Step Object Attachment in UWL

Hi all,
We have a requirement to remove step object attachment which comes by default in attachment section. We do not want to disable the attachment section and we do need this section to attach documents when we forward UWL work items.
pl let me know how can we achieve this.

Hi Santosh,
You maintin it for the object that is used in your work item. For example if the work item is related to Purchase Orders then the business object is most likely BUS2012.
So if you maintain the entry in SWFVISU for object BUS2012 then the object attachment should not appear for any work items using object BUS2012. If you want to exclude the object attachment for other work items you must find out the object bsing used and maintain an entry in SWFVISU.

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    & absence& --> &_ATTACH_OBJECTS&
    my attachemnet should be absence object.
    when i execute , i 'm getting the decision workitem but with
    no attachment , would u help on this .

    Make sure you have &ABSENCE& object is instantiated in any one of the steps before to youe decision step.
    In Workflow Log, check the container elements and see if Adhoc_Objects container element value getting filled or not on your user decision step? If it is not having any values and if your binding is correct, then i am sure &ABSENCE& object is not instantiated before. Check !!
    Krishna Mohan

  • SOFM Attachment in UWL not dispalyed

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    We developed a WDA process to kick off a workflow with an attachment.  It goes to UWL as a task.  The task has been configured to kick off another WDA.
    Everything works fine, but I cannot see the attachment at all (no link to the attachment) in UWL.  In R/3 business workplace, I can view the attachment perfectly fine.
    I forwarded the task to another user that has SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW, then I can see the attachment in UWL.
    I went to SU53 with the user that is having issues with the attachment in UWL, but I cannot see any errors.
    Can anyone help me figure out what the correct authorization object the user needs?
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Rick,
    The authorization issue was for the approving agent.  SU53 did not show any errors.
    Thanks again for your help!
    Best Regards,

  • Services for Objects Attachement List Display Note not Viewable

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    Good day! I'm trying to display a note in FK03 (related to Services for Objects - Attachment List) and I only see white screen pop up window. No message and text information. When I tried to use another PC I can successfully view it.
    Is there's a plugin that I may need to install?
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    Hi Marty
    It is my understanding that the IXOS licensing is based on users retrieving of documents not necessarily the viewer so the licensing implications of having non-IXOS viewers accessing documents using the generic archivelink viewer is still likely to result in licensing implications if an audit is conducted at any stage.
    The transaction for specifying the viewer is the OAA3 and OAG4.

  • Whats the business object attached to the transaction TBB1  ??

    Whats the business object attached to the transaction TBB1 .
    I am trying to post a  loan contract fees and repayment  from Treasury to GL.
    Thanks ,
    Naval Bhatt

    Below is the exact requirement .... but there is no event generate right now  ... I feel that there are some configurations need to be done ..for the event to be generated ...
    It will be great if you have any idea about the configurations .. .
    When loan contract fees and repayment are posted from Treasury to GL, workflow should be activated to:
    a. Insert a payment block 'Z' in the document (Will need to create a user-table to define the criteria where payment block is to be inserted), AND
    b. Route the document for approval.
    If amount < 10,000, only 1 level approval
    If amount > 10,000, 2 levels approval required.

  • Duplicate attachment in UWL workitems

    Hi Experts,
    We are having NW portal 7.3, SP08,
    Workitems in universal worklist are having duplicate attachment entries, this is not what is expected, as per requirement there must be only one entry visible one workitem,
    Please find below screen for more details,
    As shown in the screen, where multiple objects are visible, we want only one attachment and also last two attachments are repetitive,
    Please  suggestions asap.
    Bhavin Anajwala

    Hi Bhavin,
    UWL retrieves attachment from backend through connectors.
    Please check which one is the relevant connector and see its type to check where the attachments are coming from.
    Then check if they are duplicated for the same workitem at backend too
    If the items are duplicated at backend then you need to focus there.
    If the attachments are not duplicated then let us know the connector type to consider next steps.
    Valeri Nikolov

  • MIGO - Services of object (Attach document) doesn't work

    Hello Everyone
    I am using SAP netweaver 7.
    When Using MIGO, I can see the Services of Object button to add attachment and notes.
    When I am trying to attach a new document or even create a note, the system give me a message that the document has been created but the "Attachment list" option is still not available.
    So I cannot see the document that I just attached.
    Trying with transaction VL02N, VF02 and other transactions, it does work.The Services of object is working fine. I can add attachment and notes and of course I can retreive it.
    Furthermore, the table SOOD add a record when I am attaching a PC document in MIGO.
    Is anyone have an idea why, in MIGO, the creation of an attachment or a note, doesn't activate the "Attachment list" option?
    Edited by: dstj on Nov 2, 2009 9:38 PM

    Hello everyone
    I just found what the problem was.
    When creating a good receipt / purchase order in MIGO, you can attach documents and notes but you cannot see what you did until you performed a post and go back to the display mode of the posted document.
    Here are the steps.
    1. Perform the reception.
    2. Add the document, using the services of object
    3. post
    4. Go back in display material document and enter the document that you've just created
    5. Go to the Services of object, than the "Attachment List" will be available and will list the documents that you attached.
    It is very annoying to have to post before we can validate what have been added to the attachment or the notes.
    As far as I am concerned, we should be able to see the attachment and notes as soon as it as been created.
    That way, we can validate, before posting, if all the work has been done correctly, specifically when you have been disturbed in process.
    Furthermore, based on my observation, if we are attaching documents and not performing the post, the documents have been loaded in SAP database but will never be linked or deleted from it.
    I hope that is not happening to often otherwise that could that a lot of space.

  • Business object attachment to workflow

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    I have a workflow for BO BKPF (accounting document - journal entry).  The book "Practical Workflow for SAP" implies I can attach a reference to an SAP Business Object (page 91).
    For example, in my workflow for accounting document 1000459516, I'd like to attach accounting document 1000459475 (since there are business reasons why the two documents are related).  When I click on the "Create Attachment" button, I presume I need to attach an object of class OBJ, but then I'm not sure what to do next to find 1000459475.
    Any direction you can give will be greatly appreciated.
    Ron K.

    I believe you can create a method in your custom business object (ZBKPF, delegated to standard one) & include your custom code in there to create a new instance with another document number using following procedure:
    1. Create a variable for the object reference. Use the following command to do this:
    2. Create the object reference. Use the following command to do this:
    SWC_CREATE_OBJECT <Object> <ObjectType> <ObjectKey>.
    3. Write the object reference into the container using the following macro instruction:
    SWC_SET_ELEMENT <Container> <ContainerElement> <Object>.
    Then this will allow you to have an instance of another document in workflow container & then you can use it as an attachment in any of the steps of workflow you want.
    I hope it helps.
    Shaurya Jain

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    I'm working with a customer who wants to use a user decision step and add a reason for the rejection only.  This step will be executed in UWL - since UWL doesn't support syncrhonous dialog chains, it can't be implemented by adding another step with SOFM.  I have seen the 'template with attachment' in the user decision step, and have tried binding SOFM to the Reference in the container, but the user doesn't have the option.
    Perhaps this could be implemented with a secondard amodal method - which checks the user decision code and only implements if the decision was rejected.  I'd like to be able to put a condition on the secondary methods.
    If you've done something like this, please let me know!

    Hi Ginger,
    Unfortunately it is not only synchronous dialog chains, but also secondary methods that are not supported in the UWL, so you're stuck both ways.
    Though, I have been told that the latest SP does support some kind of advance with dialog functionality (SP15 I think?).
    At one customer we used a custom ABAP-based decision step which executed in a wingui session - thus synchronous dialog chains worked as long as every subsequent step was wingui based (which SOFM.CREATE obviously is) - worked quite well.
    Let me know if you need more info.

  • Email on Visual Approval and offline form as attachment in UWL

    I have a process which is like this
    1) User to fill a form which on submit will go for approval.
    2) On approval or rejection a mail to be sent to the person who submitted the offline form
    I have done the following
    1) Create a offline form which will intiatiate the Visual Approval process . This sends out the approval/rejection work item to UWL . But the "From" field in UWL for the task item is "CAF SAP user"
    I need to know how to do the following
    1) What i need to do is on approval or rejection, some how capture the user who submitted the offline form and then send him an email. 
    2) Also, if possible on submit of the offline form , i need the UWL task to contain the PDF attachment.
    3) How do i send an email on the result state in Visual approval ? There are two result states defined"Data is approved" and "data is rejected"  , but the "Target"  column doesnt have any options.
    Appreciate your help
    Is this possible ?
    Edited by: Jayesh Ghodge on Jan 16, 2008 4:04 PM

    I have set a callable object of background email type in the action which is mapped to a result state that it should sent out an email on approval or rejection.(target)
    The block is executed successfully. but the email is not sent.
    I tested the individual callable object alone and the email was sent out.
    I have two questions
    1) In visual approval where we define the email templates, can some it be a context parameter picked up from adobe form which contains email textfield ( this value will be whom the approval/rejection mail are sent) ?
    2) how do i pass parameters from Visual approval block to action of callable obect email type since it requires "recipeint email address"
    My process is like this
    Process -
    > Start process
        Block -->  Start block
           Action ---> StartAction
              Visual Approval Callable object
                   Result states
                         Approved --> (Target:ActionApproved)
                         Rejected  --> (Target:ActionRejected)
                  Reject Email background Callable object
                  Approve Email background Callable object
    The process is kicked off when user submits an offline form
    Appreciate if someone can guide me on this.
    Edited by: Jayesh Ghodge on Jan 17, 2008 7:06 PM

  • Close reference needed for step object reference open? If so, how?

    We are using an activex method call to open an object reference to a step and programatically rename it.  This is done many many times during our test run, thousands.  We ran into an "out of memory" problem we had never seen before during a 72 hour test run, and in hunting down any possible memory leaks, I am wondering if a corresponding close is needed for the step reference open we are doing, and how.  I have hunted around the different methods/properties, and can't seem to find if there is a step reference close.  I have attached the specify module screen of the activex call which opens the step reference.
    Thanks for any replies
    David Jenkinson
    Message Edited by david_jenkinson on 06-11-2007 05:07 PM
    step reference specify module.png ‏25 KB

    Hi David,
    Setting a reference to nothing in TestStand will close it. However, if you are assigning a new value to the local it also frees the memory associated with the original value, making it so you don't need to assign it to nothing. I don't believe the source of the leak is in this step.
    Test Engineer - CTA

  • Attachment in UWL is opening except for .TXT extension file

    The attachment in the workitem is oppening in SBWP for all file extensions, For the same workitem in UWL its not oppening. It opens only for .TXT extension files. Please advise how to fix this error.

    What is the UWLJWF version that you are working with?  There were patch fixes on the UWLJWF component in regards to attachments, and if you let me know your UWLJWF full version, I can let you know what patch fixes this issue.
    Beth Maben
    EP - Senior Support Consultant
    AGS Primary Support, Business Suite & Technology
    Please see the UWL Wiki @  ***

  • VF03 - Services of Object - Attachment List - Send Email

    Dear All,
    I have following requirement and need help on this.
    Step1: Go the Transaction code u2018VF03u2019, give the Billing document and press u2018Enteru2019.
    Step2: In the next screen, we will be on the screen u2018Standard Invoice XXXXXXXX (ZSOR) Display: Overview of Billing Itemsu2019.
    In this screen, click Icon u2018Services for Objectu2019 (just below u2018Enteru2019 Icon). We will find the popup consists of Create, Attachment List, Private note, Send, Relationships, Workflow, My Objects and Help for object services.
    Click u2018Attachment Listu2019, popup appears consists of attached documents. This documents need to be attached and send via email to the specific person.
    Need inputs on the above requirement.

    User will execute VF01/VF02 and would like to see the email will generate along with the billing document for the output type ZRDO to ZRD4.
    Even if he executes the VF31 also, functionality will work to send the email along with the attachments.

  • Problem with Business object attributes in UWL Workitem description

    Hi All,
    I have developed a workflow which sends the workitem for two level approvals. Once the workflow is triggered workitem sent to the respective user for approval. When user opens the workitem in inbox he can see all the data which comes from the 'Z'  Business object in R/3 and he can approve the same. Everything works fine when this process happens in R/3 system.
    The problem comes when user opens this workitem in UWL or this workitem is sent to user mail ID executing  'SWN_SELSEN' report, all the attributes of the business object are displayed in the workitem description  except 2 . These are the Minimum annual salary(GRMIN) and  Maximum annual salary(GRMAX) fields from 'T510N'  table.
    Edited by: vaishali rautray on Dec 24, 2008 7:52 AM

    Hi Saumya,
    Thanks for the quick reply.
    For storing the Minimum and maximum annual salary values I have created two attributes in the business object which are referring to database fields. T510N is a customizing table. I could see the values for the same, if I test the Business Object or Trigger the w/f in R/3 and check the approval work item in R/3. These values disappears only in case of web interfacing i.e. If I send the same work item to outlook mail or check it in UWL.
    I had checked the same and thought if there is any problem with BO or some other processing takes place before these values are retrieved. But I wonder why this happens only if I process the work item outside R/3 system?

  • Services for Object: attached documents/ links cannot be deleted

    Dear SAPfriends,
    The deletion button at the attachment list of "Services for Object" does not work. Eventhough it seems that the documents/ links/ notes have been removed from the object (i.e. Purchase order, material etc), when you exit and re-enter at the attachment list the documents are still there.
    I tried to delete them from OAER, still the same.
    Any ideas?
    Yr help will be very valuable.
    Kind Regards,
    Elly Leondi

    Hello Mauro,
    Thanks for yr reply.
    That was the problem.
    Thanks again.

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