Still wondering... Portal V 2

Does anyone know if version 2 of Portal is available for NT 4.0 for an 8i database yet?
If so, how can I upgrade from portal v
How can I verify what version of 9iAS I have installed?

If your portlet uses invalidation based caching, all you need to do is invalidate the cached portlet content from your portlet code. Both the PL/SQL and the Java PDK provide APIs to invalidate a portlet by provider and portlet ID.
Note: Don't use portlet instance invalidation as you want to invalidate all portlet instances of that particular portlet.
If you've subscription to , you may find this eClass useful: Oracle9iAS Portal Release 2: Enhance Portlet Performance using Web Cache.
Regarding your second question:
You can invalidate all objects associated with a page group by following these steps:
1) Edit page group properties
2) Navigate to the Access tab
3) Under Cache Invalidation click the Clear Cache link.

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    The Portal FAQ at
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    you could always order the macbook pro retina online. If you decide you do not like it, for whatever reason, you have 14 days to return it with no questions asked.
    Read reviews online and see what people are saying. I didn't even bother trying to see one at my local store. I know what a zoo it would be there, and they probably don't have any.
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    thanks & regards

    Check this:
    Redirect user to a custom "logoff" page after 10 minutes of user inactivity
    To set Logon Tickets Validity Period:
    Praveen Gudapati

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    Hi Leandro,
    The javascript error that is coming is:
    Error: Object required
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    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Raghavendra,
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    Hi Martin,
    thanks for your reply.
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    - Disable TREX delta indexing in the forums repository manager
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    Hi Ankur,
    But at the same time a user may have multiple sessions running on a server node.

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    Portal 3.0 end of version was 2/11/04 replaced by Portal 6.0. Currently, JES 2005Q1 Portal is 6.3.1. The last Portal 3.0 support will be Aug 13, '05. Your problem sounds like a support call or upgrade 6.3.1. It is free. Jerry

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    Hi Kai,
    If I understand you correctly, you need to use the Enterprise Portal Client Manager (EPCM).
    This feature is not available in VC CE 7.1,
    It will be available in the next release.
    You are welcome experience our new features by joining the ramp-up of Visual Composer for SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1
    Best Regards

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