Sum Based on The Value of Another Group

I'm using RS 2005 and trying to accomplish the following:
Here is the detail data for those customers with negative balance. For example cust2 = -50 and cust3 = -30
Cust ID    Ord #   Balance
cust1        1          30
cust1        2          80
cust2        1        100
cust2        2       -150
cust3        1        100
cust3        2         70
cust3        3       -200
cust4        1       100
cust4        2         50
cust5        1       250
cust5        2         20
Total (net) balance for cust1 is 110
Total (net) balance for cust2 is -50 (100 + -150)
Total (net) balance for cust3 is -30 (100 + 70 + -200)
Total (net) balance for cust4 is 150
Total (net) balance for cust5 is 270
i have to aggregate the customer balance in group A (group by Cust ID)
For group B, Division - I only want sum the  balance of the customers within that division that have a negative balance (the balance aggregate in group A).
so the Total for Division (group B) is  -80 (bal of cust2 + bal of cust3)
in summary, i have to aggregate the balance for each customer, base on the balance of each customer (neg bal only), i aggregate the balance for the Division.  Your help/suggestion is greatly appreciated.

Hi Bryan,
First, did you trying to do this at query level or at RS using grouping and expression?
With query, to get aggregate for each customer, simply do:
select distinct Cust_ID, TotalBalance = sum(Balance)
from <your table>
group by Cust_ID
To get the aggregate for division, try:
select Total = sum(case when TotalBalance > 0 then 0 else TotalBalance end)
from (
select distinct Cust_ID, TotalBalance = sum(Balance)
from <your table>
group by Cust_ID
) t1
** Didn't see this has been replied.

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    Read the 'Propagation of Property Changes' section towards the end of the page for Set_Item_Property in the online help. I'm not sure what you mean by locking automatically but perhaps it's because of this.
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    from customer
    where customer_id = l_customer_id;

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    Please do it in this way..
    TABLES: pa0001.
    select-options: s_werks for pa0001-werks no intervals,
    s_btrtl for pa0001-btrtl no intervals,
    s_kostl for pa0001-kostl no intervals.
      PERFORM sub_pop_btrtl .
    *&      Form  sub_pop_btrtl
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form sub_pop_btrtl .
    DATA :  l_wa_dynp TYPE dynpread,
            l_i_dynp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dynpread,
            l_wa_temp LIKE LINE OF S_werks.
    REFRESH s_temp[].
      l_wa_dynp-fieldname = 'S_WERKS-LOW'.
      APPEND l_wa_dynp TO l_i_dynp.
    Get the screen values of template
          dyname               = sy-repid
          dynumb               = sy-dynnr
          dynpfields           = l_i_dynp
          invalid_abapworkarea = 1
          invalid_dynprofield  = 2
          invalid_dynproname   = 3
          invalid_dynpronummer = 4
          invalid_request      = 5
          no_fielddescription  = 6
          invalid_parameter    = 7
          undefind_error       = 8
          double_conversion    = 9
          stepl_not_found      = 10
          OTHERS               = 11.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Do Nothing
    Put the screen value in the select-options
      READ TABLE l_i_dynp INTO l_wa_dynp INDEX 1.
      l_wa_temp-sign = 'I'.
      l_wa_temp-option = 'EQ'.
      l_wa_temp-low = l_wa_dynp-fieldvalue.
    Now you use l_wa_temp as plant field
    endform.                    " sub_pop_btrtl

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    Just to put some closure to this, my work around is:
    Put all the Select List (with Redirect) fields first. All the other select lists dependent on them come after obviously, and then all the normal text fields come last. The App can work like that and still present a logical work flow.
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    1. Set all field sources to be filled Only when NULL.
    2. Use Select (or radio) "with redirect" for fields which control the LOVs or conditional showing of other fields
    3. Put all user typed entry fields after the Select/Radios with Redirect fields so you don't lose information typed when the Redirect takes place.

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    CASE WHEN (COL1 - COL2) < 0 then Red else Green end

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    Action: Field to Update - Field Name* is set to Forecast
    Value is set to: [<Forecast>]='Y'
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    What you have written should work, try Value is set to: <Forecast>=Yes.
    This should also be created in the Administration section as its not web services but workflows, you'll get better responses.

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    not possible.  I have wanted to do this myself.  You can post feedback to Apple using the menu item "Numbers > Provide Numbers Feedback"

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    Hi Caryn!
    I think it is not possible for making #Employees and Revenues required depending on Ownership(as it is a look up field).. it should be possible if you want to do it on any other criteria other than ownership by just renaming the Account Type, Disable all the values of Account Tyope add new values to Pick List and make it driving picklist upon your requirements..
    If you require Account Type, create a custom picklist "Account-Type" and add the values.

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    Using Jdeveloper 11g, Jheadstart 11g
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    Edited by: aliegeh on Jul 25, 2010 8:35 AM
    Edited by: aliegeh on Jul 25, 2010 8:43 AM

    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Here is what I am trying to do:
    I have a table with one visible column that has the following entries:
    1. Create
    2. Modify
    3. Verify
    4. Approve
    5. View
    If the user clicks on row 1 (Create) then the link group name should be "CreateEmployees" to create new employees
    If the user clicks on row 3 (Verify) then the link group name should be "MaintainEmployees" for verification and so on.
    (This is role based and each role will have access to one or more of the rows in the tabler)
    It basically mimics a work-flow type of scenario.
    I tried to modify the template and looked at the line:
    action="$JHS.facesConfigGenerator.addItemGroupLinkTaskFlowCall((${JHS.Current.item})}" but got stuck there.
    Is there a way to change "JSH.current.item" in the template to read the group link name from another column say by using #if statements.
    One way I also tried was to introduce a column for each action such as CreateAction, VerifyAction etc which kind of agrees with your suggestion but the drawback is the need to modify the table if another task is required.
    Edited by: aliegeh on Jul 25, 2010 8:36 AM
    Edited by: aliegeh on Jul 25, 2010 8:42 AM

  • Formula to populate one Person or Group column depending on the value of another Person Group column

    I am looking for a way to popluate the Account information of a Person based on another column where there name in another column.  I have Two Columns   "Name" which is a Person or Group information type and User Account which
    is also a Person or Group Information type.  When an Invidividuals name is entered into the Name column, I what the User Account column to prepolulate.

    For your issue, you can automatically populate User Information depending on the value of another Person or Group column by connectting with User Information List or  connectting with User Profile Web Service:
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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