SunRay 3 Hangs on a 26D Icon without a login prompt.

We are running Sun Ray Server 4.2 on a Solaris 10 System with a dual core AMD Opteron. Kernel is 144489-06. Everything in the Sun Ray System seems to function properly except it will not produce a login after the init of the Sun Ray Client. Other than that Mrs. Lincoln how was the play.? Client is a Sun Ray 3. We can login from a HP Thin Client (Neoware) and from another Solaris 10 system so we know the X is running. After some debugging, we know that utxsun script is not called but we cannot determine the calling sequence so we don't know where to go from here. Help would be appreciated. The firmware on the client was updated from the server, client can be pinged, queried, etc. Just can't log in.

The utxsun script should be executed by the X Display Manager, which on Solaris 10 is dtlogin. So check that dtlogin is running. If it isn't, start it by doing svcadm enable cde-login.
If dtlogin is running and you still don't get past 26D then look in dlogin's error log file, /var/dt/Xerrors, for clues. Also examine SRSS's main log file, /var/opt/SUWNut/log/messages, for information about how SRSS itself is handling these sessions.
Disclaimer: I work for Oracle, but I do not speak for Oracle.

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    You must delete that yahoo email account from your carrier's BIS site:
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    3.  In the form, refer to the images by name only.  If your images use a different extension from what is stored in Registry.dat, include the extension in the form.  If the extension is the same then ommit it.
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    Message was edited by: Michael Ferrante (Oracle)

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    Read this:

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    Edited by: 845290 on 17-Mar-2011 08:59

    That question has come up before bout that Knowledge Base article; all of the tips and suggestions in that remain valid under 10.4 (I suspect the article was retitled when Tiger first came out, in anticipitation of a never-needed Tiger version of the same article).
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    java c:\javadir\subjavadir\application.class
    And I believe that this will allow it to run without the command prompt. Just showing the GUI and no additional command prompt window. Freeing the command prompt is something that I don't know how to do in either OS.
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    Good question.
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    Hi steph,
    You will have work with Basis team and create an anonymous login id and password for your survey link which canbe sent on mail.

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    Are you working on a background layer? If so, Ctrl + T will not work. Press Alt and double-click your background layer to convert to a normal layer (or right-click BG layer and select Layer from Background) and try again.
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    William G 42 wrote:
    , I just can't really do anything with the content going either way.
    Make sure the EHD is Formatted Mac OS Extended (journaled
    Format, Erase, or Reformat a drive
    In iPhoto, Select All the Photos you want to move... Then Goto... > File > Export >
    Choose the settings as seen here
    Click Export and select your External Drive
    Best to create a Folder to put them in... and away you go...
    More Help available from iPhoto Toolbar Help Menu

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