Super Simple Flash Game Tutorials?

I'm looking for some super simple flash game tutorials that students can complete in about an hour.  I don't want a lot of actionscript, but some is necessary and that's fine.  Drop any links you may know of or any book titles.  I don't mind buying a book if it is what I'm looking for.  Flash CS5

This is an old technique but it works great using php:

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    This is an old technique but it works great using php:

  • Please help me with a simple flash game problem

    I am trying to learn how to make flash games with Adobe flash 5.5. I am doing a tutorial from a book and am stuck.
    The game is called concentration and you are suppose to match 2 tiles of the same shape. there are 10 shape tiles
    and 1 question mark tile. These tiles are held in an array. 20 tiles are suppose to be displayed 5 to a row with 4 rows
    and the question mark is suppose to be up on all 20. My problem is I get a blank screen when I test the movie. I
    think the code is good but I beleive I have not uploaded the tiles right. I did upload the 11 tiles to the library and have
    those 11 tiles and tile_movieclip in the library. Here is the code:
    package {
    // importing classes
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    // end of importing classes
    public class Main extends Sprite {
    public function Main() {
    // variables and constants
    const NUMBER_OF_TILES:uint=20;
    const TILES_PER_ROW:uint=5;
    var tiles:Array=new Array();
    var tile:tile_movieclip;
    // end of variables and constants
    // tiles creation loop
    for (var i:uint=0; i<NUMBER_OF_TILES; i++) {
    trace("My tiles: "+tiles);
    // end of tiles creation loop
    // shuffling loop
    var swap,tmp:uint;
    for (i=NUMBER_OF_TILES-1; i>0; i--) {
    trace("My shuffled tiles: "+tiles);
    // end of shuffling loop
    // tile placing loop
    for (i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_TILES; i++) {
    tile=new tile_movieclip();
    // end of tile placing loop
    Can someone please explain to me what I am suppose to do to make the this work? I beleive the problem is it doesnt know where the tiles are.

    To create the tiles, draw 10 distinct shapes in the first 10 frames of your symbol, and
    the back of the tile in the 11th frame. You are free to draw them as you want, but I suggest you make them as 90 pixels squares with registration point (starting x and y position) at 0, because these are the properties of the tiles used in this chapter's
    examples. At least, they should all be the same size.
    It didnt say put in a library. It is saying to draw them in frames of symbol but it didnt walk me through that. Can you guide me through this? I also was looking at how to add the link identifier but it said I need a popup window but I cant see one. I thought that was done
    when I went to insert new symbol. It said something about actionscript linkage. I am familliar with perl, java and c++ so I can follow the code so far but I dont have much understanding of the flash interface. I made the 10 shape tiles and the 1 question mark tile
    in paint. They are .jpeg images.

  • Help needed with creating Flash game

    I need to create Flash educational/quiz game for one of my clients. It would be based on concept like these ones for example:
    Example 1
    Example 2
    Note: when you open this link you will see two text boxs which you first must fill. On the left side text box "Upišite ime" means "Type your name" and right one "Upišite godinu svog rođenja" means "Year of birth"
    What is interesting about this type of games is that they are classic games (for example game Labirint where you have to find way out), but during play pop-up questions starts to appear to test end user knowledge abot certain topic (in example 2 topic is about AIDS/HIV). In case of my client, topic is about Eco environment.
    Here is where my trouble starts;) : I found many useful free tutorials how to create simple flash game (most interesting example I found is this one  BUT I dont know how make that system of popup questions appear during game similar to Example 1 and Example 2?
    Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance for promt reply.

    Update: I have just read all instructions in Snake tutorial which helped be better realize how Snake game works.
    a) This is what I plan to realize for my client:
    1. Snake game which end users will play and during play pop-up/quiz quesions will appear on topic Eco environment;
    2. For example when end user earns 50 points he must answer some of the random questions like "Q:How many ton of waste are produced by US livestock each year" with three answers A1: "1 milion" A2: "1 bilion" A3: "2 bilion" and after user scores 100 points then another question pops up and so on. This is all true if all answers are correct but in case he answer some question wrong than game can start from begining or another solution could be he looses -50 or -100 points.
    3. At the end, user which gains most points wins.
    b) This is what I have done till now:
    I have this file which I partly understand how it works with my Flash knowladge.
    All functions and main game engine is in layer code:
    "// Snake Game by Strille, 2004,
    blockSize = 8;   // the block width/height in number of pixels
    gameHeight = 30; // the game height in number of blocks
    gameWidth  = 45; // the game width in number of blocks
    replaySpeed = 1;
    SNAKE_BLOCK = 1; // holds the number used to mark snake blocks in the map
    xVelocity = [-1, 0, 1, 0]; // x velocity when moving left, up, right, down
    yVelocity = [0, -1, 0, 1]; // y velocity when moving left, up, right, down
    keyListener = new Object(); // key listener
    keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
        var keyCode = Key.getCode(); // get key code
        if (keyCode > 36 && keyCode < 41) { // arrow keys pressed (37 = left, 38 = up, 39 = right, 40 = down)...
            if (playRec) {
                if (keyCode == 37 && replaySpeed > 1) {
                } else if (keyCode == 39 && replaySpeed < 10) {
            } else if (game.onEnterFrame != undefined) { // only allow moves if the game is running, and is not paused
                if (keyCode-37 != turnQueue[0]) { // ...and it's different from the last key pressed
                    turnQueue.unshift(keyCode-37); // save the key (or rather direction) in the turnQueue
        } else if (keyCode == 32) { // start the game if it's not started (32 = SPACE)
            if (!gameRunning || playRec) {
        } else if (keyCode == 80) { // pause/unpause (80 = 'P')
            if (gameRunning && !playRec) {
                if (game.onEnterFrame) { // pause
                    delete game.onEnterFrame; // remove main loop
                } else { // exit pause mode
                    game.onEnterFrame = main; // start main loop
    function startGame(pRec) {
        x = int(gameWidth/2); // x start position in the middle
        y = gameHeight-2;     // y start position near the bottom
        map = new Array(); // create an array to store food and snake
        for (var n=0;n<gameWidth;n++) { // make map a 2 dimensional array
            map[n] = new Array();
        turnQueue = new Array(); // a queue to store key presses (so that x number of key presses during one frame are spread over x number of frames)
        game.createEmptyMovieClip("food", 1); // create MC to store the food
        game.createEmptyMovieClip("s", 2); // create MC to store the snake
        scoreTextField.text = "Score: 0"; // type out score info
        foodCounter = 0; // keeps track of the number of food movie clips
        snakeBlockCounter = 0; // keeps track of the snake blocks, increased on every frame
        currentDirection = 1; // holds the direction of movement (0 = left, 1 = up, 2 = right, 3 = down)
        snakeEraseCounter = -1; // increased on every frame, erases the snake tail (setting this to -3 will result in a 3 block long snake at the beginning)
        score = 0; // keeps track of the score
        ticks = lastRec = 0;
        recPos = recFoodPos = 0;
        playRec = pRec;
        if (!playRec) {
            textMC.gotoAndStop("hide"); // make sure no text is visible (like "game over ")
            highscores.enterHighscoreMC._visible = false;
            statusTextField.text = "";
            recTurn = "";
            recFrame = "";
            recFood = "";
            game.onEnterFrame = main; // start the main loop
        } else {
            if (loadedRecordingNumber != -1) {
                var n = getLoadedRecordingNumberHighscorePos(loadedRecordingNumber);
                statusTextField.text = "Viewing " + highscores[n].name.text + "'s game (score " + highscores[n].score.text + ")";
            } else {
                statusTextField.text = "Viewing your game";
            game.onEnterFrame = replayMain; // start the main loop
        placeFood("new"); // place a new food block
        gameRunning = true; // flag telling if the game is running. If true it does not necessarily mean that main is called (the game could be paused)
    function main() { // called on every frame if the game is running and it's not paused
        if (playRec) {
            if (ticks == lastRec+parseInt(recFrame.charAt(recPos*2)+recFrame.charAt(recPos*2+1), 36)) {
                currentDirection = parseInt(recTurn.charAt(recPos));
                lastRec = ticks;
        } else if (turnQueue.length) { // if we have a turn to perform...
            var dir = turnQueue.pop(); // ...pick the next turn in the queue...
            if (dir % 2 != currentDirection % 2) { // not a 180 degree turn (annoying to be able to turn into the snake with one key press)
                currentDirection = dir; // change current direction to the new value
                recTurn += dir;
                var fn = ticks-lastRec;
                if (fn < 36) {
                    recFrame += " "+new Number(fn).toString(36);
                } else {
                    recFrame += new Number(fn).toString(36);
                lastRec = ticks;
        x += xVelocity[currentDirection]; // move the snake position in x
        y += yVelocity[currentDirection]; // move the snake position in y
        if (map[x][y] != SNAKE_BLOCK && x > -1 && x < gameWidth && y > -1 && y < gameHeight) { // make sure we are not hitting the snake or leaving the game area
            game.s.attachMovie("snakeMC", snakeBlockCounter, snakeBlockCounter, {_x: x*blockSize, _y: y*blockSize}); // attach a snake block movie clip
            snakeBlockCounter++; // increase the snake counter
            if (map[x][y]) { // if it's a not a vacant block then there is a food block on the position
                score += 10; // add points to score
                scoreTextField.text = "Score: " + score; // type out score info
                snakeEraseCounter -= 5; // make the snake not remove the tail for five loops
                placeFood(map[x][y]); // place the food movie clip which is referenced in the map map[x][y]
            map[x][y] = SNAKE_BLOCK; // set current position to occupied
            var tailMC = game.s[snakeEraseCounter]; // get "last" MC according to snakeEraseCounter (may not exist)
            if (tailMC) { // if the snake block exists
                delete map[tailMC._x/blockSize][tailMC._y/blockSize]; // delete the value in the array m
                tailMC.removeMovieClip(); // delete the MC
            snakeEraseCounter++; // increase erase snake counter   
        } else { // GAME OVER if it is on a snake block or outside of the map
            if (playRec) {
            } else {
    function replayMain() {
        for (var n=0;n<replaySpeed;n++) {
    function gameOver() {
        textMC.gotoAndStop("gameOver"); // show "game over" text
        delete game.onEnterFrame; // quit looping main function
        gameRunning = false; // the game is no longer running
    function placeFood(foodMC) {
        if (playRec) {
            var xFood = parseInt(recFood.charAt(recFoodPos*3)+recFood.charAt(recFoodPos*3+1), 36);
            var yFood = parseInt(recFood.charAt(recFoodPos*3+2), 36);
        } else {
            do {
                var xFood = random(gameWidth);
                var yFood = random(gameHeight);
            } while (map[xFood][yFood]); // keep picking a spot until it's a vacant spot (we don't want to place the food on a position occupied by the snake)
            if (xFood < 36) {
                recFood += " "+new Number(xFood).toString(36);
            } else {
                recFood += new Number(xFood).toString(36);
            recFood += new Number(yFood).toString(36);
        if (foodMC == "new") { // create a new food movie clip
            foodMC ="foodMC", foodCounter, foodCounter);
        foodMC._x = xFood*blockSize; // place the food
        foodMC._y = yFood*blockSize; // place the food
        map[xFood][yFood] = foodMC; // save a reference to this food movie clip in the map
    //- Highscore functions
    enterHighscoreKeyListener = new Object();
    enterHighscoreKeyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
        if (Key.getCode() == Key.ENTER) {
            playerName = highscores.enterHighscoreMC.nameTextField.text;
            if (playerName == undefined || playerName == "") {
                playerName = "no name";
            highscores.enterHighscoreMC._visible = false;
            loadedRecordingNumber = -1;
    function enterHighscore() {
        if (score >= lowestHighscore) {
            highscores.enterHighscoreMC._visible = true;
        } else {
            loadedRecordingNumber = -1;
    function getLoadedRecordingNumberHighscorePos(num) {
        for (var n=0;n<10;n++) {
            if (num == highscores[n].recFile) {
                return n;
    function loadHighscores() {
        vars = new LoadVars();
        vars.onLoad = function(success) {
            for (var n=0;n<10;n++) {
                var mc = highscores.attachMovie("highscoreLine", n, n);
                mc._x = 5;
                mc._y = 5+n*12;
       = (n+1) + ".";
       = this["name"+n];
                mc.score.text = this["score"+n];
                mc.recFile = parseInt(this["recFile"+n]);
            lowestHighscore = parseInt(this.score9);
            if (!gameRunning) {
            delete this;
        if (this._url.indexOf("http") != -1) {
            vars.load("highscores.txt?" + new Date().getTime());
        } else {
    function loadRecording(num) {
        vars = new LoadVars();
        vars.onLoad = function(success) {
            if (success && this.recTurn.length) {
                recTurn = this.recTurn;
                recFrame = this.recFrame;
                recFood = this.recFood;
            } else {
            delete this;
        loadedRecordingNumber = num;
        if (this._url.indexOf("http") != -1) {
            vars.load("rec"+loadedRecordingNumber+".txt?" + new Date().getTime());
        } else {
    function saveHighscore() {
        sendVars = new LoadVars();
        for (var n in _root) {
            if (_root[n] != sendVars) {
                sendVars[n] = _root[n];
        returnVars = new LoadVars();
        returnVars.onLoad = function() {
            if (this.status == "ok") {
                loadHighscoresInterval = setInterval(function() {
                }, 1000);
            delete sendVars;
            delete this;
        sendVars.sendAndLoad("enterHighscore.php", returnVars, "POST");
    function startClicked() {
        if (!gameRunning || playRec) {
            if (highscores.enterHighscoreMC._visible) {
                highscores.enterHighscoreMC._visible = false;
    function viewGame(lineMC) {
        statusTextField.text = "Loading " + + "'s game...";
    Now what is left to do is somehow to iclude educational quiz in this game/code. First idea that came to me is same thing Ned suggested: to create some unique movie clip which would contain all data/questions lined up but main problem for me is how to "trigger" that movie clip to play only AFTER end user clicks on "Start game" or SPACE to restart? Not sure how to solve this issue?

  • Adobe Flash games and buttons super small in Firefox

    I recently got a new computer and I've noticed certain Adobe Flash games or other features of Adobe Flash don't load to the proper size that they used to. There is room on the screen to be bigger but it just looks like the game or features have shrunk.
    I am running Windows 8.1 and have the latest versions of both Firefox and Adobe Flash. I've tried going back to past versions of FF and Flash; hasn't worked. I tried FF in Safe Mode and resetting it but those didn't work either. They worked fine on my previous computer (5 years older and running Windows Vista). I also tried resizing the pages but the games/images stay small in proportion to the resizing. I have loaded the same problem pages/games in Chrome and IE without the errors reoccurring so there has to be some combo of problems between FF and Flash. On another note... not every game running has this problem. x_x
    Here's some links to some screenshots of my problem:
    Maybe something went wrong when I switched over my Firefox from my previous computer?

    Did you try to right-click in the Flash player area to see if you can restore the full size?
    Try to clear the Flash local storage and settings.
    *Windows Control Panel > Flash Player > Storage: Local Storage Settings
    **Remove a specific domain: Local Storage Settings by site
    **Remove all domains: Delete All and Delete Data
    Flash Website Storage Settings panel:
    Global Storage Settings Panel:

  • How Can I Learn To Develop Flash Games For Under $50.00 USD?

    I am completely new to anything Flash. I have never written a
    single line of Actionscript. I don't know the difference between
    Flash and Flex. I don't know in what forums Flash developers hang
    out. I don't even know what kind of coffee they drink, or if they
    drink tea instead.
    However, I have developed games and have been thinking about
    developing some casual games and have heard rumors that Adobe is
    "pushing" causal game development with Actionscript 3 and their
    latest releases. So I went to expecting to see a link for
    something like "learn how to develop games in flash" or some such.
    I poked around the developer related pages and didn't find anything
    I thought useful.
    What I did find were plenty of stuff for *existing* flash
    developers. Links to articles and HowTos for specific topics and
    information about products that cost a minimum of several hundred
    dollars. I can't learn how to develop games and create a prototype
    with a 30-day trial, and I am not going to buy a $1000 pro-grade
    tool when I am an indie developer without a budget or a pre-funded
    project that would justify such expenditures.
    I have seen some open source stuff, but don't know if it can
    do anything more than build some annoying shaking banner ads.
    So let me introduce myself as a possible use-case for Adobe
    Marketing and the Flash (Game) Developer community.
    I am an educated experience software developer who has a day
    job doing "enterprise" software stuff. I want to *play* in my free
    time (evenings and weekends) with "Flash Stuff" and learn enough to
    be able to build a simple game that I can put on my personal
    website and have my friends download. I am not a student, so I
    can't get student discounts. The money I have goes toward
    toys^H^H^H^H tools for my other coding habits^H^H^H^H^H projects. I
    am not interested in 30-day trials, as I may go 45-days or more
    between the first and second weekends I get to play with this. I
    know OOP so I want to start out learning how to do the "advanced"
    stuff from day one and not have to start with dragging and dropping
    PNGs w/o any coding and then "relearn" how to do it in code so I
    can do anything beyond having the image appear and rotate.
    I *am* willing to put time into this endeavor, but only after
    I have a few things spoon-fed to me by "advocates" who's job is to
    get me "hooked" and willing to invest my time to go beyond Hello
    World. At the same time I am download and playing with GarageGames,
    TGE/TGB, Game Maker, Dark Basic, Blitz Basic, etc. and many
    complete development environments that are full-featured and
    completely free if I limit myself to releasing only freeware games,
    or cost me less than $50 for the "professional" version with all
    the bells and whistles.
    I have heard rumors and rumblings about some open source
    tools being available and Adobe maybe open sourcing some of their
    previously pay-to-play tools, but also understand that Adobe can
    probably provide a better "comprehensive" package of tools,
    documentation, tutorials, and support, *if I can find the right
    place to ask/start.*
    And, most of all, I don't know where to start my search as I
    have no personal contacts to bug about stuff like this.
    So, where can I find the big red button to push and get
    everything I want handed to me on a silver-platter.
    [please understand I have written this with some attempt at
    self-mocking humor and am not some clueless n00b]
    Thank you for taking the time to read my lengthy posting. I
    hope to find some helpful replies and start down an interesting
    learning path.

    Just saw your post. Better late than never. You may want to
    consider, where you can create Flash based, casual
    games using your web browser. No downloads are required. You can
    create a game from scratch using a library of images, sounds and
    game mechanics. You can also upload your own. The online script
    editor will allow you to view and edit the ActionScripts associated
    with each game mechanic. In short, a great way to ramp up on game
    design and build your own game without investing a lot of $
    BTW I am associated with GameBrix so any feedback is

  • How can i record a name a score in a flash game and write down in a soreboard?

    Hi. I wrote down the summary of my project so that you can
    understand and answer me more easily:
    I have to build an application (a little flash game) in which
    I record the number of clicks. I want the player to choose a nick
    at the beginning and when he finishes one or all the four choices
    of target, i want the application to write his nick and final score
    in a database for displaying in a scoreboard (hall of fame). All
    the new entries should be sorted according to the score. If the
    same nick appears again, it's final score will be modified in the
    scoreboard only if is higher then the previous.
    I was thinking of creating a variable for the name that is
    chosen at the beginning and a variable for the score that is
    recorded. When the player finishes the game i want the application
    to write his data in the database, and then to display the
    scoreboard (let's say top 10 players in the database from the
    highest to the lowest score).
    I never did this before so i am asking what database shoud i
    use? I need a programmer to create one for me? Or can flash
    generate the database?
    Is the variable the good way or should I aproach the problem
    by other means? And if a programmer creates a database in MySql is
    that good or he should convert it to XML, or Flash generates the
    Thank you.
    Mark this message as the answer.

    The bottom line is you cannot write to a file (database or
    XML files) directly from flash.
    I have done a number of projects where I needed to have
    access to an XML source or a database. In these cases I had to
    create server side script. I have done them in .NET, PHP ASP.
    The only option you have is to use the Flash's Shared Object.
    This does not store the data indefinatly and has a limited size
    (100K). Let me know if you need further info.
    With regards to using a variables depends on how you are
    writing your game. If you are creating classes in ActionScript then
    all the data can be stored within the class members. For example
    you could have a Player Class and store all the player related
    information in that class until the game is over. On the other hand
    you can just use varibles to keep things simple.

  • Flash Game High Scores Board

    Hello everyone,
    I know this is a subject that gets covered a lot as i have found a ton of tutorials that show a million dfferent ways to create a high scores board on a flash game.  So i decided to go out on a limb and pick a tutorial out to try.  Well I have now tried 3 different ones and have yet to get a working high scores board with my game.
    That is the link to the most recent attempts to creat my high scores board.  When i finished everything the way the tutorial said it seemed like everything would work and then it just didnt.  After spending oh about 40 plus hours trying to make a high scores board i am getting very frustrated.  My game is scripted in AS2 and i have access to mysql and can set up unlimited databases.
    Can anyone please help me by sending an easy to follow tutorial that will work with AS2?  I would just like any kind of help right now as I feel ALL of my valid ideas have been ehausted.  Thanks in advance to anyone that can help!

    Okay not a problem.
    This is my code on the very first frame of the game that initializes the the highscores.php script
    command = "init";
    _root.loadVariables("highscores.php?"+int(Math.random()*100000), "POST");
    This is the code that I have on a submit button, next to the input text box where the user enters their name for the scoreboard.
    on (release) {
    if(name ne ""){
    command = "update";
    _root.loadVariables("highscores.php?"+int(Math.random()*100000), "POST");
    gotoAndStop ("highScores");
    In every place the code says _root. I have also tried this. and neither of them work.  I have also tried a million other things.  So far the game plays through, goes to the game over screen where it asks for a user name and tells them their score.  Then once they press submit the game goes to the highScores screen but the name and score are not there.  The high scores screen cosists of 2 dynamic text fields one named "players" and one named "scores".  I hope this helps because I spent another 5 or so hours after my initial posts trying more tutorials with still no luck.  (the problem i am having is that i am new to flash, however not to PHP)

  • Flash game-skeeball

    I need to create a flash version of the game skeeball. I've
    never done a flash game before and don't know where to start. I've
    found several tutorials and stuff on games, but none of them seem
    to fit the game of skeeball. Does anyone know any good tutorials or
    have any suggestions how to set this up?? I was thinking random
    movie clips of the ball going into one of the 8 holes, but I wanted
    something more realistic. Please any help would be greatly
    appreciated. Thank you for your time and patience.

    Do I know the answer - nope. But that is the challenge of
    making a Flash game, coming up with the ideas on how to make it
    work. When I created my first game I didn't know jack squat about
    using Flash. I basically came up with the concept, then figured out
    how to do each part step by step until it all came together. So,
    think about how you want the game to work, and don't worry about
    the "how to do it" part.
    Also, you might want to think of an original game, or
    something that hasn't been done before:
    Good luck!

  • How to Make Multiplayer TCP Flash Game?

    I have a game in the works, and though I got the UDP to work perfectly, I sadly later found out that that is simply just a lossy protocol. There's apparently (as far as my knowledge goes) nothing you can do to make it resend data if the data was not received successfully by the recipient.
    So, I was wondering how to use TCP? I've heard it's possible, but I can't seem to find a single tutorial or any information anywhere on how to do it. I found on Adobe's site socket connections, and though I got the server to connect (I think), I have no clue how to send data to it, how to get other clients to connect to it, etc. Any help?
    This is the script I've been using, and though it does connect... that's basically all it does, I don't know where to go from here...
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        public class TCP extends Sprite
            private var serverSocket:ServerSocket;
            private var clientSockets:Array = new Array();
            public function TCP()
                    // Create the server socket
                    serverSocket = new ServerSocket();
                    // Add the event listener
                    serverSocket.addEventListener( Event.CONNECT, connectHandler );
                    serverSocket.addEventListener( Event.CLOSE, onClose );
                    // Bind to local port 8087
                    serverSocket.bind( 8087, "" );
                    // Listen for connections
                    trace( "Listening on " + serverSocket.localPort );
            public function connectHandler(event:ServerSocketConnectEvent):void
                //Thesocket is provided by the event object
                var socket:Socket = event.socket as Socket;
                clientSockets.push( socket );
                socket.addEventListener( ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, socketDataHandler);
                socket.addEventListener( Event.CLOSE, onClientClose );
                socket.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError );
                //Send a connect message
                trace( "Sending connect message" );
            public function socketDataHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void
                var socket:Socket = as Socket
                //Read the message from the socket
                var message:String = socket.readUTFBytes( socket.bytesAvailable );
                trace( "Received: " + message);
                // Echo the received message back to the sender
                message = "Echo -- " + message;
                socket.writeUTFBytes( message );
                trace( "Sending: " + message );
            private function onClientClose( event:Event ):void
                trace( "Connection to client closed." );
                //Should also remove from clientSockets array...
            private function onIOError( errorEvent:IOErrorEvent ):void
                trace( "IOError: " + errorEvent.text );
            private function onClose( event:Event ):void
                trace( "Server socket closed by OS." );

    again:  unless you're using a server that all players connect to, you should be using adobe's peer-to-peer networking (rtmfp).
    ie, with multiplayer each player can communicate with a server and the server communicates with each player, or you use peer-to-peer communication.  below is an excerpt from a book i wrote (Flash Game Development: In a Social, Mobile and 3D World).
    Social Gaming - Multiplayer Games
    With multiplayer games, data needs to be communicated among the players.  When a player makes a move (changing the game state) the updated game state needs to be communicated to all the other players. In addition, that communication needs to occur in a timely manner. 
    With turn-based games (like card games) that communication among players can take as long as few seconds without degrading the game experience. With real time games (like shooter games), even a 250 millisecond delay in communicating game state leads to a significantly degraded player experience. Consequently, real time multiplayer games require substantial expertise to successfully develop and deploy.
    There are two fundamentally different ways that communication among players can be accomplished. Players can communicate via a server (server-based games) or they can communicate directly from player to player (peer-to-peer) games.
    Server Based Multiplayer Games
    Generally, the code in each player’s Flash game handles the player’s input, transmits player data to the server, receives other players' data and displays the game state. The server receives player data, validates the data, updates and maintains game state and transmits each player’s data to the other players.
    The code used on the server cannot be ActionScript so you will need to learn a server-side coding language like php or c#.  Server-side coding is beyond the scope of this book so I will not cover server-based multiplayer games except to say you need to have advanced coding skills in, at least, two languages (ActionScript and a server-side language) to create these game types.
    Peer-to-peer games
    Since Flash Player 10, you can create multiplayer games without the need of an intermediary server to facilitate player communication.  The Flash Player can use a protocol (Adobe's Real-Time Media Flow Protocol) that allows direct peer-to-peer communication.
    Instead of using server-side code to handle the game logic and coordinate game state among players, each peer in the network handles their own game logic and game state and communicates that directly to their peers and each peer updates their game state based on the data received from others.
    To use peer-to-peer networking each peer must connect with an Adobe server.  Peer-to-peer communication does not go through that server (or it that would not be peer-to-peer) but peers must stay connected with the Adobe server in order to communicate with each other.
    To communicate with the Adobe server you should use your own server URL and developer key. That URL and key can be obtained at
    Below is a simple tic-tac-toe game that uses Adobe's peer-to-peer networking to pair-up players.  The NetConnection class is used to establish a connection to the Adobe server while the NetGroup class is used for peer-to-peer communication.
    I used only a small part of the NetGroup methods for the tic-tac-toe game but there are more available if you are sharing data among many users and/or sharing large amounts of data.
    The tic-tac-toe game is in support files/Chapter 11/multiplayer and is extensively commented

  • How can I implement ads to my android flash game?

    I am having trouble on implementing ads to my android flash game. I have searched Google Adsense, but their code does not involve mobile phones. I looked up admob, but you have to add your game on the Play store first. I am relatively new at actionscript, so could you please help me with this in simple terms?

    it's not going to be simple unless you make your own ads.
    if you do not make your own, you must use someone else's ads.  if you use someone else's ads, you must use their api to include their ads to your game.

  • Simple Memory Game

    I want to make a really simple Flash memory game. There is no
    need for score, level, time limit or stuff like that. Just a simple
    memory game with 16 cards what you turn and look for a match. Any
    one who know a good tutorial with fla source code?
    I have looked at this tutorial but i can't get this thing to
    Any help to get me started is appreciated

    I've got a Flash memory version here:
    If you like I'll send you the FLA file, but I have no
    tutorial for it... I
    have a Director based tutorial in my last Director book, but
    that's Lingo.
    If you'd like the .fla file let me know and I'll send it
    over. At the very
    least you could simply modify the assets and use it...
    there's even a timer
    and a high-score table...
    Dave -
    Head Developer
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Where to start with a simple platform game?

    What resources should I look at to learn how to create a very simple platform game, with a charactor who can simply jump on platforms and avoid enemies to reach the end of the level?
    I have made games like this with other languages but never flash.

    I am also interested in this answer but in my case from the aspect of Silverlight-only developer with no flash experience (I know that sucks

  • Flash game coder needed

    Hello everyone. I had planned on creating arcade games for iPhone and iPod Touch. I was good friends with a programmer who was willing to help me until he was recently recruited as a full-time programmer for an established company. I have changed my plans to creating free flash games for online play. I have enough money saved up to buy a domain name for my site but I am still in need of a Flash coder. If anyone on this forum has some free time and would be interested in helping me out in coding some simple games on a volunteer basis, reply to this thread and we can get in touch through email. I look forward to your responses. Thanks.
    UPDATE: Here's some additional art for reference. I have all art, music, and SFX completed for multiple games.

    Hello everyone. I had planned on creating arcade games for iPhone and iPod Touch. I was good friends with a programmer who was willing to help me until he was recently recruited as a full-time programmer for an established company. I have changed my plans to creating free flash games for online play. I have enough money saved up to buy a domain name for my site but I am still in need of a Flash coder. If anyone on this forum has some free time and would be interested in helping me out in coding some simple games on a volunteer basis, reply to this thread and we can get in touch through email. I look forward to your responses. Thanks.
    UPDATE: Here's some additional art for reference. I have all art, music, and SFX completed for multiple games.

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