Style.css not on the local disk -  wtflip???

I cannot believe this "no .css file found" stuff !!!!!!
I go to do my normal work and I CANNOT EVEN MODIFY THE FLIPPING CSS FILE!
All the files are NOT "C://..." they are exactly in the directory they have ALWAYS been. Now... Dreamweaver CC doesn't see it?????? come on. I'm stuck on my production work. I've searched boards online and NO ONE can answer this. Is there anyone with the understanding and knowledge of what I'm supposed to do here?
I'm flipping stuck here!!!

No different than when on CS6. I exported from there and imported the ste info.
I also did what you said and created from scratch a new site and manually input the info.
absolutely FLIPPING nothing. How stupid. and a waste of my production time. I do not understand WAHT THE ISSUE is. it opens fine in CS6 and I can click on the css file and edit and save. I can't do this in the "new" cc 2014??????

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    As this issue was diminishing my confidence in using the software for a mission-critical project, I contacted Adobe technical support for assistance.
    This is a known issue.
    The problem has to do with DW getting "confused" if there is any other file in the site root disk that may have the same name. In my case, there was (I tend to name the CSS files for my sites with the terribly generic "main" designation). The rep suggested that I create an entirely new site root, put my file structure into that, and see if the problem resolves. I did two things:
    First, I installed a completely new installation of DWCC2014 on my MacPro laptop. No existing site files of any kind on that machine. I then created a new site, using a copy of my original troublesome site's file structure. So, with the exception of the fact that this is on a machine that has no other sites or files, I am repeating the test using the exact same files and folder structure. When I click the Source Code button, I see the HTML source code. And when I click the CSS button...the CSS file displays as expected!
    Next experiment...back to my desktop MacPro. I copy the files for the site onto a completely different hard drive from the one I was using in my earlier failed attempt to get this to work. Again, same files and structure, only difference is the physical location of the files on a different hard drive. HTML source code displays, and, when the CSS button is clicked, the CSS page also displays as expected. Problem solved!
    So, I hope that my experience (and the solution) is helpful in the event others encounter this same issue. Again, this is a known issue at Adobe, so chances are good one of you out there will have this problem. The solution is to place your files in a completely new site root apart from any other that might have similar file names, so as not to "confuse" DW.

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    Hello jan,
    could it be your path is written "file:///Macintosh HD/... ? In this case all your CSS links are pointing to your hard drive. Please control all the pathes starting with a file:///...

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    Hi Mufalani,
    are you sure about this one? I'd think that this only works as long as the nodes don't restart/crash. I can imagine this like this:
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    $erroractionpreference = “SilentlyContinue”
    $a = New-Object -comobject Excel.Application
    $a.visible = $True
    $b = $a.Workbooks.Add()
    $c = $b.Worksheets.Item(1)
    $c.Cells.Item(1,1) = “Machine Name”
    $c.Cells.Item(1,2) = “Drive”
    $c.Cells.Item(1,3) = “Total size (GB)”
    $c.Cells.Item(1,4) = “Free Space (GB)”
    $c.Cells.Item(1,5) = “Free Space (%)”
    $c.cells.item(1,6) = "Name "
    $d = $c.UsedRange
    $d.Interior.ColorIndex = 19
    $d.Font.ColorIndex = 11
    $d.Font.Bold = $True
    $intRow = 2
    $colComputers = get-content "C:\Servers.txt"
    foreach ($strComputer in $colComputers)
    $colDisks = get-wmiobject Win32_LogicalDisk -computername $strComputer -Filter “DriveType = 3"
    foreach ($objdisk in $colDisks)
    $c.Cells.Item($intRow, 1) = $strComputer.ToUpper()
    $c.Cells.Item($intRow, 2) = $objDisk.DeviceID
    $c.Cells.Item($intRow, 3) = “{0:N0}” -f ($objDisk.Size/1GB)
    $c.Cells.Item($intRow, 4) = “{0:N0}” -f ($objDisk.FreeSpace/1GB)
    $c.Cells.Item($intRow, 5) = “{0:P0}” -f ([double]$objDisk.FreeSpace/[double]$objDisk.Size)
    $c.cells.item($introw, 6) = $objdisk.volumename
    $intRow = $intRow + 1

    I've just tested your script as is, and it worked perfectly.
    Are you sure those drives are regular?
    Have you tried just printing the results in the console instead of Excel? there might be some setting there that changes what you see.
    Also, have you considered the conversion between bytes and GB are misleading?

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    I think this is your problem.. you need to follow the exact setup from seagate to get TM running again.. please read the manual... I do not have one but I do have another brand of NAS and setting up TM involves a fairly complex set of instructions.. because it is not a native Apple device.. your computer does not recognise it as TM capable.. you need to use the work around the manual will explain.

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    OK, at least 3 is working.
    I don't know how you have a Tape Recorder icon on your Home Screen. I cannot add one myself. But, I am running Holo Launcher in replacement of the default LG "Optimus" User Interface. It's much better in my opinion.
    Try long pressing the icon and select Edit and maybe you can change some attribute of the icon.
    Another thing you could do, is long-press an empty area of your desktop, to add an icon. Select Shortcut, then Select Contact, and scroll through your contact list and choose the contact that you added for *86.
    You realize if you have voice mail you haven't heard, there is a tape recorder icon in the notification bar, which you touch and pull down, then press it to dial voicemail.
    If that functionality doesn't work, you MIGHT want to consider doing a factory data reset on your device, but that is going to nuke all your personalizations and cause you work to set up again.

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    Which full scale version of PS do you need?  
    Nancy O.

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    Are there anyone who encountered creating a database using DBCA with ASM as file system?
    Our issue before is in both nodes the DBCA did not see the ASM disk group.
    But after setting the TNS_ADMIN in both nodes and running the DBCA as administrator in Node 1, the DBCA able to see now the ASM disk group. Unfortunately, in Node 2 it didn't work out?
    So we didn't know why is it from Node 2, the DBCA still didn't see the ASM disk group?Since it is both the same.
    Any ideas? Please advise.
    For you information, we are using Windows 64-bit, Oracle 11g R2
    Thank you in advance for those who will respond.
    Edited by: 822505 on Dec 20, 2010 7:47 PM

    822505 wrote:
    Are there anyone who encountered creating a database using DBCA with ASM as file system?
    Our issue before is in both nodes the DBCA did not see the ASM disk group.
    But after setting the TNS_ADMIN in both nodes and running the DBCA as administrator in Node 1, the DBCA able to see now the ASM disk group. Unfortunately, in Node 2 it didn't work out?
    So we didn't know why is it from Node 2, the DBCA still didn't see the ASM disk group?Since it is both the same.
    Any ideas? Please advise.
    For you information, we are using Windows 64-bit, Oracle 11g R2
    Thank you in advance for those who will respond.
    Are the disks given to the ASM are visible from Node2?

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    My Mac G-4 OS X will not image an icon of the zip disk with I inserted into my computer's built-in Zip Drive, therefore I can not remove the zip disk from my computer.  What can I do?

    Thanks Old Comm Guy, BD Aquam and Texas Mac Man for youradvice and reply to my question
    and problem with my Zip Drive.  However:
        1.  Depressing mouse buttonon start up did not eject the zip disk.
        2.  To examine front of zipdrive, I had to remove many screws and several plastic case
             coverings.  Upon doing thatI discovered that, unfortunately, there is no whole in front
              of mybuilt-in zip hardware drive for me to insert a paper clip to manually eject zipdisk.
          3.  I went to the Utilities folder in myMac OS X Application folder, but I could not find
               theiomega zip drive in there.
    Also, I did go into my "9" System folder and thento the Extensions folder within it and did find an icon of an
    Iomega Driver. When double clicking on it a window came upstating I was opening the application
    "ColorSync Extension" for thefirst time, and asking if I was sure I wanted to open this application.
    Uponclicking open nothing happened - nothing opened.
    I also went into the "System X" folder>Libraryfolder>Extension folder>IomegaSAM.ket icon and double
    clicked on it and asmall window opened stating "Compiling file List", however nothingopened it just
    continued to compile, so I closed it.
    Within my Mac OS X HD>  Applications>Iomega folder>Iomega a smallwindow opened up
    with several options (Erase, Protect, Disk Info and DriveInfo). Clicking on the Drive Info a message says:
    "No Iomega Drives or noIomega Driver found.  Therefore, Ihave gone to Mac, Iomega and other websites
    trying to find a Driver for thebuilt-in Zip Drive in my Mac G-4 OS X 10.4.11, but have not really found anythat work.
    Thanks,     Peterfromcrystallake

  • I want to sell my MBP. How do I completely erase my 2007, 17-inch Macbook Pro that is currently running Snow Leopard. I DO NOT HAVE THE ORIGINAL DISK THAT CAME WITH THE BOX ANYMORE.

    I want to sell off my old MacBook Pro and do not want any of my old stuff on it for the next person to fool around with. I'd like a clean-slate for the next guy/gal. It's a 17-inch that I purchased back in '07. It is currently running Snow Leopard after I installed it myself about two years ago. I DO NOT HAVE THE ORIGINAL DISK THAT CAME WITH THE LAPTOP IN THE BOX.

    raeusebio32 wrote:
    No problem, stick in your 10.6.3 Snow Leopard retail disk you used to upgrade from 10.4/10.5 with
    If you don't have this disk anymore, you can order one online at for $29, they don't sell it in the physical stores.
    Reboot holding the c or option key down to boot from the disk, select Disk Utility from under the Utilities menu on the second screen (first is language selection)
    Now select your boot drive on the left with the drive makers name and disk size and click Erase > Security Option > Zero All Data and click Erase
    It will take some time to complete as it's making sure all your personal data if not easily recoverable off the drive using software.
    Now quit and you will be back in the installer window, install 10.6 and it will reboot to the "Welcome Video" you can choose to press the power button down and do a hard shutdown, the computer will boot again to this video for the next owner.
    If you need even more security in your data deletion efforts I suggest you read this
    How do I securely delete data from the machine?

  • I need to reinstall iPhoto into a macbook pro 10.7 OS what do I need to do please. I do not have the original disk, since I'm on the road, thanks,

    I need to reinstall iPhoto into a macbook pro 10.7 OS what do I need to do please. I do not have the original disk, since I'm on the road, thanks,

    Does your Mac meet the hardware specs for Snow Leopard?
    Mac computer with an Intel processor
    1GB of memory
    5GB of available disk space
    DVD drive for installation

Maybe you are looking for