Stuck, snow leaped install failed

Lately, my Lion operating system had become a little buggy, so much so that it eventually wouldn't allow applications like iTunes or safari to open, they would just sit there frozen upon launch. I've had my computer for about 3 1/2 years now and it's accumulated quite a bit of junk over the years, so I wanted to go back and perform a clean install of snow leopard (I'm not sure that I want to go back to using Lion at the moment).
I've backed up all my files on an external, and then wiped my hard disk. Now, when I use the white snow leopard install disc, the installation will nearly complete itself and then I get an error saying "Installation failed".
I've gone back with disk utility to verify and repair the disk but disk utility told me that there was nothing wrong and that no repairs were needed.
Anyone have any ideas?

My spelling error in the post title is now glaring at me but I don't know how to change it, I'll just blame the autocorrect function on my phone.

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    So now I am stuck and I am thinking of two things (plus some questions)
    1. I am wondering if there is a way to unlock Macintosh HD. But even if I can unlock Macintosh HD, there is no guarantee that the installer will successfully install Mountain Lion, am I right?
    a. so how can I un-write-lock Macintosh HD?
    2. More realistically, I am thinking of borrowing someone else's macintosh computer and use it as the backup center. I have a firewire cable and a terrabyte external hard drive. So what I'm thinking is that I'll hook my computer in target mode to my friend's computer and I will also plug in my external hard drive to my friend's computer and then I can download and run Carbon Copy Cloner from my friend's computer to copy all data from my Macintosh HD to my external hard drive. And then I will erase my Macintosh HD, freshly install Mountain Lion onto it and then copy all data back from my external hard drive. But I am not sure about few things.
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    c. will my erased/formatted Macintosh HD able to install + be installed Mountain Lion OS?
    If you are here, then you have read my long long problem. Thank you very much and I would really really really appreciate your answers and opinions. Thanks

    I'm not sure where you read that about the disk being "write-locked." That doesn't make much sense, given that the major task an installer like this must achieve is writing a whole bunch of files to the hard drive. I think your source was mistaken.
    As to what happened, it sounds like your hard drive was badly corrupt to start with, or possibly was on the edge of failing and is now in the process of dying entirely. If you don't have backups of your data, that does not bode well for you, unfortunately. If you can manage to use target mode to copy your data, do that.
    Once you're sure you've got all your data, you need to start up from your Snow Leopard install disk and repair the hard drive. (Since it sounds like the Mountain Lion installer didn't work, I wouldn't trust the recovery partition that Mountain Lion installs.) Or, even better, just erase the hard drive entirely and reinstall Snow Leopard. Then, once you're back up and running, with all your data back on the system and with Snow Leopard updated to the most recent version, try installing Mountain Lion again. If any of that fails again, the problem is likely to be a dying hard drive, and you'll need to replace it.

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    Restart, holding down the mouse key. That should eject the disc. You might have a faulty install disc. Call Apple.

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    The only thing I have not tried is booting from an external drive. Have other iMac users with these problems with SL had success this way? I mean I don't like the fact that anytime I want to reinstall my operating software that I will have to go through this circus.
    Any other ideas to try? What has worked for others?

    A 2006 24" iMac should be the same as mine and I installed SL on 2 of them with no problems at all. It's really very weird that you should be having this problem even after reformatting the drive.
    Only thing I can think of that might be causing this is hardware problems, most likely the DVD drive is going bad. Or perhaps the motherboard, but I think you would have had many more problems than this if it was the motherboard. You might even have a hard drive going bad, which seems unlikely after doing a 7 pass erase. That will usually isolate any bad blocks.
    As someone said you can do a remote install from another Mac if you have one or can get the use of one. You could also try hooking up an external DVD drive and see if that works. Make sure it's firewire, that works much better, but USB 2 should still work if you have no choice. If a remote or external DVD works then it is most likely the the internal DVD.

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    Thank you

    Try inserting the instalation DVD provided by Apple and start the computer while holding the 'c' key down on the keyboard until you hear the DVD spin and some action in the DVD drive. If your mac doesn't start and show something meaningfull then, take it back to the shop it has a hardware problem, or your installation disc has.

  • Snow leopard install fails on 17" MacBook Pro

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    I used disk utility to repair disk - it was ok except for a mention that SUID file "system/libray/coreServices/remoteManagement/ ent" has been mdodified and will not be repaired. As well, the boot support sections would be made as required.
    I then repaired the permissions - there was nothing too out of place there.
    I am now making a disk image of my drive incase anything worse happens.
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    Soundl like I have some trojan in my remote management - or some system fault is interfering with the install.

    No, it sounds like you either have corrupted files or a problem with the hard drive.
    The SUID message is irrelevant. Unless you are maintaining Windows systems from a Mac you are not even using Apple Remote management. However, the error is not reported by Disk Repair. It would be reported by Permissions Repair. You need to do both:
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger and Leopard.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now restart normally.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior (4.0 for Tiger, and 4.1 for Leopard) and/or TechTool Pro (4.6.1 for Leopard) to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    After you backup I would erase your drive and install Snow from scratch. I would reinstall your third-party software from scratch but avoid third-party add-ons such as contextual menu items, preference panes, startup items, login items, Internet plug-ins, input managers, and the like as some may or are not compatible with Snow.

  • Macbook Snow Leopard Install Fails

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    It doesn't. It just starts up to the Macintosh Hard drive and doesn't do anything differently because I am holding the D key during start up.
    For the D key to work one of two criteria must be met:
    1. The HD has a hidden partition on it with the Apple Hardware Test (AHT) on it. Some recent Mac models come from Apple with this HD configuration, most older ones do not. Any drive that has been reformatted will not have the hidden partition.
    2. An original grey system disc with the specific version of AHT for that Mac model must be in the optical drive. The disc itself will be marked to indicate that it has the AHT on it.
    Retail OS installer discs (Leopard, Snow Leopard, whatever) do not have any version of the AHT on them. The AHT is not an application, it is a tiny operating system. Each version is designed only for specific models; they are not interchangeable.

  • Was upgrading from Leopard to Snow Leopard. Install failed. Now says I'm in 10.6 but I'm incomplete. Screen goes gray. Can't boot from disk.

    Snow leopard install failed. Comp says I have 10.6.8 but get gray screen when trying to install.

    Run through this list of fixes
    Step by Step to fix your Mac

  • Mac OS X install failed

    i went to disk utility and erased Macintosh hd. after that I installed OS X lion. Everything went smoothly until the last part. During the final installation I recieved a message saying install failed. Now I'm stuck on the install failed screen and i have no idea how to return to the disk utilities. I have the option to restart and try installing again but I have tried several times with no luck.
    Has anyone else encountered this problem and has anyone found a solution?
    I was using OS X Yosmite 10.10

    First, see the heading "What to do if the installer warns that no Recovery System can be created" in this support article. If you use Boot Camp, back up and delete the Windows partition using Boot Camp Assistant. Try the installation again.

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    I have a copy of Windows 7, and I am trying to bring up Boot Camp on my MacBook with Snow Leopard. But my Snow Leopard install disk is too old for Windows 7, so attempted Boot Camp install of drivers fails.
    I have hand-installed the NVidia graphics driver, and I have keyboard, minimal trackpad, and hardwire to internet all working. So the WIndows machine is usable. But I am hurting for wi-fi, better trackpad, and whatever else is delivered by Boot Camp. I can't use any of the Boot Camp upgrades because I do not have XP or Vista.

    While we all have MacBooks in this forum not all of us use Boot Camp. There's a Boot Camp Support Community where everybody uses Boot Camp. You should also post this question there.

  • I used utilities to source my 10.6 snow leopard install disc to my main hardrive, and now when I turn on my computer the apple with the spinning wheel stays on the screen and stuck like that. How do I fix it Help please. I already tried all the commands

    I used utilities to source my 10.6 snow leopard install disc to my main hardrive, and now when I turn on my computer the apple with the spinning wheel stays on the screen and stuck like that. How do I fix it Help please. I already tried all the commands such as Command R, Holding down the Option key, C and holding down shift at the start up but nothing happens.
    initialy All I was trying to do was downgrade 10.7 to 10.6 .

    You have to consider the possibility the hard drive may be dying.    If your data isn't backed up, try one of the tools below:
    Once you are sure your data is backed up, we can examine other possibilities.  In the meantime call AppleCare for your original installation DVDs.  You may need them.

  • I have snow leopard installed as an OS.  When trying to reboot a MacBook Pro I am getting stuck on grey screen with apple logo and rotating symbol.  What can I do?

    I have snow leopard installed as an OS.  When trying to reboot a MacBook Pro I am getting stuck on grey screen with apple logo and rotating symbol.  What can I do?

    Maybe this might help.

  • System not re-installing Microphoto player, stuck in install/fail lo

    I recently upgraded my hard dri'ves and, after some reinstalling and troubleshooting, most everything is back up and running... except my Zen Microphoto.
    Whenever I plug it into a USB port, XP detects it as an "MTP Device" and tries to install the drivers. But the install fails and, instead of giving an error message or some kind of user options, it tries to install again... and fails again... and retries... and fails... Eventually, I have to pull the plug, literally, to stop the cycle of madness.
    It was working normally before the upgrades, and now this. Is there some driver I can download to get it installed properly again? Are there some services I need started for proper installation?

    Your former paster shouldn't have copied the Snow Leopard disk and sent you a copy, rather should have sent you the disk itself.
    Who knows what or where that DMG came from, it might be from the Internet and compromised.
    You should order the 10.6.3 Snow Leopard white retail disks from Apple, then use those, they are cheap enough anyway.
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6
    For Snow Leopard Speed Freaks

  • Instal failed Mavericks

    I did a clean instal of Mavericks by bootable USB
    Booted from USB I formated the HDD verified the HDD everithing was OK
    Instalation started  copying files and in the end 2min to go it stuck and after while ERROR Message,´´ Instalation failed restart´´
    Did the same again + same with Snow Lion USB failed when instaling and as well with Snow Leopard DVD.
    Using MacBook Pro 15´´ (early 2011)
    Any suggestions?
    Thank you very much

    Yea I did it like that
    But after I did another format and separate the disk to 3 partitions
    First instal on Part 1 Failed,well it was instaled but the system didnt start,stuck on the grey screen.
    After I did Recivery instal,witch was downloaded from internet and instaled (instalation time took about hour,witch is 2x more),so I dont know if it downloaded some extra files...
    Anyway after recovery instal OS X Mavericks finaly starded working looks to be ok now.
    Thank you very much

  • Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Install Failed

    Trying to upgrade a Power Mac Dual G5 from Mac OS X Tiger to Leopard 10.5. When I try to install the Leopard Disc, I keep getting an "Install Failed" message. This is what is said:
    Install Failed
    Mac OS X could not be installed on your computer
    The source media you are installing from is damaged. Try installing from a different copy of the source media or contact the manufacturer for a replacement.
    Click restart to restart your computer and try installing again.
    Now, I've used this disc once before for an upgrade on a laptop and worked fine, just started to fail when used on the G5. The disc is not scratched, nor looks damaged. Not sure why it's saying damaged? Any insightful knowledge would be appreciated.

    The install disks I have are the ones he got with his Mac Mini. Are there different install disks for iMacs? On the disks themselves, it says "for Mac computers."
    Do I have to buy an OS which is specifically for iMac?
    The discs that came with his computer have only the necessary software pieces needed to run his computer--it lacks the drivers that would be needed run your iMac. (In addition, installing the same copy of the OS on two computers would be a violation of the license, even if it worked.)
    You need to buy a retail version of Leopard or Snow Leopard. Since your iMac has an intel processor, you can buy the cheaper Snow Leopard ($29) from the "Store" tab at the top of this page or anywhere that sells Mac software.

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