Strange Behavior with gMSA in Server 2012 R2

I have been doing some testing with gMSA Accounts in a Server 2012 R2 environment (two separate environments, actually), and I have noticed something very strange that occurred in both environments, which does not appear to be occurring in one of our customer's
self-managed environments.
We created a Group Managed Service Account using the following article:
Everything went smoothly, and the account installs/tests successfully on both of the hosts that we are testing on. I am able to set my services to run under the account, and most of them appear to work fine. I am having some issues with a few of my services,
and I believe that the strange behavior I am seeing may have something to do with this - described below: 
As soon as I set the service's Log On Account (via the Log On Tab under the Service's Properties), the entirety of the "Log On" tab changes to "greyed out," and I am unable to change the Log On account back via the GUI (Screenshot
I found that I am able to successfully change the account via Command Line using sc.exe, but the Log On tab remains greyed out! So far, I have found nothing to remedy this, but confirmed that it happens for any service I set to use the gMSA as the Logon
Account, and that it happens in 2 separate test environments, but not in a Customer's production environment - very strange.
All servers in this environment are running Server 2012 R2, and domain Functional Level is currently Server 2012.
I have been unable to find any information online about this behavior, so I am hoping someone has seen this before, and can explain why this is happening.

Yes, we used the Install-AdServiceAccount gMSA command on each host using the gMSA account, and then ran Test-AdServiceAccount gMSA, which returned "True."
However, one thing I noticed is that if I run Test-ADServiceAccount gMSA as a Local Administrator, it fails with the following:
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Test-AdServiceAccount gMSA$
Test-AdServiceAccount : The server has rejected the client credentials.
At line:1 char:1
+ Test-AdServiceAccount gMSA$
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : SecurityError: (:) [Test-ADServiceAccount], AuthenticationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException,Microsoft.A
If I run Test-ADServiceAccount gMSA as Domain Administrator, it returns true:
PS C:\Users\Administrator.<domainname>> Test-AdServiceAccount gMSA$
Is this normal?
Overall, I think the issue I am running into is at the Application Level, and not a problem with the gMSA, as it appears to be working. (Can Start/Stop services without any issues). I will be investigating my issue further with 3rd-party vendors, unless
you think there is something wrong with my gMSA accounts based on the information I have provided.

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    import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
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    It seems the Label doesn't like it, that it is in a GridCell with rowspan = 2
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    Hi Azhar lqbal Gondal,
    According to your description, since the issue regards training and certification,
     I suggest you post the question in the Learning forums at It is appropriate and more experts will assist you. If you have a specific technical question about Microsoft SQL Server,
     you can visit and post your question on  the SQL Server Forum.
    There is some detail about Exam 70-466 Implementing Data Models and Reports with Microsoft SQL Server 2012, you can review the following articles.
    Exam content can be found here:
    Sofiya Li
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    len00x wrote:
    List<String> myList = new myList<String>;This doesn't even look like it will compile for at least one reason, easily two.

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    import javafx.beans.binding.BooleanBinding;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.fxml.FXML;
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        private RadioButton opt12;
        private RadioButton opt21;
        private RadioButton opt22;
        private Label lbl11And21;
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            Scene l_scene = new Scene((Parent)l_loader.getRoot());
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            BooleanBinding l_andOpt11Opt21 = opt11.selectedProperty().and(opt21.selectedProperty());
            l_andOpt11Opt21.addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>()
                public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> arg0, Boolean arg1, Boolean arg2)
                    System.out.println("Opt 1.1 AND Opt 2.1 changed to: " + arg2);
        private void useBinding2() // OK - ChangeListener.changed(..) is called
            BooleanBinding l_andOpt11Opt21 = opt11.selectedProperty().and(opt21.selectedProperty());
            l_andOpt11Opt21.addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>()
                public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> arg0, Boolean arg1, Boolean arg2)
                    System.out.println("Opt 1.1 AND Opt 2.1 changed to: " + arg2);
        private void useBinding3() // NOT WORKING - ChangeListener.changed(..) is not called
            BooleanBinding l_andOpt11Opt21 = opt11.selectedProperty().and(opt21.selectedProperty());
            new SimpleBooleanProperty(false).bind(l_andOpt11Opt21);
            l_andOpt11Opt21.addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>()
                public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> arg0, Boolean arg1, Boolean arg2)
                    System.out.println("Opt 1.1 AND Opt 2.1 changed to: " + arg2);
        public static void main(String[] args)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?import java.lang.*?>
    <?import java.util.*?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.*?>
    <?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>
    <?import javafx.scene.paint.*?>
    <BorderPane id="BorderPane" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefWidth="371.0" xmlns:fx="">
        <AnchorPane prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0">
            <Label id="lblAnd" fx:id="lbl11And21" layoutX="82.0" layoutY="121.0" text="Group1 Opt1 AND Group2 Opt1 is true" textFill="#41cc00" visible="false" />
            <RadioButton fx:id="opt21" layoutX="216.0" layoutY="24.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Group 2 - Opt 1">
                <ToggleGroup fx:id="group2" />
            <RadioButton fx:id="opt22" layoutX="216.0" layoutY="67.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Group 2 - Opt 2" toggleGroup="$group2" />
            <RadioButton fx:id="opt11" layoutX="29.0" layoutY="24.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Group 1 - Opt 1">
                <ToggleGroup fx:id="group1" />
            <RadioButton fx:id="opt12" layoutX="29.0" layoutY="67.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Group 1- Opt 2" toggleGroup="$group1" />
    What I need for my application is the use case in useBinding1(), i.e., a BooleanBinding where several listeners are attached to. The problem is that I never get a callback in the ChangeListener if one of the RadioButton.selectedProperty() is changed.
    Now I tried what happens if I use the same BooleanBinding for another binding to a property plus the listener, now the listener gets callbacks as expected! (see useBinding2() )
    Than I thought may be Bindings must be bound in order to trigger listeners and tried useBinding3() where I bind the BooleanBinding to a new BooleanProperty, in this case the listener doesn't get callback anymore...
    And now I'm very frustrated and hope that anyone out there can help me to understand this strange behavior.
    Thanks a lot!

    All these work just fine for me: the listeners are all called as expected. Note that the listener is only invoked when the value of the binding actually changes, which doesn't happen every time a radio button is pressed. (For example, if both buttons are unselected, the binding is false. If one button is selected, the binding remains false and the listener is not invoked. When the second button is selected, the binding becomes true, and the listener is invoked.)

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    for (j = 0; j < myParagraph.characters.length-1; j++) {
         var myCharacter = myParagraph.characters[j];
         if (myCharacter.appliedFont.fontStyleName == "Regular") {
              myXmlElement.insertTextAsContent(myCharacter.contents, XMLElementPosition.ELEMENT_END);
    I loop through every characters of a paragraph, test if they are "regular", "italic", "bold"..., and store them in different xmlElement. Everything is fine except that every double characters (in french : homme, cette, elle, ville...) output in my xmlElement as one only character (home, cete, ele, vile...). I try with "aaaaaazzzzzzeeeeeerrrrrtttttyyyyy" and it give me, the same way, "azerty" ?!
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    If you have any idea to explain, you are more than welcome
    ** edit : don't know if it's important but I'm using CS6 **

    Have you seen this in the object model viewer?
    XMLElement.insertTextAsContent (using:varies, position: XMLElementPosition ): Text
    Adobe InDesign CC (8.0) Object Model
    Inserts the specified text as content before, in, or after the XML element.
    using: Data Type: varies
    The text to be inserted. Can accept: String or SpecialCharacters enumerator.
    position: Data Type: XMLElementPosition
    The position at which to insert the text. Note that text inserted before or after the element does not become part of the content of the element. Instead, it becomes content of the parent of the element.
    Don't ask me why it works when there is no doubled character
    So i tried the following and it worked. I hope this will solve your problem.
    function main() {
         if (app.documents.length != 0) {
            var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
            var myParagraph = myDoc.textFrames[0].paragraphs[0];
            var myXmlElement  = myDoc.xmlElements[0];
            for (j = 0; j < myParagraph.characters.length-1; j++) {
                var myCharacter = myParagraph.characters[j];
                if (myCharacter.appliedFont.fontStyleName == "Regular") {
                    myXmlElement.contents += myCharacter.contents;
                    alert(">" + myXmlElement.contents+ "<");
                }     // if
            }     //for
        }     // if
    }   // main()
    Kind regards
    Dani (from Switzerland)

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    Here is the sender payload result, extra columns appears !
      <VAL2 />
      <VAL4 />
      <VAL5 />
      <VAL7 />
      <col />
      <col />
      <col />
      <col>VIRTUAL DJ HOME EDITION</col>
      <col />
      <col />
      <col />
      <col />
      <col />
    When i changed the separator to ; in my file and in the file inbound it gives the following.
    Everything is ok.
      <VAL3 />
      <col>VIRTUAL DJ HOME EDITION</col>
      <col />
    Why using a different separator would change the payload ?
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    Can you give the steps you're using to get this error? I'm not seeing any problem here.
    1) Create a new audio project (44.1 KHz).
    2) Arm the record head in track 1 by pressing the "R" button in that track. Verify audio levels.
    3) Record by pressing the record button in the audio controls.
    4) Stop recording by pressing the stop button.
    5) Play back the resulting audio. Sounds fine.
    6) Select File > Export.
    7) Change the file format to WAVE file. Change the bit depth to 16 bit, change the sample rate to 44.1 KHz.
    8) Type the name SAVETEST.wav and click on the Export button.
    9) Play back the resulting WAV file in QuickTime Player, Apple Loops Utility, etc. and it seems just fine.
    What am I missing that you're doing?

  • What will I do with the SQL Server (2012/2014) (Standard/Enterprise) Licenses?

    What will I do with the SQL Server (2012/2014) (Standard/Enterprise) Licenses?
    Are these the same as software product keys, or just some pieces of paper the company needs to have on hand?
    In which case, when we install SQL Server 2014, (and when looked for videos) - there is only 1 product key value to be put in, is there some other screen in the setup to input the License bought ( in our case will be Core licenses).
    So in addition to the Core Licenses do will a Product key be needed? Would product key from an msdn work, as it is the licenses that we will buy to indicate that we bought to run the software on server X?
    Thanks for any indications.

    1. What will I do with the SQL Server (2012/2014) (Standard/Enterprise) Licenses?
    Are these the same as software product keys, or just some pieces of paper the company needs to have on hand?
    2. In which case, when we install SQL Server 2014, (and when looked for videos) - there is only 1 product key value to be put in, is there some other screen in the setup to input the License bought ( in our case will be Core licenses).
    3. So in addition to the Core Licenses do will a Product key be needed? Would product key from an msdn work, as it is the licenses that we will buy to indicate that we bought to run the software on server X?
    Thanks for any indications.
    I will answer your question point wise
    1. Keeping license key is good idea it helps you during audit and you have proof that you are using a valid Microsoft License. Plus in scenario of disaster where whole box gets damanged you might need to install SQL Server again in that case during
    reinstallation on setup page where you need to enter key you might need need it. If you are missing your paper then you are in trouble.
    2. Only on product key page license key is required and it is not required anywhere else during installation. Unless you enter valid product key installation will not proceed further.
    3 License makes you a valid owner of Microsoft product with restrictions on how much hardware resource you can use how much max connections you can make etc. Key lets you install it on Windows machine making sure that you are using valid Microsoft product.
    This was just a general idea please speak to your licensing specialist for more details. This is technical forum and we generally ask user to speak to licensing expert for such queries.
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it.
    My TechNet Wiki Articles

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    Disable easy print service ( it shoud be to increase performance but it doesn't work)
    option: Send the print job directly to the Printer
    I'm out of my options, there are no connection problems with the remote branch office and before using server 2012 they had terminal server 2003 and printing works fine over rdp.
    Thanks for your advice

    Did you monitor the spooling size of the print jobs?
    Depending from the drivers and the software used there may flow a serious amount of data, since both hardware and software makers no longer care about efficient programming, if it comes to bandwidth and storage occupation sizes. Slow WAN connections do not
    fit in to their picture any more ...
    This was still different in the Server 2003 era.
    Best greetings from Germany

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    I found it in the document
    B.1 How Logout Works
    The WebGate logs a user out when it receives a URL containing "logout." (including the "."), with the exceptions of logout.gif and logout.jpg, for example, logout.html or When the WebGate receives a URL with this string, the value of the ObSSOCookie is set to "logout."
    The Access System sets an obSSOCookie for each user or application that accesses a resource protected by a WebGate. The obSSOCookie enables users to access resources that are protected by the Access System that have the same or a lower authentication level. Removing the ObSSOcookie causes the WebGate to log the user out and requires the user to re-authenticate the next time he or she requests a resource that is protected by the Access System.
    Well, I havn't got that far in the document:)
    Thanks a lot for your help.

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    I've tried the following :
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    - Running the prerequisiteinstaller.exe from the DVD or from an extracted version
    - Manually installing the prerequisities
    - Installed .Net 3.5 as recommended here (
    None of the worked. So I'm stuck and I must completed the installation of this before the end of the week for an important project !
    Your help would be greatly appreciated.
    this is the complete log file :
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Processor architecture is (9)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Common Startup
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Trying to remove the startup task if there is any.
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\SharePointServerPreparationToolStartup_0FF1CE14-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.cmd
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Successfully deleted the startup task
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Analyzing the following command line argument:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - /continue
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Continuing after restart
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Details of the current operating system:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Major version number of the operating system: (6)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Minor version number of the operating system: (2)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Build number of the operating system: (0X23F0=9200)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Major version number of the latest Service Pack: (0)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Minor version number of the latest Service Pack: (0)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Platform ID of the operating system: (2)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Product suites available on the operating system: (0X110=272)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Product type of the operating system: VER_NT_SERVER
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Product type: (0)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - OS type: (2)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Configuring the application's property sheet...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Windows Management Framework 3.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - PowerShellVersion
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - 4.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Install
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - The value is (1)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Version
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - 4.5.51641
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - A post release .NET 4.5 is installed
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 -
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Identity Foundation\Setup\v3.5
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - 6.1.7600.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - The prerequisite above is already installed
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading version of the following file...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Synchronization\\Microsoft.Synchronization.dll
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - GetFileVersionInfoSize failed (-2147024894)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Native Client
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Version
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLNCLI10\CurrentVersion
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - 10.51.2500.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Windows Server AppFabric
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - ProductVersion
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 -
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Identity Extensions\Setup\1.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 -
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSIPC\CurrentVersion
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Version
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - 5.0.51212.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Version
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.6
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - 5.6.61587.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - The prerequisite above is already installed
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Cumulative Update Package 1 for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server (KB2671763)
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - IsInstalled
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Updates\AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server\KB2671763
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Beginning download/installation
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - Created thread for installer
    2014-09-09 14:30:26 - "C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe" /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /norestart
    2014-09-09 14:30:27 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:28 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:29 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:30 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:31 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:32 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:33 - Install process returned (0)
    2014-09-09 14:30:33 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
    2014-09-09 14:30:33 - "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass "C:\Users\DADM_T~1\AppData\Local\Temp\PreFB24.tmp.PS1"
    2014-09-09 14:30:33 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:34 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:35 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:36 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:37 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:38 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:39 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:40 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:41 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:42 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:43 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:44 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:45 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:46 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:47 - Install process returned (0)
    2014-09-09 14:30:47 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
    2014-09-09 14:30:47 - "C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe" /online /enable-feature /all /featurename:IIS-ASPNET45 /norestart
    2014-09-09 14:30:47 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:48 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:49 - Install process returned (0)
    2014-09-09 14:30:49 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
    2014-09-09 14:30:49 - "C:\Windows\system32\iisreset.exe" /noforce
    2014-09-09 14:30:49 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:51 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:52 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:53 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:54 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:55 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:56 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Request for install time of Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Install process returned (0X426=1062)
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - [In HRESULT format] (0X80070426=-2147023834)
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Last return code (0X426=1062)
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Flags
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\UpdateExeVolatile
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - PendingFileRenameOperations
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Error: The tool was unable to install Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role.
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Last return code (0X426=1062)
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Options for further diagnostics: 1. Look up the return code value 2. Download the prerequisite manually and verify size downloaded by the prerequisite installer. 3. Install the prerequisite manually from the given location without any command line options.
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Cannot retry
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Windows Management Framework 3.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - PowerShellVersion
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - 4.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Install
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - The value is (1)
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Version
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - 4.5.51641
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - A post release .NET 4.5 is installed
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 -
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Identity Foundation\Setup\v3.5
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - 6.1.7600.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - The prerequisite above is already installed
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading version of the following file...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Synchronization\\Microsoft.Synchronization.dll
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - GetFileVersionInfoSize failed (-2147024894)
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Native Client
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Version
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLNCLI10\CurrentVersion
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - 10.51.2500.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Windows Server AppFabric
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - ProductVersion
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 -
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Identity Extensions\Setup\1.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 -
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSIPC\CurrentVersion
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Version
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - 5.0.51212.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Version
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.6
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - The value is...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - 5.6.61587.0
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - The prerequisite above is already installed
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Cumulative Update Package 1 for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server (KB2671763)
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - IsInstalled
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - from the following registry location...
    2014-09-09 14:30:57 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Updates\AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server\KB2671763
    2014-09-09 14:32:19 - Opening log file
    2014-09-09 14:32:19 - Opened action for user
    2014-09-09 14:32:19 - C:\Users\DADM_T~1\AppData\Local\Temp\prerequisiteinstaller.2014.09.09-14.30.26.log

    Thank you guys for the quick answer! Muche appreciated
    I've tried all suggested solutions, but no luck :-(
    - tried > no help and by the way the hotfix provided is not applicable for 2012 R2.
    also tried "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regii -enable -i" and got this :
    Microsoft (R) ASP.NET RegIIS version 4.0.30319.33440Administration utility to install and uninstall ASP.NET on the local machine.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.Start installing ASP.NET (4.0.30319.33440).This option is not supported on this version of the operating system.  Administrators should instead install/uninstall ASP.NET 4.5 with IIS8 using the "Turn Windows Features On/Off" dialog,  the Server Manager management tool, or the dism.exe command line tool.  For more details please see installing ASP.NET (4.0.30319.33440).
    > is not for 2012 R2.
    For the automated install script ( Craig mentions that the script are not yet compatible
    "SharePoint 2013 SP1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 support coming soon
     I will be updating this script with support for SharePoint 2013 Service Pack 1 installations along with support for Windows Server 2012 R2 in the near future. Thank you to everyone for the interest in my scripts - it is much appreciated! "

  • Strange behavior with Zoom and Image control

    HELP - I have a strange behavior (bug?) with using Zoom
    effect on an Image that has been placed on a Canvas. I am using
    dynamically instantiated images which are placed on a canvas inside
    a panel. I then assign a Zoom IN and Zoom Out behavior to the
    image, triggered by ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT effect triggers. THE BUG
    is that the image jumps around on the Zoom OUT and lands on a
    random place on the canvas instead of coming back to the original
    spot. This is especially true if the mouse goes in and out of the
    image very quickly. HELP -- what am I doing wrong? Computer = Mac
    OS X 10.4.9 Flex 2.0.1
    Here's a simple demo of the bug -- be sure to move the mouse
    in and out rapidly:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    layout="absolute" creationComplete="setUp();">
    import mx.effects.Fade;
    import mx.effects.Zoom;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    import mx.controls.Image;
    private var zoomIn:Zoom;
    private var zoomOut:Zoom;
    private function setUp():void {
    var image:Image = new Image(); = "album_1_1";
    image.x = 200;
    image.y = 200;
    image.width = 64;
    image.height = 64;
    image.source = "";
    image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, doZoom);
    image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, doZoom);
    zoomIn = new Zoom();
    zoomIn.zoomHeightTo = 2.0;
    zoomIn.zoomWidthTo = 2.0;
    zoomIn.captureRollEvents = true;
    zoomIn.suspendBackgroundProcessing = true;
    zoomOut = new Zoom();
    zoomOut.zoomHeightTo = 1.0;
    zoomOut.zoomWidthTo = 1.0;
    zoomOut.captureRollEvents = true;
    zoomOut.suspendBackgroundProcessing = true;
    private function doZoom(event:MouseEvent):void {
    var image:Image = Image(event.currentTarget);
    if (event.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER) { = event.currentTarget;;
    } else if (event.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT) { = event.currentTarget;;
    <mx:Panel width="100%" height="100%"
    <mx:Canvas id="myCanvas" width="100%" height="100%">

    There must be bugs in the Zoom effect code -- I changed the
    Zoom to Resize in the above code, and it works perfectly. Of
    course, Resize is not as nice as Zoom because you can't set the
    resize to be around the center of the image, but at least it works.
    Does anyone know about bugs in the Zoom effect?

  • Strange behavior with NI 9401

    Hi everyone!
    I think I have a strange problem with the NI 9401 modules.
    My hardware is a CompactRIO and I'm using Labview 8.0.
    I'm reading a 13 bit encoder with two NI 9401 modules: the first for 8 input channels and the second for the other remaining 5. input channels.
    13 bits means that the slots in the outest part of the counter are 8192 so i expect my encoder to count up/down till 8192. What instead happens is that the counter goes up to 7934, then suddenly to 7860, then from 0 to 254 and then finally to 0 again and up again to 7934 and the story always goes on like this. I put the true/false outputs of the encoder in a boolean array and then, from the boolean array to a number. (see the attacched VI)
    Here's how I devided the inputs between the two modules
    -NI 9401 2 :
    DIO0= 2^0
    DIO1= 2^1
    DIO2= 2^2
    DIO3= 2^3
    DIO4= 2^4
    DIO5= 2^5
    DIO6= 2^6
    DIO7= 2^7
    - NI 9401
    DIO0= 2^8
    DIO1= 2^9
    DIO2= 2^10
    DIO3= 2^11
    DIO4= 2^12
    When running the VI I suddenly realized that every time all the input for each modules should be true ( i.e. five leds on for the second module or eight leds on for the first) , the value of all the inputs goes immediately to 0 i.e. all the leds switch off . To make an example: I see 4 leds on for the second module but when comes the time of the fifth, all the leds switch off so it means all the inputs are false which i can't understand. I tried to change the pin assignments in order to read the same inputs from different pins and this did'nt change anything. I tried to use only 4 inputs for the second module and this didn't work. Every time all the inputs for each module should be true it goes up to (n-1) inputs true and the n inputs zero. More information about this strange behaviour: while a normal false input produces a voltage of 0.036 V the voltage I measured from the last pin that should be true and that should give me all the leds on for one module, produces instead -0.146 V.
    This is everything I tried in order to solve this problem but now I'm at a dead end.
    Could it be a kind of module setting which I didn't consider?
    Due to all the attempts I've made I excluded any disfunction of the encoder so I focused my attention to the modules.
    Does anyone of you have any idea?
    Prova_encoder2.lvproj ‏14 KB ‏155 KB

    Thanks a lot JMota!
    We just sent back the encoder to the company who sells them. They want to be sure it's not a product defect or, even worse, a problem of conflict with the NI 9401.
    In the meanwhile we built up the acquisition VI for the accelerometer and the encoder. One while loop sends the accelerometer data to a DMA FIFO and another parallel while loop is used to read the encoder outputs and send these data to another DMA FIFO. I did this because I know only 1 DMA FIFO can be used for each channel. When I read the data with two with two parallel loops in the Real-Time I discovered that I can't make them work indipendently as i thought i.e. reading settings of one ( number of elements and loop timing) affects also the other . 
    Any explanation for this behavior?
    Thanks again JMota!

  • Strange behavior with Firefox

    Hi Team,
    I am using HTMLDB V2.0 and Firefox V1.5.0.1. I used wizard to create a report/form application. However, when I press a button to update the form all the buttons line up in a vertical row and I then have to press the same button again.
    My application is 30412 at The problem is occurring at page 4. Go to page 3 (2nd tab) and select any record. You will be directed to page 4. Then when you press any button (cancel, create, delete, apply changes) on page 4, page 4 is refreshed and the buttons strangely line up in a vertical column. I then have to press the same button again before the update occurs.
    I have the same report/form setup on pages 1 and 2 and it is working fine on those pages.
    This strange behavior is not occurring in IE. I also notice that the font size is bigger in IE .
    I would appreciate any help you might offer.
    I really enjoy working with HTMLDB.
    Thanks, Andy

    Sorry about that. I removed all the authorization schemes from the application. I also changed the authentication scheme to HTMLDB. Let me know if I need to do something more for you to get access.
    Thanks for looking at it.
    I think it may have something to do with the "button, alternative 3" template from theme 3 that I am using. When I switch to the "button" template from theme 3 then the strange behavior goes away in Firefox.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How to capture file modification date and time over the web

    HI! I am creating a web based application and I am using webutil package for al lot of my work being that I ma working with renamin,deleting and uploading files for a users machine to the database. There is one functionality thing that I have to do i

  • Site plan rendering in illustrator

    I am rendering a site plan I made in AutoCAD in illustrator. I'll be rendering trees, flooring, water,etc. It is actually a site plan of a public park. I need tips and tricks to speed up my workflow. Anyone doing such stuff, kindly comment here. I am

  • Profile during a n homogu00E9neous system copy

    Hi, I have done an export of database ( with R3load process ) and i have donne an intallation of a new SAP system with the exported base ( homogenenous copy ) . Bu when i launch RZ10 i always can  see the reference to the old profile files. Is there

  • Ichat won't recognize aol login password

    I'm trying to use iChat for the first time. I went online, created an aol account and password. When I lauch iChat it promps me to log into AOL instant messenger. When I enter my login ID and password I get an error that my login ID or password is in

  • Indesign Problem CS2

    Hallo, ich habe ein Problem mit Adobe InDesign. Folgendes Szenario. Wir hatte auf einen File Server (Windows Server 2003) ein Share. Dort abgelegt waren Adobe InDesign Dateien. Die Kollegen hatten in Ihrem Arbeitsplatz (Windows XP) ein Share gemappt