I would like to know if you can use a time stamp or variable there.

  • Use of ROWID in SQL Update Statement

    Hi All,
    I have an update statement which uses the rowid column to perform the selection on the target table. Given that a rowid represents the physical location of a row on disk we know that this reference can change when various activities are performed on the database/table/row etc...
    Here is an example of the statement I am issuing:
    UPDATE tabA outertab SET col1 = 'Value'
    WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tabA innertab WHERE outertab.ROWID = outertab.ROWID AND ...)
    Obviously the inner query is more complicated and uses other tables etc... but for the purposes of the example we dont need to include the detail.
    My question is: When using rowid in a single SQL statement as a reference from a subquery to the outer statement is there a risk that external activities can change the rowid and those changes be reflected within the database session that my query is executing thus causing an inconsistency between the inner and outer SQL clause?
    In response to the question which will follow this post: "Why don't you just use a PK", We would like to avoid maintaining a PK on the table as we are talking about very large volumes of data and we dont want to have to issue a call to a sequence if we can avoid it when we are inserting the data. If however there is a risk that this Update statement could fail or update the wrong rows then we may have to use a PK.
    I know there is a lot of threads about this but I havnt been able to find one that someone has answered with any kind of confidence or clarity, any help would be much appreciated.
    Edited by: The Turtle on Mar 5, 2009 5:24 AM

    When using rowid in a single SQL statement as a reference from a subquery to the outer statement is there a risk that external activities can change the rowid and those changes be reflected within the database session that my query is executing thus causing an inconsistency between the inner and outer SQL clause?No, it's safe to use rowid in this type of query. Docs
    A row's assigned rowid remains unchanged unless the row is exported and imported using the Import and Export utilities. When you delete a row from a table and then commit the encompassing transaction, the deleted row's associated rowid can be assigned to a row inserted in a subsequent transaction.

  • Update statement in Internal Table

    Plz tell me the syntax and e.g. of update statement in Internal Table program
    Moderator message: Welcome to SCN, please research yourself before asking basic questions.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Feb 25, 2010 12:47 PM

    Use UPDATE statement , check below description from SAP help.
    UPDATE dbtab FROM TABLE itab. or UPDATE (dbtabname) FROM TABLE itab.
    Mass update of several lines in a database table.Here, the primary key for identifying the lines tobe updated and the values to be changed are taken from the lines of theinternal table itab. 
    The system field SY-DBCNT contains the number of updated lines,i.e. the number of lines in the internal table itab which havekey values corresponding to lines in the database table.
    L Appana

  • Problem in Update statement using Execute Immediate

    Hi All,
    I am facing problem in update statement.
    I am creating dynamic sql and use "execute immediate" statement to execute a update statement.
    But it is not updating any thing there in the table.
    I have created a query like :
    update_query='Update '|| Table_Name ||' t set t.process_status =''Y'' where t.tid=:A';
    Execute immediate update_query using V_Id;
    But it is not updating the table.
    I have a question , is execute immediate only does insert and delete?

    SQL> select * from t;
                     TID P
                     101 N
    SQL> declare
      2     V_Id          number := 101;
      3     Table_Name    varchar2(30) := 'T';
      4     update_query  varchar2(1000);
      5  begin
      6     update_query := 'Update '|| Table_Name ||' t set t.process_status =''Y'' where t.tid=:A';
      7     Execute immediate update_query using V_Id;
      8     commit;
      9  end;
    10  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from t;
                     TID P
                     101 Y                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Case in Update statement

    How to use the case or decode statement in Update statement.

    Welcome to Oracle Technology network!
    This forum is for SQL*Developer issues - things realed directly to Oracle's SQL*Developer product. Your quesiton about CASE statements in UPDATES is a general SQL question. You will get a better answer if you close this thread and open it again in the SQL and PL/SQL forum which is for SQL questions

  • Sudden increase in buffer gets per executions in update statement

    Recently we have encountered one performance issue, which is most likely caused by a sudden increase in the buffer gets per execution.
    The SQL is an update statement, updating a table using a primary key (we have checked to confirm the running execution plan is using the primary key), and one field being updated is a BLOB column.
    As shown in the below statistics, there is no major change in the number of executions during the every 20 minutes monitoring interval. However, the buffer gets per executions has been more than double, and the CPU time is almost doubled, hence the exec_time (elapsed time) has been doubled.
    The same SQL has been running for the past four years in multiple similar databases. The database is Oracle running on Solaris 9. For the past 300 days, the average elapsed time per execution is about 0.0093s, while the average buffer gets per execution is about 670. The update statement has been executed about 9 times per second.
    The question is why there is a sudden increase in the buffer gets? The sudden increase happened twice for the past two days.
    2009-11-25-14:04 2009-11-25-14:23 8513 .0069 .0068 315.56 646329
    2009-11-25-14:23 2009-11-25-14:43 10170 .007 .0068 312.28 726188
    2009-11-25-14:43 2009-11-25-15:05 11873 .0072 .0069 320.17 787885
    2009-11-25-15:05 2009-11-25-15:23 8633 .011 .0101 844.83 675014
    2009-11-25-15:23 2009-11-25-15:44 9668 .0144 .0137 1448.51 680778
    2009-11-25-15:44 2009-11-25-16:04 9671 .0163 .0156 1809.04 702163
    2009-11-25-16:04 2009-11-25-16:25 10260 .0188 .0177 2107.67 711447
    2009-11-25-16:25 2009-11-25-16:44 9827 .0157 .0151 1834.3 739593
    2009-11-25-16:44 2009-11-25-17:05 10586 .0171 .0164 2008.25 714555
    2009-11-26-08:04 2009-11-26-08:24 11028 .0182 .0172 1979.61 800688
    2009-11-26-08:24 2009-11-26-08:44 10533 .0154 .0149 1734.62 750248
    2009-11-26-08:44 2009-11-26-09:04 9367 .018 .0168 2043.95 685274
    2009-11-26-09:04 2009-11-26-09:24 10307 .0214 .0201 2552.43 729938
    2009-11-26-09:24 2009-11-26-09:45 10932 .0251 .0234 3111.48 762328
    2009-11-26-09:45 2009-11-26-10:05 10992 .0278 .0254 3386.41 797404
    2009-11-26-15:03 2009-11-26-15:16 7183 .0425 .0348 4615.42 746824
    2009-11-26-15:16 2009-11-26-15:23 2921 .0417 .0373 4887.75 682092
    2009-11-26-15:23 2009-11-26-15:43 9597 .0393 .0352 4603.62 679656
    2009-11-26-15:43 2009-11-26-16:03 8797 .0411 .0362 4783.66 630755
    2009-11-26-16:03 2009-11-26-16:23 9957 .0453 .0391 5168.28 718100
    2009-11-26-16:23 2009-11-26-16:43 11209 .0436 .0369 4870.77 808395
    2009-11-26-16:43 2009-11-26-17:03 10729 .0428 .0375 5119.56 766103
    2009-11-26-17:03 2009-11-26-17:23 9116 .0409 .0363 4912.58 659098
    Yesterday I did a trace on one of the sessions running the update statement, and below is the tkprof output:
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
    Parse 76 0.03 0.00 0 0 0 0
    Execute 76 4.58 5.14 0 567843 19034 76
    Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
    total 152 4.61 5.14 0 567843 19034 76
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE
    Parsing user id: 88
    Rows Row Source Operation
    1 UPDATE (cr=30 r=0 w=0 time=6232 us)
    1 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN <PK Index Name> (cr=3 r=0 w=0 time=58 us)(object id 81122)
    Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
    Event waited on Times Max. Wait Total Waited
    SQL*Net message to client 152 0.00 0.00
    SQL*Net message from client 152 0.00 0.22
    SQL*Net more data from client 1894 0.00 0.03
    SQL*Net break/reset to client 152 0.00 0.00
    buffer busy waits 14 0.00 0.00
    enqueue 1 0.61 0.61

    I've reformatted your output for better understanding (with {noformat}...{noformat}):
    2009-11-25-14:04 2009-11-25-14:23            8513      .0069      .0068      315.56       646329
    2009-11-25-14:23 2009-11-25-14:43           10170       .007      .0068      312.28       726188
    2009-11-25-14:43 2009-11-25-15:05           11873      .0072      .0069      320.17       787885
    2009-11-25-15:05 2009-11-25-15:23            8633       .011      .0101      844.83       675014
    2009-11-25-15:23 2009-11-25-15:44            9668      .0144      .0137     1448.51       680778
    2009-11-25-15:44 2009-11-25-16:04            9671      .0163      .0156     1809.04       702163
    2009-11-25-16:04 2009-11-25-16:25           10260      .0188      .0177     2107.67       711447
    2009-11-25-16:25 2009-11-25-16:44            9827      .0157      .0151      1834.3       739593
    2009-11-25-16:44 2009-11-25-17:05           10586      .0171      .0164     2008.25       714555
    2009-11-26-08:04 2009-11-26-08:24           11028      .0182      .0172     1979.61       800688
    2009-11-26-08:24 2009-11-26-08:44           10533      .0154      .0149     1734.62       750248
    2009-11-26-08:44 2009-11-26-09:04            9367       .018      .0168     2043.95       685274
    2009-11-26-09:04 2009-11-26-09:24           10307      .0214      .0201     2552.43       729938
    2009-11-26-09:24 2009-11-26-09:45           10932      .0251      .0234     3111.48       762328
    2009-11-26-09:45 2009-11-26-10:05           10992      .0278      .0254     3386.41       797404
    2009-11-26-15:03 2009-11-26-15:16            7183      .0425      .0348     4615.42       746824
    2009-11-26-15:16 2009-11-26-15:23            2921      .0417      .0373     4887.75       682092
    2009-11-26-15:23 2009-11-26-15:43            9597      .0393      .0352     4603.62       679656
    2009-11-26-15:43 2009-11-26-16:03            8797      .0411      .0362     4783.66       630755
    2009-11-26-16:03 2009-11-26-16:23            9957      .0453      .0391     5168.28       718100
    2009-11-26-16:23 2009-11-26-16:43           11209      .0436      .0369     4870.77       808395
    2009-11-26-16:43 2009-11-26-17:03           10729      .0428      .0375     5119.56       766103
    2009-11-26-17:03 2009-11-26-17:23            9116      .0409      .0363     4912.58       659098
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse       76      0.03       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute     76      4.58       5.14          0     567843      19034          76
    Fetch        0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    total      152      4.61       5.14          0     567843      19034          76
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE
    Parsing user id: 88
    Rows     Row Source Operation
          1  UPDATE  (cr=30 r=0 w=0 time=6232 us)
          1   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN <PK Index Name(cr=3 r=0 w=0 time=58 us)(object id 81122)
    Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
      Event waited on                             Times   Max. Wait  Total Waited
      SQL*Net message to client                     152        0.00          0.00
      SQL*Net message from client                   152        0.00          0.22
      SQL*Net more data from client                1894        0.00          0.03
      SQL*Net break/reset to client                 152        0.00          0.00
      buffer busy waits                              14        0.00          0.00
      enqueue                                         1        0.61          0.61
    ********************************************************************************Can you please provide a DDL for the table, indexes, type of the tablespace(s) they reside in (ASSM/MSSM, extents sizes), the UPDATE statement, how many sessions on average/peaks are doing the same thing concurrently, how many sessions are working this table concurrently and how do they use it?

  • Update- statement in JDBC sender Adapter

    Hi ,
    I have a requirement where I am trying to fetch data from ODS based on some flag and immediately I want to update the flag status . So I used selected and update in JDBC sender adapter .
    But I have one question , in the small timeframe where  XI has done a select and just before  XI could  issue the update statement  if a new record is added to ODS . Then  that new record will also get updated though it wasnot selected in select statement .
    Can someone let me know how to overcome this problem ; as I want to make sure I update only those recrods which are selected in select statement ??
    Thanks & Regards,

    Check out the following thread. It gives the exact answer to this question.
    JDBC Sender Update Query
    One of the replies in the above thread:
    I put in an OSS note asking this exact question with your specific example, and got a reply. I was referred to OSS note 0000831162, where it is explained very unambiguously that the SELECT and UPDATE queries are run in the same transaction.
    Message was edited by:

  • 'Missing select' error for update statement using WITH clause

    I am getting the below error for update statement using WITH clause
    SQL Error: ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword
      UPDATE A
      set A.col1 = 'val1'
      A.col2 IN (
      WITH D AS
      SELECT col2 FROM
      (SELECT col2, MIN(datecol) col3 FROM DS
      WHERE <conditions>
      <conditions on A.col4 and D2.col3>

    The format of a query using WITH is:
    WITH  d  AS
        SELECT  ...  -- sub_query
    SELECT  ...   -- main query
    You don't have a main query.  The keyword FROM has to come immediately after the right ')' that ends the last WITH clause sub-query.
    That explains the problem based on what you posted.  I can't tell if the real problem is in the conditions that you didn't post.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a complete test script that people can run to re-create the problem and test their ideas.  Include a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all the tables involved, and the results you want from that data.
    In the case of a DML operation (such as UPDATE) the sample data should show what the tables are like before the DML, and the results will be the contents of the changed table(s) after the DML.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say what version of Oracle you're using (e.g.
    See the forum FAQ: https://forums.oracle.com/message/9362002

  • Update Statement Help Please

    I'm coming from the MS SQL world LOL
    and Im trying to write an update statement but in Oracle there is no INNER JOIN.
    Can you give me some advice on how to do this please?
    UPDATE employee
    SET employee.name = tmpuser.name
    FROM employee
    INNER JOIN tmpuser
    on tmpuser.emp_id = employtee.emp_id
    Thank you for you help.

    AJR wrote:
    But when we are using the where condition it should update records with the matching ids. right?What your query should do is entirely up to you; I can't answer any questions about that, only you can.
    I have faced this issue earlier.
    WHERE       tmpuser.emp_id = employee.emp_idCan you explain?Not out of context. Post a complete statement.
    If this isn't directly related to user9170886's problem, then it's better to start your own thread.
    I can say a few things about UPDATE statements in general:
    The WHERE clause governs which rows will be UPDATEd. If there is no WHERE clause, all rows in the table will be UPDATEd.
    UPDATE     employee
    SET     employee_name = ( <subquery> )
    ;UPDATEs every row in employee, because the UPDATE statement does not have a WHERE clause. Nothing in the sub-query can change that.
    A sub-query can reference values from its immediate parent, but a parent can't reference values from a sub-query (other than the values actually returned by the sub-query, of course).
    UPDATE     employee
    SET     employee_name = ( <subquery> )
    WHERE     tmpuser.emp_id     = employee.emp_id
    ;causes an error, because there is no table called tmpuser in the main UPDATE statement. Nothing in the sub-query can change that.

  • Update statement with Case syntax

    I want to put case statement in an update statement using Oracle 10g
    I'm getting a syntax error on the last line Ora-00933: SQL command not properly ended
    Help please
    WHEN 'Y' = 'A' THEN 'DIV'
    WHEN 'Y' = '1' THEN 'DEF'

    Samim wrote:
    I want to put case statement in an update statement using Oracle 10g
    I'm getting a syntax error on the last line Ora-00933: SQL command not properly ended
    Help please
    WHEN 'Y' = 'A' THEN 'DIV'
    WHEN 'Y' = '1' THEN 'DEF'
    END CASE;The closing keyword that corresponds to "CASE" is "END", not "END *CASE* ".
    The string 'Y' is never equal to 'A', or to '1'.
    If you have a column named y in the table, then you might want to say:
                        WHEN Y = 'A' THEN 'DIV'
                        WHEN Y = '1' THEN 'DEF'
                  END;I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statemnts to re-create your emp table as it exists before the UPDATE), and the results you want from that data (that is, the contents of the emp table after the UPDATE).

  • Auto update stats disabled for a user Database in Sql server

    While trying to improve the performance of few queries, we found via execution plan that there were lot of Index/Clustered index seeks. Therefore:
    First thing we did, was to check our Re-indexing and update stats job which runs weekly for this user DB ( Around 400 GB in size and is used 24*5). The job was running fine.
    Later when we ran SP_Blitz, we came to know that auto-update-stats is disabled for this user DB. We expected this to be a possible cause and change it from false to TRUE(Auto update stats)
    Also, per SP_blitz there are user-created statistics for this DB. When ran the query to check how many, we saw around 7K user stats out there.
    So my question would be 1) setting the Auto update stats to TRUE would require a reboot or once changed i need to track the performance and 2) Should we consider dropping those user created stats or manually look into them one by one.
    How should we proceed on this, please suggest, thanks!

    There may be good reasons for having auto-stats off, but those cases are not very common. It makes a little more sense to turn if off on table level. An example of the latter is a relatively small table, say < 100000 rows where not many new rows are added,
    but the existing rows are being updated frequently. This will trigger autostats, but probably without much benefit.
    But if you have a system which is very busy during peak times, you may not want autostats take resources during those hours. But if you turn off autostats, you will need to make sure that stats are updated in some other fashion.
    Here is a query that you can use review when your statistics last were updated:
    SELECT o.name, s.name, stats_date(o.object_id, s.stats_id) AS lastupdated
    FROM   sys.objects o
    JOIN   sys.stats s ON s.object_id = o.object_id
    --WHERE  s.user_created = 1
    ORDER BY lastupdated
    7000 user-created statistics sounds a little excessive, but I guess they were added to compensate for the autostats that SQL Server were not permitted to create. I would not recommend dropping these statistics, as SQL Server would spend cycles on recreating
    You should not have to restart SQL Server for the Auto-update stats setting to take effect; it takes effect immediately.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]


    I am writing a Update Statement as fllows
    String sql= "update users_login set user_temp_pass='"+null_value+"' and user_pass='" + inputPwd + "'where user_id='"+inputUserid"';";
    But is still showing error saying that
    the statement has to be terminated by a ';'
    Please help me writing the statement correctly.

    Thank you, I have one more question.
    I am writing the following code to erase the temporary password and put the user choosen password.Somehow this is returning TRUE but the same changes are not appearing in the database.Please help me solving that.
    try {
    // Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@wdcorcl01dev:1521:USAD", "osis", "iss");
    con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@wdcon01dev:1521:USAD", "osis", "iss");
    if (con == null) {
    System.out.println("Connection not found");
    stmt = con.createStatement();
    String sql= "update isis_users_login set user_temp_pass='"+null_value+"',user_pass='" + inputPwd + "'where user_id='" inputUserid "'";
    returnString= true;
    } catch(SQLException sqlex) {
    } catch(Exception ex) {
    } finally {
    stmt = null;
    rs = null;
    con = null;
    return returnString;

  • Doubt about UPDATE STAT COLUMN

    I have a doubt of when to execute update stat:
    i create this SQL to generate an SQL script to generate update stat for all my tables:
    select 'UPDATE STAT ' || schemaname || '.' || tablename || ' ESTIMATE SAMPLE 20 PERCENT' from tables where schemaname = 'DBUSER' and not tablename like 'JDBC%' AND type = 'TABLE'
    and created this SQL to generate an SQL script for update stat for all columns.
    select 'UPDATE STAT COLUMN(*) FOR ' || schemaname || '.' || tablename || ' ESTIMATE SAMPLE 20 PERCENT' from tables where schemaname = 'DBUSER' and not tablename like 'JDBC%' AND type = 'TABLE'
    my doubt is i really need run that second script? or the UPDATE STAT for table dont UPDATE STAT for all columns?
    thanks for any insight

    > my doubt is i really need run that second script? or the UPDATE STAT for table dont UPDATE STAT for all columns?
    Hi Clovis,
    hmm... good question.
    There are a few things to know about the UPDATE STAT command here.
    1) It will always generate statistics for key or indexed columns.
    2) The optimizer won't be able to generate a better plan when there are column statistics for non-indexed columns present.
    3) The command will also collect column statistics for all columns that already have statistics.
    The direct effect of 3) is that by running your second command just once - all column statistics will always be collected.
    Since you can easily change the default sample size for your tables via
    I would say: drop your script and just use
    This single command would lead to the same statistics as your script does.
    And if you really, really want to leave out the JDBC tables - then just set their default sample size to 0 and they will be ignored by the UPDATE STAT command.

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