Subtitles go out of sync

I have loads of series bought from iTunes, when i play a episode the subtitles mainly is fine but sometimes they go out of sync.
When it happend just now the subtitles is almost 9 sec to late.
I can watch a part of episode, come back a hour or two and the subtitles is out of wack.
Are there is a way to get them to sync again?

Btw its lastest iPad Mini with 8.2 update.
Buts happends on iPad Air latest version.

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    Hi everyone,
    I've got a (big) problem with Encore. I want to add subtitles to a movie, around an hour and half lenght.
    When I import them, they're first perfectly synchronised, but as time goes by, they get up to
    5-6 seconds off. What should I do?
    P.S. I've already did the colon stuff - : into ; (and reversed), changed subtitle
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    as I read in one post. It all has the same result - the subtitles are always the same.
                                                                           Thanks in advance.

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    and are you editing with sources that are in fcp friendly formats into a sequence in an fcp friendly format?  Are all sources and the sequence the same frame rate?  If not, that could be the problem.

  • Converted (.SRT - Encore Subtitle text script) never Sync.

    Hi all,
    I've searched for two days on the web but still no answer.
    I'm making a BluRay Disc of a collection of TV Show episodes. I add these episodes as an .m4v file into Encore, which works great. These videos will be transcoded the the appropriat format at the end.
    The only problem I encounter is the subtitles: I have an .srt file which runs perfectly sync with the .m4v video file (when I just play it in i.e. VLC, so no Adobe Encore is used)
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    I really hope someone can help me out here.
    Thanks in advance.

    Allright, maybe this way is not the fastest way to calculatie it, but it works every time for me:
    First of all the crucial properties are that all my videofiles.m4v are 23,976 FPS and I've set my Encore BluRay project to BluRay NTSC 23,976 FPS.
    I don't know if this works when different framerates are used...
    I'll go through these steps with an example I used, which I'm sure of it works.
    When you import the videofile.m4v into Adobe Encore, and look at the properties, you'll see it's FPS, but also the time in frames not milliseconds. Write down what time is displayed (in example: 00:53:18:19 which is hh:mm:ss:ff frames)
    When you look up the duration of the videofile.m4v outside Adobe Encore it'll display in milliseconds
    (I used MediaInfo on OS X, but VLC will also display time. In my case it displayed the videofile.m4v as 53min22sec, and yes this is the same videofile.m4v as the 00:53:18:19 displayed in STEP 1 )
    This 53min22sec = 00:53:22:000 (hh:mm:ss:mmm milliseconds)
    What we want is the difference between the videofile.m4v in Encore, and outside Encore. This difference can be converted in percentages, which can be applied in Subtitle Edit to adjust the subtitles.
    3) "Calculating the displayed frames displayed in Encore to milliseconds"
    So, in my case, I'm dealing with 23,976 FPS (note: FPS = Frames Per Second)
    1 second = 23,976 FPS
    1000 milliseconds = 23,976
    In this example 00:53:18:19. We know 1000 milliseconds = 23,976 FPS, so we also know how many milliseconds 19 FPS is:
    (19*1000ms)/(23,976) = 792,
    4) "Rewrite the Encore time in seconds"
    We now know that 00:53:18:19 (in frames) = 00:53:18:792 (in milliseconds)
    5) "Calculate difference in seconds between time shown in Encore (00:53:18:792) and time shown outside Encore (00:53:22:000)"
    Difference in seconds = 00:53:22:000 - 00:53:18:792 = 3,208 seconds
    Now we have to calculate what the percentage those 3,208 seconds is in respect the the whole videofile.m4v inside Encore.
    6) "Calculate percentage"
    We know the total time of the videofile.m4v in Encore is 00:53:18:792 (We just calculated that). That total duration is 100%, but being able to calculate with that value, we have to convert those hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds into just seconds.
    Easy: (53min*60seconds) + 18seconds + 0,792seconds = 3198,792 seconds
    3198,792 = 100%, so we also know how many % 3,208 seconds is.
    (3,208*100%) / 3198,792 = 0,100273472%
    We know have calculated the difference between the videofile.m4v inside Encore, and outside Encore.
    The is synchronized to the videofile.m4v outside Encore, and not inside Encore (duh, that's the whole problem)
    But when we open Subtitle Edit, open the and choose for the option to resync with percentage, you'll see it's normalle set to 100%. This value has to be adjusted with our corrected % we've calculated in STEP 6.
    So, 100%-0,100273472% = 99,89971214%. Makes sure that it's set to apply on all subtitle lines, and hit ENTER.
    Make sure the subtitle is set to 'Unicode' (can be done in Subtitle Edit, just in the main screen).
    Then, hit "Save As" and save the subtitle not as .srt but as Adobe Encore NTSC.
    You can now import this subtitle_Adobe.Encore.NTSC.txt in Adobe Encore, and it will run Perfectly sync.
    Good luck!
    Sorry if I described it a little bit long, but this will make sure you understand it correctly. I hope.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    - Chris.

  • Green pixels and out of sync movie on PAL

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    Thanks for any info.

    Did you ever get an answer on this?  I have the exact same problem.  Windows Vista, iTunes
    Songs play great, videos are choppy and warble but they play fine on QuickTime.

  • Audio out of sync

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    I am shooting 60i, 16:9, standard 16 bit audio, everything default. The weird thing is is that the audio is out of sync for its own video clip! And it seems to get futher out of sync the farther in the clip I play.
    I imported as DV 3x2 anamorphic using a Sony DSR 11 deck.
    Is my camera tweaked?

    Read the bit at the end about unlocked audio.
    This article claims FCP has a switch to deal with the 48 KHz vs 48.009 KHz. I don't know it.
    and more good information here...,1737,2024
    There are kluge work arounds, but they are not ideal. When I have to deal with this stuff I keep my captures short, which doesn't seem to be an option for you.
    Another trick is the change the speed of the audio very slightly to compensate for the drift.
    I hope all this helps. I was burned by this with a project four years ago, so I know how frustrating it is.

  • Audio out of sync when playing HD content

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    Many thanks in advance,
    EDIT: I have tried to use component cables instead of HDMI, but the problem remains. Of course also tested the video on my Mac and no problems. A quick pause and resume usually solves it, but only for a minute or so.
    Message was edited by: MrJeaz

    What sort of specification is the video content? Is spec too high for AppleTV.
    It may be that it's some kind of bug in AppleTV's playback, that the Mac does not exhibit, or an issue with encoding that causes a problem only on AppleTV.
    If you are encoding video and using same as source for the frame rate, it may be better in some cases trying explicitly to specify the frame rate required in case automatic frame rate conversion is introducing some kind of timing issue. Test a short clip to see.

  • MPEG4 video from imovie is sluggish and audio out of sync

    Hi y'all,
    I am new to this. So I need some hand holding here. I am working with video that was exported in MPEG4 video from imovie on a mac.
    The Camera I used is a Sony FX7 HD camera with SD tape.
    So Now I am trying to edit the video using Premiere Pro CS3 creative suite.
    Import into CS3 is fine. Playing the imported video in the source monitor is fine as well. All looks well.
    However, here are the challenges I am having:
    1. When I try to play it in the Program monitor its very sluggish. Audio plays fine but picture lags behind.
    2. And once I edit the the video and try to export it as flash video or as a windows media, the video and audio are out of sync.
    The video is choppy as well.
    Details: source video is 720x480 and trying to export to 320x240
    My project details are:
    DV-NTSC standard 48khz
    Video is 10 min long

    OK, not my choice of workflows, but... I assume that the MP4's are H.264 encoded. There are many of these. Three common ones are Lead, MainConcept and Apple. Some find that one works better than the others. These are not the ONLY versions, but are common. You might want to explore others, depending on which one you have installed. G-Spot can tell you which you have.
    Next, you can Render your Timeline, to get things as smooth as possible.
    Note that the MP4 files are heavily compressed already. Quality has been lost, and there is nothing that can be done about that. When you Export to, say DVD, you will recompress that material, and loose even more.
    In the future, have your Mac-person do the Capture to .MOV [Animation CODEC]. Or, do it yourself to DV-AVI Type II w/ 48KHz 16-bit PCM/WAV Audio.
    Not sure of any other ways to get the MP4's playing more smoothly. Much will depend on both your CPU and on your system's I/O sub-system, i.e. your HDD's, their size, speed, controller type and how they are utilized.
    Good luck,

  • Audio out of sync with video in timeline SOLVED

    The audio and video are in sync when playing .MP4 video (but may apply to other video files) in the Premiere Pro viewer and Windows Media Player and VLC however, as soon as you drag the clip into the timeline it goes out of sync. Since it took so much time for me to figure out how to get around this problem I wanted to share this, ESPECIALLY For all the people who are semi Adobe Premiere noobs (with no disrespect, I fall into this category) at this and google isn't helping to figure out why this is happening I'll give you the easy fix.  For all the people in this forum who are going to ask the detailed information, codecs, etc.  I'll give that as well.
    All the information I've read online all seems to point that the timeline sometimes doesn't like certain audio contained in the video. It conforms incorrectly, etc. Personally, it doesn't make any sense to me. Forget all that.. you just want to get on with your project.. to heck with the details, you're tired of googling.  Here's the solution I found.  Extracting the audio from the problematic video file outside of Adobe Premiere.  I use avconv, because it's free, open source, and you won't lose audio quality.  Then linking that audio with the video in Adobe Premiere.
    First if you are using a windows 32 bit computer download avconv here:
    If you are using a windows 64 bit computer download avconv here:
    go to the bottom of the page and click on the newest date version.  DISCLAIMER: This is open source software. It's free.  I didn't make it so I'm not trying to sell you anything.
    It's a zip file so you will need to use winzip or 7zip to uncompress it.  You can't just click on the installer. You can uncompress and save the program wherever you want on your computer.  Say you didn't pay attention and you automatically saved it in the default spot in your downloads folder.  The place you'd find the program might look like this if you're on a 64 bit computer: 
    C:\Users\youruseraccountname\Downloads\libav-9.7-win64  If you're on a 32 bit computer it will probably look like this C:\Users\youruseraccountname\Downloads\libav-9.7-win32
    Just make sure you know where it is located and copy it down in notepad.  If you can't find it, do a search on your C: drive for avconv  .For this forum thread we will assume you have saved avconv in the downloads folder and you're on a 64 bit computer. 
    Click on the Windows key on your keyboard. Type in Run and then press enter. Type in CMD and press enter.  This will open up windows command line. Don't worry, it's not as scary as you think.
    Now hold down the Windows key and press E. This will open up a windows explorer window for you to find the video file you are having issues with in Adobe Premiere.  Once you have found the file, copy the location of the file.  So..  if your file was here:  c:\Users\youruseraccount\videos\yourvideo.mp4 you would see that at the top of the windows explorer in what's called the address bar.  Copy that.  Paste it into your notepad.
    Now switch back to the windows command line window.  Now I'm going to have you type a command into the windows command line but before you do I want you to understand how to type it in.
    #1. Do you know the exact path (location on your computer) where you installed avconv?
    #2. Did you copy the exact path (location on your computer) where you have your video file?
    If so..  type in the command below but change it with the information you have above
    C:\Users\youruseraccountname\Downloads\libav-9.7-win64\usr\bin\avconv.exe -i "c:\Users\youruseraccount\videos\yourvideo.mp4" -vn -qscale 1 "c:\Users\youruseraccount\videos\yourvideo.wav"
    So let's break it down so you understand and help troubleshoot any issues you may have.
    C:\Users\youruseraccountname\Downloads\libav-9.7-win64  this is the example location we said we installed avconv.  The actual avconv.exe program is located inside that folder so the full path would be this: C:\Users\youruseraccountname\Downloads\libav-9.7-win64\usr\bin\avconv.exe
    -i just tells avconv what the input file is.
    "c:\Users\youruseraccount\videos\yourvideo.mp4" is the path (location on your computer) where your video file is.
    -vn just tells avconv you only want to extract audio from the video
    -qscale 1 just tells avconv you want the best quality
    "c:\Users\youruseraccount\videos\yourvideo.wav" just tells avconv the path (location on your computer) and the name you want to give the audio file you're taking from the video.  This will save the audio wav file to the path (location on your computer) where the problematic video file is saved.
    Once you have the audio wav file import it into Adobe Premiere.  In the timeline, unlink the audio from the mp4 (or whatever video file you have).  Highlight the now unlinked mp4 audio and delete the audio.  Then bring your audio wav file you created using avconv and bring it onto the timeline at the start of the video. Now link it.  Hopefully that did the trick.
    If you have any questions regarding the command line or installing avconv please feel free to comment and ask.  I'm pretty good at windows command line and can probably help identify what the issue is.
    Here are the details of the problematic video file that I had this issue with.  This is from avconv:
        major_brand     : mp42
        minor_version   : 1
        compatible_brands: mp42mp41
        creation_time   : 2013-05-12 11:45:32
      Duration: 01:58:28.24, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 3256 kb/s
        Stream #0.0(eng): Video: h264 (Constrained Baseline), yuv420p, 1280x720, 2997 kb/s, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 25 tbn
          creation_time   : 2013-05-12 11:45:32
        Stream #0.1(eng): Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 256 kb/s
          creation_time   : 2013-05-12 11:45:32
    I don't know the type make/model video camera that was used or if it was converted before being given to me. This is just what i had to work with and the solution I found to fix it.

    if you are using a windows 32 bit computer
    Then you won't be using anything above Premiere Pro CS4, and this thread would be in the wrong section.
    By the way, the process is significantly easier using something like Xvid4PSP, which can strip out the audio using a fairly easy to understand GUI, as wel as convert those oddball videos into something PP can handle.  (Use version 5.)

  • Jabber for Windows and Unity Connection Voice mail out of sync

    Hello all,
    Now that Jabber is pretty much part of every install you begin to notice some trends. One trend that I have noticed happening across several of customers is complaints about Jabber and the Voicemail server getting out of sync. It’s never really been a wide spread issue but it has be noticed by several of my customers enough so that I’m reaching out to see if others are experiencing the same problem. Here are the symptoms, a person sitting at their desk they have a physical phone, and a windows PC running Jabber 4 Windows. They miss a call and the MWI lamp gets lit on the phone but not on Jabber. When you click on HELP / Show Connection status, you see all green checks, and Voicemail shows connected from Jabbers standpoint. When you exit the application and come back in, then it sync’s back up just fine. I have never seen it happen myself, but to be honest I’m never at my desk enough to even notice if my phone lamp is lit.
    Anyway has anyone had similar issues? If so is there a fix?

    User logged in Jabber and do not log-off/sign-out for more than 24 hours and then jabber does not receive new voicemails from Unity Connection. User will be able to receive voicemails from other interfaces like Outlook, TUI but voicemails will not show up in Jabber.
    User does not sign out from jabber for more than 24 hours since last log on.
    Sign out from jabber at-least once a day and sign-in back so that subscription will not expire in Unity Connection database.
    Voicemail does not sync if Jabber left logged in for more than 24 hours
    Can be fixed, depends on releases, TAC offered me a fix in version 10.5(1)ES29

  • Out of sync audio when trying to capture from digital 8 camera to quicktime, please help

    Just trying to capture hi 8 tapes using a sony digital 8 dcr-trv355e pal into quicktime;
    great clear video but  audio becomes out of sync like a bad kungfu movie,
    contacted apple they tried to help, but they dont really understand issue
    there are lots of people out there that are trying to digitise old analog video;
    I have fcpx and imovie they both play the old video via  the digital 8 camera but cannot capture;
    that is why using quicktime; thanks!!

    Yes i think its something to do ith the fact its a wmv file, when i use mpeg footage it exports fine.
    basically, no matter how long the video, the video is out of sync...its weird
    i've decided the best thing to do is leave quicktime and export using windows media instead, that seems to give me a better looking picture witha small file size anyway
    thanks for your help though!

  • Flash Player doesn't play smoothly and out of sync in full screen

    Hello! Everyone
    The flash player ( does not play smoothly and in full screen audio and vidoe is out of sync.  I didn't use to have any problem at all, it only started about two weeks ago and since then despite trying various things (i.e. disabling hardware excelration, uninstalling & reinstalling, trying various browsers etc.) has not resolved the issue.  I don't know why it has suddenly stopped playing smoothly as I have not installed any software recently which might have cuased this. 
    I am using Windows XP (service pack3) and have dual partion with dual operating system (both XP).  There is the same problem on both operarting system and flash player won't run smoothly on either of them.  Although my computer and graphics card is quite old but the downloaded movies/DVD playback is fine even in full screen.  It runs smoothly and audio&video is in sync so I don't think it could my the graphics card. 
    As I mentioned I have tried all the browsers but without any luck.  The BBC iplayer plays ok most of the time if not in full screen but as soon as you make it full screen the vidoe is more like a slide show and very jittery and audio&video gets out of sync.  Same with youtube vidoes, they play ok when not in full screen but the video in full screen does not play smoothly and audio&vidoes gets out of sync.  However the ITV player & Channel 4 content on 4OD does not even play smoothly when not in full screen and the video&audio is out of sync all the time. 
    It would be really helpful if anyone can suggest anything to resolve this issue as I have not been able to find anything on the internet to solve the problem and its driving me up the wall.  Although I have tried to include as much details as I could think of so please let me know if I have missed any details that could be crucial in order to identify the problem.
    Thank you very much for reading this and taking the time to reply and your feedback. 
    Below is the DxDiag report for my laptop:
    Time of this report: 4/22/2012, 00:15:58      
    Machine name: TIMES-LAPTOP   
    Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.111025-1629)           
    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: TimeComputers       
    System Model: VT8372               
    BIOS: Insyde Software MobilePRO BIOS Version 4.00.01          
    Processor: mobile AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2000+,  MMX,  3DNow, ~1.7GHz             
    Memory: 1248MB RAM          
    Page File: 809MB used, 2790MB available        
    Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS    
    DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904) DX
    Setup Parameters: Not found     
    DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.5512 32bit Unicode 
    ------------ DxDiag Notes ------------  
    DirectX Files Tab: No problems found.      
    Display Tab 1: No problems found.        
    Sound Tab 1: No problems found.          
    Music Tab: No problems found.          
    Input Tab: No problems found.        
    Network Tab: No problems found. 
    -------------------- DirectX Debug Levels --------------------
    Direct3D:    0/4 (n/a)
    DirectDraw:  0/4 (retail)
    DirectInput: 0/5 (n/a)
    DirectMusic: 0/5 (n/a)
    DirectPlay:  0/9 (retail)
    DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
    DirectShow:  0/6 (retail) 
    --------------- Display Devices ---------------        
    Card name: S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR               
    Manufacturer: S3 Graphics Co., Ltd.        
    Chip type: S3 ProSavage DDR         
    DAC type: S3 SDAC       
    Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_5333&DEV_8D04&SUBSYS_83751071&REV_00   
    Display Memory: 32.0 MB     
    Current Mode: 1024 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz)          
    Monitor: Digital Flat Panel (1024x768)   Monitor Max Res:       
    Driver Name: s3gnb.dll   
    Driver Version: 6.14.0010.0025 (English)      
    DDI Version: 9 (or higher)
    Driver Attributes: Final Retail 
    Driver Date/Size: 3/2/2004 14:02:26, 402048 bytes      
    WHQL Logo'd: Yes   WHQL Date Stamp: n/a              
    VDD: n/a         
    Mini VDD: s3gnbm.sys    
    Mini VDD Date: 3/2/2004 14:02:30, 167040 bytes
    Device Identifier: {D7B75DD3-CE44-11CF-D873-7FA3A1C2CB35}        
    Vendor ID: 0x5333        
    Device ID: 0x8D04        
    SubSys ID: 0x83751071      
    Revision ID: 0x0000      
    Revision ID: 0x0000      
    Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_C ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_D  
    Deinterlace Caps: n/a         
    Registry: OK     
    DDraw Status: Enabled       
    D3D Status: Enabled       
    AGP Status: Enabled DDraw
    Test Result: Not run 
    D3D7 Test Result: Not run 
    D3D8 Test Result: Not run 
    D3D9 Test Result: Not run 
    ------------- Sound Devices -------------            
    Description: Vinyl AC'97 Audio (WAVE) 
    Default Sound Playback: Yes 
    Default Voice Playback: Yes            
    Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_3059&SUBSYS_83751071&REV_50        
    Manufacturer ID: 1             
    Product ID: 100                   
    Type: WDM            
    Driver Name: vinyl97.sys         
    Driver Version: 6.14.0001.4170 (English)      
    Driver Attributes: Final Retail            
    WHQL Logo'd: Yes          
    Date and Size: 8/10/2006 07:32:14, 204672 bytes            
    Other Files:         
    Driver Provider: VIA Technologies, Inc.         
    HW Accel Level: Full              
    Cap Flags: 0xF5F    
    Min/Max Sample Rate: 8000, 48000 Static/Strm
    HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0  Static/Strm
    HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0              
    HW Memory: 0       
    Voice Management: No  EAX(tm) 2.0
    Listen/Src: No, No    I3DL2(tm)
    Listen/Src: No, No Sensaura(tm)
    ZoomFX(tm): No               
    Registry: OK      
    Sound Test Result: Not run 
    --------------------- Sound Capture Devices ---------------------            
    Description: Vinyl AC'97 Audio (WAVE)  
    Default Sound Capture: Yes  
    Default Voice Capture: Yes            
    Driver Name: vinyl97.sys         
    Driver Version: 6.14.0001.4170 (English)      
    Driver Attributes: Final Retail          
    Date and Size: 8/10/2006 07:32:14, 204672 bytes              
    Cap Flags: 0x41           
    Format Flags: 0xFFF 
    ----------- DirectMusic -----------        
    DLS Path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\GM.DLS     
    DLS Version: 1.00.0016.0002    
    Acceleration: n/a           
    Ports: Microsoft Synthesizer, Software (Not Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal, Default Port                  
    Vinyl AC'97 Audio (WAVE), Software (Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal                  
    Microsoft MIDI Mapper [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal                  
    Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal        
    Registry: OK     
    Test Result: Not run 
    ------------------- DirectInput Devices -------------------      
    Device Name: Mouse         
    Attached: 1    
    Controller ID: n/a
    Vendor/Product ID: n/a        
    FF Driver: n/a       
    Device Name: Keyboard         
    Attached: 1    
    Controller ID: n/a
    Vendor/Product ID: n/a        
    FF Driver: n/a 
    Poll w/ Interrupt: No         
    Registry: OK 
    ----------- USB Devices -----------
    + USB Root Hub |
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x1106, 0x3038 |
    Matching Device ID: usb\root_hub |
    Service: usbhub |
    Driver: usbhub.sys, 4/13/2008 19:45:37, 59520 bytes |
    Driver: usbd.sys, 8/23/2001 13:00:00, 4736 bytes

    Would you mind opening a new bug on this at  Please include your dxdiag report, a specific URL and a link to this forum thread.
    In the meantime, you might want to try our 11.3 beta or rollback to a previous version of the player to see if that resolves the problem.

  • HT1209 My Itunes Library and iPhone have fallen out of sync on music over the yearsare - how can I compare my itunes library with my Iphone  to see what songs are missing from my library so I can then bring my Library up to date

    My Itunes Library and iPhone have fallen out of sync on music over the yearsare - how can I compare my itunes library with my Iphone  to see what songs are missing from my library so I can then bring my Library up to date

    Hello Solid Buck,
    Thank you so much for providing the details about the duplicate song issue you are experiencing.  It sounds like you would like to remove the duplicate songs that will not play on your iPhone, but when you connect it to iTunes, iTunes only shows you one copy of the song on your iPhone. 
    In this situation, I recommend deleting the individual songs that do not play directly from your iPhone.  I found the steps to do this on page 61 of the iPhone User Guide (
    Delete a song from iPhone: In Songs, swipe the song, then tap Delete.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • 10.6 iCal week view and mini calendar are out of sync-how to fix?

    How does one re-establish "sync" between the large window week view and the small mini calendar month view displayed on the lower left side? Mine is out of sync by a month. Thanks!

    Are they off by always the same amount of time or they drift apart over time?
    If the former, you may try a quick adjustment, though it is a manual affair. Control-click on the clip in the browser, choose "Open in Timeline" and try moving the audio to match.
    If I remember correctly, DV tape audio could be recorded in 32KHz or 48KHz. The latter is the one that should be used, always.
    Maybe this one was recorded at 32KHz?

  • Video out of sync in Final Cut Express... but in sync everywhere else!

    'm working on making one video that is composed of two camera angles of the same thing. So, I have two video tracks in Final Cut Express, one for the side view, and one for the main view. Both videos are Quicktime Movies (.mov extension).
    Here are the file details:
    Main Cam: duration - 1hr 26min 46sec // file size - 5.74gb
    Side Cam: duration - 1hr 29min 18sec // file size - 5.63gb
    [the side cam video is a little longer because I started filming with that camera a little bit before the main cam and stopped the filming a little earlier]
    Now, here's the problem. Both videos are in my Final Cut Express project. The Main Cam video runs fine. But the Side Cam video's video is out of sync with the audio by a lot (somewhere between 2 and 6 full seconds). Normally I would think that something had happened during the filming, but here's the odd thing: the Side Cam video plays perfectly in sync out of Final Cut Express.
    If I open it in Quicktime, or even in iMovie, the audio and video are perfectly in sync for the entirely of the video. But when I import it into FCE and watch it there, whether it's in the timeline, in the viewer, rendered, or unrendered (I've tried them all), it's horribly out of sync.
    So, the video plays fine and in sync everwhere except for in the Final Cut Express program. The Main Cam video, which has a very similar duration and file size and which is the same file type, plays perfectly even in FCE. The only problem is the Side Cam, and I can't figure out why this is, or how to fix it.
    Another thing: these videos were not captured from a camera into Final Cut. I already have the video files on the computer, and as I've said, the audio is fine there. To get them into FCE, I use file -> import.
    Also, if anyone has suggestions on how to fix this, could you provide directions of some sort? I'm fairly new to Final Cut.
    Any advice would be greatly, greatly appreciated.
    Thank you so much in advance!

    Does both camcorders was set to 16-48 khz audio?
    One way to synch audio that drifting from video (or from anoter audio lenght) is to set precisely 2 markers (one near the beginning, another near the end) in the correct lenght video track. Try to find spots where you can hear and see a common reference. The result of the workaround will put a corrected audios between those points only.
    Now note the duration between those 2 markers in video track.
    *Unlink the video/audio clip with the wrong duration.*
    Select the drifting audio and put the 2 markers at the intended reference points.
    The duration should be less or more than the video.
    Use the blade tool to cut the wrong lenght audio at markers.
    The tips is to set a new duration for this portion with the set speed command.
    With this +new duration+, align the in point of audio with the first video marker. The out point of audio should be aligned with the second video marker.
    Now the audio should match the video lenght and should be in synch.
    Michel Boissonneault

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