Supervisor Desktop Browser Edition

Hi Guys,
I know this is probably an age old question asked many times, but I have a customer with IPCC and a complete Citrix/TS environment with dumb terminals.  I'm just wondering what other people have done as an alternative to running the supervisor desktop in in a TS environment?
Also - I have heard rumblings about a browser edition - might this be web supervisor desktop client?
Thanks in advance,

1.  Are the services mentioned actually running?  And do they have  the proper rights on CCM?  A good test of this is making sure that they  can function using the normal CAD software.
Where are these services supposed to be running (ie. my PC, UCCX, CUCM?)
2.   What OS and JRE versions are on the machine you are attempting to use  the BE on?  A JRE version issue can be a root cause for this behavior.
I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and have Java version 6 Update 22 (build 1.6.0_22-b04)
3.  Have you checked for basic connectivity (i.e. can you PING the UCCX server)?
Check  the above, If they don't resolve your issue, then please post back with  the version of UCCX you are using and the exact URL you are attempting  to use to connect to CADBE.
Yes, I can ping my UCCX server with no problems.  I'm trying to go the following link to connect CADBE (https:///cadbe/CAD-BE.jsp)

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    .htaccess is a file. I would expect there to be one in each folder that represents a website.
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    # End Muse Generated redirects
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    <h1><a name="2"/>Bookmark #2</h1>
    <h1><a name="3"/>Bookmark #3</h1>
    <h1><a name="4"/>Bookmark #4</h1>
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    Sure ... right mouse click on  your page and choose 'Exclude Page from Menus' :-)

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    I just logged in to my "problem site" to take a screenshot and it is now editable. I'm not sure what was going on earlier as I logged in and out a few times and never could edit … But all is well.  Hopefully this was just one of those glitches.  FYI the browser I was using when it didn't work (and when it did) was Safari 6.1.6.
    Thanks for your speedy help.

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