Strange items in Address Book

I have a very strange situation, open Mail to do a new email, to address the email I type in Frank, nothing comes up, but yet I have 4 names with Frank in them. If I try the same thing addressing with Larry it shows all of the Larry's I have. The names show in the address book within the Mail program
Everything is listed last name then first name, I have rebuilt the address's in Address book an have replaced the address book .pilst. This is happening on just one computer, the other works fine, I have copied over the address from one computer to the other.
When typing in the name Frank the wheel just goes round and round
Any suggestions?

And does that address correctly populate the To box in the new message composition window?
Would it be possible for me to see that address, as in not a privacy issue? If OK, then Save as Draft, use one click to open it in the Draft mailbox, then with a New Message addressed to me, click on Edit and choose Append Selected Messages.
My address can be found by clicking on my name to the left.

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    Start by backing up the user/Library/Application Support/Addressbook folder.
    In that folder is a file called AddressBook-v22.abcddb. Delete that and start address book. That will delete the index and have AB recreate it. I don't know if that is the problem, but may be.
    On a different tack, download and install the 10.6.3 combo updater. It may fix what is broken. However, most problems are data-related, not the application itself.
    Can you log into a different user and open Address Book? Just create a new user account for testing, if there isn't another. I keep one just for checking stuff like this. Checking in a different user will tell us if it is a system-wide problem, or just that one particular user.

  • Apple Script to Sort through the Address Book

    Dear All,
    I am quite new to Apple and just a learner on Apple-scripts. Its been quite a task to learn.. I would require some help on a few things..
    The script will eventually use numbers to send email and get the user inputs and any yet to reach there..
    After going through lots of scripts to sort through the address book and make a clean address book, i found they are quite slow in processing takes about 20~30 Minutes to get through 2000 Contacts..
    Hence after reading posting of Mr. Koenig & Mr. Hiroto and specifically on deep copy. I have written the following code which does the following on 2000 records within 6~8Mins.
    The Script work its way through all the contact is the address List.. and creates Groups
    1. Duplicate Email Id's — List of Contacts with same email ID's including Contacts where the email Id is entered twice.. (Strange.. Address Book Issue, copy of the email Id under work & home)
    2. Duplicate Phone — List of Contacts with same Phone Numbers including Contacts where the Phone Nos is entered twice.
    3. Duplicate Name — List of Contacts with Same Names
    4. Duplicate No Name — List of Contacts without the First Name and Last Name
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    2. Only Phone — List of Contacts with Phone Numbers and No Email Id's
    3. No Email or Phone — List of Contacts with No Email Id's and No Phone numbers (some half completed contacts )
    My Question to the forum is why is the following code still taking too much time..
    set onlyDupEList to every person of group theGroupEmail
    repeat with j from 1 to count of Dup_email
    set tempdata to item j of Dup_email
    if onlyDupEList does not contain {tempdata} then add tempdata to group theGroupEmail
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    and the scripts slows down when the items in the list is quite large (over 800 or so )..
    Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance..
    -- the code ---
    global MsgTitle
    on run
    set MsgTitle to "Search for Duplicates in Address Book Contacts"
    display dialog ¬
    "This Script takes a while to finish" & return & "maybe 10 min or More..." & return & "Depending on the Address Book Contacts." & return & return & "Hence Allow it to run for the while" with title MsgTitle ¬
    with icon 1 ¬
    buttons {"Continue"} ¬
    giving up after 5
    set question to display dialog "Select the Duplicate Search Parameter " with icon 1 with title MsgTitle ¬
    buttons {"Contact Name", "Contacts on Phone & Email Id's", "Quit"} default button 3
    set rtnValue to button returned of question
    if rtnValue is "Quit" then
    -- tell application "Address Book" to quit
    tell me to quit
    end if
    if rtnValue is "Contact Name" then
    -- tell application "Address Book" to quit
    GetDup_byName("Duplicate Name")
    end if
    if rtnValue is "Contacts on Phone & Email Id's" then --Contacts on Phone & Email Id's
    -- tell application "Address Book" to quit
    end if
    end run
    --- Search on Name Field ---
    on GetDup_byName(theGroupName)
    set question to display dialog "Do you want to search for duplicates based on Names? " with icon 0 with title MsgTitle ¬
    buttons {"Continue", "Quit"} default button 1
    set rtnValue to button returned of question
    if rtnValue is "Quit" then
    -- tell application "Address Book" to quit
    tell me to quit
    end if
    tell application "Address Book"
    set biglist to {}
    set NoNameList to {}
    set theGroupNoName to "Duplicates No Names"
    set theGroup to theGroupName
    -- if not (exists (group "Dupilicate Entries")) then
    if not (exists (group theGroup)) then
    make new group with properties {name:theGroup}
    end if
    if not (exists (group theGroupNoName)) then
    make new group with properties {name:theGroupNoName}
    end if
    set the_names to name of people
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the_names
    set theName to item i of the_names
    -- return theName
    if theName is not in biglist then
    copy theName to end of biglist
    set counter to (people whose name is theName)
    if (count of counter) > 1 then
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in counter
    set this_item to item i of counter
    -- display dialog this_item
    add this_item to group theGroup
    end repeat
    -- return counter as string
    end if
    end if
    -- captures the Contacts without Name ---
    if theName contains "@" then
    -- display dialog theName
    set counterList to (people whose name is theName)
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in counterList
    set this_item to item i of counterList
    -- display dialog this_item
    add this_item to group theGroupNoName
    end repeat
    end if
    -- save application "Address Book"
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    set peopleCount to (count every person)
    -- set peopleCount to 50 -- only for testing --
    repeat with i from 1 to peopleCount
    set first_name to first name of person i as string
    set Last_Name to last name of person i as string
    if first_name is equal to "missing value" and Last_Name is equal to "missing value" then
    -- display dialog first_name & " : " & Last_Name
    set end of NoNameList to (id of person i)
    end if
    end repeat
    repeat with j from 1 to the count of NoNameList
    set tempdata to item j of NoNameList
    -- set testdata to person id tempdata
    -- if (name of groups of testdata does not contain theGroupNoEmail) then
    add tempdata to group theGroupNoName
    -- end if
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"*)
    display dialog ¬
    "This Script Finished Processing Address Book Contacts the Duplicates are in the group" with title MsgTitle ¬
    with icon 1 ¬
    buttons {"Continue"} ¬
    giving up after 5
    end tell
    end GetDup_byName
    on Get_dup()
    set question to display dialog "Do you want to search for duplicates based on Names? " with icon 0 with title MsgTitle ¬
    buttons {"Continue", "Quit"} default button 1
    set rtnValue to button returned of question
    if rtnValue is "Quit" then
    -- tell application "Address Book" to quit
    tell me to quit
    end if
    tell application "Address Book"
    set theGroupEmail to "Duplicate Email Id's"
    set theGroupPhone to "Duplicate Phone"
    set theGroupNoEmail to "Only Phone Numbers"
    set thegroupNoPhone to "Only Email Id's"
    set theGroupNoData to "No Email or Phone"
    -- set theGroup to theGroupName
    if not (exists (group theGroupEmail)) then
    make new group with properties {name:theGroupEmail}
    save "Address Book"
    end if
    if not (exists (group theGroupPhone)) then
    make new group with properties {name:theGroupPhone}
    save "Address Book"
    end if
    if not (exists (group theGroupNoEmail)) then
    make new group with properties {name:theGroupNoEmail}
    save "Address Book"
    end if
    if not (exists (group thegroupNoPhone)) then
    make new group with properties {name:thegroupNoPhone}
    save "Address Book"
    end if
    if not (exists (group theGroupNoData)) then
    make new group with properties {name:theGroupNoData}
    save "Address Book"
    end if
    set ListofPeople to people --the_ID
    set ListofEmailID to value of emails of people --the_emails
    -- return ListofEmailID
    set ListofPhones to value of phone of people -- the_phones
    -- return ListofPhones
    set biglist to {}
    set ListEmail_Uniq to {}
    set ListEmail_Dup to {}
    set No_PhoneList to {}
    set No_EmailList to {}
    set No_dataList to {}
    set FlagEmail to false
    set FlagPhone to false
    -- repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the_emails
    repeat with i from 1 to count of ListofEmailID
    set thePersonID to item i of ListofPeople
    set theEmails to item i of ListofEmailID
    if theEmails is equal to {} then
    set end of No_EmailList to thePersonID
    -- set FlagEmail to true
    repeat with j from 1 to count of theEmails
    set tmpdata to item j of theEmails
    -- return tmpdata
    if tmpdata is not in biglist then
    set end of biglist to tmpdata
    set end of ListEmail_Uniq to {tmpdata} & {thePersonID}
    set end of ListEmail_Dup to {tmpdata} & {thePersonID}
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    -- return ListEmail_Uniq
    -- return ListEmail_Dup
    -- save application "Address Book"
    set biglist to {}
    set ListPhone_Uniq to {}
    set ListPhone_Dup to {}
    -- repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the_emails
    repeat with i from 1 to count of ListofPhones
    set thePersonID to item i of ListofPeople
    set thePhones to item i of ListofPhones
    if thePhones is equal to {} then
    set end of No_PhoneList to thePersonID
    -- set FlagPhone to true
    repeat with j from 1 to count of thePhones
    set tmpdata to item j of thePhones
    -- return tmpdata
    if tmpdata is not in biglist then
    set end of biglist to tmpdata
    set end of ListPhone_Uniq to {tmpdata} & {thePersonID}
    set end of ListPhone_Dup to {tmpdata} & {thePersonID}
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    -- return ListPhone_Uniq
    -- return ListPhone_Dup
    set the Dup_email to {}
    -- Find the Duplicates from the sorted list --
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of ListEmail_Dup
    set tempdata to item i of ListEmail_Dup
    set dataEmailDup to item 1 of tempdata
    set dataPersonDup to item 2 of tempdata
    repeat with j from 1 to the count of ListEmail_Uniq
    set tempdata to item j of ListEmail_Uniq
    set dataEmailUniq to item 1 of tempdata
    set dataPersonUniq to item 2 of tempdata
    -- display dialog mainEmail1 & "=" & mainEmail2 & " " & mainID1 & "=" & mainID2
    if dataEmailDup is equal to dataEmailUniq then
    set end of Dup_email to dataPersonDup -- & "," & dataPersonUniq
    set end of Dup_email to dataPersonUniq
    end if
    (* -- the code takes lot more time if add to group was used --
    if dataEmailDup is equal to dataEmailUniq then
    set testdata to person id dataPersonDup
    add testdata to group theGroup
    set testdata to person id dataPersonUniq
    add testdata to group theGroup
    end if
    end repeat
    end repeat
    -- return Dup_email
    set the Dup_Phone to {}
    -- Find the Duplicates from the sorted list --
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of ListPhone_Dup
    set tempdata to item i of ListPhone_Dup
    set dataPhoneDup to item 1 of tempdata
    set dataPersonDup to item 2 of tempdata
    repeat with j from 1 to the count of ListPhone_Uniq
    set tempdata to item j of ListPhone_Uniq
    set dataPhoneUniq to item 1 of tempdata
    set dataPersonUniq to item 2 of tempdata
    -- display dialog mainEmail1 & "=" & mainEmail2 & " " & mainID1 & "=" & mainID2
    if dataPhoneDup is equal to dataPhoneUniq then
    set end of Dup_Phone to dataPersonDup -- & "," & dataPersonUniq
    set end of Dup_Phone to dataPersonUniq
    end if
    (*if dataPhoneDup is equal to dataPhoneUniq then
    set testdata to person id dataPersonDup
    add testdata to group theGroup
    set testdata to person id dataPersonUniq
    add testdata to group theGroup
    -- save
    end if*)
    end repeat
    end repeat
    -- return Dup_Phone
    set onlyDupEList to every person of group theGroupEmail
    repeat with j from 1 to count of Dup_email
    set tempdata to item j of Dup_email
    if onlyDupEList does not contain {tempdata} then add tempdata to group theGroupEmail
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    set onlyDupPList to every person of group theGroupPhone
    repeat with j from 1 to count of Dup_Phone
    set tempdata to item j of Dup_Phone
    if onlyDupPList does not contain {tempdata} then add tempdata to group theGroupPhone
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    set onlyPhoneList to every person of group theGroupNoEmail
    repeat with j from 1 to the count of No_EmailList
    set tempdata1 to item j of No_EmailList
    if No_PhoneList does not contain {tempdata1} then
    if onlyPhoneList does not contain {tempdata1} then add tempdata1 to group theGroupNoEmail
    end if
    (*set flagE to false
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of No_PhoneList
    set tempdata2 to item i of No_PhoneList
    if tempdata1 is equal to tempdata2 then
    set flagE to true
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    if flagE is false then add tempdata1 to group theGroupNoEmail*)
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    set onlyEmailList to every person of group thegroupNoPhone
    repeat with j from 1 to the count of No_PhoneList
    set tempdata1 to item j of No_PhoneList
    if No_EmailList does not contain {tempdata1} then
    if onlyEmailList does not contain {tempdata1} then add tempdata1 to group thegroupNoPhone
    end if
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    set onlyList to every person of group theGroupNoData
    repeat with i from 1 to count of ListofPeople
    if (item i of ListofEmailID is equal to {}) and (item i of ListofPhones is equal to {}) then
    set tempdata to item i of ListofPeople
    if onlyList does not contain {tempdata} then add tempdata to group theGroupNoData
    end if
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    display dialog ¬
    "This Script Finished Processing Address Book Contacts the Duplicates are in the group" with title MsgTitle ¬
    with icon 1 ¬
    buttons {"Continue"} ¬
    giving up after 5
    end tell
    end Get_dup
    on quit
    --set MsgTitle to "Change Email ID's Domain Name"
    save application "Address Book"
    display dialog "Contact Srikanth Kamath at [email protected] for any Help" with title MsgTitle with icon 1 buttons "OK"
    continue quit
    end quit

    Hello Srikanth Kamath,
    I'm not sure you're still following this thread, but anyway here's sample code I said I'd post later.
    on main()
    script o
    -- input data
    property xx : {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} -- list of parents
    property yy : {{"g", "h"}, {"a", "b"}, {"b", "e", "f"}, {"e"}, {"c", "d"}} -- list of children per parent
    -- work list
    property pp : {} -- list of children tagged by parent; i.e, lits of {child, parent}
    property qq : {}
    property rr : {}
    -- (1) build list of children tagged by parent
    repeat with i from 1 to count my xx
    set x to my xx's item i
    set y to my yy's item i
    repeat with p in y
    set end of my pp to {p's contents, x}
    end repeat
    end repeat
    --return pp -- {{"g", 1}, {"h", 1}, {"a", 2}, {"b", 2}, {"b", 3}, {"e", 3}, {"f", 3}, {"e", 4}, {"c", 5}, {"d", 5}}
    -- (2) sort tagged list by child as key
    msort(my by_key1, my pp)
    --return pp -- {{"a", 2}, {"b", 2}, {"b", 3}, {"c", 5}, {"d", 5}, {"e", 3}, {"e", 4}, {"f", 3}, {"g", 1}, {"h", 1}}
    -- (3) retrieve parents with duplicate child
    (* retrieve list of {child, parent} for duplicate child *)
    set my qq to uniq(my eq_key1, my pp, {_dup:true})
    --return qq -- {{"b", 2}, {"b", 3}, {"e", 3}, {"e", 4}}
    (* retrieve list of parent *)
    repeat with q in my qq
    set r to q's item 2
    if r is not in my rr then set end of my rr to r
    end repeat
    return rr -- {2, 3, 4}
    end script
    tell o to run
    end main
    on by_key1(x, y)
    msort's comparator for list of lists
    key = item 1, ascending
    returns true iff x and y are out of order
    return x's item 1 > y's item 1
    end by_key1
    on eq_key1(x, y)
    uniq's comparator for list of lists
    key = item 1
    returns true iff x and y are considered equal
    return x's item 1 = y's item 1
    end eq_key1
    on msort(cmp_, aa) -- v1.2f2
    Basic recursive merge sort handler having list sorted in place.
    handler cmp_ : comparator
    * cmp_(x, y) must return true iff list element x and y are out of order.
    list aa : list to be sorted in place
    script o
    property parent : {} -- limit closure to minimum
    property xx : aa -- to be sorted in place
    property xxl : count my xx
    property yy : {}
    property cmp : cmp_
    on merge(p, q, r)
    property xx: source list
    integer p, q, r : absolute indices to specify range to be merged such that
    xx's items p thru r is the target range,
    xx's items p thru (q-1) is the first sublist,
    xx's items q thru r is the second sublist.
    (p < q <= r)
    local i, j, k, xp, xr, yi, yj, ix, jx
    if r - p = 1 then
    set xp to my xx's item p
    set xr to my xx's item r
    if my cmp(xp, xr) then
    set my xx's item p to xr
    set my xx's item r to xp
    end if
    return -- exit
    if p < q - 1 then merge(p, (p + q) div 2, q - 1)
    merge(q, (q + r + 1) div 2, r)
    end if
    At this point, sublits xx[p, q-1] and xx[q, r] have been already sorted (p < q <= r)
    if my cmp(my xx's item (q - 1), my xx's item q) then
    else -- xx[p, q-1] & xx[q, r] are already sorted
    end if
    set yy to my xx's items p thru r -- working copy for comparison
    set ix to q - p
    set jx to r - p + 1
    set i to 1
    set j to q - p + 1
    set k to p
    set yi to my yy's item i
    set yj to my yy's item j
    if my cmp(yi, yj) then
    set my xx's item k to yj
    set j to j + 1
    set k to k + 1
    if j > jx then
    set my xx's item k to yi
    set i to i + 1
    set k to k + 1
    repeat until k > r
    set my xx's item k to my yy's item i
    set i to i + 1
    set k to k + 1
    end repeat
    end if
    set yj to my yy's item j
    set my xx's item k to yi
    set i to i + 1
    set k to k + 1
    if i > ix then
    set my xx's item k to yj
    set j to j + 1
    set k to k + 1
    repeat until k > r
    set my xx's item k to my yy's item j
    set j to j + 1
    set k to k + 1
    end repeat
    end if
    set yi to my yy's item i
    end if
    end repeat
    end merge
    on cmp(x, y)
    (* primary comparator *)
    return x > y
    end cmp
    local d, i, j
    if xxl ≤ 1 then return
    if cmp_ = {} then set my cmp to cmp -- comparator fallback
    my merge(1, (xxl + 1) div 2, xxl)
    end script
    tell o to run
    end msort
    on uniq(eq_, aa, {dup:dup}) -- v0.21
    handler eq_ : comparator eq_(x, y) that returns true iff x and y are considered equal
    list aa : pre-sorted list
    (precisely, a list organized such that any duplicate items are adjacent to each other)
    boolean _dup : option whether return unique items or duplicate items
    return duplicate if true, unique otherwise.
    script o
    property parent : {} -- limit closure to minimum
    property xx : aa
    property yy : {}
    property eq : eq_
    on eq(x, y)
    (* primitive comparator *)
    x = y
    end eq
    if eq_ = {} then set my eq to my eq -- comparator fallback
    local t, x, _on
    if (count my xx) < 2 then return my xx's contents
    if _dup then
    set _on to false
    set t to my xx's item 1
    repeat with i from 2 to count my xx
    set x to my xx's item i
    if eq(x, t) then
    set end of my yy to t
    set _on to true
    else if _on then
    set end of my yy to t
    set _on to false
    end if
    set t to x
    end repeat
    if _on then set end of my yy to x
    return my yy's contents -- return duplicate elements
    set t to my xx's item 1
    set end of my yy to t
    repeat with i from 2 to count my xx
    set x to my xx's item i
    if eq(x, t) then
    set end of my yy to x
    set t to x
    end if
    end repeat
    return my yy's contents -- return uinque elements
    end if
    end script
    tell o to run
    end uniq
    In order to apply it to your current Address Book problem, replace the main() handler with something like the following one.
    --SCRIPT2a (part)
    on main()
    script o
    -- input data
    property xx : {} -- list of parent; given later
    property yy : {} -- list of children per parent; given later
    -- work list
    property pp : {} -- list of children tagged by parent; i.e, lits of {child, parent}
    property qq : {}
    property rr : {}
    -- (0) get input data from AB
    tell application "Address Book"
    tell people
    set xx to its id
    set yy to its every email's value
    end tell
    end tell
    -- (1) build list of children tagged by parent *)
    (* omitted (same as the previous) *)
    -- (2) sort tagged list by child as key
    (* omitted (same as the previous) *)
    -- (3) retrieve parents with duplicate child
    (* omitted (same as the previous) *)
    -- (4) group the retrieved people in AB
    tell application "Address Book"
    repeat with r in my rr
    add person id r to group "duplicate email"
    end repeat
    end tell
    end script
    tell o to run
    end main
    Good luck,
    Message was edited by: Hiroto

  • Address Book Changes Main Account Name . . .

    Lately I have been noticing a very strange behavior in Address Book/iChat/Mail (they all reflect the problem once it happens).
    I have my first name as "XYZ" (for example), and my last name is left blank. Then, out of nowhere, it fills in the first letter of my last name, and correctly too!
    Where is this coming from?
    Could it be autofill from Safari? Or something in Mail?
    This also then appears in my iChat handle (which is clearly linked to the Address Book, because when I go into the Address Book and delete this letter from the last name field it disappears from iChat instantly as well).

    I discovered that it is coming from Apple Mail. When you have your name in Apple Mail in the "Previous Recipients" it somehow gets grabbed and transfered from there. When you remove it from the "Previous Recipients" and then set your Address Book how you like your name to be, it sticks!

  • Contact not displayed in address book but appears in mail merge list

    Using Outlook 2013 to do a mail merge. Items in address book updated - some deleted, edited, etc. - appear correctly in Outlook. Using the import/export function in Outlook or the mail merge wizard in Word 2013 produce the same list of names - no deletes
    or edits that were made in Outlook. Some items in Outlook were missing. I've tried adding them which appears to work but they do not show up in Outlook. Could there be 2 files?

    Yes. I've deleted ALL contacts and resync'ed. I've deleted the number from both Google Contacts and the iPhone. I've tried adding just from Google Contacts and I've tried just adding on the iPhone. I've tried the number with the 1, without the 1, etc.

  • Can't search for certain characters in Address Book

    Hello all,
    Since there is no search and replace in Address Book, I have this problem: I long ago entered some 3 digit area codes with abbreviated versions such as "9/" or "8/", etc. I now wish to change the abbreviated versions to the actual three digit area codes, and there are quite a lot of them. But when I search for "9/", for instance, the search returns every entry of "9", but no example of anything containing "/". I guess this is a limitation (albeit a strange one) of Address Book or OSX itself.
    Does anyone have a clue how I can make the necessary changes, or if there is a search & replace script or application available?

    From the iPod Touch (4.1) Users Guide:
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  • Help, address book launches firefox

    Everytime I launch address book, firefox boots too.  I believe address book thinks Firefox is my default browser, and I'm guessing the "Add URL to <browser>" menu item in Address book wants to connect to Firefox even though it isn't running, because my menu item says "Firefox".  However, Firefox is no longer my default browser, Chrome is.  Firefox hasn't been my default browser for months, and I keep setting Chrome to be my default browser, but the Address Book just doesn't listen.
    I hate having to wait for Firefox to book just to find an address.  Help please.

    Gaygilmore, have you had any additional insights into your problem, which I share? In my case I sync my address book through MobileMe and have the same data on two different computers. What's puzzling is that one computer launches Firefox when Address Book is launched but on the other I don't see this behavior. The two computers run the same OS X version, both have Chrome as the default browser and both have Firefox installed. Of course there are other variations with the apps, plug-ins and extensions installed on each computer so this is not a completely same to same comparison.
    And are you really still running OS X 10.4.7?
    Steps I've taken: 1) uninstalled Firefox and deleted the Firefox prefs file and emptied Trash. In this case when Address Book launches it is apparently still looking for Firefox so I get a dialog box asking me to indicate where Firefox is. 2) Deleted Quicksilver. No change. 3) checked selected URLs in the address book contacts after uninstalling Firefox. Clicking on a URL opens the page in Chrome. No love so far.

  • Running applescript applications from Address Book - elegantly

    I have done quite a lot of scripting for my Address Book - using URL's I have defined groups, categories and loactions.
    I have written a number of useful apple scripts to help me manipulate my address book, and compiled these into applications.
    The only thing I have trouble with is running these in an elegant fashion. I generally need to run these when address book is active, but currently that means I have to make the finder active, navigate to the location of the application, and then run the application via a double click.
    I would like to integrate the applications into the address book GUI. So options would be to add buttons in the top pane to launch the applications, or add menu items to address book menus (with keyboard shortcuts).
    Maybe there is other ways - I did some reading on services and fully didn't get them.
    I find the apple script icon in the top right menu bar to be very slow - and I have too deep a folder structure for my scripts to come up.
    Does anyone know of an elegant way to launch a application from within Address book? Thanks

    I'd assign the script to a keyboard shortcut.
    "Powerful Keyboard Shortcuts
    Global or application-specific control at the tip of your fingers. You'll spend less time mousing and more time doing."
    from redshirt web site.
    There are a lot of keyboard shortcuts apps around. I use
    iKey is a front end program that simulates typing and mouse movements. I use iKey to remap the Function keys.
    "iKey is an automation utility, a program that creates shortcuts to accomplish repetitive tasks. In essence, an iKey shortcut is a little program in its own right, but you don't need to know the first thing about programming to create an iKey shortcut. All you have to do is put together three necessary parts of a shortcut: One or more commands that give the shortcut its functionality, a context in which it runs, and a launcher that defines how the shortcut is activated."
    I've noticed that the first time I run the script it is kind of slow. The second & subsequent times seem fast enough. I embed the script source into the iKey control file.
    If your saying your script is running too slow once it gets control, that's another post.

  • Imail and address book integration

    When is Apple going to integrate the organizer programs (ical, imail, address book) so that you can jump from one to the other (like in entourage)? It would make things so much easier.

    This is what the dock is for.
    I have icons for the 3 programs in the dock, so I can run them as needed, but iCal is always running (it is a login item) and Mail I usually start when I start the powerbook (about once a week) (I don't know why I haven't made it a login item) and Address Book starts so quickly that I don't bother starting it until needed. So the 3 are constantly running and instantly selectable. I usually minimise the Mail window when not looking at it and close the iCal window (iCal reopens it very fast, and it reduces the clutter in the dock), but if there are several window open I can click F9 (the default may be different - I think I changed it) to show all windows to pick the one I want.
    If I am looking at the Address Book and want to email someone in it I select their card, click their email address and write the email. If I am already looking at Mail I can start a new message, start typing the name and it will quickly auto-complete from AB. If I want to arrange a meeting with someone I drop their card onto the appropriate date in iCal. If I have already added a meeting in iCal I can click the attendees lable to open their card in AB - to check their address of phone number for example. If I receive email from someone not in my AB and want to add them I do it directly from Mail.
    The problem with the "one program" approach is that it tends to get bigger and more complicated, and the bigger the program the harder it is to have it right. If there is something particular the requires 2 or 3 of the programs to do you can often achieve it quite simply with Automator or Applescript (see this thread for example).

  • Address Book behaves very strange

    Hello members and outside viewers,
    First thing: My Address Book behaves very strange.
    - After startup, the window freezes. Only if I minimize and click again, works OK. I began used to it, BUT
    - Since yesterday, Addresses gone, disappeared from every entry.
    - Under Preferences » Address Format is uneditable, it has "Item3" in it, unclickable drop down menu.
    - Under Preferences »Template » Add Field several options are grey: "Phone", "Email", "Related Names", "Instant Messaging", "Address".
    Please can you help me! I deleted both plist files from Preferences folder and deleted the whole folder under Application Support/AddressBook, also reinstalled Address Book from Leopard DVD, but nothing helped so far.
    Second thing: when I invoke Spotlight, and start typing after 2-3 seconds, it quits and also Dock unusable, restarts automatically. Spotlight is useless, it behaves every time like this. Spotlight in Finder windows are OK, system-wide menubar has this error. Also, it was suddenly gone wrong like Address Book. Can I think of some virus?
    P.S. (off topic), might helpful to share: very frustating, that registering to Discussions took me over an hour.
    - With Safari 4.03 the "Name" and "AppleID" are blank fields on "Create New User Account", therefore impossible to proceed. ( Error: invalid AppleID. Please login with a different AppleID )
    - With Firefox you can actually see them, but "?" instead of accounted letters.
    - After changing My Info, I finally realised that Apple ID should be complete e-mail address.
    - That means my "visionfresh" account is totally different from "[email protected]" (or, whatever..)
    - Not to mention that I created a new Apple ID, that was also not working.
    - Bottom line: my "[email protected]" account is working also in Safari after editing my Name (replace accented characters), but I could not proceed with the nickname "visionfresh", I chose "matyashuszar".

    {quote:title=Console.App shows this when starting Address Book}
    2009.09.03. 18:45:48 Mail[228] SyncServices[ISyncSessionDriver]: Caught top level exception: I/O error for database at /Users/matyashuszar/Library/Mail/AvailableFeeds. SQLite error code:1, 'SQL logic error or missing database' Stack trace: (0x91ffcfeb 0x966c4e3b 0x92071f1a 0x920713f8 0x9206d18b 0x920a2e40 0x92097c2d 0x920977da 0x92077001 0x38767c 0x38758d 0x38751a 0x92061302 0x920a7260 0x920a6ad4 0x920a67ff 0x920633c8 0x92062f99 0x92061ea0 0x387303 0x38748e 0x1627da55 0x94ddd1e8 0x94dc923d 0x94e632cb 0x904d1dfd 0x904d19a4 0x95d56155 0x95d56012)
    2009.09.03. 18:51:27 Address Book[6144] -[ABAddressBook setDefaultCountryCode:] called with unknown country code 'us'
    2009.09.03. 18:51:27 Address Book[6144] NSScanner: nil string argument
    2009.09.03. 18:51:27 Address Book[6144] * -[NSCFArray insertObject:atIndex:]: attempt to insert nil
    Please help what to to do!

  • Address Book entries have very strange appearance

    Since updating to Leopard, my Address Book entries have a very strange appearance. When I copy and paste them the info is correct, but in the Address Book right-hand window the name (first and last) appears like gobbledigook, as if it was a strange font that is almost like mathematical equations
    With my utmost thanks in advance (as ever) if anyone has the answer to this weird problem
    Kind Regards

    Thanks a million for taking the trouble to respond Ashka.
    I was only reminded of the problem when I opened a web page and saw a similar effect on a couple of lines as I had in my Address Book and having discovered your response, I followed your instructions and on scanning through my fonts, I also turned off "Helvetica Fractions" (as the gobbledigook looked as if it might be fractions). One of these actions seems to have done the trick.
    Whilst looking for a particular font a while back, I ended up downloading absolutely hundreds, but it wasn't until I foolishly installed them all that I realised what a mistake I had made, as Word wouldn't even open, as it couldn't cope with the number of fonts. So I had to keep deleting fonts until Word was happy and even now, I still have far too many fonts. I kid myself that I like having so much to choose from, but truth is I am never going to use 90 per cent of them. Moreover, having discovered this problem, I wonder if there are any others in there that are going to cause me problems in the future?
    Again, can't thank you enough for your trouble
    Best Regards

  • Strange address book sync: only older contacts synced

    strange problem with syncing my contacts from apple address book (system 10.6.8) to iPod touch (latest iOs):
    all my newer contacts are ignored, only older ones are synced.
    Any idea? Thanks in advance

    No, not yet, I never knew that iSync has something to do with my ipod ...
    I will give it a try and report.

  • Unfamiliar Icon on Address book item list

    Hi All,
    We have a address book record with some Weird  name , we don't know what is that record for. Are there any way to check all the aliases on office 365 mails.
    The icon shown on the address book item is look like bellow. Can any one please tell me what is this icon mean. Also tell me how to find this in our office 365 account as we don't have a mail account like this.
    d.n weerasinghe

    That's a mail-enabled public folder.
    Twitter!: Please Note: My Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

  • Hide function in Login Items doesn't work for iChat and Address Book app.

    There is a problem with the hide function for iChat and Address Book application in Login Items. If you go to System Preferences, click on Login Items, add the iChat and Address Book application to the Login Items, activate the hide function for iChat and Address Book application and restart your Mac iChat and Address Book application will start with opening a window. Normally this shouldn't happen if the hide function in Login Items is activated for iChat and Address Book application.
    Message was edited by: Roman Patrice Gego

    Your link refers to changes to 10.6.3 prior release as tested by Developers.
    The numbering system tells us that. (Build 10Dxxx).
    Therefore it is an Update and not an Upgrade, therefore no-one is going to get charged.
    If the article is the so called Release Notes then they mention nothing about correcting any issue with Login Items Hiding.
    If you think an issue is being missed there is a place to report that, from this icon view list which includes Hardware and Software.
    I personally have not tested Login Items Hiding as I tend to think there is no point in having an App open if it not on the Desktop.
    As Kappy pointed out there was little progress on a similar issue with Leopard.
    This could be interpreted that Apple feel that the issue does not effect enough people or that other issues are more important.
    As anyone and everyone can report Issues and contribute their ideas to the OS and it's improvement via the Feedback links it would seem to be a question of enough people bringing it to Apple's Attention.
    I would tend to work on Issues that stopped an App functioning first, linked with integration with the OS and any changes to the major parts of it such as a Quicktime.
    Lesser issues that maybe more cosmetic in appearance would tend to fall down my list of things to do.
    Presumably Apple have a grading system on such things that may not fit with either of our views.
    As Apple don't reveal any details about the OS Updates or even Upgrades then anything any of us think we interpret as a pattern is just that - an interpretation.
    Consequently anything we say on the subject is then likely to be seen as speculation under the Terms of Use of these Boards.
    8:28 PM Sunday; May 9, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • Strange Problem with Mail & Address Book

    I'm having a strange problem with Mail & Address Book.
    When I go to compose a new message from Mail and hit the Address button (to show my email addresses), it won't launch the contacts window!
    I get this log from console;
    2007-10-15 22:55:59.079 Mail[410] * -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (0) beyond bounds (0)
    If I try to launch the Address Book from my Applications folder, it won't open, and it gives me this log from console;
    2007-10-15 22:57:57.348 Address Book[417] * -[NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData:]: data is NULL
    Oct 15 22:57:57 PB-G4 /Applications/Address Book: CGImageSourceCreateWithData data parameter is nil\n
    2007-10-15 22:57:57.350 Address Book[417] Don't know about packed image EditLeftCapStd
    2007-10-15 22:57:57.350 Address Book[417] Exception raised during posting of notification. Ignored. exception: * -[NSCFArray addObject:]: attempt to insert nil
    If I quit Address Book, i'll get this from console;
    2007-10-15 22:58:37.892 Address Book[417] -[ABAddressBook setDefaultCountryCode:] called with a unknown country code 'us'
    I tried deleting the preferences, re-installing Address Book, also tried creating a new user, again no luck!
    Can somebody help!!!

    Hi dp13.
    Do you have any Address Book plug-ins or system utilities that could interfere with Address Book? In the Finder, go to each of the following folders (if they exist). What do you see there?
    /Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/
    ~/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/
    To make accurately reporting this information easier, you may open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal, type the following command (you can just copy it here and paste it in Terminal), and press <Return>. You can then copy the output of that command from Terminal and paste it in your reply to this post:
    ls -1 /Library/Address\ Book\ Plug-Ins ~/Library/Address\ Book\ Plug-Ins
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. You can easily locate any of the folders referred to in this post by copying the folder path here, doing Go > Go to Folder in the Finder, and pasting the folder path there.
    Did you also reinstall the appropriate Combo Update after reinstalling Address Book?
    Quit all the applications and verify/repair the startup disk (not just permissions), as described here:
    The Repair functions of Disk Utility: what's it all about?
    After having fixed all the filesystem issues, if any, reinstall the Combo Update for the type of computer and the version of Mac OS X you’re using, unless this is the version of Mac OS X that came with the computer:
    About the Mac OS X 10.4.10 Combo Update
    Mac OS X 10.4.10 Combo Update for PowerPC
    Mac OS X 10.4.10 Combo Update for Intel
    After installing the Combo Update, the computer may restart twice and the first restart may take several minutes. This is normal.
    Take a look at the following articles for guidelines on how to properly install system updates:
    Troubleshooting installation and software updates
    Installing software updates
    Basically, you should verify/repair the startup disk and back up before installing the update, no applications should be running while installing it, and you may experience unexpected results if you have third-party system software modifications (not normal applications) installed.

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