Strange Behaviour during retreive

Hello All,
Hope everyone is doing well. I would like to get opinion about this strange behavior of this retreival I am doing.
Brand_NA <-- Sparse Member
Cost <-- Sparse Member
Final <-- Sparse Member
FY10 <-- Sparse Member
Dec <-- Dense Member
Forecast <-- Sparse Member
Account member -- > Labor
Previously, Labor was dynamic 2 pass with formula. But it was giving wrong value.
So for Validation purpose I changed this member to label only. Thinking that there would be no value at the above intersection at all. But there is a value which i cant trace back. I have never seen this before can anyone help me understand.

From memory I don't think that you can set a level0 member as 'Label Only' so I am assuming that you member has children?
If this is the case then in my experience when data is retrieved the 'Label Only' member will normally display the value of its first child regardless of the consolidation methods associated with any of its children.
Hope this helps

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    Any idea about what causes this? I guess the application is doing one commit after each statement, or?
    Any comment about how can we improve this?
    I wanted to attach the screenshot from the Grid Controller but it seems we can't do that on this Forum!
    Thanks in advance for the help!
    / Hes

  • Strange behaviour on text insert into a HTML pane

    Hi all,
    I am trying to fix a problem on inserting a span tag into an existing html page (in an EDITABLE JEditorPane).
    The behaviour:
    Assuming the cells in a table (3 rows, 2 columns) are numbered from 1 to 6, with cell one being the top left most, cell 2 top right, cell 3 middle left, etc.
    1. Inserting the text "<span></span>" in cell 4 causes during any attempt to later type into cell 5 the characters to be appended instead into cell 4, directly after the close span tag.
    2. The insertion in the first place behaves strange. If I have the caret positioned for cell 5 so that I can insert there
    (via the function void javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.insertHTML(HTML Document doc, int offset, String html, int popDepth, int pushDepth, Tag insertTag) )
    even though the caret position is visible in cell 5, the insertion seems to take place in cell 4.
    I can sort of compensate for this by adding 1 to the offset. However, then when inserting into a line of text, for example, "the quick red fox jumped over the lazy dog"
    I insert directly before the 'j' in 'jumped', the insertion looks like this "the quick red fox j<span>..</span>umped over the lazy dog"
    So that is no solution.
    IMPORTANT! Just to prove it is not the span tag causing the trouble, if this span tag already exists in a cell on 'Load' of the html file, the strange behaviour is not observed.
    Something is going wrong here. It is me? Or is it a bug?
    Please help!!
    Here is a test app, and the test html you can use (place in current directory).
    Please test like this:
    1. run application (the html should be loaded into the pane)
    2. the span tag is programmed to automatically insert at cell 4 (by using the +1 method on the insert)
    3. another span tag was already existing in the html file, at cell 8
    4. Attempt to type into cell 5
    result: the text appears instead at cell 4
    5. Type into cell 9
    result: the text correctly is entered into cell 9
    See the difference!!
    The test java app:
    package small.test;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
    import javax.swing.text.html.HTML;
    import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument;
    import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit;
    import javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator;
    public class HtmlInsertTest extends JEditorPane
         public HtmlInsertTest()
         public static void main(String args[])
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("Loading/Saving Example");
              Container content = frame.getContentPane();
              frame.setSize(600, 600);
              final HtmlInsertTest editorPane = new HtmlInsertTest();
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(editorPane);
              content.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              editorPane.setEditorKit(new HTMLEditorKit());
              JPanel panel = new JPanel();
              content.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              frame.setSize(600, 600);
              editorPane.insertHTML("<span>inserted text</span>", 84);
         public static String getHTML()
              "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">"+
              "<HTML>"+     "<HEAD>"+
              "     <META HTTP-EQUIV=\"CONTENT-TYPE\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">"+
              "     <TITLE></TITLE>"+          
              "<BODY LANG=\"en-AU\" DIR=\"LTR\">"+
              "<P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0cm\">This is a test xhtml document. "+
         "     </P>"+
         "     <P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0cm\">"+
         "     </P>"+
         "     <P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0cm\">Here is a table:</P>"+
         "     <P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0cm\">"+
         "     </P>"+
         "     <p></p>"+
               "     <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 BORDERCOLOR=\"#000000\" CELLPADDING=4 CELLSPACING=0>"+
         "          <TR VALIGN=TOP>"+
         "               <TD WIDTH=50%>"+
         "                    <P>It has</P>"+
         "               </TD>"+
         "               <TD WIDTH=50%>"+
         "                    <P>2 columns</P>"+
         "               </TD>"+
         "          </TR>"+
         "          <TR VALIGN=TOP>"+
         "               <TD WIDTH=50%><P>And 4 rows</P></TD>"+
         "               <TD WIDTH=50%><P></P></TD>"+
         "          </TR>"+
         "          <TR VALIGN=TOP>"+
         "               <TD WIDTH=50%><P></P></TD>"+
         "               <TD WIDTH=50%><P></P></TD>"+
         "          </TR>"+
         "          <TR VALIGN=TOP>"+
         "               <TD WIDTH=50%><P></P></TD>"+
         "               <TD WIDTH=50%><P><span>existing text</span></P></TD>"+
         "          </TR>"+
         "          <TR VALIGN=TOP>"+
         "               <TD WIDTH=50%><P></P></TD>"+
         "               <TD WIDTH=50%><P></P></TD>"+
         "          </TR>"+
         "     </TABLE>"+
         "     <P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0cm\">"+
         "     </P>"+
         "     <P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0cm\">"+
         "     </P>"+
         "     <P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0cm\">"+
         "     </P>"+
         "     <P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0cm\">We will test the drag and drop"+
         "     functionality with this document. "+
         "     </P>"+
         "     <P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0cm\">It will be loaded with the hlml editor.</P>"+
         "     <P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0cm\">"+
         "     </P>"+
         "     <P STYLE=\"margin-bottom: 0cm\">"+
         "     </P>"+
         "     </BODY>"+
         "     </HTML>";
         public static void doLoadCommand(JTextComponent textComponent)
              StringReader reader = null;
                   reader = new StringReader(getHTML());
                   // Create empty HTMLDocument to read into
                   HTMLEditorKit htmlKit = new HTMLEditorKit();
                   HTMLDocument htmlDoc = (HTMLDocument)htmlKit.createDefaultDocument();
                   // Create parser (javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator)
                   HTMLEditorKit.Parser parser = new ParserDelegator();
                   // Get parser callback from document
                   HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback callback = htmlDoc.getReader(0);
                   // Load it (true means to ignore character set)
                   parser.parse(reader, callback, true);
                   // Replace document
              catch (Exception exception)
                   System.out.println("Load oops");
                   if (reader != null)
         public void insertHTML(String text, int offset)
              SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new insertAction(this, text, offset));
         class insertAction implements Runnable
              String text = "";
              int offset = 0;
              JEditorPane jEditorPane1 = null;
              public insertAction(JEditorPane _jEditorPane1, String _text, int _offset)
                   jEditorPane1 = _jEditorPane1;
                   text = _text;
                   offset = _offset;
              public void run()
                   HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument)jEditorPane1.getDocument();
                   HTMLEditorKit kit = (HTMLEditorKit)jEditorPane1.getEditorKit();
                        System.out.println("reading from string reader");
                        kit.insertHTML(     doc,
                   catch (Exception e)
                        System.out.println("error inserting html: " + e);
    }Edited by: svaens on Jul 16, 2009 6:34 PM
    fix another stuffed up attempt at a SSCCE.

    Well, I know nothing about HTML in JEditorPanes. I have never been able to figure out how insertions work.
    My comment was a warning to others. Some people (like me) avoid answering posting of this type for reasons given in the JavaRanch link. Others will answer anyway. Other might first check the other site to see if they are wasting there time, but they can only do that if a link was posted with the original question.
    The only suggestion I have is to repost the question, (since this posting is now completely off topic) making sure to then respond to this posting stating that a fresh question has been asked so you don't get a discussion going on in two places.

  • Strange behaviour in ORacle Forms Webutil 106 / Error message WUC-14 WUC-12

    This is to inform you about a strange behaviour in Webutil V1.0.6
    Hosting environment is Oracle Application Server on Unix Solaris 10
    Oracle Server Enterprise Edition
    Client-envionment : Windows 2000, IE 6
    I created an Forms based application which reads in certain text files into the database using
    Webutil. The data will get changed using the application with logic and lateron a different textfile
    will be transmitted using either ftp or it may be created on the client side (again with Webutil).
    This solution worked perfect for some time (a year or so) using CLIENT_TEXT_IO...
    Hoewever, during the week, I recognized users coming up with the statement that the download
    to the local client does not worked anymore in certain situations. The system is producing an error-msg
    on the Form in the following sequence :
    WUC-14 [getFromObjectCache] ...
    WUC-14 [getFromObjectCache] ...
    WUC-12 [FileFunctions.newLine()] ...
    I traced the session and traced WebUtil, was able to reproduce the problem but could not find out the source
    of it in the first place.
    Hoewever, it came out, that part of the file being created on the client is a "¿" sign : hex :$BF
    This was already part of the file being read in the first place, so the value is stored in the database.
    There is no problem when reading a file having a content like this with CLIENT_TEXT_IO but there obviously is one
    when writing it to the local client.
    The file is getting processed on the client and gets closed with CLIENT_TEXT_IO.FCLOSE.
    After the FCLOSE statement is getting processed, the above errors occurs, The length of the produced file is then : 0 bytes ^^
    Whenever facing a problem like this check the content of the file you are trying to create.
    Workaround was :
    - set workingDirectory in formsweb.cfg
    - using Forms based TEXT_IO rather than CLIENT_TEXT_IO to create the file on the backend side (Apps-server)
    - implement WEBUTIL_FILE_TRANSFER.AS_To_Client_With_Progress to download the file to the client
    In order to make it a little bit "colourful" I implemented a bean with progressbar when creating the file on the back end side
    Works perfect... and looks nice :)

    XeM wrote:
    Hi Andreas,
    install.syslib.location.client.0=webutil\syslibi found the above line over google but when i check my webutility configuration file i didn't found it there. I added this line after the line i have mentioned in previous post but this also not worked. And then i worked on changing permission over folder.
    HI XeM
    Your adding location is ok. But i suggest try something different. Change the above line to
    /* i'm confuse with the \ or / *\
    install.syslib.location.client.0=/webutilAnd do the following work In the client
    1. Close ALL open browsers.
    2. On the client machine search all directories for webutil.*properties and delete all instances of that file.
    3. Delete d2kwut60.dll, JNIsharedstubs.dll, and jacob.dll from the JRE\bin directory.
    4. Clear the JRE jar cache. This can be done several ways, but using the Java Control Panel is likely the easiest and safest.
    Now stop the OC4J instance and start again and try at client...
    Hope this works...
    If works... please post the solutions.

  • Strange behaviour of a JSlider in a menu

    I am currently developping an applet which draws a graph (with JUNG libraries) and allows modifications on this graph by actions on swing components. Among these components there was a JSlider which was working well and filtering the graph. As the actions panel took too much place in the window, I chose to create a menu that allows the same actions but via menu items. I have not encountered any problem until I have seeked a way to integrate the JSlider into the new menu. To do that I created a JSliderMenuItem class :
      public class JSliderMenuItem extends JSlider implements MenuElement {
        public JSliderMenuItem() {
                super(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 1, 5, 1);
                setBorder(new CompoundBorder(new TitledBorder("Test"), new EmptyBorder(1, 1, 1, 1)));
            public void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e, MenuElement path[ ], MenuSelectionManager manager) {}
            public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e, MenuElement path[ ], MenuSelectionManager manager) {}
            public void menuSelectionChanged(boolean isIncluded) {}
            public MenuElement[ ] getSubElements(  ) {
                return new MenuElement[0];
            public Component getComponent(  ) {
                return this;
        }In the code that builds the menu, I wrote :
    JSliderMenuItem slider = new JSliderMenuItem();
        slider.addChangeListener(this);In the code that treats the actions, I wrote :
        public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e){
            JSliderMenuItem source = (JSliderMenuItem)e.getSource();
            //if (!source.getValueIsAdjusting()){ // don't work since JSliderMenuItem
                if (source == slider){
                       // graph filtering according to the cutoff given by the JSliderMenuItem value
        }I have disabled the !source.getValueIsAdjusting() test because amazingly with JSliderMenuItem it considers that the knob is constantly being dragged... Moreover the knob is NOT draggable! In order to change the filter value I had to click on the label of my choice, then the knob moves until it reaches the right label, and at each encountered value during the process the graph is filtered.
    Even tough the graph is finally correctly filtered, it seems like the JSlider in the menu has lost its "slide/drag" abilities, and it's not very comfortable to use.
    Does anybody have an idea about this strange behaviour?
    Edited by: cyblo on Jul 22, 2008 3:18 AM
    Edited by: cyblo on Jul 22, 2008 3:28 AM

    Change processMouseEvent and processKeyEvent in JSliderMenuItem like this:
    public void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e, MenuElement path[],
            MenuSelectionManager manager) {
    public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e, MenuElement path[],
            MenuSelectionManager manager) {

  • APEX Listener and EPG - strange behaviour

    For some years, I've used EPG for APEX but have struggled with performance particularly as I can have up to 150 student developers using at any one time.
    I do a fair amount of work using ORDImage and have successfully developed APEX applications to upload image files and display full-size and thumbnail images.
    After upgrading to APEX 4.1 (from 4.0), I decided to install APEX Listener standalone.
    Before I did so I checked that my applications still worked in 4.1 and they did.
    However, just installing APEX Listener but not configuring it (yet) has meant that my image display in a report using a procedure based on wpg_docload.download_file( l_ordimage_image.source.localData ) no longer works in EPG - the images are not displayed.
    Configuring APEX Listener and running the same application through that DOES display the images.
    So this part of the application works under APEX Listener but not under EPG.
    My application also allows users to upload images from APEX_APPLICATION_FILES using standard code. Under APEX Listener after uploading, I'm left with a blank page with a wwv_flow.accept URL although the image does indeed upload. Under EPG it works as expected and I get a success confirmation.
    So this part of the application works under EPG but not under APEX Listener.
    Has anyone else come across different behaviour depending on the mode of connection?
    [Oracle EE 11gR2, Windows Server 2008R2, APEX 4.1, APEX Listener 1.1.3]

    Hi Brian,
    it sounds like you have both EPG and APEX Listener running on the same machine, so your problem might result from a port conflict. Note that both services use TCP port 8080 as default.
    At least a port conflict would explain the strange behaviour in your case, some things working on one web server and some on the other.
    Some parts of your initial post hint to that direction, e.g.
    However, just installing APEX Listener but not configuring it (yet) has meant that my image display in a report using a procedure based on >wpg_docload.download_file( l_ordimage_image.source.localData ) no longer works in EPG - the images are not displayed.... because the APEX Listener only interfere with the EPG if it is at least running on the same machine as your database and furthermore, if it is unconfigured in terms of ist database connection, a port conflict might be the only way it could cause anything like that.
    However, if you are sure that's not the issue, please check if you see any error in the APEX Listener's log for the following action you performed:
    My application also allows users to upload images from APEX_APPLICATION_FILES using standard code. Under APEX Listener after uploading, I'm left with a blank >page with a wwv_flow.accept URL although the image does indeed uploadIf you actually see just a blank screen, something very bad must have happened and you should see some kind of stack trace there.
    For further investigations, if necessary, it would be helpful to know how you deployed or started your APEX Listener and which JDK version you use.
    For the moment, I still think the port conflict is my best guess.
    You could avoid it by either changing the port for EPG (I'd not recommend that if you have other users still using it) or by changing the port for your APEX Listener.

  • Strange behaviour of Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command)

    hello guys,
    i wrote a program which executes some commands in commandline (actually tried multiple stuff.)
    what did i try?
    open "cmd.exe" manually (administrator)
    type "echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" and hit enter, which returns me
    type "java -version" and hit enter, which returns me:
    "java version "1.6.0_10-beta"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-beta-b25)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0-b12, mixed mode)"
    type "reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\7-zip"" returns me:
    Path REG_SZ C:\Program Files\7-Zip\
    i wrote two functions to execute an command
    1) simply calls exec and reads errin and stdout from the process started:
    public static String execute(String command) {
              String result = "";
              try {
                   // Execute a command
                   Process child = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
                   // Read from an input stream
                   InputStream in = child.getInputStream();
                   int c;
                   while ((c = != -1) {
                        result += ((char) c);
                   in = child.getErrorStream();
                   while ((c = != -1) {
                        result += ((char) c);
              } catch (IOException e) {
              return result;
         }the second function allows me to send multiple commands to the cmd
    public static String exec(String[] commands) {
              String line;
              String result = "";
              OutputStream stdin = null;
              InputStream stderr = null;
              InputStream stdout = null;
              // launch EXE and grab stdin/stdout and stderr
              try {
                   Process process;
                   process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe");
                   stdin = process.getOutputStream();
                   stderr = process.getErrorStream();
                   stdout = process.getInputStream();
                   // "write" the parms into stdin
                   for (int i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
                        line = commands[i] + "\n";
                   // clean up if any output in stdout
                   BufferedReader brCleanUp = new BufferedReader(
                             new InputStreamReader(stdout));
                   while ((line = brCleanUp.readLine()) != null) {
                        result += line + "\n";
                   // clean up if any output in stderr
                   brCleanUp = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stderr));
                   while ((line = brCleanUp.readLine()) != null) {
                        result += "ERR: " + line + "\n";
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              return result;
         }so i try to execute the commands from above (yes, i am using \\ and \" in java)
    (2) "java -version"
    (3) "reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\7-zip""
    the first function returns me (note that ALL results are different from the stuff above!):
    (1) "" <-- empty ?!
    (2) java version "1.6.0_11"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_11-b03)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)
    (3) ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
    the second function returns me:
    (1) x86 <-- huh? i have AMD64
    (2) java version "1.6.0_11"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_11-b03)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)
    (3) ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
    horray! in this version the java version is correct! processor architecture is not empty but totally incorrect and the reg query is still err.
    any help is wellcome
    note: i only put stuff here, which returns me strange behaviour, most things are working correct with my functions (using the Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); code)
    note2: "reg query "HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0" /t REG_SZ" IS working, so why are "some" queries result in ERR, while they are working if typed by hand in cmd.exe?

    ok, i exported a jar file and execute it from cmd:
    java -jar myjar.jar
    now the output is:
    (1) "" if called by version 1, possible to retrieve by version 2 (no clue why!)
    (2) "java version "1.6.0_10-beta"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-beta-b25)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0-b12, mixed mode)"
    (3) C:\Program Files\7-Zip\
    so all three problems are gone! (but its a hard way, as i need both functions and parse a lot of text... :/ )
    thanks for the tip, that eclipse changes variables (i really did not knew this one...)

  • Report S_ALR_87013542 strange behaviour

    Hi All,
    Report S_ALR_87013542 - Actual/Comm/Total/Plan in COAr crcy -  is showing up cross signs in some of the columns.When the cross sign (like any other column value) is clicked the line item detail are sown correctly.
    Has anybody encountered this kind of issue before ?
    I googled and searched various forums but all in vain.
    Please provide inputs to correct this strange behaviour of Report S_ALR_87013542. Thanks!

    Hello Dev,
    Did you execute report RKACOR04 for the affected object number and checked if this still happens ?
    Suresh Jayanthi.

  • View Master mode strange behaviour with jpg files

    Hy all,
    I'm using Aperture, and I'm tweakin a lot the SW to discover all secrets ....
    I'm really concerned about a strange behaviour of the SW in view mode.
    If I open a jpg file, do not apply ANY modification, and apply the "show master" command (pressing M), there's a subtle behaviour :
    *the images get sharper !!!!*
    It behaves as if an "edge sharpening" was applied !!!!!!
    With _RAW files this thing doesn't happen at all._
    Even stranger, if I zoom to full definition (by pressing Z), and toggle between normal view and "show master" view, the immage remains the same !
    The effect is not so evident with all images, but sometimes it is !!
    Anyway, I expect not to have such kind of things with a professional SW.
    With professional cameras and good quality files it's really annoying not to beeing sure what's the REAL content of the jpg image.
    Has anyone noted this thing ? Is there a reasonable explanation ?
    The only one I tried to figure out is the following : may be Aperture applies some kind of resampling algorithm with jpg files (bicubic, bilinear, etc).
    May be this resampling is not applied with 100% magnification, as weel as with raw files.
    But it's only my guessing. Now, I'm tweaking other viewers and other SW to understand what's the real jpg image stored in the file : the blurer one form normal view or the sharper one with "show master" mode.
    I stress once again : of course, the jpg file I'm talking about have no settings at all, just imported and toggled with M button.
    Thanks in advance.

    I'm afraid I'm not been clear.
    The problem is this :
    1) jpg image opened in normal view mode, no zoom, (no quick preview, of course) : image with a certain amount of blour
    2) jpg image opened in show master mode, no zoom, (no quick previre, of course) : image SHARPER with respect with the previous.
    No edit applied from import, so "show master" command shouln't apply any change in rendering, should it ?
    The only thing I said on 100% view is that such difference (between normal mode e show mastermode) is not present with 100% magnification.
    That was the issue.

  • Strange behaviour: two servers on the same port

    I hope this is the right section for this post. I need help about a strange behaviour involving a ServerSocket.
    For my thesis I need to write a program that receives data from a pre-existing DSMS client, filters them and then sends them to a pre-existing DSMS server. And here is my problem: if I try to create a ServerSocket on the same port of the DSMS server, my program throws no exception, and the servers seem running on the same port. This is a behaviour that I'd like to avoid, but I cannot understand what the problem is. Can you help me?
    The source code of the DSMS server can be found here (it's written in C++):
    The source code of my server class, instead, is this one:
    public class ThreadGenerator {
         private ServerSocket server;
         public void connect(String servPort, String cHost, String cPort) {
              try {
                   server = new ServerSocket(servPort);
                   System.out.println("SERVER running on port "+servPort);
              } catch (BindException e) {
                   System.out.println("Address already in use!");
              } catch (Exception e) {
              try {
                        Socket client = server.accept();
                        StreamThread T = new StreamThread(client, cHost, cPort);
              } catch (EOFException e) {
                   System.out.println("Server closed connection!");
              } catch (Exception e) {
    }I'm programming on Mac OSX Tiger, with Java 1.5.0.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    The problem is still happening to me, I tried in this very moment. The code I'm using is the one I posted, and the second server is the one that I linked. I don't think there's anything else to add.
    If you're sure that the problem is not in my code, then it means that it is in the linked server, which partially solves the problem. But I'd like to know, if it's possibile, if there is any other way to check if the port is already in use.

  • Cursor shows strange behaviour in 10.9.5

    I'm using a 15" MBPr late 2013, i7, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, running on 10.9.5. Lately I registered a very strange behaviour of the cursor when using the built in trackpad. If hovering over one of the symbols in the bar at the upper right corner of the screen and then moving the cursor downward, the menu of the symbol on the right of the cursor pops up (not the one the cursor ist pointing on).
    For example: the symbol for WiFi is located left from the one regulating the volume. When hovering over WiFi and moving downwards to activate/deactivate it, the volume-controle pops up ! If I want to use the WiFi, I have to hover over the symbol for bluetooth-connectivity instead....
    Any idea whats happening here ?
    Help is very much appreciated !

    OK, found the solution by myself. The reason seemed to be related to the resolution of the display. Changed it to another one (no matter which one), waited for the display to change and the changed the res back to optimal for display.
    The cursor now works fine and exactly....
    Really weird.

  • Windows 8.1 Enterprise Evaluation- Strange behaviour of network adapter

    Hello there are discussions and questions around this community about network adapter dropping connection while system is running. But I have found unique problem with my network adapter driver.
    I have tried to state my problem as clearly as possible. Please ask if any detail is required.
    My network status shows no access on following occasions:
    1. On alternate system wakeups.
    a. System boots up 
    Internet accessible
    no problem
    b. I put system to sleep(first time) and wake it up
    No access to internet !!!
    When I check in network and sharing center not even adapter shows in disabled status.(See video from the link given below).
    c. Without restarting system or without installing network adapter again,  I put system to sleep again and wake it up (2nd time).
    Internet accessible
    d. I put system to sleep for (3rd time) and wakes it up.
    No access to internet!!
    If I put system to sleep again and wake it up definitly I get network access.
    2. If I switch off the modem before windows shutdown completely or in the process of shutdown, next time when I boot system, even though the modem is switched on before booting the system, No internet access tooltip will be shown on network
    Another strange behaviour is on no internet access status, I start installing adapter, and it loads required files and prompt me to click "next" and "click" install.
    But the thing is before I go to "next" button, I will get network access as shown in this link Ignore virtualbox adapter. Same behaviour was there when there is no vbox adapter. Same was happening in Windows 8 Pro, but not in windows 7, so that there is no H/W problem I think. 
    Any idea on how to fix this or any alternate solution ? 

    Firstly, access your network adapter official website to get the proper driver applied to your system.
    Then going to Control Panel > Device Manager, right click your adapter > Properties. Under the Power Management tab, make sure "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" checkbox unchecked.
    If it still persists, try to disable "fast startup" as below steps:
    1.In Control Panel, open the Power Options item.
    2.Click the Choose what the power buttons do link.
    3.Clear the Turn on fast startup (recommended) check box.
    4.Click Save Settings.
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Strange behaviour from new 2012R2 in old domain

    Hi all,
    At work (education level), I'm starting to take charge of windows admin, so beiing a noob admin I'm finding strange behaviours that I hope you can help me solve them all :-)
    We've one (big) domain with about 5000 computers (workers and students all together), and around 50000 users (again, workers and students all together) setup like this:
    Windows Server 2008R2
    Shares NETLOGON and SYSVOL
    Windows Server 2003 R2 x64
    Checking RootDSE, I see 'domainControllerFunctionaly is Windows 2003' (DC-DOMAIN-2)
    So, with this setup, I've noticed these strange behaviours, hope list isn't too big  (guess there will be more behaviours but these seemed too odd):
    1) On DC-DOMAIN-2, WinServer 2003 eventlog, inside 'Directory Service', I found this warning event ID 1083 (Source NTDS Replication):
    Active Directory could not update the following object with changes received from the domain controller at the following network address because Active Directory was busy processing information.
    Object:CN=<an user name>, CN=Users, DC=DOMAIN
    Usually followed by an information event (eventid 1955) which says:
    ctive Directory encountered a write conflict when applying replicated changes to the following object.
    Time in seconds:
    Event log entries preceding this entry will indicate whether or not the update was accepted.
    A write conflict can be caused by simultaneous changes to the same object or simultaneous changes to other objects that have attributes referencing this object. This commonly occurs when the object represents a large group with many members, and the functional level of the forest is set to Windows 2000. This conflict triggered additional retries of the update. If the system appears slow, it could be because replication of these changes is occurring.
    User Action
    Use smaller groups for this operation or raise the functional level to Windows Server 2003.
    And having as result that user being blocked in domain.
    2) I've added a new print server based on Windows Server 2012R2 (running inside an updated ESX 5.5 with VMXNET3 ethernet adapter as recommended by vmware), and seen in the event viewer these warnings/errors:
    At System log:
    Error Event ID 5783, Source NETLOGON:
    The session setup to the Windows NT or Windows 2000 Domain Controller \\ for the domain DOMAIN is not responsive. The current RPC call from Netlogon on \\PRINTSERVER to \\ has been cancelled.
    I've seen Event ID 5783 with DC-DOMAIN-1 too....
    Error Event ID 5719, Source NETLOGON:
    This computer was not able to set up a secure session with a domain controller in domain DOMAIN due to the following:
    The remote procedure call failed and did not execute.
    This may lead to authentication problems. Make sure that
    this computer is connected to the network. If the problem persists, please contact your domain administrator.
    If this computer is a domain controller for the specified domain, it sets up the secure session to the primary domain controller emulator in the specified domain. Otherwise, this computer sets up the secure session to any domain controller in the specified domain.
    At Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectinoManager/Admin found also this warning:
    Warning Event ID 20499 Source TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager:
    Remote Desktop Services has taken too long to load the user configuration from server \\ for user administrator
    3) If I try Group Policy Modeling on DC-DOMAIN-1 (server 2008R2), everything works fine, no matter if I try it against DC-DOMAIN-1 or DC-DOMAIN-2, but if I try this from the Server 2012R2 (the one from point 2), I get this:
    Simulation against DC-DOMAIN-2: Gets executed, but all GPO show as inaccessible, empty or disabled.
    Simulation against DC-DOMAIN-1: Sometimes it gets executed as DC-DOMAIN-2, sometimes I get an error saying query can't be executed.
    4) From server 2012R2, I usually manage printing GPO. If I click on the domain root (GPMC, forest, Domains, DOMAIN-NAME-ROOT) right pane, I get a pop up saying: 
    'A processing error ocurred collecting data using this base domain controller. Please change the base domain controller and try again'
    After closing popup, right pane says something like '' is the baseline domain controller for this domain.
    No infrastructure Status information exists for this domain.
    Click the Detect Now button below to gather infrastructure status from all of the domain controllers in this domain.
    Pressing 'Detect Now' does nothing, and trying to select New Baseline DC shows again same pop up than before.
    5) Last, but not least, I've feeling that GPO takes too much to apply. I've found scenarios in which even after executing 'gpupdate /force' correctly on client computer either local or domain admin, I can't see the new changes (gpresult says it has been
    updated though). But couldn't find anything on eventlog that informs about problems with GPOs...
    For all these strange behaviours I've noticed in last month that I started checking things as sys admin, I believe domain is damaged, or something is wrong there (not just my new server 2012R2, even if it's running inside an ESX, blehh), so please, any hint
    on what to check, what to change, what to fix, would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Paul,
    Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out all broken things reported by tests :( Guess Jesper's suggestion about adding a new 2008 DC to get rid of 2003 and start checking again after that may be best option.
    I'll try to summarize list of things I believe are wrong:
    DCDIAG /V /C /D /E /s:yourdcname > c:\dcdiag.log  for every DC, shows different errors. They show things such as:
    another domain running here (not administered by us, only relationship is that our users are shared with that domain, nothing else) appear when Printing out pDsInfo (as if they were DC of our domain too, but they do not even share RootDomain). Guess it
    may be for a bug old sys admin had when clonning from his 2008R2 template, that forgot to change SID... I already noticed 1 year ago our print server shared SID with those DC, guess there may be more servers sharing SID too :-(
    Within Starting test: Replications, I see few messages at Replication Latency Check, such as the one for CN=Schema, CN=Configuration, DC=<ourdomain>: 
    Latency information for 35 entries in the vector were ignored.
                      35 were retired Invocations.  0 were either: read-only replicas and are not verifiably latent, or dc's no longer replicating this nc.  0 had no latency information (Win2K DC)
    On Services test, I see an 
       Invalid service type: RpcSs on DC-DOMAIN-3, current value
                WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, expected value WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS
    On SystemLog, I see LOTS of warnings/errors such as:
    A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x80000002
                Time Generated: 07/28/2014   08:21:54
                (Event String (event log = System) could not be retrieved, error
             An error event occurred.  EventID: 0xC0000003
                Time Generated: 07/28/2014   08:22:18
                (Event String (event log = System) could not be retrieved, error
    Missing entries on DNS (we've a static DNS)
    netdiag.exe /v > c:\netdiag.log Showed again DNS problems such as our primary DNS pointing to all DC, secondary
    DNS pointing just to DC with FSMO roles,...
    repadmin.exe /showrepl * /verbose /all /intersite > c:\repl.txt  Gave no errors, now I must check in detail
    if every replica is correct
    And finally,
    dnslint /ad /s "ip address of your dc"  gave more DNS problems:
    One or more DNS servers may not be authoritative for the domain
    One or more DNS servers did not respond to UDP queries
    One or more zone files may have expired
    SOA record data was unavailable and/or missing on one or more DNS servers
    Sumarizing, guess it will be better to fix DNS problems, promote new 2008R2 DC to get rid of 2003 one, promote domain to 2008 too, check again for messages and relationship with other domain, and then come back here for support if needed 
    EDIT: Almost forgot to talk about SYSVOL folder. As said before, there are 426 GPO folders inside Policies. Of them, 375 have an inetres.adm files in it (smallest one 1398 KB, almost all of them 2307 or 2707 kb).... 

  • Strange behaviour in Mail

    I have ongoing strange behaviour with Mail in Mountain Lion on a MacBook Pro.
    As well as randomly and intermitttently dropping connections to my various mail servers, I also, randomly and intermittently, fail to get to Print, or to create a new Mailbox, or to Quit. I just get a beep.
    Have to quit Mail - sometimes forcibly, and restart it.
    Mail will not automatically reconnect to servers after a Sleep , or moving to a differnt location.
    None of this was happenning on an older MacBook, but I was running 10.7 on that machine.
    Had to upgrade machine to allow upgrade to Mountain Lion.  Not sure which is responsible - new MB PRo , or 10.8?!
    Do I really have to re-install OSX  just to reinstall Mail?
    Any other pointers/hints very welcome.

    Please follow these directions to delete the Mail "sandbox" folder.
    Back up all data.
    Triple-click the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal
    from the contextual menu.* A Finder window should open with a folder named "" selected. If it does, move the selected folder — not just its contents — to the Desktop. Leave the Finder window open for now.
    Log out and log back in. Launch Mail and test. If the problem is resolved, you may have to recreate some of your Mail settings. You can then delete the folder you moved and close the Finder window. If you still have the problem, quit Mail again and put the folder back where it was, overwriting the one that may have been created in its place. Post your results.
    Caution: If you change any of the contents of the sandbox, but leave the folder itself in place, Mail may crash or not launch at all. Deleting the whole sandbox will cause it to be rebuilt automatically.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C). In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar, paste into the box that opens (command-V). You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

  • Strange Behaviour into Runtime Workbench

    Hi all,
    I have a question for us.
    Into our system PI 7.1 we have a strange behaviour in Runtime Workbench - Message Monitoring.
    When I choose for the fiel "FROM" the value "Database" I obtain the list of software component that I find the value "Integration Server".
    But when I choose the value "Database (Overview)" the value "Integration Server" into list of software component doesn't exist.
    Why Do the system have this behaviour?
    best regards,
    Davide Bruno

           The old way of seeing msg use - the db option... In Pi 71 the db overiew options gives you an aggregated view of ur messages. this is very helpful in tracking repeated failures, anylysing the types of failures etc...The "strange" view is actually a pretty neat tool... We used to do this in excel sheets after dowloading the  report from sxmb_moni..
    Arvind R

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