Still having encoding problems....

Videos longer than 30 minutes still don't encode properly when I try to convert them to ipod format. After 30 minutes or so the audio gets out of sync. This has been going on for a long time for me. I know that some people have suggested to cut the video in half and encode it, but I paid money for this ability, and now I have to work extra hard to convert my videos. Anyone else still having problems?

I have had identical problems. It's bloody frustrating after paying for Quicktime Pro and an iPod touch for it to not "just work". We shouldn't be having to split movies into 30 minute chunks.
In the end, I have bought VisualHub for $23 ( It seems to export faster than QT, allows batch conversions and has lots of nice features. Perhaps the best feature is that it actually works as advertised. Unlike QT, which in this context seems amateurish at best.

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                  style="color: #7f0000" id="selector">
                  <f:selectItems value="#{members.departmentList}" />
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    JaySean wrote:
    i also had data issues, i called them but they said the sim card is fine. I'm still having alot of issues here to the point where im contemplating getting the iPhone 4
    I'm sure they did say it was fine and in that techs opinion it might be but that tech or csr might not have the proper training or knowledge of what you or HTC is asking them to do. Example: I called and told them to reprovision my sim card and the first tech I got then instructed me on how to clear my cache and internet history. So I called HTC back and they told me "no that is not a sim card reprovision and to insist that a tech do the procedure". So I called vzw tech support again and requested the same thing " reprovision the sim card " and what do you know the tech said ok no problem. 
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    Any Suggestions?
    Thanks, Michael

    The symptoms you describe are all consistent with a permissions problem. (After rendering a theme, iMovie discovers it doesn't have permission to write to the project and discards the rendered file.) Use the Finder's Get Info command to check permission settings on the iMovie project and the folder containing it. The drive too?
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    PS: You've upgraded to iMovie 6.0.1?

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <pageDefinition xmlns=""
    version="" id="PanelPersonAddressView8PageDef"
    <iterator RangeSize="-1" Binds="AppModuleDataControl.PersonAddressView1"
    DataControl="AppModuleDataControl" id="PersonAddressView1Iter"/>
    <iterator id="AddressTypeView1Iterator" RangeSize="-1"
    Binds="AddressTypeView1" DataControl="AppModuleDataControl"/>
    <iterator id="PersonAddressView1Iterator" RangeSize="10"
    Binds="PersonAddressView1" DataControl="AppModuleDataControl"/>
    <table ColumnSort="entireCollection" id="PersonAddressView1"
    <AttrNames xmlns="">
    <Item Value="PersonId"/>
    <Item Value="AddressId"/>
    <Item Value="AddressTypeId"/>
    <Item Value="ReadOnlyAddress"/>
    <AttrProp name="AddressTypeId">
    <EditorDef RTClass="oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JULOVEditorPropDef"
    Name="ComboBox" binding="DCComboBox"/>
    <combobox id="DCComboBox" xmlns=""
    StaticList="false" ListOperMode="0"
    <AttrNames xmlns="">
    <Item Value="AddressTypeId"/>
    <ListAttrNames xmlns="">
    <Item Value="AddressTypeId"/>
    <ListDisplayAttrNames xmlns="">
    <Item Value="AddressTypeDesc"/>

    I have a similar problem. I have got the combobox in the jtable working (when i switched off the labels). Everything seems to works except when I select the first record in the combobox. When I tab out of the cell it becomes empty. If I first select a different record( 2-n) and then the first record the value remains when I tab out of the cell. This also looks like a bug to me. Here's my binding code:
    <pageDefinition xmlns=""
    version="" id="OpeningsTijdenPanelPageDef"
    <iterator id="POpeningsTijdView1Iterator" RangeSize="-1"
    <iterator id="DagView1Iterator" RangeSize="-1" Binds="DagView1"
    <table ColumnSort="entireCollection"
    <AttrNames xmlns="">
    <Item Value="Dagid"/>
    <Item Value="Begintijd"/>
    <Item Value="Eindtijd"/>
    <AttrProp name="Dagid">
    <EditorDef RTClass="oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JULOVEditorPropDef"
    Name="ComboBox" binding="DCComboBox"/>
    <AttrProp name="Dag">
    <EditorDef RTClass="oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JULOVEditorPropDef"
    Name="ComboBox" binding="DCComboBox"/>
    <combobox id="DCComboBox" xmlns=""
    StaticList="false" ListOperMode="0"
    ListIter="DagView1Iterator" NullValueFlag="1">
    <AttrNames xmlns="">
    <Item Value="Dagid"/>
    <ListAttrNames xmlns="">
    <Item Value="Dagid"/>
    <ListDisplayAttrNames xmlns="">
    <Item Value="Dag1"/>
    Has anyone else encountered this problem?

  • Still having a problem with Firefox going to "restart a session" even after re-installing Firefox. Keeps giving me "script error" when closing down. How do I fix this?

    As stated previously...I have removed and re-installed Firefox, but am still getting "script error" when shutting it down and going to "restore session" when opening. Please advise what to do about this problem. Thank you.

    Firefox 21 and Firefox 22 running on Windows 7 have been reported to take a long time to "wake up" from sleep. I realize hibernation is different than sleep, but... this is the closest match for your description.
    Some users have reported that this problem is resolved in Firefox 23 (currently in beta). Others have had inconsistent luck with minimizing Firefox before letting Windows sleep and other measures.
    Please check out this (very long) thread for more information: [ browser freezes after resuming from sleep]
    Or jump to the part about Firefox 23:
    The fact that this just started recently suggests perhaps it is related to another program or update, but I don't think anyone has confirmed the exact interaction that causes the problem.

  • I followed solution to fixing the problem of pogo games not working by re-installing Firefox 3.6.13 but I am still having the problem. Please help. thank you.

    I tried fixing the problem of not being able to access the card site of by following the 'How do I re-install Firefox 3.6.13. But alas the pogo game is still is not loading.

    This is my solution, and it didn't come easily. After days of turning myself and my computer inside out, I remembered that AVG (antivirus) installed an update a few days ago and realized that's when my Pogo card games trouble started. So I went and disabled the AVG and checked the games. The games loaded! I went into the AVG settings and was able to revert to the previous version. Now I'll have to rethink AVG, but I can play Pogo games once again! Hope this helps.

  • Still having some problems with my WRT300N v2 router....

    For 6 years or so I have been using a Linksys router and been quite happy with it. As such, it was "natural" for me to look for another. Especially since I have seen the user interface of several of routers for port forwarding, and other settings vital to a good solid gaming connection.
    When I first setup the router the firmware was it's default (v2.08) and that is just buggy imho, for anyone connecting more than one computer. The biggest hassle was that the wireless connections could not connect to any of the other computers in the LAN. Although they did, after a long wait, get a DHCP address from my separate DHCP server. FORTUNATELY, the new firmware (v2.17) resolved most, if not all of my local connectivity problems.
    I still have one major problem though. This is the IP renewal of the WAN address. My ISP wants that updated every 30 to 60 minutes, so the renewal period is 3600 seconds, or 1 hour. What I recall from the RFC on DHCP is that a client is expected to send renewal requests long before the IP address assignment reaches it expiration "moment". If I remember correctly, this is the time interval T2 (T1 being expiration), and by default T2 == T1 * 0.75.
    In other words, all DHCP clients (in this case the WAN side of the router) should be requesting a renewal/refresh of the DHCP address at 75% of the lease period - in my case at 45 minutes. After watching closely for the last 4 hours, I see my game clients lose connection on all my computers, and I see the DHCP renewal take place.
    Could someone from Linksys verify when the first requests for renewal get sent out? This is instant death in a MORPH if you are trying to do pvp. Absolutely unworkable.
    Thank you for your attention and support.
    Michael aka rootvg.
    Message Edited by rootvg on 08-14-2007 05:03 AM

    Well, after a couple more application crashes on the hour, I swapped my old befw11s4 router in and watched the way it does IP renewal of the WAN IP addresses. Shortly after it reaches the halfway mark, the lease gets renewed.
    Anyone notice this behavior with their WRTS300N? No update on DHCP lease til after expiration?

  • I am currently having problems accessing a network connection.  I have reset my IPAD network connections and am still having a problem.  I know that it is not my network because I can access the internet on my laptop computer.

    I am having problems opening any email or apps on my IPAD 2.  It says there is no network connection but I don't have any problems accessing the internet on my laptop.

    In any event, if your OS X version is 10.7.x, download and install AirPort Utility 5.6 for Lion:
    Lion: AirPort Utility 5.6.
    If your OS X version is 10.5.x or 10.6.x, download and install AirPort Utility 5.5.3:
    Leopard, Snow Leopard: AirPort Utility 5.5.3.
    After you install the appropriate version of AirPort Utility, open it. The program will be located in your Utilities folder, which in turn is found in your Applications folder.
    To open the Utilities folder, go to the Finder and select "Utilities" from the Go menu:
    AirPort Utility 5.6 looks like this:
    ... but make sure you use the version of AirPort Utility you just downloaded.
    Launch AirPort Utility and select your Time Capsule. Click Manual Setup, then the Guest Menu tab, then you can elect to disable the guest network, or to establish whatever security settings you want.
    The window looks somewhat like this:
    If your version of AirPort Utility does not look anything like that, you are probably not using the one you just downloaded. Find it and start over.
    When you are finished configuring your Time Capsule, click Update and allow the Time Capsule to restart.

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