Still haven't found something that works properly

OK, I can't get the iTunes store to work. I have not found one thing in this entire iCrap program that works right.
My internet connection (T3 wireless) is perfect, iTunes is updated, DNS is reset, no firewalls are active. I am using windows XP and have checked every place I can think of for support except here.
When I open the itunes store, it goes to the home page just fine. Anything I click on or when I do a search, it acts like it's on a very slow dialup and then times out after downloading one or two pictures. Sometimes it just gives the time out error message.
I can't believe how frustrating this program is. Every time itunes has an opportunity to be useful or convenient to me, I end up wasting hours of my time trying to get it to work right and getting really frustrated.
Any help would be appreciated.

As you state you're on a wireless connection I'd be very surprised if your router wasn't running some type of firewall, or protection. It would be extremely insecure if that were the case.
Also are you on a real T3 connection (44.736 Mbit/s) that is connected to a wireless router, or are you using the T3 wireless company?
You may wish to contact them, as several companies have been known to install antivirus applications that have conflicted with iTunes.
I also recommend using MSCONFIG to disable all non essential programs and attempting to access iTunes that way. The following article will show you how.
If iTunes functions after disabling these other programs, you should be able to narrow down the culprit. If not you will definitely need to check your wireless router.

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    rocket123, welcome to Apple Discussions
    I switched to Mozilla for OS 9 & like it better than IE. It works on web pages that IE has problems with. Plus, Mozilla has a pop-up ad blocker & a password manager. Download Wamcom's Mozilla browser at:
    iCab is also a good browser for OS 9. Look at Mac Web Browsers, Present and Past
    Most browsers run better if you increase the browser's Preferred memory to 2X - 3X the Suggested size. See Mac OS: Assigning more memory to an application program Since you only have 64MB of RAM, make sure your Virtual Memory is turned On.
    You should also upgrade your OS to at least 9.1. OS 9.0.4 is not too stable. The upgrade is a free download on Apple's site. You will also get better performance if you increase your RAM to at least 128MB, preferably more.
     Cheers, Tom

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    hello, please see [[How to use Java if it's been blocked]].

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