Stutter Behavior in Motion

I may be overlooking something, but I have an imported a jpg  of a starburst (white over black HiCon - in Screen mode) that I simply want to flash at random intervals.
I thought "Stutter" should do it!" I applied it to the starburst....and nothing. I adjusted it...and nothing. Strobe doesn't work either.
What am I missing?

What are you missing? The manual.
This behavior randomly inserts hold frames, of random durations, into the playback of a clip. The effect is similar to a tape that sticks during play in a videocassette recorder.
The Strobe behavior simulates the look of a strobe light or lower frame rate video by holding a number of frames as defined by the Strobe Duration parameter over the playback of the clip. For example, when Strobe Duration is set to 10, frame 1 is held for 10 frames, frame 11 for 10 frames, frame 21 for 10 frames, and so on. The frames in between (2–10, 12–20, 22–30, and so on) do not appear.
These behaviors can only be applied to video clips. You are using a still image. You want to use one of the parameter behaviors such as Oscillate or Wriggle applied to opacity.
This behavior works similarly to the Randomize behavior, but with a slower effect.
Note: A Wriggle behavior applied to an Opacity parameter set to 100% does not have much effect. This is because there isn’t much room to “wriggle.” For a better result, set the Opacity to 0, or change the Apply Mode to Subtract.
The Oscillate behavior animates a parameter by cycling it between two different values. You can customize how wide apart the high and low values are as well as the number of oscillations per minute. The Oscillate behavior can create all kinds of cyclical effects. For example, if you apply the Oscillate behavior to the rotation property of an object, it will begin to rock back and forth. This happens because the rotation property cycles back and forth between the original rotation value plus and minus the Amplitude value that’s set in the Oscillate behavior.

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    I'm not familiar with that behavior but can't you just drag the purple bar (that represents the behavior) in the timeline to the point in time that you want it to happen? This depends on the behavior parameters. If that doesn't work then use another behavior to manipulate the first. Motion manual pg. 394.
    o| TonyTony |o

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    Umm, okay, it's a closeup of the iPhone, Apple will like that.
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    PS: Thank you for the kind words, mostly I ust pi$$ folks off around here.

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    Euro spelling. It's the only thing people find interesting about Canadians.
    No reason you can't put a Spin on a psd. Make sure you've assigned a spin rate to it. Look in the Inspector, click the BehavioUrs tab, and dial in a spin rate. See if that works. For Wriggle, make sure you apply to Properties (X,Y,Z, or combo of).

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    Try increasing the Amount in the Inspector more than the defaults. That should make it stop pretty quickly after the behavior starts. You'll have to trim the beginning of the behavior to when you want it to start slowing down.
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    The answer is Compressor and Motion are both buggy software applications and have been since day one so instead of using the features the applications supposedly feature, we have learned to not use certain features for fear of the ceiling falling in on us in the middle of a project.
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    2. Allow the thing to be slipped within FCP.
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    You might also just play with motion favorites and/or paste attributes from within Final Cut (that's how I'd do it).
    Create several different moves and then copy those to multiple clips.
    You may have to tweak your keyframes a little depending on picture size/shape.
    There's just not an easy way to make each still do exactly what you want.
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