Survivor Space is always full and causes Full GC

Hi, Gurus,
I got full GCs on the server today and when I used jstat to look at it, it quite surprised me that survivor space was always full.
Eden had about 40M free, Old Gen had about 1G free. Permant space looks fine. I don't see why there should be Full GC.
S0C S1C S0U S1U EC EU OC OU PC PU {color:#ff0000}YGC{color} YGCT {color:#ff0000}FGC{color} FGCT GCT
17024.0 17024.0 0.0 {color:#ff0000}17024.{color}0 136320.0 97397.6 2424448.0 983664.4 83760.0 50162.0 2389 141.766 {color:#ff0000}1182{color} 57.500 199.266
17024.0 17024.0 0.0 {color:#ff0000}17024.0{color} 136320.0 97479.5 2424448.0 983664.4 83760.0 50162.0 2389 141.766 {color:#ff0000}1182 {color}57.500 199.266
17024.0 17024.0 {color:#ff0000}17024.0{color} 0.0 136320.0 86847.5 2424448.0 1254066.8 83760.0 50181.5 2406 142.381 {color:#ff0000}1183 {color}57.547 199.928
17024.0 17024.0 0.0 {color:#ff0000}17024.0{color} 136320.0 63901.1 2424448.0 980688.6 83760.0 50194.9 2409 142.470 {color:#ff0000}1184 {color}57.629 200.099
17024.0 17024.0 0.0 {color:#ff0000}17024.0{color} 136320.0 63978.7 2424448.0 980688.6 83760.0 50194.9 2409 142.470 1184 57.629 200.099
17024.0 17024.0 0.0 {color:#ff0000}17024.0{color} 136320.0 64138.8 2424448.0 980688.6 83760.0 50194.9 2409 142.470 1184 57.629 200.099
GC setting is:
1.6.0_02-b05-x86_64/bin/java -showversion -verbose:gc -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycle=50 -XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin=10 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=0 -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=86400000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=86400000 -Xms2534m -Xmx2534m -DLOG4J_WATCHDOG=true
I don't know why there was no "Full GC" in the log:
87827.250: [GC 287827.251: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0325760 secs] 642111K->520423K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0327100 secs]
287827.568: [GC 287827.568: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0260580 secs] 656743K->532347K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0261780 secs]
287827.823: [GC 287827.823: [ParNew: 153344K->15632K(153344K), 0.0273900 secs] 668667K->540848K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0275110 secs]
287828.098: [GC 287828.098: [ParNew: 151952K->17024K(153344K), 0.0304150 secs] 677168K->555053K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0305420 secs]
287828.403: [GC 287828.403: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0305150 secs] 691373K->570859K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0306520 secs]
287828.685: [GC 287828.685: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0379710 secs] 707179K->585425K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0381200 secs]
287828.985: [GC 287828.985: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0431150 secs] 721745K->610830K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0432430 secs]
287829.253: [GC 287829.253: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0345560 secs] 747150K->629754K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0346570 secs]
287829.551: [GC 287829.551: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0345630 secs] 766074K->643360K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0347040 secs]
287829.785: [GC 287829.785: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0347640 secs] 779680K->657564K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0348710 secs]
287830.046: [GC 287830.046: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0347300 secs] 793884K->671947K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0348460 secs]
287830.347: [GC 287830.347: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0375390 secs] 808267K->689272K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0376620 secs]
287835.620: [GC 287835.620: [ParNew: 153344K->16585K(153344K), 0.0295650 secs] 825592K->701839K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0297360 secs]
287841.587: [GC 287841.587: [ParNew: 152905K->15178K(153344K), 0.0240180 secs] 838159K->709028K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0241380 secs]
287962.309: [GC 287962.309: [ParNew: 151498K->17024K(153344K), 0.0829110 secs] 845348K->734092K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0830450 secs]
288325.418: [GC 288325.418: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.2753590 secs] 869434K->754338K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.2754940 secs]
288383.372: [GC [1 CMS-initial-mark: 737314K(2424448K)] 815727K(2577792K), 0.0504460 secs]
288383.547: [GC 288383.547: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0361790 secs] 890658K->758050K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0363070 secs]
288383.800: [GC 288383.800: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0351570 secs] 894370K->773090K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0352870 secs]
288384.039: [GC 288384.039: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0304930 secs] 909410K->784697K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0306350 secs]
288384.323: [GC 288384.323: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0317450 secs] 921017K->798864K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0318700 secs]
288384.630: [GC 288384.630: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0366800 secs] 935184K->815969K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0368140 secs]
288384.852: [GC 288384.852: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0337750 secs] 952289K->831548K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0339080 secs]
288385.138: [GC 288385.138: [ParNew: 153344K->16444K(153344K), 0.0300460 secs] 967868K->843332K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0301850 secs]
288385.403: [GC 288385.403: [ParNew: 152764K->17024K(153344K), 0.0319640 secs] 979652K->853758K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0320770 secs]
288385.658: [GC 288385.658: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0295970 secs] 990078K->865590K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0297140 secs]
288385.947: [GC 288385.948: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0352280 secs] 1001910K->881224K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0353640 secs]
288386.228: [GC 288386.228: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0358860 secs] 1017544K->897416K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0360310 secs]
288386.522: [GC 288386.522: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0505040 secs] 1033736K->920867K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0506410 secs]
288386.807: [GC 288386.807: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0356400 secs] 1057187K->939937K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0358620 secs]
288387.088: [GC 288387.088: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0347680 secs] 1076257K->955399K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0348950 secs]
288387.329: [GC 288387.329: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0330050 secs] 1091719K->969242K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0331310 secs]
288387.570: [GC 288387.570: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0357920 secs] 1105562K->982914K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0359160 secs]
288387.868: [GC 288387.868: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0367610 secs] 1119234K->998638K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0368880 secs]
288388.512: [GC 288388.512: [ParNew: 153344K->16630K(153344K), 0.0362600 secs] 1134958K->1013366K(2577792K) icms_dc=12 , 0.0364030 secs]
288398.870: [GC 288398.870: [ParNew: 152950K->14088K(153344K), 0.0250260 secs] 1149686K->1022215K(2577792K) icms_dc=12 , 0.0251510 secs]
288434.572: [GC 288434.572: [ParNew: 150408K->17024K(153344K), 0.0519690 secs] 1158535K->1043752K(2577792K) icms_dc=12 , 0.0521010 secs]
288805.656: [GC 288805.656: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.2108850 secs] 858554K->744507K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.2110200 secs]
288999.265: [GC [1 CMS-initial-mark: 727483K(2424448K)] 806594K(2577792K), 0.0613950 secs]
289198.629: [GC 289198.629: [ParNew: 153340K->17024K(153344K), 0.2407550 secs] 565998K->436213K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.2408970 secs]
289394.326: [GC [1 CMS-initial-mark: 419189K(2424448K)] 498224K(2577792K), 0.0617040 secs]
289630.132: [GC 289630.132: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.2492610 secs] 565902K->436417K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.2494310 secs]
289798.632: [GC [1 CMS-initial-mark: 419393K(2424448K)] 497878K(2577792K), 0.0599100 secs]
290039.842: [GC 290039.843: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.2310620 secs] 565827K->435926K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.2312040 secs]
290210.826: [GC [1 CMS-initial-mark: 418902K(2424448K)] 498601K(2577792K), 0.0598820 secs]
290414.495: [GC 290414.495: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.2432180 secs] 565680K->435900K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.2433510 secs]
290644.238: [GC [1 CMS-initial-mark: 418876K(2424448K)] 498334K(2577792K), 0.0606010 secs]
291120.210: [GC 291120.210: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.2008300 secs] 565657K->435372K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.2009970 secs]
291164.186: [GC [1 CMS-initial-mark: 418348K(2424448K)] 496750K(2577792K), 0.0467970 secs]
291164.359: [GC 291164.359: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0273010 secs] 571692K->437891K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0274210 secs]
291164.605: [GC 291164.605: [ParNew: 153344K->17024K(153344K), 0.0372920 secs] 574211K->452665K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0374300 secs]
291164.860: [GC 291164.860: [ParNew: 153344K->16640K(153344K), 0.0335340 secs] 588985K->464865K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0336600 secs]
291165.153: [GC 291165.154: [ParNew: 152960K->17024K(153344K), 0.0331560 secs] 601185K->479410K(2577792K) icms_dc=10 , 0.0332850 secs]
Your help is greatly appreciated.

The "FGC" in the jstat output could include CMS actions? If yes, that answers the later half of the question.

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    First, empty the Trash if you haven't already done so. Then reboot. That will temporarily free up some space.
    According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of available space on the startup volume (as shown in the Finder Info window) for normal operation. You also need enough space left over to allow for growth of your data. There is little or no performance advantage to having more available space than the minimum Apple recommends. Available storage space that you'll never use is wasted space.
    If you're using Time Machine to back up a portable Mac, some of the available space will be used to make local snapshots, which are backup copies of files you've recently deleted. The space occupied by local snapshots is reported as available by the Finder, and should be considered as such. In the Storage display of System Information, local snapshots are shown as "Backups." The snapshots are automatically deleted when they expire or when free space falls below a certain level. You ordinarily don't need to, and should not, delete local snapshots yourself.
    To locate large files, you can use Spotlight. That method may not find large folders that contain a lot of small files.
    You can more effectively use a tool such as OmniDiskSweeper (ODS) to explore your volume and find out what's taking up the space. You can also delete files with it, but don't do that unless you're sure that you know what you're deleting and that all data is safely backed up. That means you have multiple backups, not just one.
    Deleting files inside an iPhoto or Aperture library will corrupt the library. Any changes to a photo library must be made from within the application that created it. The same goes for Mail files.
    Proceed further only if the problem isn't solved by the above steps.
    ODS can't see the whole filesystem when you run it just by double-clicking; it only sees files that you have permission to read. To see everything, you have to run it as root.
    Back up all data now.
    Install ODS in the Applications folder as usual. Quit it if it's running.
    Triple-click the line of text below to select it, then copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C):sudo /Applications/
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V). You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning not to screw up. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    The application window will open, eventually showing all files in all folders. It may take some minutes for ODS to list all the files.
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    When you're done with ODS, quit it and also quit Terminal.

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    Based on your description, I understand that this issue (C drive gets always full) occurred after Exchange
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    But my exchange server is installed in different Drive (EX: D)
    I suggest that you should check file system to see what folders or files are taking up the space recently.
    This issue may be not related to Exchange server.
    Please refer to the following article and enable Disk Cleanup Utility. Then monitor the result.
    Disk Cleanup Utility in Windows Server 2012
    Meanwhile, please check if the winsxs directory is growing bigger.
    to Reduce the Size of the Winsxs directory and Free Up Disk Space on Windows Server 2012 Using Features on Demand
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    very large. For more details, please refer to the following KB.
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    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
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    the problem is solved now, i've openned a TAC and the cisco Guy told me how to solve it.
    in summary you need to have root access to ACS and then erase de acsview database and put a clean one.
    my acsview db has grown to 175GB., this was caused by  the misconfiguration of acsview database doesn't being backuped and the  purgin was, in this case, not being also done.
    so Brian if you hav e the same problem then you need to open a TAC case.
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    Try reinstalling the SmartWatch firmware using SUS to see if it makes any difference. If not I suggest that you contact your local support team to have it examined and fixed.
     - Community Manager Sony Xperia Support Forum
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

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    It will help people to advise you if you specify which update you are considering.

  • CR Reports 2008: Space Between HTML Attribute and Value Causes Attribute To Be Ignored

    I have a field in a report with its Text interpretation set to "HTML Text".  When content is rendered in that field that was sourced from a Microsoft Word document, some of the attributes seem to be ignored by Crystal. 
    For example, I have observed with "style" attributes that if there is a space between the attribute and the value, e.g. "FONT-FAMILY: SimSun" then Crystal will not render the Asian characters, replacing them with squares.  However, if I manually remove the space so that the attribute appears as "FONT-FAMILY:SimSun", then the characters properly render as expected.  I have observed the same issue with at least one other attribute as well, "FONT-SIZE".
    This html does render properly in various browsers, so it seems to be an issue with Crystal Reports.  Can you provide me with information about this and if there is a fix for it in subsequent versions.  The version I tested with is 2008 -
    Thanks for any assistance that you can provide.

    hi Ethan,
    here are the list of supported html tags in text interpretation...font family is indeed a supported tag.
    does the html appear properly in the designer? mentioned various browsers and am wondering if you mean the crystal web viewers?
    if the issue is in your cr designer, you may wish to patch it to the latest level.
    also, ensure that you do not have any unsupported tags in your html that may be causing an issue.
    div (causes a paragraph break)
    tr (causes only a paragraph break; does not preserve column structure of a table)
    p (causes a paragraph break)
    br (causes a paragraph break)
    h1 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & twice default size)
    h2 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & 1.5 times default size)
    h3 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & 9/8 default size)
    h4 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold)
    h5 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & 5/6 default size)
    h6 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & 5/8 default size)
    big (increases font size by 2 points)
    small (decreases font size by 2 points if it's 8 points or larger)
    The supported HTML attributes are:
    In Crystal Reports 2008 Service Pack 2 and above, the following additional HTML tags and attributes have been added to the supported list:
    The supported HTML tags are:
    ul  ( bulleted list )
    ol  ( ordered list )
    li   ( tag defining a list item used for both list type: ul and ol. )
    Important Note: The bullet will not show up as a regular size bullet, but as a small dot.
    The supported HTML attributes are:
    strong ( bold )

  • HT5675 This update, upon booting, has caused my disk space to fill up and my system freezes up. The same happens to my coworker's computer. We both watch the remaining disk space decrease and the "spinning rainbow appears" and we must restart. What do we

    Software Update: Java for OS X 2013-002 1.0
    This update, upon booting, has caused my disk space to fill up and my system freezes up. The same happens to my coworker's computer. We both watch the remaining disk space decrease and the "spinning rainbow appears" and we must restart. What do we do?

    First, empty the Trash if you haven't already done so.
    Use a tool such as OmniDiskSweeper (ODS) to explore your volume and find out what's taking up the space. You can delete files with it, but don't do that unless you're sure that you know what you're deleting and that all data is safely backed up. That means you have multiple backups, not just one.
    Proceed further only if the problem hasn't been solved.
    ODS can't see the whole filesystem when you run it just by double-clicking; it only sees files that you have permission to read. To see everything, you have to run it as root.
    Back up all data now.
    Install ODS in the Applications folder as usual.
    Triple-click the line of text below to select it, then copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C):sudo /Applications/
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V). You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning not to screw up. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    I don't recommend that you make a habit of doing this. Don't delete anything while running ODS as root. If something needs to be deleted, make sure you know what it is and how it got there, and then delete it by other, safer, means.
    When you're done with ODS, quit it and also quit Terminal.

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