String.matches() question - regular expression help

How come the following code's if condition returns false?
String someFile="Dr. Phil.pdf";
if (someFile.matches("[.][Pp][Dd][Ff]$")) {
  System.out.println("File is a pdf file.");
}When I change the the matches method to matches(".*[Pp][Dd][Ff]$") it works, so does that mean it has to match the entire string to return true? If so, how can I determine if a partial match occured?
If partial matching isn't feasible, then can someone help me look determine if this is the best matching pattern to use:

The documentation is your friend.
[String.matches(regex)|] says:
An invocation of this method of the form str.matches(regex) yields exactly the same result as the expression
Pattern.matches(regex, str)And [Pattern.matches(regex, str)|, java.lang.CharSequence)] says
behaves in exactly the same way as the expression
Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(input).matches()And [Matcher.matches()|] says
Attempts to match the entire region against the pattern.

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    I have a long string with some similar repeated data. I would like, using a regular expression, to extracts all matches in a collection. Is there a way of performing this task?
    I have look through the owa_pattern package, but as far as I found out, I can extract only a simple match. Here is an exact quote:
    "If multiple overlapping strings can match the regular expression, this function takes the longest match. " -
    So what can I do if I want to get all the matches?
    Thank you in anticipation. Any help would be appreciated.
    Best regards,

    I think your need a tokenizer-function.
    If the string +:in_str+ is delimited by +:in_delimiter+ you could try this:
    SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_SUBSTR( :in_str || :in_delimiter, '(.*?)' || :in_delimiter, 1, LEVEL ), :in_delimiter, '') TOKEN
    BULK COLLECT INTO :my_nested_table
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    I wrote a string-to-textarray-tokenizer (and it's pendant) some times ago, being able to cut from certain positions within the string using regular expressions and return the elements into an nested table of varchar2. It looks like:
    TYPE pos_arraytype IS TABLE OF POSITIVE ;
    TYPE text_arraytype IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(2000);
    FUNCTION stringToTextarray(in_str IN VARCHAR2, in_pos_arr IN pos_arraytype, in_regexp_arr IN text_arraytype DEFAULT NULL, in_trim_strings IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE)
    RETURN text_arraytype ;
    in_str is the string to be tokenized
    in_pos_arr is a table of positive values of positions in the string to be cut
    in_regexp_arr is a table of regular expressions to use at each position declared by in_pos_arr
    in_trim_strings is a flag, if the cutted element should be trimmed
    using above for example:
    in_str = 'Markus van Muster 347651234XY Musterdaam ABCDE'
    in_pos_arr = (1, 13, 35, 35, 42)
    in_regexp_arr = ('(.?){12}', '([^[:digit:]]?){22}', '[[:digit:]]{4}', '[[:alpha:]]{2}', '(.?){14}')
    in_trim_strings = TRUE
    RETURN collection ('Markus','van Muster','1234','XY','Musterdaam')
    If you need the code, then tell me! I'm looking for....
    Edited by: Nuerni on 17.10.2008 08:49

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    hey guys.... i am sorry for not providing all the information that you guys need as i was rushing off to urgent meeting... for my string characters i only have a to n.. all these characters are collected from sensors and stored inside database... from many demos i have done... i found out that every demo has different strings of characters collected and these string of characters will not match with the regular expressions that i had created due to several unwanted inputs and stuff... i have a lot of different types of plan activities and therefore a lot of regular expressions.... if i put [a-z|0-9]*... it will capture all characters but in the same time it will be showing 1 plan only.... therefore, i am finding ways to get the strings i collected and let it form into regular expression by themselves in the program so that it will appear as different plans as output with comparing with the regular expression that i had created.... is there any way to do so?
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              <value column="09" date="2004-10-31T19:56:30" row="03" waferID="PUK444150-20">10.4518</value>
              <value column="29" date="2004-10-31T19:56:30" row="06" waferID="PUK444150-03">2.864</value>
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    As implemented in Java, XPath does not support regular expressions, but in most cases there are workarounds thanks to XPath functions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but setting your expression against the XML document (i.e. because there are no "name" attributes in the whole document) I think you mean to get the value of the <value> elements that have a <parameter> parent element and a <name> sibling element whose value starts with "M2-". If that is the case, you can use the following query expression:String expression = "//parameter/value[substring(../name,1,3)='M2-']";Sorry if I misunderstood the meaning of your expression, but I hope this will help you get the hang of using XPath functions as a substitute for regular expressions.

  • Pattern matching using Regular expression

    I am working on pattern matching using regular expression. I the table, I have 2 columns A and B
    A has value 'A499BPAU4A32A386KBCZ4C13C41D20E'
    B has value like '*CZ4*M11*7NQ+RDR+RSM-R9A-R9B'
    the requirement is that I have to match the columns of B in A. If there is a value with * sign, this must be present in A like 'CZ4' should exit in string A.
    The issue I am facing is that there are 2 values with * sign. The code works fine for first match (CZ4) but it does not look further as M11 does not exist in A.
    I used the condition
    AND instr(A,substr(REGEXP_SUBSTR(B, '*[^*]{3}'),2) ,1)=0
    First of all, is this possible to match multiple patterns in one condition?
    If yes, please suggest.

    user2544469 wrote:
    Thanks a lot Frank. This query worked wonderful for the test data I have provided however I have some concerns:
    - query doesnot include the column BOOK which is a mandatory check.Sorry, that was my mistake. It was a very easy mistake to make, since you posted sample data where it didn't matter. Instead of doing a cross-join between vn and got_must_have_cnt, do an inner join, using book. That means book will have to be in got_must_have_cnt, and all the sub-queries from which it descends. Look for comments that say "March 22".
    If you want to treat '+' in as '*', then the simplest thing is probably just to use REPLACE, so that when the table has '+', you use '*' instead.
    WITH     got_token_cnt     AS
         SELECT     cat
         ,     book                                        -- Added March 22
         ,     REPLACE (codes, '+', '*') AS codes                    -- If desired.  Changed March 22
         ,     LENGTH (codes) - LENGTH ( TRANSLATE ( codes
                                                       , 'x*+-'
                                      , 'x'
                             ) AS token_cnt
         FROM    test_cat
    ,     cntr     AS
         SELECT     LEVEL     AS n
         FROM     (  SELECT  MAX (token_cnt)     AS max_token_cnt
                 FROM        got_token_cnt
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= max_token_cnt
    ,     got_tokens     AS
         ,                                        -- Added March 22
         ,     REGEXP_SUBSTR (
                         , '[*+-]'
                         , 1
                         , c.n
                         )          AS token_type
         ,     SUBSTR ( REGEXP_SUBSTR (
                                       , '[*+-][^*+-]*'
                               , 1
                               , c.n
                   , 2
                   )          AS token
         FROM     got_token_cnt     t
         JOIN     cntr          c  ON     c.n     <= t.token_cnt
    ,     got_must_have_cnt     AS
         SELECT       cat, book                                   -- Changed March 22
         ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN token_type = '*' THEN 1 END) AS must_have_cnt
         FROM       got_tokens
         GROUP BY  cat, book                                   -- Changed March 22
    ,       vn.vn_no
    FROM       got_must_have_cnt     mh
    JOIN                    vn  ON     =               -- Changed March 22
    LEFT OUTER JOIN      got_tokens     gt  ON                  =
                                     AND INSTR (, gt.token) > 1
    ,            mh.must_have_cnt
    ,            vn.vn_no
    HAVING       COUNT (CASE WHEN gt.token_type = '*' THEN 1 END)     = mh.must_have_cnt
    AND       COUNT (CASE WHEN gt.token_type = '-' THEN 1 END)     = 0
    - query is very slow with 60000 records in vn table. Cost is somewhere around 36000.See these threads:
    When your query takes too long ...
    HOW TO: Post a SQL statement tuning request - template posting
    Relational databases were designed to have (at most) one piece of information in each column. If you decide to have multiple items in the same column (as you have a variable number of tokens in the codes column), don't be surprised if that makes things slower and more complicated. Most of the query I posted, and perhaps most of the time needed, is jsut to normalize the data. If you stored the data in a narmalized form, perhaps something like got_tokens, then you wouldn't need the first 3 sub-queries that I posted.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Mar 22, 2011 12:04 PM

  • How to create a list of string if a regular expression is given ?

    Hi folks,
    I have a regular expression say abcd[a-z]\\\.[0-9] . ( please ignore one '\')
    For this string i know that
    following string matches successfully
    1. abca.0
    2. abcb.1
    3. abcz.9 ......etc n number of combination are possible.
    is there any algorithm which will create some randomn strings from a regular expression.
    input to algorithm : some string pattern
    output to algorithm : some matching strings ( can be a single or an array of matching strings)
    Thanks in advance..
    Edited by: Sethumadhavan on Apr 16, 2008 6:32 AM

    Can u please give little more explanation...
    If i get some some values i can exit with the values ... and from the values i got i can ignore the duplicates ...
    But i am not getting the basic algorithm to get list of strings.....( DFA? or NFA?)

  • Regular expression help please. (extractin​g a string subset between two markers)

    I haven't used regular expressions before, and I'm having trouble finding a regular expression to extract a string subset between two markers.
    The string;
    Header stuff I don't want
    Header stuff I don't want
    Header stuff I don't want
    Header stuff I don't want
    Header stuff I don't want
    Header stuff I don't want
    ERRORS 6
    Info I want line 1
    Info I want line 2
    Info I want line 3
    Info I want line 4
    Info I want line 5
    Info I want line 6
    From the string above (this is read from a text file) I'm trying to extract the string subset between ERRORS 6 and END_ERRORS. The number of errors (6 in this case) can be any number 1 through 32, and the number of lines I want to extract will correspond with this number. I can supply this number from a calling VI if necessary.
    My current solution, which works but is not very elegant;
    (1) uses Match Regular Expression to the return the string after matching ERRORS 6
    (2) uses Match Regular Expression returning all characters before match END_ERRORS of the string returned by (1)
    Is there a way this can be accomplished using 1 Match Regular Expression? If so could anyone suggest how, together with an explanation of how the regular expression given works.
    Many thanks
    Go to Solution.

    I used a character class to catch any word or whitespace characters.  Putting this inside parentheses makes a submatch that you can get by expanding the Match Regular Expression node.  The \d finds digits and the two *s repeat the previous term.  So, \d* will find the '6', as well as '123456'.
    You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice

  • REGEX: question about finding Overlapping matches using regular expressions

    I have the following problem.
    Say for my pattern I use:
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("AAA");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("AAAAAA");when I run a loop
    while (matcher.find())
    System.out.println("Match Found: "+matcher.start()+" "+matcher.end());I get 2 Hits shown in the following output:
    Match Found: 0 3
    Match Found: 3 6
    therefore the regex is seeing the first AAA then the second AAA.
    I want it to find the other AAA's in there that are overlapping the other two finds i.e. I want the output to find
    AAA from 0 to 3
    AAA from 1 to 4
    AAA from 2 to 5 and finally
    AAA from 3 to 6
    thereby including the overlapping finds.
    How can I do this using regex? what am I missing that prevents the overlapping matches to be found? Do I need a quantifier?
    Thanks for the help!

    While the solutions above work fine with the given input, they don't really find all overlapping matches. They just find the longest possible match at each start position. Here's a more thorough approach:import java.util.*;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    public class Test
      public static List<String> matchAllWays(String rgx, String str)
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile(rgx);
        Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        int len = str.length();
        int start = 0;
        int end = len;
        while (start < len && m.region(start, len).find())
          start = m.start();
            end = m.end() - 1;
          } while (end > start && m.region(start, end).find());
        return result;
      public static void main(String[] args)
        List<String> matches = matchAllWays("a.*a", "abracadabra");
    }This approach requires JDK 1.5 or later; that's when the regions API was added to Matcher.

  • Regular Expression Help

    I need help writting a regular expression that will match the following strings:
    1+1,1+(1+1),((1+1)+(1+1)),1+(1+(1+1)). Basically one that will match an arithmetic expression (operands limited to 1's and operators to '+' sign) with or without correctly matched parentheses. Have'nt had much luck so far. Any input will help. thanks

    okay, you asked for it:
    it will only match those string but it will tell you nothing about syntactically correct expressions. This is because these types of expression are not "regular" and cannot be properly parsed using regular expressions.

  • Pattern and Matcher of Regular Expressions

    Hello All,
    I need some help with the regular expressions in java.
    I have encountered a problem on how to retrieve two strings with Pattern and Matcher.
    I have written this code to match one substring"MTMISRVLGLIRDQ", but I want to match multiple substrings in a string.
    Pattern findstring = Pattern.compile("MTMISRVLGLIRDQ");
    Matcher m = findstring.matcher(S);
    while (m.find())
    outputStream.println("Selected Sequence \"" + +
    "\" starting at index " + m.start() +
    " and ending at index " m.end() ".");
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Double post:

  • Regular expressions help

    I'm using a RegExp class ( to do some regular expression in AS2. But I'm not very good at it.
    var str:String="What if there are other variables, such as possible <a class='gloss' href='asfunction:_root.handle, confounding variables'><b>confounding variables</b></a> which could explain at least some of the relationship between the two variables? Here <a href='' target='_blank'>is another link</a>.\n<a class='gloss' href='asfunction:_root.handle, confounding variables'>confounded variables</a>"
    var reg1:RegExp = new RegExp("<a.*gloss.*href=[\'\"]?([^\\\'\">]+)>+(.*</a>)", "ig");
    var obj:Object = reg1.exec(str);
    while (obj != null) {
              for(var a in obj){
                        trace(a+": "+obj[a]);
              obj = reg1.exec(str);
    And this traces:
    2: <b>confounding variables</b></a>
    1: asfunction:_root.handle, confounding variables'
    0: <a class='gloss' href='asfunction:_root.handle, confounding variables'><b>confounding variables</b></a>
    2: confounded variables</a>
    1: asfunction:_root.handle, confounding variables'
    0: <a class='gloss' href='asfunction:_root.handle, confounding variables'>confounded variables</a>
    I'm trying to get the href and the "friendly link" part of the anchor tag (but only for anchors that have a class of gloss).
    As you can see I'm almost there, but I'm getting the extra </a> and the extra ' on the two examples. I tried putting the ) before the </a> but that just broke it. (Of course that could be because this class doesn't work properly, but I'm guessing that isn't the case.)
    Anybody really good with regular expressions who can help me out?

    Looks like there is a "greedy" bug with the () in that AS2 implementation.
    I also have a problem the expression matching not the next occurance of the closing </a> but the final one.
    Anybody have any ideas of other ways to do this?

  • String splitting with regular expressions

    Hello everyone
    I need some help in splitting the string using regular expressions
    Suppose my String is : abc def "ghi jkl mno" pqr stu
    after splitting the reulsting string array should contain the elements
    ghi jkl mno
    what my regular expression should be

    Since this is essentially the same as parsing CSV data, you might want to download a CSV parser and adapt it to your need. But if you want to use regexes, split() is not the way to go. This approach should work for your sample data:
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\"[^\"]*+\"|\\S+");
    Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
    while (m.find())

  • Phone number Regular expression Help

    I am trying to validate phone number using regular expression.
    The format shoud be either of the two given below. It should not
    accept phone number of any other format other than the once given below.
    I tried out the following regular expression
    pn.matches("[\p{+}][0-9]+ ")
    but it accepts alphabets too(which is wrong).
    How do i check if the phone number is of the following format(OR condition).
    Any help would be kindly appriciated.

    There will probably be much more constraints on you phone numbers, but here's a start:String[] numbers = {"0401234567",      // should be ok
                        "040123456",       // wrong, one number too little
                        "+358501234567",   // should be ok
                        "+3585012345670",  // wrong, one number too much
                        "+35850123456"};   // wrong, one number too little
    String regex = "\\+[0-9]{12}"+         // a + sign, followed by 12 numbers
                   "|"+                    // OR
                   "0[0-9]{9}";            // a zero, followed by 9 numbers
    for(String n : numbers) {
      System.out.println("Is "+n+" valid? "+n.matches(regex));

  • String replace using regular expressions

    I'm not very good at regular expressions, but I would like my script to replace
         <a href="somepage.html">
    <a href="event:somepage">
    How do I do this?  Thanks in advance!

    Replacing a string that matches a certain pattern with another string is one of the more common RegEx tasks. There is documentation on using them here: ml
    matt horn
    flex docs

  • Regular Expression Help Please?

    I'm trying to get my head round regular expressions in find
    and replace,
    it's a slow process for me!
    I have this -
    and I'm trying to change it to this -
    I was trying first of all with a *.*, but couldn't work out
    how to tell it
    where the code ends?
    They are hundred of pages like this, all with different
    After I have changed all the pages to the new code, I then
    will need to copy
    and paste an different email address to the end of each line,
    to each page.
    Unless anyone knows a way of automating that?
    Hope someone can point me in the right direction?
    Many thanks, Craig.

    Hi David
    Many thanks for all that and the detailed descriptions.
    I will be working through it all again tomorrow, so will put
    your info to
    the test! lol
    As for partially building the email addresses, I think that
    would be too
    as the emails are all over the place, some have their own
    domain, other use
    hotmail, Yahoo etc.
    Some even have they own domain for their website and a free
    one for the
    email address.
    They are all Hotels, B&B' & Cottages etc.
    Hopefully all your hard work will help me a step closer to
    understanding it
    Many thanks again,
    "David Stiller" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Craig,
    >> You do have that correct David, thanks.
    > Okay.
    Regex is as much an "exact science" as it is an "art
    > form" -- which isn't to say I'm a regex artist; I just
    love the
    > technology -- but I mention this because I made the
    following assumption
    > in order to keep the pattern relatively simple: your
    href values are all
    > quoted in either single or double quotes. Such as, for
    example, the
    > following sample HTML ...
    > <body>
    > <a
    > href="">asfd< /a>
    > <a
    > href=''></a>
    > <a
    > href=""></a>
    > </body>
    > In the Find field, enter this pattern ...
    > (tracker\.pl\?site=.*?)(["'])
    > ... and in the Replace field, enter this pattern ...
    > $1&email=ADDRESS$2
    > Then carefully use your Find Next and Replace buttons to
    step through
    > your code. The above will add &email=ADDRESS to your
    HTML in all the
    > right places. I chose that because ADDRESS is easy to
    select by double
    > clicking, which should facilitate your replacing it.
    > Let's step through the patterns.
    > (tracker\.pl\?site=[^"']*?)(["'])
    > This looks for the phrase "" (without
    quotes) followed
    > immediately by a "non-greedy" match of any character
    that isn't a single
    > or double quotation mark, followed immediately by either
    a single or
    > double quotation mark. I took , which I took to be a
    safe, short "hook"
    > into the string we need. I split this pattern into two
    sections, grouped
    > by parentheses. This allows us to refer to the first
    part of the match
    > (everything but the closing quotation mark) as group 1,
    and the second
    > part (the closing quotatin mark) as group 2. This is
    like storying values
    > with your calculator's M (memory) button.
    > $1&email=ADDRESS$2
    > Here, we refer to group 1 and follow it with the phrase
    > "&email=ADDRESS" (without quotes), followed again by
    group 2.
    > Now, in theory, we could use the domain name of each
    unique site to at
    > least partially build the email address. That would get
    you even closer
    > to your goal. To do so, I'd need even more detail from
    you, such as the
    > kinds of domains you have (how many sub domains are
    probable, etc.).
    > David
    > stiller (at) quip (dot) net
    > Dev essays:
    > "Luck is the residue of good design."

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