Sticky Keys on new MBP

My new MBP is having key difficulty with sticking and not working properly.  This is my second MBP and NEVER had an issue with food etc... getting under keys, now with the new MBP with these vents everywhere I am having constant key problems, anyone else and is there a solution?

If the Mac is new and within the 1-year warranty period (or the 3-year period if you purchased AppleCare), do take it in to the Apple Store for assessment.
Else, you can consider popping the sticking keys off and evaluating/eliminating the cause, if mechanical. Since there's a risk of the scissors mechanism getting damaged, spare keycaps can be obtained here:

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    powerbooks & powermac   Mac OS X (10.4)   MBP 17" Hi Def 4G 250G HD

    Nice to hear that you’re happy with your new MacBook Pro. BTW: Unless you really need it, you may want to hold off on iWorks since it’s been awhile since the last upgrade. As you may know, Apple doesn’t offer any discounts on iWorks upgrades and based on history, I would expect to see another revision in the not so distant future.
    ...Boy, can you imagine what UPS would have to pay if they had truly lost it?!

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    If you want the MBP internal LCD to shut off while using the external display, just utilize clamshell mode. Plug in an external mouse, keyboard and LCD. Close the lid and put the machine to sleep. Wake the machine by either clicking the mouse or pressing a key on keyboard. This will wake your machine and make the external display your main monitor. You can now open the lid of the MBP to allow the heat to escape.
    Also, right now I leave the lid open while the two
    are connected. I'd like to leave the lid open while
    running the machine to allow for heat venting comming
    off of the keyboard. But even with the brightness
    turned all the way down on the background image, the
    image is still faintly displayed. Do you know how I
    might bring it to a full off mode?

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    Message was edited by: Frank Jacob

    Open the Applications folder and drag the Users folder inside to the top level of the hard disk; you may need to press the Command key when dragging the item and/or provide an administrator username and password. When done, log out and back in. If only the home folder is present in the Applications folder, move it to the Users folder. Rename existing items as needed.

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    Bit annoyed as I am afraid that all my information is lost. I hope it is still in the TimeCapsule. I once did it before and everything went well in the past. Now I'm stuck with info from the wrong laptop.
    Thanks in advance!

    You'll need to boot to the recovery HD, included on the internal HD, by holding down Command+r key combo or the Option key.
    Once booted to the recovery HD you can wipe the Macintosh HD section of the internal drive and then reinstall Lion from the Apple online server. You'll need to have the computer connected to the internat to do the re-install.

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    Genius bar told you right - you need to start your old MBP up into target mode (booting while hold down the T key) but you need to have the right FireWire cable hooked up to the machines before you boot either. What year is your old model? Does it hve FW400 or FW800?
    Here are the instructions from Apple - Take a look at it and see if it helps. Also make sure that you have the Finder set so that external and remote disks will show up on your Desktop. When the disk mounts you can either just copy over files or, if you want to transfer accounts and associated directories, use Migration Assistant in your Utilities folder to copy over the info.
    Good luck - call back if it's not working.

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    New MBP doesnt seem to have a cd driver.
    How do I install windows using bootcamp without cd drivers?

    You can use a USB thumbdrive to do this, assuming you have access to a windows machine to format the usb stick.
    I installed Win7 on my MB Air (2011), which of course lacks a DVD drive altogether, using this technique.
    Basically, you download a tool called rEFIt to your macbook. ( ) When this is installed, it gives you a boot selector menu when you boot the Macbook ('Do you want to boot to MacOS or to the USB drive?')
    Then you download and run an Apple tool called Boot Camp Assistant, which allows you to partition your HD for the two operating systems to share; it also pulls down all the windows drivers you need.
    Then prep the USB thumbdrive on a windows machine to be a Win7 installer disk. You'll want a drive in the 4gb+ range I think. You have to set up the thumbdrive to be bootable (lots of tools for that available), and then copy all the windows installation files over to it.
    Put the thumbdrive in the macbook and boot holding down the option key.
    Choose the rEFIt icon on boot, then choose to boot from the thumbdrive, then format your new windows partition to something Win7 can handle, and install windows.
    On my machine I followed a slightly more involved process and wiped out MacOS entirely. I would have kept it on a small partition if I'd had a bigger hard drive.
    If you need super detailed instructions, CNET has some here: om-a-usb-drive/
    Tech-Recipes has some similar instructions here: -without-an-external-dvd-drive/
    If you have any issues after trying this, ping me and I may have solved them when I went through the same process.

  • How to populate iTunes library on external hard drive onto new MBP.

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    How do I get a current iTunes Library file that will populate all the songs?
    Or am I going about this the wrong way?

    i want to keep the music on the external HD, and I have linked the MBP iTunes account to the external HD (as in where to look for music), but I just can't get the whole library to populate into the new iTunes account.

  • Problem Installing SSD in new MBP

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    I left the original HDD (500GB) in the bay & put the Hardwrk's Adapter (& SSD) in the CD/DVD slot - tricky but no real problem.
    Rebooted & installed CCC, used DU to format the SSD as a Single GUID partition with MAC OS (Journaled) format - seemed OK.
    Used CCC to clone Everything on the old drive to the new one, again said OK. Checked the SSD in DU, repaired permissions, etc.
    Reboot, Option key, boot from SSD - here's where things start going wrong. Takes 30s to boot, so cannot be an SSD :-(
    In DU the original HDD is still root "/" mount point, so the reboot failed and it reverted back to the SSD.
    Tried taking out the HDD & boot only from SSD - Mac fails to properly boot. Reset.
    Considered that it might be a CCC problem, or maybe a DU error in formatting, so today:
    Booted from MAC OS X ML Recovery USB stick, redid the partition step, but did not reformat the drive.
    Reinstall ML fresh, was taking too long (c.90m) so I left it running, will check at lunch time...
    Have checked here & on the net, and I do not seem to be doing anything wrong, this usually works for most people - any ideas?
    I could try putting the SSD in the HDD bay, but it should work from the 6MB optical bay in a new MBP?
    Any thoughts on what went wrong or what I could do to fix this would be most appreciated...

    Yes, I thought of that (I was prepared). :-) So I put the new Samsung SSD in my PC to check the firmware version first (as you can't do this on a Mac), which was up-to-date, so nothing to do there. I hope this did not cause a problem with the disc (which I am beginning to suspect - ironic because I chose this disc for Mac compatability), as I set it to GUID partition on the PC ready for speed testing (which I then could not do).
    Update: the OS re-install from the USB key failed, did not even look like a working drive this time (single folder red warning icon on it), and didn't come up properly on the Option Reboot list. Based on the above I went into the Recovery Partition from the HDD & did another reinstall from there. This time I changed the partition type to something else (Mac), then back to GUID single & reformatted it, Mac OS (J). It is busy doing the OS install, c.90m again, so will check tonight, but do not hold out much hope...
    Only option I can see now is a H/W problem with the CD/DVD drive adapter, so will try one last time by removing this & swapping the SSD for the HDD then reinstall OS direct from USB key.
    Should this fail I am all out of options, as the SSD is useless as a 2nd disk or external from the MBP. Only option would be to try to clone the OCZ Vertex III 120GB SSD in the PC onto the Samsung, use this in W7, and swap the OCZ into the Mac? Or just give up & sell it on ebay. :-(
    PS: On reading other posts on (Smasung) SSD replacement for MBP HDD, I should note that I did NOT copy the Recovery partiton from the old HDD to the new drive, figuring the old disc would still be in the machine (as a data volume), so I could save a little space on the SSD itself, I was told this would not be a problem, any thoughts?

  • Intalling Logic 9 on new MBP with no CD Drive.

    I have a new 15" MBP 2013 model. It has no CD drive. I have a copy of Logic 9 that I used on my old MBP (which had a CD drive). But, now I want to install it on my new MBP. How is this going to be possible without a CD drive?
    Do Apple provide any downloadable ISO's, or is there any place I can download untouched ISO's and use my license key to activate it?
    I only have 1 other computer in the house and it's Windows.
    I only ever install the one disk anyway, I don't install any of the audio content or extras.
    Thanks in advanced.

    Hi, find somebody who can lend you an external drive or produce disk images from your installer package, store it somewhere convenient and you're ready to roll.
    Have a nice day!

  • My take on the new MBP

    Hi all,
    I thought I would give you guys and gals my opinion on the new MBP.
    Firstly let me explain that I bought my MBP to replace my old PB G4 17" 1.67Ghz model, so as you can probably imagine it's a fairly big upgrade for me.
    I have also been using Apple stuff for 20 years and have spent a small fortune on their products.
    I am a web designer and a photographer, an amateur photographer I hasten to add!
    The main software I use on my machines are Flash, Photoshop, Aperture, Dreamweaver, Final Cut etc. Without these I am lost.
    Okay down to the nitty gritty, I have been reading forums all over the net and heard a lot of people moaning about these new machines, I do appreciate it may not be to some people's liking for whatever reason but please note this is just my opinion on the new MBP's.
    I have the 2.4Ghz version with no RAM upgrade as yet.
    My first opinion when getting it out of the box was 'Wow', these machines really do look nice, the colour of course is the same as old and it's difficult to explain why they look so nice, maybe it's because they are thinner, maybe it's because they are moulded, I really don't know but I do know that with most Apple products you cannot appreciate them until you've seen them in the flesh.
    Opening the lid, well this was a revelation it looks absolutely stunning, simple, elegant and the screen (I know what most people think) is absolutely superb. Let me talk about the screen a little, now I know why there are different complaints about this and it generally boils down to calibration issues for pro photographers and people who need to print professionally. I of course had the matte screen on my 17" PB and can tell you now that it really used to annoy me when I was outside as I could not see the thing at all. On many occasions I wanted to sit out in the garden during the summer and do some work but was unable to. I have a computer upstairs in my office and use my MBP downstairs in the living room, this allows me to carry on doing work and still chat with my girlfriend downstairs. One of the major problems I do have is that the sun (especially in the winter months when it's much lower) shines directly through the window and beams nicely onto my MBP. With my PB I used to have to close the blind (much to my girlfriends annoyance) otherwise it was impossible to work with but with my new machine I can see the screen perfectly without closing it. In fact I am sitting in that very position now with the sunlight beaming through and it's no problem. I'm not going to say there is no reflection at all but it's hardly noticeable and I can definitely say with hand held on my heart that the screen is fantastic whether you are in direct sunlight or night. My girlfriend has the MB (the previous model) and she has a glossy screen, I'm not sure what Apple have done but the glossy screens on these new ones are much better.
    The Keyboard.
    I know some people don't like the chicklet keyboard but I have no problems with them. I actually prefer them to the older style but I guess that's personal preference. The backlight is absolutely fantastic, it's one of my favourite things on this machine. My old PB had a backlight keyboard but due to the silver keys and white lettering it was near on impossible to see at certain angles, even when looking at it directly it was nothing to write home about. The new backlight on the MBP is just fantastic, I can't say enough good things about it, you have to see it for yourself.
    Mmmmm, really love the look and the size, it makes other trackpads look totally archaic. However I'm not too sure about the whole clicking thing. I am not having problems that others have mentioned about the click not registering or taking time to register. To me the click works as well and as efficiently as a standard button but it is harder to press down and noisier. Apple mentioned that they spent many many hours just getting the click sound right but I think they could have done much better with this. It's the only thing on the machine I am not totally convinced about and could definitely be improved but it's certainly not a deal breaker.
    Battery Life
    Seems okay at the moment, I probably get around 3 hours with it but as with most Apple products this improves over time.
    General Use.
    I have had it since launch and am over the moon with it. The speed is fantastic and it does exactly what it sets out to do. Whatever anyone says (and yes it is expensive) this IS (in my opinion) a brilliant piece of kit. It's fast, it's responsive and it looks fantastic. You would be hard pushed to find a better laptop on the market but of course you'll have to pay the price.
    I urge you all before passing comment on these new MBP's to go and check one out and see for yourself how good they really are. I know there's nothing like testing one at home when doing your own work but I'm sure that you will be surprised at just how good these machines are and that some of the comments you may have thought originally will soon be forgotten.

    Sweet! I cannot wait for mine to arrive this week. i actually went
    to the apple store to check it out i can not wait for its arrival. i was very impressed
    Im going from a 1.25ghz PB with only 512mb ram to the new MBP with 4gb
    of ram. Talk about a major upgrade (yes!!) As a fellow web/multimedia designer
    I know I will benefit from this upgrade. I really hope to be more productive
    with having dreamweaver,photoshop,flash etc all open at once. A sImple RAM upgrade
    could have solve some of my problems wIth my current PB...but this new machine is just
    beautiful and durable and will really help me work easier. My current PB will be my side project and back up for now. 5 years I've waited to upgrade........ and glad i did.

  • When should I buy a new MBP?

    I'm leaving for college in the fall and I would like some help deciding when it makes sense to buy a new computer.  I'm planning on buying a new MBP with Retina display, but I'm not sure if it's totally worth updating yet.  I currently have a Late (October) 2009 White Macbook (2.26Ghz, 8GB RAM, 250GB HD), that works decently, but isn't wonderful--it's slowing down.  I would appreciate some ideas and thoughts on when it makes sense to upgrade:  now, before I leave for college; sometime during the fall semester, after I really know my computing needs (my least preferred option); or, this Christmastime?  If anyone has some advice, it would be much appreciated.

    ccshaw wrote:
    Wouldn't it just make sense to put the money for the 7200rpm drive towards one more upgrade on the MBP?  I could just cut that up front cost.
    You can choose to forgo the hard drive upgrade, however 250GB is quite small, meaning your likely using a great portion of the second 50% of the drive, which the read/wrire performance is substancially reduced.
    7,200 RPM doesn't make that much of a battery life dent that one will notice it, but one will notice the speedier response.
    S0 by incrreasing the RPM's and the storage size, plus newer drive with better read/write speeds through technology improvments combined with a zero erase + fresh install of 10.6.1 (your original disks) and Software Updated to 10.6.8 (10.7 is slow) should make a dramatic improvement on that model.
    However a erase + fresh install of 10.6 on that present 250GB can do the job well too, 10.7 is slow and you likely have other problems the 10.6 install will also cure.
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6
    How to revert your Mac to Snow Leopard
    I'm not sure where I can get a copy of 10.6.8.  Do you know where I could obtain that?
    Your computer came with 10.6.1 install disks, hold c or option key down and boot off the disks, use Disk Utility to erase the entire drive (select the drive makers name and size on the left) with Security Option > Zero all data, wait, then when finished quit and install 10.6.1 and Software Update fully to 10.6.8.
    If you no longer have the 10.6.1 disks, call Apple for a machine specific replacement disks for your 2009 Late 13" White MacBook.
    You can also use the $29 10.6.3 white Snow Leopard retail disks sold here
    f it turns out that I do need Windows for class applications, do I install it on a partition by using disk utility and partitioning my HD (also, how big does that partition for windows need to be)?
    There are two methods to use Windows on a Mac.
    1: Apple's Bootcamp, which takes the bottom free space on your boot drive (250GB isn't much if you have a lot of OSX data) and allows you to direct install Windows 7 (only) there.
    2: Virtual machine software, which allows one to run Windows (any flavor and Linux's) in a window in OS X.
    You can read about both (pro's and cons) here:
    Windows in BootCamp or Virtual Machine?

  • Sticky keys after spilling a drink on Equium A200-196

    I recently spilt a drink on my laptop i have removed the keyboard but am unabal to remove the back plate from the keys.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on how i might clean the sticky keys or is it a question of purchasing a new keyboard?

    > Its basically a wafer thin metallic plate that remains attached to the keys once you remove the keyboard, it would appear the keys are connected to it in some way, i wasnt sure if it was possible to separate them?
    Dont think you can remove it. As I said only the keycaps are removable.
    >If I do need to order a new keyboard i which link on the Toshiba web page do I follow
    This is a link the ASP worldwide;
    * -> Support & Download -> Find an Authorized Service Provider*

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