Stuck in endless Apple ID Loop

I upgraded to iOS 5 today. restored everything signed up for iCloud. Now I am in an endless loop asking me to login with apple id and password. when i do it just resets the field with some random person's email address. i delete it and put my email and password and it comes up again with a new random email address. i hit cancel and a new email address pops up. i can't exit this and go to my home screen. i am stuck.

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    There are no user serviceable parts in an iPhone, and no legitimate source for replacement parts, as Apple does not sell them. Thus, any part you buy was scavenged from some other phone and may or may not work. There's also no way to identify which part might need replacing. Most likely it is the logic board, but there's no way to know for sure. Apple will replace the phone for $269 if out of warranty, free if in warranty.

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    Did you try a reset....hold home and sleep/wake buttons down at same time and don't let up until you see the Apple logo on a black screen....then leave it alone...sometimes takes a few minutes to come back to life.

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    Thanks very much.  That did it.
    BTW, I guessed when I listed 5.0.1 as the current iOS.  I'd forgotten that this device had not been upgraded.  I plugged it in, started iTunes, and let it do the upgrade to 5.0.1.  After restarting, the iPad asked me once more for the email account's password.  I hit 'cancel', then quickly went into settings to delete the mail account.
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    Hey thehealingidea,
    Thanks for the question. I understand that you are experiencing issues restoring you iPhone 5c. I also understand that you have received error 4013. The following resource may assist you:
    iOS: Restore errors 4005, 4013, and 4014
    Try these steps to resolve the issue:
    1. Install the latest version of iTunes.
    2. Restart your computer.
    3. Make sure your computer is up to date. If an update requires a restart, check for updates again after you restart.
      - Learn more about updating OS X.
      - Learn more about updating Windows.
    4. Restore using another USB cable.
    5. Restore your device on another computer.
    If you continue to see error 4005, 4013, or 4014 when you restore your device, contact Apple for support.
    Learn more about other update and restore errors.
    Matt M.

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  • IMPORTANT: No more "backup every time" or endless apple logo crashes!

    So after 11 crashes where the iPhone wouldn't come back after bootup, I had enough. I took it to the Apple Store and they replaced it. Since then, it crashed 2 more times. Yet again, had enough, and decided to try some experimenting.
    Using this method, I have had no more crashing issues. What's more, the iPhone ONLY tried to do a backup the first time, and doesn't even try (I don't have to press the X) when I sync now. IF you are suffering from the endless apple logo crash, *TRY THIS:*
    1. Unplug your iPhone. If you're stuck at the logo, press the power/lock and home buttons at the same time. Hold them until the phone shuts off
    2. Hold down the home button and plug in the sync cable while holding. Do not let go of the home button until the screen shows up with a cable connecting to iTunes on the phone
    3. Press the button to recover your phone. Wait for the Recovery to finish and the phone to reset
    4. Go into EDIT > PREFERENCES > SYNCING on iTunes. Delete all old backups that you feel comfortable deleting (I got rid of all of them). Also (*VERY IMPORTANT*), click the checkbox next to "Disable automatic syncing for all iPhones and iPods".
    5. Select the radio button to set your iPhone up as a new iPhone. Wait for activation.
    6. Click to sync whatever you want on the Info, Ringtones, Photos, Podcasts, Music, and Movies tabs. *MAKE SURE YOU SELECT NOT TO SYNC APPS.*
    7. Perform a sync, then eject the phone
    8. Set up any config you want (email accounts, settings, ringtones, etc)
    9. Plug the phone in and press the sync button (it will not autosync). When you do, it will sync and take a backup. This backup takes about 3 seconds.
    10. Go to the Apps tab and select to sync ONLY clicked apps. Unclick all apps.
    11. Add your apps one at a time, like so: click the checkbox next to one app, press sync (takes a small amount of time per app). Once the app is done installing per iTunes, look at your iPhone. You'll notice the little spinning internet indicator at the top left is still spinning. Wait until it is done!
    12. Repeat step 11 until finished. Click the checkbox, press sync, wait, *ONE APP AT A TIME*. iTunes will not try to backup every time.
    When you're done, eject your iPhone, move things around, do all your logins you have to redo since it crashed, etc. If you want to, plug the iPhone back in. It will not auto-sync since you turned that off. You can click on another app, click sync, and it syncs the new app WITHOUT a backup!
    If you try to sync an app (one at a time), and during the sync someone calls you or you get an error in iTunes saying the app had a problem, go to your Apps tab, UNCHECK the app you were just trying to sync, and press sync again. Allow it to de-install fully, then click the box and press sync again to try one more time.
    I don't know if this is a good idea or if it is approved, but when I open a bunch of different programs, my phone starts to get slower and slower. I also notice that when you go into a program you've already opened, it's usually quicker than the previous time. So I'm not sure if this is like OSX, where closing an app doesn't free it up, only by right click closing does it truly close. So here's what I do:
    Go into an app you've already exited. Instead of exiting again, hold down the Home button for about 6 seconds until the app disappears. That seems to cause it to truly close, and the phone will work faster on other things. Now as a disclaimer, you MIGHT be crashing the app...I don't know. But it seems to help.

    Hmm. This sounds pretty similar to my problem. I have gone through three iPhone 3Gs so far in Japan.
    Basically, got two iPhones on launch day, probably the first two sold in my area (White and Black). One for my wife and one for myself. I have a new iMac with 4GB and a year old Macbook Pro 17 with 2GB.
    Each iPhone was synced separately on different computers with different iTunes accounts (Leopard). I have a US and a Japan iTunes account, my wife a Japan iTunes account.
    Anyway, I bought some apps on both sides (Japan and US iTunes sides sepperate computers) and none ever completed there installs. In fact they rebooted the iPhone (both of them) and iTunes crashed. When the iPhones rebooted sometimes the app was on the iPhone other times not.
    Sometimes the crash was so bad the iPhone would not boot up at all and I did a firmware restore (think I have done this 18 times so far). But the problem persisted and not a single app on either iPhone or either computer would install without first crashing iTunes and the iPhone.
    At some point, the crash was so bad the firmware restore no longer worked and basically bricked the phone entirely as it refused to recognize the SIM or iTunes and couldn't even do a restore. I brought that back to Softbank (the carrier in Japan) they had some tech folks look at the phone.
    After scratching there head, switching SIMS and plugging it into various computers, and doing a bunch of other things they replaced my iPhone with another new one from some special inventory they had of factory new phones in cardboard shipping boxes with no packaging except for the sealed phone itself (no wires). I believe these where meant to be loaners while your phone was being sent back to Apple for servicing (this is what I was told afterward in a voicemail message which I still have from Softbank apologizing for the trouble).
    My wifes never died completely but I have stopped installing any apps on it because it still crashes on installs AND removals. It never successfully installed anything without first crashing the phone and iTunes.
    Here's the kicker, as of yesterday morning I was on phone number two, and it was still crashing on installing ANY software from the App store, free or otherwise, via iTunes, or directly from the app store...
    Guess what, it died yesterday and had a blank screen and wouldn't boot at all nor would restore work at all. So today, I went to Softbank again and got it replaced once again (a loaner for the loaner), with a new one no questions asked AND guess what, there was a very upset guy sitting with a store rep with EXACTLY the same problem I had and I overheard the Softbank rep on the phone speaking to another Softbank store I assume asking for another loaner iPhone as they no longer had any loaners left in the store because they lent them all out.
    So being a noisy guy that I am, I asked sympathetically, 'Hey, sounds like Apple is giving you guys a lot of grief.' The guy told me they had replaced 28 iPhones that day at his branch alone because they couldn't revive the phones (forget about activating them) and Apple was not being very helpful. So they have been mailing them to some service center in the US (I was told) where Apple techs where going over the handsets to get some firm answers.
    So now, I have been thru 3 new iPhone 3Gs that have exactly the same problem on two different computers and a forth one that does the same and a guy at the store next to me getting a replacement phone for the same reason and a store that is out of loaners cause they got so many returned dead.
    The fact that Softbank is not even looking at my phone anymore and simply replacing it tells me this is a systemic and a widespread problem at least in Japan and causing Softbank great grief and I am not too amused myself as I got better things to do then visiting cell stores and restoring firmware.
    So clearly there is something very wrong with our beloved iPhone 3Gs firmware or possibly the phone itself or Japan got junk sent over.
    "Apple, fix this problem because you don't want to end up with tens of thousands of dead iPhones on your doorstep do you? -- if you don't already have a truckload from Japan and you might want to fix the 3G reception while your at it cause its embarrassingly terrible in 3G rich Japan."
    Aside from that, I do really love the iPhone and Apple, but love does have its limits and I am starting to feel that I am in an abusive relationship.

  • IPhone 4 apple logo loop after update, unique problem.

    Please take the time to fully read this question before copying and pasting the generic apple help links please
    Okay so today I decided to update my phone to the latest iOS version, and upon completion I got the infinite apple logo loop problem. The standard approach I know is to do the recovery solution on your itunes. Well, here lies the problem. My laptop which has my iTunes is currently badly broken, and cannot be used. I thought that oh I'd be able to use my iTunes account on a different computer, but to my annoyance, my password is different to the one I use to confirm IAP. So I try the recovery methods, first birthday. My birthday is wrong, tried a varied range to no avail. Tried email, non of my 3 only used emails work, till I look and see the Apple ID email is slightly different to the ones I currently use, but I can't even create the email it uses as I don't know of any way I can make a email now.
    So I am stuck in a very unique situation, need to recover my iPhone via iTunes, but my iTunes can't be accessed. Is there anyway around this or am I completely screwed? I don't want to just cut my losses and make a new Apple ID/wipe my phone as I have lots of much needed information in my notes etc that I can't afford to lose and that I don't remember by heart.
    Any constructive responses would be greatly appreciated.

    if it is stuck in a reboot loop and u HAVE to do a recovery mode restore. there is no choice. u will have to get rid of that information. call applecare (1-800-275-2273) to get help with getting access to ur apple id, but for now, u need to get ur phone working first.
    to help with a loop problem sometimes a hard reset will work. hold down the power button and the home button at the same time for 20 seconds. its kinda like holding down the power button on a computer.
    if that doesnt work then u will need to place it into recovery mode and do a restore. that WILL delete what is on the phone currently but if u have a back up either on itunes or icloud u can restore that back up onto the phone afterwards.

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