Stick windows in Openbox

Is it possible to stick windows to a desktop in Openbox?
I have searched a bit, and what I find is that I have to right-click on the top border and choose stick. But I don't have that choice.
Using the latest Arch package.

Perhaps this is what you need.
You can specify per app settings in openbox, for example make program X always start on desktop Y.

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    There are four methods listed in the wiki for writing the Arch install iso to a USB device under Windows. You have tried the first one, USBwriter, and ignored the other three.
    I'd suggest you try them all. You should also bear in mind that although the ISO you're using comes from Arch, the OS you're using does not, so any Windows issues that may affect what you're doing would be best addressed in a Windows forum.

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    I am assuming that possibly the Window is open but Off screen.
    I can create a partial on this.
    I turned Hiding On for the DOCK so it did not show.
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    Does changing the Screen resolution bring things back into view ?
    If this does not work or does not seem to apply then deleting should reset all the window positions.
    The file is in User/(your account)/Library/Preferences.
    Restart iChat.
    You will also lose:
    Save Status Messages, Bubble colour and font choices, Sound alerts, Menu Bar icon, Fast User Switching preferences for iChat that are visible.
    7:59 PM Saturday; November 10, 2007

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    wounded wrote:
    orjanp wrote:Is it possible to stick a window to a specific workspace? The stick function i have found, sticks the window to all workspaceses. Not what I want..
    Perhaps I am simply being a doofus here but isn't the point of stickying a window so that it shows up on all workspaces? If you don't sticky it then it only shows up one workspace... which is what you want?
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    Last edited by Ibex (2009-10-28 15:07:35)

    Sweet, that's what I was searching for in the #2 solution. Thanks
    Edit; damn, this seems to work fine for maximized windows, but it does not work for new smaller windows like a terminal (Eterm in my case). This window is still placed in the top 20px of the screen .
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    Last edited by Ibex (2009-10-28 15:43:59)

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    Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'm looking for a keybind since it feels uncomfortable to me to have to use the mouse for this.

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    soupcan wrote:I've been interested in tiling WMs for a while now, but I don't really have the time to configure one. I was fascinated by this article, and I promptly installed "tile" with yaourt. Sadly, the "tile" command returns command not found, and I haven't found a file to use pacman -U on.
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    you´re looking for tile-windows ( tile ( from the AUR is something completely different.
    i named it tile-windows, because tile was already used.
    btw, i´d rather recommend whaw ( … _Search=Go).
    you need the mouse for that, but i think it´s more versatile.
    ps: d´oh! i should have read further - tomk said it all...
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    2.     From USB (ISO burned to USB_Stick)
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    It would be great if someone can help me!

    Download CS6 products

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    Search on Google for help. This is an Apple forum, not a Microsoft forum.

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    CoolWhip wrote:Hey dudes, I know this post is a couple years old.. but why start another one.. Oh and, if this post was never made by ezzetabi, i never would have found it, and well, me searching for this thread was my 'solving it for myself' if threads aren't created, its often much harder to track down the info you need. anyways...
    I think the rules here state that you should not necro-bump.
    CoolWhip wrote:
    After you undecorate openbox windows.. (lets just say urxvt only for now)  with  <decor>no</decor> in your rc.xml, What needs to be done in order to retain use of mouse dragging etc.. ?
    for example, How would I set a rule so I can press ctrl + click anywhere on the undecorated terminal and drag it?
    Nevertheless, Openbox has plenty of documentation for configuration.

  • Hang on dragging window which is initializing in Openbox

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    Has anyone else experienced this problem?
    If I open a window in Openbox and then drag the window whilst the program within is still loading up fully I get a complete system hang. Window and mouse are frozen and only Alt+SysRq REISUB will get me out of it.
    The 2 programs which I've managed to do this on so far are Firefox (whilst it is loading pages that were open from the previous session) and VirtualBox (the window in which a VM is in the process of powering up) both of which take time to start up (relatively) compared to the other stuff I'm using (mainly terminals and console-based programs).
    This has happened to me 4 times now. It is not reproducible every single time but I would guess it happens about 20% of the time. The alternative is to wait until the program has completed startup and has become quiet which is what I'll have to do in the meantime (haven't figured out yet how to get OB to remember window positions) but I don't think that is a permanent solution. I moved to Linux and then Arch because I was in search of performance and stability and so I'd really like to get this sorted (since my setup so far has been rock solid).
    I suspect this is an OB bug but I would really appreciate any suggestions or pointers.

    I don't have open box or know how to solve this , but one thing that may help you get more information is to start Firefox in a terminal, and see if any errors show up when this happens.  Might help point to the problem

  • Poor man's Tiling Window manager

    Basically a simple python script which does tiling on any windowmanager (Perfectly on pekwm and openbox. Partly on compiz due to the fact that compiz says it has a single desktop even if there are 4 virtual desktops, which means all the windows you have will be tiled).
    It uses wmctrl to get the info and manage the windows. Bind it to a key or to autowhatever-on-window-creation-hook.
    Currently options are
    left,right   - Does the new windows7 ish style of sticking to the sides.
    swap     -   Basic tiling layout on first call, then swaps the active window to main pane on subsequent calls
    cycle     - Cycle all the windows in the master pane
    vertical   - Simple vertical tiling
    horizontal   - Simple horizontal tiling
    maximize   - Maximize the active window/ for openbox which doesn't permit resizing of max windows
    max_all     - Maximize all windows
    simple( obsolete, swap works better )     - The basic tiling layout . 1 Main + all other at the side.
    If you need other layouts modify get_simple_tile
    On first run it will create a config file ~/.managerc. Modify the values to suit your window decorations/Desktop padding
    Clone usrl: git://
    soulfx's fork of the grid branch with dualmonitor support and grid layout
    Last edited by u_no_hu (2009-05-12 11:35:22)

    Ah, i see. My bad, i'm not familiar with Windows 7.
    Not sure what to check for in xprop, so here you go:
    > xprop
    _XEMBED_INFO(_XEMBED_INFO) = 0x0, 0x1
    window state: Normal
    icon window: 0x0
    _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS(CARDINAL) = 1, 1, 16, 1
    _NET_WM_ICON(CARDINAL) = 48, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    _NET_WM_VISIBLE_ICON_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = 0x6f, 0x65, 0x77, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x7e
    _NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = 0x6f, 0x65, 0x77, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x7e
    _NET_WM_PID(CARDINAL) = 9652
    WM_LOCALE_NAME(STRING) = "en_US.utf8"
    WM_CLASS(STRING) = "urxvt", "URxvt"
    Client accepts input or input focus: True
    Initial state is Normal State.
    window id # of group leader: 0x1e00015
    program specified minimum size: 10 by 28
    program specified resize increment: 6 by 12
    program specified base size: 4 by 16
    window gravity: NorthWest
    WM_COMMAND(STRING) = { "urxvt", "-embed", "31457289" }
    _NET_WM_ICON_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = 0x6f, 0x65, 0x77, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x7e
    WM_ICON_NAME(STRING) = "oew: ~"
    _NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = 0x6f, 0x65, 0x77, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x7e
    WM_NAME(STRING) = "oew: ~"
    I noticed that Firefox also isn't detected by wmctrl -l. When I testet simple in previous post I only had Firefox and urxvt on that desktop, that's the reason it didn't do anything
    Did a test with all applications recognized by wmctrl -l on the same desktop, and it worked perfectly.
    swap works fine aswell.
    There must be something funky with my setup.
    Last edited by oew (2009-01-30 15:54:34)

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