Sub var question

Hello...I have two questions re: substitution variables.<BR><BR>1. I believe Essbase evaluates sub vars "bottom-up"--that is, if you have the same variable name at multiple levels (database, application, server), Essbase uses the value from the lowest level. This is the case regardless of whether you're using the variable in a calc, report script, spreadsheet retrieval, etc. Is this correct?<BR><BR>2. What in the world does the "Set Substitution Variable Scope" command in the calc script editor do? It doesn't effect syntax checking, or the way the calc runs. I've also noticed this command doesn't exist in EAS...<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR>Jared<BR><BR>

You already have a spry horizonal menu that you appear to be using as a vertical.  You might be able to insert another <ul> within the <li>, like so
<ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizonal">
  <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Item 1</a>
        <li><a href="#">Item 1.1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Item 1.2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Item 1.3</a></li>
If that does not work, perhaps you might just want to delete what you have and insert a vertical spry menu.
I also notice all of your html files start with caps, looks like you have an Index html and a index.html.  I'm guessing that gave you a few headaches.

Similar Messages

  • A way to track where all the Sub Var are applied?

    Hopefully this is the section where to post.
    Is there a way of tracking where all the substitution variables are being used in the reports?
    Either in reports or calc scripts, or in a 3rd format, if there is one.
    We just don't want to open up each script individually and scan for use of the sub var, or open each report and see if it's used.

    Hi there,
    Is this HFM or Essbase?

  • Dynamic Calc'd Member not picking up Sub Var changes  -

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    Unfortunately you have to live by the definition in dbag which is in the post that Tim provided the link for but nobody seems to follow links these days :)
    "To ensure that a new substitution variable value is available in formulas, partition definitions, and security filters, stop and restart the application. All other uses of substitution variables are dynamically resolved when used."

  • Sub Var in FR

    I am using System 9.3.1. While creating the FR using the Studio, I am not able to get the sub var from Essbase. Other than that everything is working fine. Anyone encountered similar problem?

    Financial Reporting let's you connect to different services in System 9.3.1. For example you can use the Essbase Analytics connector to access Essbase properties or the Planning connector to access Planning properties.
    Make sure you are connecting through the Essbase connection to have Subvars available to you.
    Also make sure your substitution variables follow recommended naming standards. I.e. do not begin with numbers or have foreign characters. I also try to keep them less than 8 characters.
    Hope this helps,
    Brian Chow

  • Hyperion Reports - Suppress based on Sub Var

    Hi,<BR><BR>I have a report with the time periods in the columns. Column [A], which is suppressed, is Sub Var $CurMnth. Column "B", which is suppressed, is a range of time periods (months). Column [C] is the sum of Column "B". I want to conditionally suppress Column [C] based on the value of the CurrMth Sub Var.<BR><BR> <BR><BR>So, IF CurMnth = Jul, then suppress Column [C]. I can't find a way to do this. Is it possible?<BR><BR> <BR><BR>Thanks.<BR><BR>

    <p>Well, if your value "Jul" does not changes, the youcan do conditional supressions.</p><p> </p><p>Suppose you column with sub var is colum a then use</p><p> </p><p>If data value in cell [a,1] is equal to data Jul, --> usethis condition for conditional supression.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>I use something like this in my reports and it works fine.</p><p> </p><p>hope this helps !</p>

  • Formula to check sub var

    Hi All,
    We have a formula on a member. the calc is dependant on substitution variable: CURRENTMONTH...
    when i use the above its not can i check the sub var &CURRENTMONTH

    I like IF(@ISMBR(&Currmth) and @ISMBR("Jan"))
    comparisons of member names don't work very good until you get to 11.1.2 and have the membercompare function


    Hi All,
    I'm trying to write a simple MDX formula, however when I try to use a SUB VAR in the formula I keep getting an error message. However, when I replace the Sub Var with the member name the SubVar is currently set to, it works.
    The formula is:
    1 - IIF (IS(QTR.CurrentMember, [Q1] ), [&q1hybcqw],0)
    The &q1hybcqw is set to a member from a different dimension to that stated in the IS(QTR.CurrentMember, [Q1] ). When I use the actual member it works, which give's the formula:
    2 - IIF (IS(QTR.CurrentMember, [Q1] ), [EOQ],0)
    The error in formula number 1 is "Error(1260046) - Unknown Member "EOQ" used in queryhybyrCQW" - note - "hybyrCQW" is the name of the member that contains the formula.

    In calc scripts, the substitution variable should have quotes around the member, even if it doesn't otherwise need them -- I don't know if this is the same case for MDX calcs though, but give it a try as it might be at least part of the answer.

  • Can someone please help me with a sub query question?

    I need to list a 3rd party contract and then a list of students who belong to that contract.
    On the students segment of the listing I need to show students with student id, name, total credit hours,
    total amount spent on tuition, total amount spent on books and total amount spent on misc.
    This code has a query for the contract information and I get that just fine.
    Then it has a query that gives me total credit hours and that works fine
    then it has a query that gives me total amount spent on tuition and that works fine
    when I add the next query to get total amount spent on books I get only the information for the contract, I don't get student stuff anymore.
    I would really appreciate any guidance that you could give.
    Thanks in advance, Bob Hohulski
    l_conn utl_TCP.connection;
    v_filehandle utl_file.file_type;
    v_output varchar2(1000);
    v_contract_id varchar2(9);
    v_contract_addr1 varchar2(30);
    v_contract_addr2 varchar2(30);
    v_contract_city varchar2(20);
    v_contract_stat varchar2(03);
    v_contract_zip varchar2(10);
    v_contract_name varchar2(60);
    v_student_id varchar2(09);
    v_student_first_name varchar2(15);
    v_student_mid_name varchar2(15);
    v_student_last_name varchar2(60);
    v_last_out varchar2(20);
    v_student_detail_code varchar2(04);
    v_student_amount number(12,2);
    v_student_ref_number varchar2(09);
    v_credit_hrs number(7,2);
    v_tuition_amount number(12,2);
    v_books_amount number(12,2);
    v_misc_amount number(12,2);
    v_total_for_student number(12,2);
    v_current_student varchar2(09);
    v_sftregs_pidm varchar2(09);
    v_tbraccd_pidm varchar2(09);
    CURSOR c_sel_contract IS
    SELECT DISTINCT spriden_id, spriden_last_name,
    spraddr_street_line1, spraddr_street_line2,
    spraddr_city, spraddr_stat_code, spraddr_zip
    FROM spriden, spraddr
    -- WHERE spriden_id = '&Enter_Id'
    where spriden_id = 'T10474666'
    AND spriden_pidm = spraddr_pidm
    CURSOR c_sel_student IS
    SELECT DISTINCT spriden_id, spriden_first_name, spriden_mi, spriden_last_name,
    FROM spriden, tbraccd, tbbcstu, sftregs
    WHERE 559220 = tbbcstu_contract_pidm
    AND spriden_pidm = tbraccd_pidm
    AND spriden_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
    AND spriden_pidm = sftregs_pidm
    AND (sftregs_pidm, sftregs_credit_hr) IN
    (SELECT DISTINCT sftregs_pidm, SUM(sftregs_credit_hr)
    FROM sftregs, tbbcstu, spriden
    WHERE sftregs_term_code = '201010'
    AND sftregs_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
    AND sftregs_pidm = spriden_pidm
    GROUP BY sftregs_pidm)
    AND (tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount) IN
    (SELECT DISTINCT tbraccd_pidm, SUM(tbraccd_amount)
    -- tuition
    FROM tbraccd, tbbcstu, spriden
    WHERE tbraccd_term_code = '201010'
    AND (tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU01' OR
    tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU02' OR
    tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU03' OR
    tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU04')
    AND tbraccd_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
    AND tbraccd_pidm = spriden_pidm
    GROUP BY tbraccd_pidm)
    --this code works up to this point
    --when I add the next query I get nothing
    AND (tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount) IN
    (SELECT tbraccd_pidm, SUM(tbraccd_amount)
    FROM tbraccd, tbbcstu
    WHERE tbraccd_term_code = '201010'
    AND (tbraccd_detail_code = 'BKSU' OR
    tbraccd_detail_code = 'BKCH')
    AND tbraccd_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
    GROUP BY tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount)
    --AND (tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount) IN
    -- (SELECT tbraccd_pidm, SUM(tbraccd_amount)
    -- misc
    -- FROM tbraccd, tbbcstu
    -- WHERE tbraccd_term_code = '201010'
    -- AND tbraccd_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
    -- AND (tbraccd_detail_code = 'AUNA' OR
    -- tbraccd_detail_code = 'OTPB')
    -- GROUP BY tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount)
    --ORDER BY tbraccd_pidm, spriden_first_name, spriden_mi, spriden_last_name,
    -- tbbcstu_sponsor_ref_number, sftregs_credit_hr;
    ORDER BY tbraccd_pidm;
    v_filehandle := utl_file.fopen(location => 'UTLFILE_MISAP9',
    filename => 'ban_matrix.dat',
    open_mode => 'w',
    max_linesize => 32767);
    OPEN c_sel_contract;
    FETCH c_sel_contract INTO v_contract_id, v_contract_name,
    v_contract_addr1, v_contract_addr2,
    v_contract_city, v_contract_stat,
    EXIT WHEN c_sel_contract%NOTFOUND;
    v_output :=
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_id,9),rpad(' ',9)) ||
    ' ' ||
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_name,60),rpad(' ',60));
    v_output :=
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_addr1, 30),rpad(' ',30)) ||
    ' ' ||
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_addr2, 30),rpad(' ',30));
    v_output :=
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_city, 20), rpad(' ',20)) ||
    ' ' ||
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_stat, 3), rpad(' ',3)) ||
    ' ' ||
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_zip, 10), rpad(' ',10));
    OPEN c_sel_student;
    FETCH c_sel_student into v_student_id, v_student_first_name, v_student_mid_name,
    -- v_books_amount, v_misc_amount;
    EXIT WHEN c_sel_student%NOTFOUND;
    v_last_out := substr(v_student_last_name, 1, 20);
    v_output :=
    nvl(rpad(v_student_id, 09),rpad(' ',09)) ||
    ' ' ||
    nvl(rpad(v_student_first_name, 15),rpad(' ',15)) ||
    nvl(rpad(v_student_mid_name, 15),rpad(' ',15)) ||
    nvl(rpad(v_last_out, 20),rpad(' ',20)) ||
    ' ' ||
    nvl(rpad(v_student_ref_number, 09),rpad(' ',09)) ||
    ' ' ||
    v_credit_hrs ||
    ' ' ||
    v_tuition_amount ||
    -- v_books_amount ||
    -- ' ' ||
    -- v_misc_amount;
    -- DECLARE
    -- err_msg VARCHAR2(100);
    -- BEGIN
    -- err_msg := 'ERR- '||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1,100);
    -- - utl_file.put_line(v_filehandle,err_msg);
    CLOSE c_sel_contract;
    CLOSE c_sel_student;

    run this original query
    SELECT DISTINCT spriden_id,
       FROM spriden, tbraccd, tbbcstu, sftregs
    WHERE 559220 = tbbcstu_contract_pidm
       AND spriden_pidm = tbraccd_pidm
       AND spriden_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
       AND spriden_pidm = sftregs_pidm
       AND (sftregs_pidm, sftregs_credit_hr) IN (SELECT DISTINCT sftregs_pidm, SUM(sftregs_credit_hr)
                                                   FROM sftregs, tbbcstu, spriden
                                                  WHERE sftregs_term_code = '201010'
                                                    AND sftregs_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
                                                    AND sftregs_pidm = spriden_pidm
                                                 GROUP BY sftregs_pidm)
       AND (tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount) IN (SELECT DISTINCT tbraccd_pidm, SUM(tbraccd_amount)
                                              -- tuition
                                                FROM tbraccd, tbbcstu, spriden
                                               WHERE tbraccd_term_code = '201010'
                                                 AND (tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU01' OR
                                                      tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU02' OR
                                                      tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU03' OR
                                                      tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU04')
                                                 AND tbraccd_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
                                                 AND tbraccd_pidm = spriden_pidm
                                               GROUP BY tbraccd_pidm)
       AND (tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount) IN (SELECT tbraccd_pidm, SUM(tbraccd_amount) books
                                                FROM tbraccd, tbbcstu
                                               WHERE tbraccd_term_code = '201010'
                                                 AND (tbraccd_detail_code = 'BKSU' OR
                                                      tbraccd_detail_code = 'BKCH')
                                                 AND tbraccd_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
                                              GROUP BY tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount)
    ORDER BY tbraccd_pidm;then run this sub-query:
    SELECT tbraccd_pidm, SUM(tbraccd_amount) books
       FROM tbraccd, tbbcstu
      WHERE tbraccd_term_code = '201010'
        AND (tbraccd_detail_code = 'BKSU' OR
             tbraccd_detail_code = 'BKCH')
       AND tbraccd_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
    GROUP BY tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount)see if you have a matching tbraccd_pidm and tbraccd_amount between the two results.

  • Sub report question

    Hi Guru:
    I created two BW report from the query, say A and B.
    In A, I include B as a sub report.
    I could preview in in crystal report 2008.
    However, after I include B, I could not use the Save function in SAP menu, it will return an error code 6 says there is error when try to open the report.
    But I could use the Save button under the File menu and save it on the enterprise.
    Any idea about this?

    are you trying to insert a subreport basd on an existing report or a new subreport with the wizard ?
    it is correct the SAP toolbar is not there but you should be able to go to the list of data sources and find the entry called SAP BW MDX driver which gives you access to the queries

  • Total newb var question

    Hello :) ,
    so Im a total newb :(
    I am trying to make this code into a function....
    jd_label.setIcon(new javax.swing.JLabel(){
    public javax.swing.Icon getIcon(){
    try {
    return new javax.swing.ImageIcon(
    catch ( e){
    return null;
    problem is, Im such a new i dont know how to use a var on this line...
    jd_label.setIcon(new javax.swing.JLabel(){
    I would like jd_label to be a $var but java just wants to update
    a label named "var".... i.e.
    JLabel jd = new Jlabel();
    string fred = jd
    but this freaks out... in PERL it seems the vars are a little more
    Could some one please help me :)
    Thanks in advance,

    Thank you :)
    Im still confused...but that will pass in time
    As for the code in the first post... that was from a scrip i wrote
    but the section i posted NetBeans wrote. here is the whole scrip...
    All i really want to do is put pictures on labels...and i thought, why write
    the same code for every button, ill just make a function out of the whole setIcon bit and call it for each label that needs a picture, passing the url of the picture off to the function... Below gets me one pic on one label, so
    how can i reproduce this efffect on other lables using the same code over and over?
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class HelloWorldSwing {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("HelloWorldSwing");
    JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello World");
    JLabel jd_label = new JLabel();
         JTextField tex = new JTextField("sup suka");
         JPanel pan = new JPanel();
         pan.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3,10,10));
    // i wanna make this bit into a fuction to reuse
         jd_label.setIcon(new javax.swing.JLabel() {
    public javax.swing.Icon getIcon() {
    try {
    return new javax.swing.ImageIcon(
    } catch ( e) {
    return null;
         frame.getContentPane().add("Center", pan);

  • Another delete sub form question.

    I can delete a specific sub form as long as the button that is used to delete the sub form resides in the the sub form using,
    So how do delete a specific sub form using a script in a button that is in another sub form? If I use the same line of code the first occurance of a sub form is removed in every case and not the one I want to get rid of.

    You have to pass in the index of the specific subform in Subform1 that you want to remove. It works when the button is in the subform because this.parent.index is the index of the subform containing the button. If you move the button out of the subform you are passing in the index of the new parent to the button which is not the correct index that you want to remove.
    Adobe Enterprise Developer Support

  • Pub/Sub Upgrade question

    I'm in the process of upgrading a 4.x CUCM Pub/Sub to 8.5.
    The new hardware I have doesn't support anything below 8.5 so I used a "swing server" for the DMA export/import, etc.
    To upgrade the swing server I used an upgrade ISO I had previously downloaded to
    Then, I installed 8.5 from disk, upgraded it to and did a backup on the swing server and a restore on the new server.
    So far, everything is fine and dandy.
    Now, for the sub...
    At first it wouldn't install because the disk version of CUCM I have isn't the same as the active one.  So I rebooted the Pub into the inactive (downgraded) partion and then I got the sub to install since it recogized that the Pub was on the same version.
    So now I need to get these both on the where the data import is located.  I tried upgrading the sub first (to the inactive partion) figuring once that is done I'll just reboot the Pub into the correct version and then the Sub. 
    However, the Sub failed twice on the upgrade with an error saying it failed reading from the source file.  So, I rebooted the Pub into the correct version and I'm trying again to upgrade the Sub.  Hopefully this will work.
    So, where did I go wrong and what should I do differently?
    All criticism accepted!

    The upgrade failed again and I noticed that all the services on the Sub were deactivated and they would not start due to a database error.
    I then rebooted the Pub into the inactive partition which is the downgraded version matching the current Sub version.  This allowed me to activate the services on the Sub.
    Then,  I ran the upgrade on the Sub and it seemed to take.  I then rebooted the Pub into the correct (upgraded) version.  I went to switch versions on the Sub but it only show the active version being the lower (incorrect) version.  I rebooted anyway thinking it may boot into the upgraded version but it didn't.
    When both servers came up, the Pub into the correct (upgraded) version and the Sub into the wrong version I checked the services on the Sub and they're activated and running.  I'm trying to run the upgrade again and I selected to reboot into the inactive partition automatically this time.
    Thoughts?  I feel like I'm chasing my tail...

  • Session var question

    never it
    Edited by: mbowles on Aug 27, 2009 6:03 AM

    To answer your question no. For security reasons, you cannot retrieve a sessoin using its ID.
    Is it an extremely secure piece of information?
    If the servlet and applet are talking to the same web application, you could possibly pass the data via the application scope (have a map in application scope, keyed by the session ID, and put the value to pass in that)
    Its not completely secure, because any servlet/jsp in the application can view that data, but it is a sidestep hack to accomplish what you wish :-)

  • Simple var question

    when i declare a variable using "var", is it relative only to
    the timeline it is declared on? for example, can i have the a
    variable named "location" in two different movie clips? will flash
    know the difference between the variable in each movie clip, or do
    i have to use an unique variable name in each movie clip?

    do you work for adobe? by no means am i complaining about
    your omnipresence, i love it. just wondering though. thanks

  • Sub var update in Essbase

    Hello Gurus -
    Does anyone know if a subvar is updated in essbase does the process gets captured in essbase log file?
    I updated a subvar at all app.all db level but do not see any entries in the essbase log file regarding the update.

    Depends how you set it, I think with esscmd you get more information in the essbase.log file than you do with maxl.
    Setting a var at db level
    Esscmd you would see something like
    Received client request: Set Substitution Variable (from user [admin])
    Maxl disappointing log info
    Received client request: MaxL: Execute (from user [admin])
    Database app.db altered

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