SunAccessManagerRealm Error viewing users

Hi All,
I have configured resource'SunAccessManagerRealm'.
Was able to create users, but when i trying to view the
user details... it gives the below error.
Unable to contact resource'SunAccessManagerRealm'. Any
changes made may not be applied to this resource. Please
contact your administrator to correct this problem. Syslog
ID = SV-0414-034553
It happens for some users.

Josh -
It looks like you're running into a Known Issue 193751, which is documented in the TestStand 2010 and 2010 SP1 Known Issues List. This is an issue that we intend to fix in a future version of TestStand.
I hope this helps and am sorry for any inconvenience this issue may be causing you.
Manooch H.
National Instruments

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    I have a problem in RAR Management View:  Users who was valid have been analyzed and their conflicts considered in statistics, but when they become expired, their conflicts remain in the statistics forever, because they are not re-analyzed neither in Full nor in Incremental sync.    Even if all roles are removed from the user in backend, the conflicts remain in Management View.
    I think the Full Batch Risk Analysis should clean-up all users violations from current period statistics before recording the new analysis results. 
    Did you have this problem too?  Am I missing something? 
    I appreciate your thoughts about it.

    Hello Nuno,
    Thanks for your comments.
    My release is 5.3 SP 16.2.
    I also think the full sync should be enough but I already find about 20 users with problems, in 4 different backend and in 2 GRC (Tests and Production)
    I think that depending on some procedures done in the back-end the full sync do neither re-analyze the user nor clean-up previuos statistics, for example:
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    When i go in - Management View - User Analisys -( i select date , System , User Group ) Virsa CC shows me the correct number of users actually in the system, for this user group , according to USR02 SAP table , BUT Users with NO Violations and Users With Violations are not correct.
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    No. of Users Analyzed : 25                CORRECT
    Users with no Violations : 95 379%     NOT CORRECT
    Users with Violations : -70 -279%        NOT CORRECT
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    You stated in your initial comment that the Management Report check box was NOT selected? If this is the case then the graphs on the informer tab have not been updated. You must first execute the SOD (user/role/profile) analysis, once that job is complete then execute a separate job for the management reports. This will then update the informer tab (given that your rule set has been updated with your custom functions and risks).

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    Logesh Kumar.

    are you using the same Database user for both SQL Editor and XSJS ?
    try the following.
    Before executing the query , display it and copy the same from browser and execute in SQL editor.
    Put the statement in  a try catch block and analyse the exception .

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    Note to System Administrators: View source for more information about this error."
    But if we created new Organization with numbers only  e.g. 7777  we don't have the issue. Yet we already have large number of organization with alpha numeric and they work fine. (believe they were pragmatically loaded).
    The profiles "HZ: Generate Party Number" and "HZ: Generate Party Site Number" are set to Yes.
    ==> Here is the error in the page source:
    Message: The user could not be registered at this time due to an internal error
    Please contact the system administrator if this problem persists.
      Note to System Administrators: View source for more information about this error.
    oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.FrameworkException: The user could not be registered at this time due to an internal error
    Please contact the system administrator if this problem persists. 
    Note to System Administrators: View source for more information about this error.
        at _oa__html._jtftmplh._jspService(
        at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(
        at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.doDispatch(
        at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.internalService(
        at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.service(
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
        at oracle.jsp.provider.Jsp20RequestDispatcher.forward(
        at oracle.jsp.runtime.OraclePageContext.forward(
        at _oa__html._jtftmplh._jspService(
        at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(
        at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.doDispatch(
        at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.internalService(
        at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.service(
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
        at oracle.jsp.provider.Jsp20RequestDispatcher.forward(
        at oracle.jsp.runtime.OraclePageContext.forward(
        at _oa__html._jtftmplh._jspService(
        at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(
        at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.doDispatch(
        at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.internalService(
        at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.service(
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
        at oracle.jsp.provider.Jsp20RequestDispatcher.forward(
        at oracle.jsp.runtime.OraclePageContext.forward(
        at _oa__html._ibeCRgpBusinessCreate._jspService(
        at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(
        at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.doDispatch(
        at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.internalService(
        at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.service(
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
        at org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.processRequest(
    Caused by: oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.FrameworkException: IBE_ERR_UM_REG_USER
        ... 37 more
    Caused by: oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.FrameworkException
        at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.FrameworkException.convertException(
        at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.FrameworkException.addException(
        at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.FrameworkException.<init>(
        at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.FrameworkException.<init>(
        at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.FrameworkException.<init>(
        at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.FrameworkException.<init>(
        at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.FrameworkException.<init>(
        ... 39 more
    The error message is not helpful and not clear of the error. How can we register users with alpha-numeric value (if that is the issue?).
    Thanks for your assistance.

    Been like this for a couple of days.  Is this something that happens from time to time?

  • Unable to prepare project for publishing. Error in user parameter list

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    2) If I play the movie (either in the preview window or in full screen), I hear the audio, but the video remains on the picture, I was, when I start playing. This wasn't the case until yesterday. I don't know, what has changed this.
    I am not sure, if both problems are connected.
    If I try to play a clip, everything still works well, means audio and video are playing as expected.
    Any ideas, what I could try to solve this (I already tried to restart iMovie, checked that I have the newest version 8.0.1 (740) and tried to restart my iMac?

    I'm having the same problem, though it wasn't triggered by me importing anything. I had an almost complete project that I was just editing down and tightening up. I was making some deletions and moving some clips around when the project just went all wonky. If I hit the space bar the video will play. Audio, video and titles are all as they should be. But the editing window is frozen. The raw clips have disappeared from the upper left. When I restart the app the editing window is sometimes blank. But if I drag another application across the screen (like Mail or iTunes) the clips regenerate in the viewer window. This is a HUGE disappointment for me. After wasting an hour trying to solve this I now have to start completely from scratch with this project.

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    Thanks john for you are reply.
    I had tried what you sad.I open shared service in that foundation project i had export shared service.after that in import-export file.In that role.csv,user.csv,group.csv.Like this file have.When i open user file added some users after i trying save in excel it shown messgse
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    am i doing right way john.or explain clearly

  • I'm getting this error message: "User not registered for online use" when i'm trying to download music/ track names from a CD into ITunes on my Windows 8 PC.  I'm registered and my itunes account/ appleID are all correct and working.

    I'm getting this error message: "User not registered for online use" when i'm trying to download music/ track names from a CD into ITunes on my Windows 8 PC.  I'm registered and my itunes account/ appleID are all correct and working.

    The ""not recognized for on-line use". error is associated with the Gracenote service that iTunes uses to look up and retrieve metadata for CDs.  Some users have reported that this error occurs when trying to import from CD, subsequent to upgrading to version 12.  A number of slightly different solutions have been reported (though all of a similar nature).
    Try walking through the following steps - before starting you may have to enable hidden files and folders to be viewed - in Windows 7 / Windows Explorer select Organize > Folder and search options, then on the View tab make sure that Show hidden files, folders and drives is selected.  Without this you won't see the AppData folder in C:\Users\username\
    Exit iTunes
    In Windows Explorer, go to the folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes
    Delete the following files:
    CD Info.cidb
    Restart iTunes
    Insert a CD and see if details are now correctly retrieved from Gracenote
    If this doesn't work:
    In iTunes, select Edit > Preferences and make a note (or take a screenshot) of your preferences settings in all relevant tabs
    Exit iTunes
    In Windows Explorer, go to the folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes
    Delete the following file:iTunesPrefs.xml
    Restart iTunes
    Insert a CD and see if details are now correctly retrieved from Gracenote
    If this second procedure does work, you'll need to restore other iTunes preferences settings to those that you noted in step 1.
    If this one didn't work:
    Exit iTunes
    Check the following folders:
    C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\iTunes
    C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Apple Computer\iTunes
    Delete any copies of the following files:
    CD Info.cidb
    Restart iTunes
    Insert a CD and see if details are now correctly retrieved from Gracenote
    Again, if this procedure does work, you'll need to restore other iTunes preferences settings to those that you noted in step 1 of the second procedure. If you're still not able to retrieve CD info:
    Exit iTunes
    In Windows, select Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.  Find the entry for iTunes, right-click and select Repair.
    When this process has finished, restart iTunes
    Insert a CD and see if details are now correctly retrieved from Gracenote
    If none of these have worked (and almost everything I've seen suggests you should be OK by this point), you may have an issue with the installation and configuration of iTunes itself.  If you have got this far, see turingtest2's notes on Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates for advice on how to remove and replace of all components of iTunes.

  • Error viewing variables tab after running edit UI

    I have a problem that seems to be somewhat like this:
    The VI I am trying to run is an edit substep of a step type. LabVIEW checks to see if the "Step.Setup.ReadMeasName" property exists, populates a listbox with it if it does. Another listbox with all the available measurement names also appears on the UI. The user has an Add and Remove button to remove measurements from the "ReadMeas" listbox or add them to it from the "MeasNames" listbox. Multiple names can be added/removed at once depending on whats selected when the buttons are pressed. Once "Done" is clicked the VI writes the"ItemNames" property of the "ReadMeas" listbox to "Step.Setup.ReadMeasName", using a Set Property Value node which is passed the TestStand Sequence Context. If the property doesn't exist it creates it.
    The only time I have any problem is when I try to remove items from the property after it is already initialized (i.e. not empty). In other words, if I run the VI from teststand, put several measurement names into "ReadMeas" click done, run the VI again (the names already added appear in the box when the UI comes up, LabVIEW reads "Step.Setup.ReadMeasName" ), and then remove some of the names. IF I had "ThisContext.Step.Setup.ReadMeasNames" opened in the step "Variables" tab when trying to remove the names this message appears in the Variables tab: "One or more errors have occurred. Please Save your work and restart the application." If I make sure not to have "ThisContext" expaded in the variables tab, but check the property before and after removing names from the list it does work properly and there is no error.
    This isn't a big deal becuase I doubt the end-user will be checking to see that the property actually got populated, but I still would like to fix the bug if possible. I've installed the patch for TestStand 2010, and the .Net framwork 4.0. Anyone have any idea what could be going on here?
    Go to Solution.

    Josh -
    It looks like you're running into a Known Issue 193751, which is documented in the TestStand 2010 and 2010 SP1 Known Issues List. This is an issue that we intend to fix in a future version of TestStand.
    I hope this helps and am sorry for any inconvenience this issue may be causing you.
    Manooch H.
    National Instruments

  • ERROR: XIAFUSER user is not configured for keystore.....

    Hi all,
    When I am running the an adpater on XI that uses digital signatures that I have loaded into the TrustedCA's keystore view I get this error in my monitor.
    ERROR: XIAFUSER user is not configured for keystore TrustedCA's.
    How do I configure a user for a specific keystore?
    Kind Regards,

    You can find it from XI config doc here
    Also refer installation & post installation from here
    Jawahar Govindaraj
    PS:Reward pts

  • Use of Provisioning a User as View User wrt a planning application

    Hello All,
    I am using EPM and have created a planning application. I am trying to provision the users and groups now. I granted a user the proviison of "View User" under my planning application coz the user is supposed to be an executive who would just be able to see the data forms and not do much on the app.
    But with just this provision of "View User" I am not able to log into the planning application and i get the following error:
    "Failed to sync with User Provisioning. Check logs for details."
    Can some body plesae help me with this?

    Hi dwhpc,
    Thanks a lot for your reply..
    I tried restarting planning but still to no use...
    It again gives the same error.
    The fact is i could log into the application some time back without any problems and now its showing the error:
    _"Failed to sync User provisioning"_
    Below is what i can see on the cmd where planning is running....:
    nknown Source)
    at com.hyperion.planning.HspJSImpl.synchronizeUserWithProvisioning(Unkno
    wn Source)
    at com.hyperion.planning.HspJSImpl.login(Unknown Source)
    at com.hyperion.planning.HspJSImpl.login(Unknown Source)
    at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Login(Unknown Source)
    at HspLogOn.Handle(Unknown Source)
    at HspLogOn.doPost(Unknown Source)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(Appl
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationF
    at HspValidationFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(Appl
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationF
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperV
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextV
    Thanks in advance

  • When I update my nano ipod I get an error message "User ipod cannot be updated.  The disk couldnot be read from or written to."   How can I overcome this error message.

    In the iTunes window, when I update my nano ipod, I get an error message "User ipod cannot be updated.  The disk could not be read from or written to."   How can I overcome this error message.

    Hello there dilip77707,
    It sounds like you are getting this error message that your iPod cannot be read from or written to when you are trying to update your iPod Nano. I recommend the troubleshooting from the following article to help you get that resolved. Its pretty straight forward, just start at the top and work your way down as needed:
     'Disk cannot be read from or written to' when syncing iPod or 'Firmware update failure' error when updating or restoring iPod
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

  • When sharing iMovie11 project  with iDVD inmediately message 'the project could not be prepared for publishing because an error occurred (Error in user parameter list).  Finalize issue?

    When sharing my 60 minutes iMovie project with iDVD inmediately message 'The project could not be prepared for publishing because an error  occurred (Error in user parameter list)' appears. Could not find the user parameter list, so I've no more info about this error.
    Option File - Finalize Project gives inmediately the same errormessage.
    Also option Share - Media Browser - Large/Medium/Mobile give the same errormessage.
    Please advise, thank you!

    Additional info: trying to write to internal disk (268 GB Free out of 499 GB)
    Please advise, alko80

  • NOOK Simple Touch says "Error Dialog: user not activated" whenever I try to open e-books?

    I have had my Nook Simple Touch for about a year now, and I have been using Adobe Digital Editions without a problem. Now, all of the sudden, Barnes and Noble updated my software and I can't read any of my ADE books!! It just says "Error Dialog: User not activated" every time I click on them. I have looked at many other websites and I have tried plugging my nook in to my computer and reauthorizing it, reauthorizing my computer, deleting the digital editions file and .adobe-digital-editions file, redownloading my books, turning my nook off and on, crying, and screaming. The weird thing is, in all the instructions, it says a pop-up box will come up when I delete the files, but it never does. Is that normal? I always have to do it manually by clicking on the gear. I even made sure I "unhid" all the hidden files. I HAVE DONE EACH OF THESE AT LEAST 5 TIMES AND THEY NEVER WORK!!! HELP ME, PLEASE.
    Also, a lot of the websites say to make sure your Barnes and Noble ADE I.D. is the same as the one on your ADE computer I.D.. Is the B&N ADE I.D. different from just the Barnes and Noble ID? Becasue I have been using my sisters email for my computer ADE and my email for the B&N I.D.. Are they supposed to be the same? If so, how come I was able to use it without a problem before?? I tried reauthorizing ADE with my email, because I also have an ADE account with my email, but then it wouldn't let me redownload my books onto the new account. Does this mean I have to change the ADE computer I.D. and wait until my books are available again to read them? Is that the way to fix it? UGH!
    Help is much appreciated.
    P.S. I have ADE version 2.0

    Just to clarify, there are two levels of Authorization -- one for the ADE software and one for the nook. You have to use your Adobe account to authorize both (and they have to be authorized with the same user name). It sounded like your original problem (Kcoline) was with the Nook authorization, and it was the same problem the rest of us were having.
    To get your files back, I suggest carefully reading over the "Activation and Authorization" section of the ADE help. It appears that ADE will automatically find your files but note the "Note" in quoted text below...
    "After activation, any books, magazines, or other documents you previously bought with Adobe Acrobat® or Reader® software are migrated to Adobe Digital Editions. This is usually a relatively quick process. Adobe Digital Editions opens each item and reverifies its license to the user. If you don't have DRM-protected items, you don't need to be online during the migration. If you have a large number of items (for example, more than 100), then this process may take a while, but you will see a progress bar indicating the state of the migration as it proceeds.
    Note: Items that you previously borrowed from a public library with Adobe Acrobat® or Reader® software are not migrated to Adobe Digital Editions. You need to return the library item and then borrow the item again with Digital Editions."
    If it's not finding your files, it may be because they're located in a folder different from the one that ADE is trying to use to find them.
    You may also want to check the "Transferring items between computers" section, as this describes where the files should be located, and how to reimport them into your library.
    Good luck!

  • Error message on reading device saying error dialog user not activated

    error message on reading device saying     error dialog  user not activated.  unable to open book to read

    I had Adobe upgraded to from 1.2. to 4.1 on my Glow Light Nock at Barnes and Noble yesterday. I use a  MacBook Pro 2011 upgraded to 10.10.1. I have never had a problem download a book from the library to my nook in the past. By the time I get this issue resolved, my 2 week book will be overdue and my book club discussion 1/21. I have been to the genius bar at Apple store--not their problem. Two trips to B&N and
    the tech guy said he could fix the problem on a PC but not a Mac. It is not a Mac or Nook world.

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