Stopped being able to burn cd's

i am suddenly unable to burn cd's with itunes. i have uninstalled,-reinstalled, updated both windows and itunes and still no luck. i cant burn the songs i purchased and the cd's i ripped into the library.
this is so frustrated and i am getting no where with help.
Please any suggestions?
thanks in advance.

Imar, I am now having the same problem and cannot find a reply of any sort to your post of 4/9. I can begin a burn of a playlist and after a few songs, it fails, and iTunes locks up. IF you have received any helpful tips I would really appreciate it if you would email me at [email protected] Seems like Apple does not WANT to help iTunes users with PCs, as the local store told me to take a hike...Apple Only. Thanks, Mike

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    Hello Country Linda,
    Thank you for your question. It sounds like you are unable to burn an audio cd in iTunes. Here is a general list of troubleshooting steps to check if you are having issues with iTunes burning your music to a disc.
    iTunes 11 for Windows: If you have trouble burning a disc
    In order to assist you better, would you mind providing more details on why you are not able to burn a disc? Is there an error message of any kind? What happens when you try?
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the best,

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    Hello Stephen,
    If you are having issues with sending and receiving email, check out the first two articles to get it sorted out. Also look at the third link and look at the time at which you were having issues as it may be related to an outage of service. 
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Mail
    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    Apple Services, Stores, and iCloud
    -Norm G. 

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    I've seen situations before where on older devices something  gets "messed up" in the OS/Account Settings for email.  I think if it were me, and I'd done the basics (including reset with the home and power button and verifying the credentials on another device and with the Outlook Web Interface) I'd backup the phone, transfer all content, erase all content and settings, and setup email again immediately after, before you restored anything else or transferred anything back.  You could also try a restore.  If you use OWA, I'd also go into that and see if there were multiple instances of the device and also be sure none of them are disabled. 

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    Hello Country Linda,
    Thank you for your question. It sounds like you are unable to burn an audio cd in iTunes. Here is a general list of troubleshooting steps to check if you are having issues with iTunes burning your music to a disc.
    iTunes 11 for Windows: If you have trouble burning a disc
    In order to assist you better, would you mind providing more details on why you are not able to burn a disc? Is there an error message of any kind? What happens when you try?
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the best,

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    Thank you.

    Hello Country Linda,
    Thank you for your question. It sounds like you are unable to burn an audio cd in iTunes. Here is a general list of troubleshooting steps to check if you are having issues with iTunes burning your music to a disc.
    iTunes 11 for Windows: If you have trouble burning a disc
    In order to assist you better, would you mind providing more details on why you are not able to burn a disc? Is there an error message of any kind? What happens when you try?
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the best,

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