Submit XML

I have a Submit Email button on my form and it send the file in XML format...
1) can I change this to email PDF?
2) if not, I am unable to import the xml file onto original PDF form as stated in the email portion.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, most of my end users will only have reader, so I guess I need to be able to send the xml file. When I send the xml file to myself and try to import the file it only brings in the radio boxes and non of the numerical fields or text fields.
If I open the xml file in explorer I see all the information is there. How do I get the form to fill out completely? Is there a function I have to check or change in designer?
Thanks for any help in advance.
Scott Carey

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    I am using sumit button to submit the XML in Live cycle designer . here i am speecified in the dropdown submit as XML .
    and the presubmit the following code used to specify the URL .
    Like same as above i want to specify the sumit as XML also using script .Please provide some idea sumit the XML to the particuler URL without using submit buuton or
    2. Provide some scrpits to submit the XML using  submit button
    the reason for above need is to add/remove some tags from submit XML before submitting 

    Is any script availble like below to submit as XML ?
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    Thanks in Advance

  • How do I use a generic button to submit xml instead of pdf?

    Hello All.
    I am using the following javascript that I found to email a form:
    var subject = form1.SF1.TxtFld1.rawValue.concat(_form1.SF1.TxtFld2.rawValue);
    var myDoc =;
    try {
            bUI: false,
            cTo: '[email protected]',
            cSubject: subject,
            cSubmitAs: "XML"
    } catch (e) {
        // exception handling...
    I would like to modify the above to email the xml instead of the pdf.  Can anybody help? 
    The reason I'm not using the submit button is because I can't figure out how to customize the subject line as I have in the above script. 
    If there's a better way of doing what I need, please let me know - I'm open to suggestions.

    Add a regular button to the form.
    Add/Modify the following script on the click event of the button:{cURL:"mailto:"+"[email protected]"+"?&body="This is a test email "&subject="+ subject +", cSubmitAs:"PDF",cCharset:"utf-8"});
    You will need an Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions Server to make this possible for users who only have Reader and not full Acrobat.
    Please see the following thread for more information:

  • Submit Button to submit xml data of form to a server folder

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    I have created a form that our users will fill out in adobe reader. I would like them to be able to hit the submit button and it send the xml data to a specified folder on our server.
    I created a submit button from from the generic "button", chose to use as a "submit" control type, then entered the servers url as http://<my server name>:<Open Port>/<Folder name on the server>/
    I chose to submit as XML data
    When I test the button, a box willl pop up saying "Preparing for submit..." then immediatley changes to "Receiving Data".
    The problem is that the box freezes on "receiving Data" but I do not need to receive data, I just need to dump the xml data to the folder on my server.
    I have used a variety of urls with and without the port#, or without the http: but with backslashes but get the error "An error occurred during the submit process. There was a problem connecting to the server."  I feel the latest URL with the port# is at least closer by trying to communicate with the server.
    Not sure what I am missing but I have seen in other forums where some have used PHP code or a servlet but I have no experience with either and the forums did not cover the scripting and where it needs to be placed.
    Can someone help me?

    As far as I know you canit simply write a file to the server using HTTP protocol. If your server was set up as an FTP server you coudl use the FTP protocol (but Acrobat does not support that). You can post the file to a server program (as you mentioned a servlet or JSP or whatever your server supports) and it can in turn write it to your server location.
    Hope that helps

  • How do I submit xml data from a form to live cycle

    This is my first post, so I'm not sure if this is the right forum.
    I have a flex app, which calls a pdf. You enter the info on the pdf and then click submit. Now I need to know what i have to do to submit the information (not via email)to a live cycle process and which live cycle process I must submit it to?
    I'm assuming I must using some sort of servlet to submit the info?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hello Ross,
    Yes, you need a servlet that gets the submitted info from PDF, and then that servlet internally need to invoke your process.
    There are couple of ways you can submit the data to your servlet, either as PDF/XML/XDP. If you are looking for submitting PDF/XDP, then one need to have either Acrobat S.W (Standard or Professional) or you need to apply ReaderExtensions on those PDFs.
    Hope I answered your questions.

  • Submit XML to PHP

    Hi, I have problem with that.
    I`ve done regular button with javascript on click event.
    var aSubmitFields ="pretty");, "XML", 1, 0);{
      aFields: aSubmitFields,
      cSubmitAs: "XML"
    or only that{
      cSubmitAs: "XML"
    and it doesn`t work.
    PHP is receiving data but it shows that XML as empty array (messageBox shows data properly).
    I`ve tried also submit type button with same script. It`s receiving string but not formated as XML and when I have multiple dynamic rows (adding rows dynamically after pressing "add" button) it shows me only first row.

    It would be also very helpfull if somebody could tell me how to send multiple dynamic rows to index.php becouse standard submit http button sends only first row. I know that problem is from naming of instance variables. Instances are named Row[*] but htttp sends only first row "Row" and the rest are gone becouse of same name. How to fix it? How to submit row count to XML tags or php array?

  • Submit XML filename

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    Anyone that can explain how the filename gets assigned would be most helpful!

    Then you can hard code a subject in the mailto protocol or if you want to take information from the form amd make that part of the subject you vcan get at it programmatically by creating a fake email button that you expose to the user and then hide the real email button by making it hidden. Then on the click event of the fake email button you do something like this: = "mailto:[email protected]?subject=" + SubjectfieldName.rawValue;
    Where subject field name is the name of the field that holds the subject that you want to place in there.
    Hope that helps

  • Submit  XML - FTP Server wants username and password

    I am new to Livecycle and very excited about the product.
    I would like the Acrobat 8 users of my PDF form (that was created in Livecycle 8.2) to submit their XML data to my ftp server when they hit my submit button.
    I have create a submit button and entered into the object URL:
    Submit as: XML Data (XML)
    Data Encoding: UTF-8
    My ftp server wants a username and password to be entered before it will allow a file transfer. How do I submit my username and password with this submit button?

    Here is the PHP Script I ended up using on this project to make it all work, I called XMLupload.php. Just in case someone has the same questions I had.
    <br />
    <br /><?<br /?>
    <br /> $conf=new JConfig();
    <br /> $con=mysql_connect($conf-&gt;host,$conf-&gt;user,$conf-&gt;password);
    <br /> mysql_select_db('wilder_joomla',$con);
    <br />
    <br /> define('ADMIN_ROOT_DIR',dirname(__FILE__));
    <br /> $xml_uploaddir = ADMIN_ROOT_DIR."/administrator/xml/";
    <br /> $pdf_uploaddir = ADMIN_ROOT_DIR."/administrator/pdf/";
    <br />
    <br /> function random($length)
    <br /> {
    <br /> $hash =date('YmdHis',time()+8*3600)."_";
    <br /> $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
    <br /> $max = strlen($chars) - 1;
    <br /> mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000);
    <br /> for($i = 0; $i &lt; $length; $i++)
    <br /> {
    <br /> $hash .= $chars[mt_rand(0, $max)];
    <br /> }
    <br /> return $hash;
    <br /> }
    <br /> function get24hTime($time){
    <br /> if(strpos($time, "am")){
    <br /> $time = trim(str_replace("am","",$time));
    <br /> $temp = split(":",$time);
    <br /> return substr("0".$temp[0],strlen($temp[0])-1).":".$temp[1];
    <br /> }else if(strpos($time, "pm")){
    <br /> $time = trim(str_replace("pm","",$time));
    <br /> if(substr($time,0,2)=="12") return $time;
    <br /> return strval(intval(substr($time,0,strpos($time,':')))+12).substr($time,strpos($time,':'));
    <br /> }
    <br /> }
    <br />
    <br /> $file_path = $xml_uploaddir.random(10).".xml";
    <br /> $temp = split("/",$file_path);
    <br /> $xml_path = $temp[count($temp)-2]."/".$temp[count($temp)-1];
    <br />
    <br /> $body = file_get_contents("php://input");
    <br /> $fp=fopen($file_path,"w");
    <br /> fwrite($fp,$body);
    <br /> fclose($fp);
    <br />
    <br /> $xml=simplexml_load_file($file_path);
    <br /> $nodes=$xml-&gt;xpath("/form1/P1");
    <br /> $xml_groupname=$nodes[0]-&gt;group_name[0];
    <br /> $xml_groupname=addslashes($xml_groupname);
    <br /> $xml_checkin_date=$xml-&gt;DateofArrival;
    <br /> $xml_checkin_time=get24hTime($xml-&gt;ArrivalHour);
    <br /> $xml_checkin_date.=" ".$xml_checkin_time.":00";
    <br /> $xml_contact_person=$nodes[0]-&gt;contact_name[0];
    <br /> $xml_contact_email=$nodes[0]-&gt;contact_email[0];
    <br />
    <br /> /*
    <br /> print_r("FilePath: $file_path
    <br />");
    <br /> print_r("GroupName: $xml_groupname
    <br />");
    <br /> print_r("checkin_date: $xml_checkin_date
    <br />");
    <br /> print_r("contact_person: $xml_contact_person
    <br />");
    <br /> print_r("contact_email: $xml_contact_email
    <br />");
    <br /> */
    <br />
    <br /> $sql = "insert into jos_xml_files (status,file_path,pdf_path,group_name,checkin_date,contact_person,userid,add_time,email) values (0,'$xml_path','','$xml_groupname','$xml_checkin_date','$xml_contact_person',0,now(),'$xm l_contact_email')";
    <br /> mysql_query($sql);
    <br /> $message ='
    <ul class="noindent">
    <li>XML file is uploaded successfully.</li>
    <li style="list-style: none">';
    <br /> mysql_close($con);
    <br />?&gt;
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br /></li>
    <div id="showmsgmain">
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <table width="57%" align="center" style="border:1px solid #e5e5e5">
    <td height="25" bgcolor="#E5E5E5">&#160;Information suggested!</td>
    <td height="122">
    <br />
    <div style="margin-left: 2em; color:#0066CC;">
    <br /> <?php echo $message;?>
    <br /></div>
    <br /></td>
    <br /></div>
    <br />
    <br />

  • Submit xml for csv generation

    I have a pdf which contains a table, I click a submit button and the data is posted to a url. The response is a csv file from the xml. Is there anyway in which reader 9 will be able to open the resulting csv in a native application without reader being opened in the broswer. This functionality did exist in reader 8, but is now gone in reader 9.
    Is there anyway I can achive this?
    Thanks in advance.

    When the httpservices completes isn't the result bound to an arrayCollection (or array) so you could essesntially accomplish anything you want, sort search etc..
    Is the XML result directly bound to a datagrid or is it bound to arrayCollection first and then bind the arrayCollection to the data grid?
    From the network layer comparison, say you have 100 rows with 10 columns, the file size of XML vs CSV makes a big difference.  Do you think this warrants bringing the file as CSV instead of XML?  You also have to consider the server side doing the extra formating.  You will notice a big difference in an enterprise database if its doing extra work and file I/O.
    Being so used to ODBC-RAW data, I'm finding some apps are slow because of the XML format and I'm looking for an alternative similar to the ODBC-RAW data format.  I do agree that you can do more with XML but if it's just use for say in drop down list, data grid and not so much for formatting, I think CSV will do just fine.  I would however, bring in a single row as XML.
    Thanks for replying back so quickly.

  • Submit XML from script without navigating client away?

    Is it possible to submit a form (XML over HTTP) without the client application navigating away (to the page which I am submitting to)?

    I agree with you Brad about the seemingly under-implemented submit function. It's as though someone has thought, "Well, because it's HTTP we must follow the request-response protocol and display the response from the server." But not really followed through on the consequences of this. It would have been nice to have a flag which controlled if the response can be ignored.
    Using Form Server we have returned flat "receipt" PDF's, which can be displayed in both Reader, Acrobat and in a browser with a PDF plug-in. This is a pretty simple solution, but for a customised receipt it does require Form server.
    Another solution would be to use SOAP/Webservices. Data can be delivered to a system without the user navigating away from the current PDF. It's a little more to implement but works quite well - and it fits the bill of XML over HTTP.
    There is a chapter on programatically using SOAP in the Acrobat Javascript Scripting Guide.
    Anthony Jereley
    Indigo Pacific

  • Submit XML or XDP

    I created a PDF form using livecycle. I can pick up the data submitted to my url as http post (using ASP Request.Form() ).
    My question is: how do I pick up the data submitted when I submit as XML or XDP? Any sample in ASP gratefully received.

    Live Cycle Forms can handle submissions from any of those formats and will return the data as XML. If you are using ASPs you can access the FormServer API by making a SOAP call.
    Adobe Developer
    See you at Adobe MAX!

  • How to make submit form submit xml differently

    The acrobat built in submit form button which submits xml expects the receiving server to be able to read the XML unlimited. Unfortunately I can't do this with Lotus Domino server 6.5.
    I am looking for a way to save the XML data to a file and upload it to a website as if the user had saved and uploaded it themselves, but automated using some javascript on a button. Is this possible? Any examples/help/pushes in the right direction greatly appreciated.

    Looks like my problem was just the TARGET=_blank> stuff. I change the code to the following:
    l_url VARCHAR2(200);
    WHEN OTHERS then
    That works fine and instead of putting it in place of the INSERT button code I left that alone and put it in the "After form processing" pl/sql code. Now it works pretty well. The only thing left to fix is that it loses all my current Page Parameter values when forwarding the url like that.

  • Submit XML and show a webpage when submission is done

    Hi all,
    I am doing a project where the customer needs to use a third party signing component (the form is RE off course). Other servers the customer has available is Output and Forms.
    The scenario is as follows:
    1. The user fills out the form in Reader (stand alone - not through browser plugin) and wants to sign - he then submits (http POST) to the signing server that responds with a URL where the user now can do the actual signing communication with the signing server.
    2. The signing process completes and the user must now be notified the his/her form has been signed - this should be done by opening a receipt pdf in the Reader.
    I am not sure how/if this can be done by some how letting the Reader wait for a pdf response from LC Forms or something else.
    Anybody out there who has done something similar who can point me in the right direction?
    Thanks in advance
    Kim Christensen
    Dafolo A/S

    Have a look in my blog (in my profile). That gives a solution for displaying reports on a page without submit.

  • Dunning Letters and XML Publisher

    I have created a template for the dunning letter print in applications. When we submit the dunning letter generate process it kicks off the print automatically and this gives us a problem as the print doesn't seem to have the XMLP template associated with it and we get no output. We can work round this by submitting the XML Report Publisher Request to get the dunning letter print as required. We do have the "one step" patch applied and other XML Publisher reports are working seamlessly so how do we get the dunning letters print to work seamlessly when we have no control of the submission?
    Any help appreciated.

    Yes it works fine in preview. Also works OK if I submit XML Report Publisher.
    The problem is the template is for the dunning letters print report but we don't actually submit that, we submit the dunning letters generate which kicks off the dunning letter print. I guess the submit process within the generate process does not include the template in the parameters list so there is no output available when it runs.
    Only thing I can think of is to modify the print report to submit the XML Report Publisher in the after report trigger but not sure if this is going to work?
    I did see a similar query on metalink where the person was told there would be a solution in XMLP5.5 but I can't see anything in the about 5.5 doc that fits this issue.
    Any ideas appreciated.

  • Multiple Thread of a xml publisher report - messed up fonts in the PDF out

    We are running 60000 invoices at a given time. In order to get the job done faster, the xml publisher report is set up to run mulitple threads. Each thread running unique set of invoices.
    I am seeing this issue, randomly.
    The pdf output of the invoice is having the fonts messed up. font 10 shows up as 14 and the invoice looks very bad.
    When i rerun the same set of invoices it looks absolutely normal.
    Also if I retrieve the xml output of the bad pdf and view it through the xmlpub desktop, it looks perfectly fine.
    Two times we saw this issue
    - when i run 8 threads, i saw this issue in one of the thread and affected one invoice. (Production- 1 concurrent processing node+ 5 OPP processes and 5 threads + MEMORY is J:oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController:-mx3072m )
    - when i ran with 16 threads, one of the thread running xml pub report affected all the invoices (UAT environment-1 concurrent processing node+ 7 OPP processes and 1 threads + MEMORY is J:oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController:-mx3072m )
    Looks like it is happening when running multiple threads.
    The formatting command or information is getting lost somewhere and the report is all messed up.
    Please advise.

    Really appreciate your response. Can you pls give little more details.
    1] Are there any standard API's which I can use to submit XML publisher report from the JSP pages
    2]Is there any sample code snippet for any of the options that I can refer to..or pls let me know the API's, I will check on them
    Appreciate any help

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