SVG highlight syntax markup

I've been trying to use Code more and more as a simple text editor, sort of replacing my basic Text Wrangler app, and it works nicely.
But since we're in the multiple resolution era, i'm starting to use more and more svg which is a basic markup language, and i would love it if it were recognized as an xml file, with colors when things are between
I have no idea how to make anything inside angle-brackets to be coloured, and maybe it's an easy extension to build (maybe even just a duplicate of something existing, with svg instead of xml), but that would help a lot.
(And i don't need any autocompletion or anything, just basic syntax highlighting, the more colors, the happier)

Thanks for reporting this issue. It can be easily fixed by adding case "svg": into editor/EditorUtils.js just before the line case "xml":
Could you please log this issue into our Brackets GitHub?

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    This works fast, also on multi-row pages. Ctx_doc can only highlight a single row at a time.

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    igndenok wrote:
    Some of my config file have this (using conf-unix-mode)
    # this is .somerc
    # -*- conf-unix -*-
    Or using this in your .emacs
    (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.*rc$" . conf-unix-mode))
    I followed your advice, and it does have some syntax highlighting, but less than Vim does.
    For example, Vim will highlight all the names of colors in the .muttrc file, but Emacs doesn't.
    I guess Emacs is not as strong as Vim when it comes to editing configuration files.
    Last edited by yu3k (2011-09-14 10:06:47)

  • /usr/share/nano/js.nanorc configuration: syntax highlighting

    I have a question regarding syntax highlighting with JavaScript using nano. I have tweaked the js.nanorc file to my liking using the colors I prefer:
    ## New updated taken from [url][/url]
    syntax "JavaScript" "\.(js)$"
    ## Default
    color brightgreen "^.+$"
    ## Decimal, cotal and hexadecimal numbers
    color brightyellow "\<[-+]?([1-9][0-9]*|0[0-7]*|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)([uU][lL]?|[lL][uU]?)?\>"
    ## Floating point number with at least one digit before decimal point
    color brightyellow "\<[-+]?([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)([EePp][+-]?[0-9]+)?[fFlL]?"
    color brightyellow "\<[-+]?([0-9]+[EePp][+-]?[0-9]+)[fFlL]?"
    ## Keywords
    color brightcyan "\<(break|case|catch|continue|default|delete|do|else|finally)\>"
    color brightcyan "\<(for|function|if|in|instanceof|new|null|return|switch)\>"
    color brightcyan "\<(switch|this|throw|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|while|with)\>"
    ## Type specifiers
    color brightmagenta "\<(Array|Boolean|Date|Enumerator|Error|Function|Math)\>"
    color brightmagenta "\<(Number|Object|RegExp|String)\>"
    color brightmagenta "\<(true|false)\>"
    ## String
    color brightblue "L?\"(\\"|[^"])*\""
    color brightblue "L?'(\'|[^'])*'"
    ## Escapes
    color red "\\[0-7][0-7]?[0-7]?|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]+|\\[bfnrt'"\?\\]"
    ## Comments
    color brightwhite start="/\*" end="\*/"
    color brightwhite "//.*$"
    However, I would also like the rendering to be a little different. For example:
    var code = function(nano) {
    console.log("I would like these parenthesis to be a different color than the keywords");
    The parenthesis and keywords(var, function, for, while....etc) are the same color, how can I adjust the rendering so that the parenthesis or brackets will be a different color?
    Last edited by rg_arc (2012-04-04 13:40:31)

    doug piston wrote:I deal with alot of .mk files and would love to see it there.
    You mean GNU makefiles?
    I'm afraid they might be out of scope for this generic config-file syntax.
    Logically they're not system config files, and technically they're a pretty specialized and complex format (different "types" of rules, rules spanning multiple lines, rules containing arbitrary Bash code, etc.).
    This is how an .mk file currently looks with this highlighting syntax:
    $ nano -Y conf /usr/lib/httpd/build/
    And apart from highlighting variables of the form $$abc or $(abc), I'm not sure how much can be improved here without breaking the highlighting for more conventional config files.
    It would probably be better to create a specialized highlighting syntax just for .mk files.
    EDIT: I sat down and did just that, here's the result: nano syntax highlighting: GNU makefiles, and here is how the above makefile snipped looks with it:
    Last edited by sas (2012-02-01 15:18:52)

  • Nano syntax highlighting: catch-all syntax for configuration files

    After years of using nano, I only recently learned that it supports syntax coloring... (Why would they turn that off by default? ) Well, I thought I'll make up for it by making extra good use of it from now on...
    Unfortunately it didn't ship a highlighting syntax for the the kind of files that I use nano the most for: system configuration files.
    So I wrote my own, and after tweaking a bit here and there whenever I encountered a config file for which the highlighting wasn't satisfactory at first, I think the result is now good enough (screenshots below) that it's worth sharing with my fellow Arch users:
    Code & Instructions:
    Here is the syntax definition:
    # config file highlighting
    syntax "conf" "(\.(conf|config|cfg|cnf|rc|lst|list|defs|ini|desktop|mime|types|preset|cache|seat|service|htaccess)$|(^|/)(\w*crontab|mirrorlist|group|hosts|passwd|rpc|netconfig|shadow|fstab|inittab|inputrc|protocols|sudoers)$|conf.d/|.config/)"
    # default text
    color magenta "^.*$"
    # special values
    icolor brightblue "(^|\s|=)(default|true|false|on|off|yes|no)(\s|$)"
    # keys
    icolor cyan "^\s*(set\s+)?[A-Z0-9_\/\.\%\@+-]+\s*([:]|\>)"
    # commands
    color blue "^\s*set\s+\<"
    # punctuation
    color blue "[.]"
    # numbers
    color red "(^|\s|[[/:|<>(){}=,]|\])[-+]?[0-9](\.?[0-9])*%?($|\>)"
    # keys
    icolor cyan "^\s*(\$if )?([A-Z0-9_\/\.\%\@+-]|\s)+="
    # punctuation
    color blue "/"
    color brightwhite "(\]|[()<>[{},;:=])"
    color brightwhite "(^|\[|\{|\:)\s*-(\s|$)"
    # section headings
    icolor brightyellow "^\s*(\[([A-Z0-9_\.-]|\s)+\])+\s*$"
    color brightcyan "^\s*((Sub)?Section\s*(=|\>)|End(Sub)?Section\s*$)"
    color brightcyan "^\s*\$(end)?if(\s|$)"
    # URLs
    icolor green "\b(([A-Z]+://|www[.])[A-Z0-9/:#?&$=_\.\-]+)(\b|$| )"
    # XML-like tags
    icolor brightcyan "</?\w+((\s*\w+\s*=)?\s*("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|!?[A-Z0-9_:/]))*(\s*/)?>"
    # strings
    color yellow "\"(\\.|[^"])*\"" "'(\\.|[^'])*'"
    # comments
    color white "#.*$"
    color blue "^\s*##.*$"
    color white "^;.*$"
    color white start="<!--" end="-->"
    To install, save the above above code snippet as a file called conf.nanorc in the folder /usr/share/nano/ (or /usr/local/share/nano/ or similar if you feel strongly about the /usr <--> /usr/local separation), and then add the following to the end of the file /etc/nanorc:
    ## Configuration files (catch-all syntax)
    include "/usr/share/nano/conf.nanorc"
    The colors I chose look good (imo) with the terminal background and color settings that I use, but might not look good, or even readable, with yours, so simply change the color names in the code snippet to whatever you prefer - valid color names are:
    If you use a console with white background, you'll have to change at least the white color I chose for comments and punctuation.
    The first code line in the snippet includes a regular expression that defines for which file names this syntax highlighting should be used. Whenever you encounter a config file that is not matched by this, but you would still like to open it with syntax highlighting, you can manually select this syntax with nano's -Y switch, like so:
    nano -Y conf myConfigFile
    Technical Note:
    It's implemented as a single catch-all syntax, since nano chooses which syntax to apply based on the filename, and in the case of config files usually not much can be learned about the content format from the file name extension (.conf can by anything from flat key/value tuples to XML, .ini can be the official INI format or something else, etc...).
    This means that some compromises have been made, so with this highlighting syntax probably no config file looks 100% as good as a highlighting syntax that would be specifically optimized for one kind of config format, but all in all the vast majority of config files should look pretty good.
    /etc/rc.conf,  /etc/hosts:
    /etc/pacman.conf,  /etc/group:
    xorg.conf,  some .desktop file:
    httpd.conf (Apache config),  php.ini:
    More screenshots:
    /etc/fonts/fonts.conf (uses XML)
    See Also:
    nano syntax highlighting: GNU makefiles
    Update [2012-01-28]: Made some more improvements to the syntax definition (see post)
    Last edited by sas (2012-02-01 15:26:43)

    doug piston wrote:I deal with alot of .mk files and would love to see it there.
    You mean GNU makefiles?
    I'm afraid they might be out of scope for this generic config-file syntax.
    Logically they're not system config files, and technically they're a pretty specialized and complex format (different "types" of rules, rules spanning multiple lines, rules containing arbitrary Bash code, etc.).
    This is how an .mk file currently looks with this highlighting syntax:
    $ nano -Y conf /usr/lib/httpd/build/
    And apart from highlighting variables of the form $$abc or $(abc), I'm not sure how much can be improved here without breaking the highlighting for more conventional config files.
    It would probably be better to create a specialized highlighting syntax just for .mk files.
    EDIT: I sat down and did just that, here's the result: nano syntax highlighting: GNU makefiles, and here is how the above makefile snipped looks with it:
    Last edited by sas (2012-02-01 15:18:52)

  • Unable to see markups in Outlook 2010 attachment preview

    I am unable to see markup tags which were done in Word 2010 in the Outlook 2010 attachment preview window. The word file normally gets marked up and sent as an attachment. Most of the time the attachment preview will highlight the markup over the words and
    when the mouse is hovered over it will show the actual comment. For a couple of my users, this has stopped working.
    When they double-click on the attachment they also cannot see the comments. However, if they save it to the local or network drive and then open the file all the markups will automatically appear.
    As a test I asked them to send me the email which had this problem to see if this happens on my Outlook and I cannot see the markups either. So I guess something must have happened with the Word file?
    Any ideas what this could be? The documents were originally composed in Word 2010 as far as I know. I have also created a test markup file and emailed this to myself and this shows the highlights fine.
    I attach a picture of when its working well.
    But with the documents that my users have this does not show.
    Any suggestions really appreciated.

    What if we copy all the content from the problematic Word document and paste it to a new blank document, save and attach it to an email, will you see the markup?
    Please let me know the result.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • Syntax check and auto-format disagree

    Flash 8 Pro: Well, I'm coding along quite nicely and decide
    to auto-format. Auto-format says the code has errors, the syntax
    check says there are none. I can run my code (though it's not doing
    what I want) without getting an error.
    Are there specific scenarios that cause the syntax check and
    auto-format to disagree?
    In just about every other development tool I've used, it will
    auto format regardless of errors, even if the formatting is messed
    up. it's a good aid to highlighting syntax errors! Why can't flash
    do the same?

    Well, after commenting out lots of code until the error went
    away and then removing the comments and making some tweaks, the
    problem has gone away..

  • Powershell IDE - Syntax checking, refactoring, ...?

    I'm now using powershell for a while. And I like the extending of the old batch.
    But I'missing a good IDE for using the power of the powershell.
    For C# I have Visual Studio - but nothing for powershell.
    I want Syntax-Highlighting, Syntax-Cheking (is something missing?), auto completion (also extern Libraries)
    Support for refactoring and debugging, also It should help me quickly get to the documentation of a command/-let
    (ISE does not have them or are they somewhere hidden?)
    Nothing aut there having all this features?

    If you're using the PowerShell 2.0 ISE, it's kind of crappy. Upgrade to 3.0 or later and you'll be pleasantly surprised. To get help on a cmelet, just press F1 when the cursor is anywhere within that command in the editor or console pane. Syntax hightlighting
    (including errors) is automatic.
    I'm not sure what you mean by wanting "refactoring" as a feature in the IDE.  Are you referring to something like ReSharper that analyzes code for you and makes improvements?  I'm not aware of anything quite that full-featured for PowerShell, but
    there is a module called
    ScriptCop that gives some of those benefits.
    I haven't tried the Sapien products, but I've heard good things about them as well.

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    can anyone help me..n can also tel me which version of eclipse i should use. and how to configure eclipse so that i can see the properly highlighted syntax of java code.

    I would advise against reverting to very old versions just because you can't get the new versions to work. Try to read the installation instructions and manuals of the new versions and try to get those to work.

  • INSO_FILTER and non-English characters

    CLOB colomn contains various formated documents (doc, pdf, plain
    text) mostly in win1251 charset.
    After succesfull indexing, I have "no result rows" when using
    CONTAINS with russian word query, but everething's fine with
    english words. Why did iMText index CLOB incorrectly and what
    should I do?
    Also when I try to retrieve document with highlighting
    (ctx_doc.markup), all russian characters are replacing by '*',
    Oracle 8.1.7
    Linux Red Hat 6.2
    create index idx_files on files(content)
    indextype is ctxsys.context parameters
    ('filter ctxsys.inso_filter');

    Did you try your NLS_LANG set to Russian?

  • Create a swing application with reflection

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    Thanks .

    1) Use JEditorPane
    2) Need to Highlight syntax
    3) Need to show lines
    check out these links
    Now to popup
    setLayout for the JEditorPane to null
    You will have one JComboBox /or popup with all the properties and methods
    of the class.
    now add that JComboBox to JEditorPane
    You can get the position of the dot by using
    Point point = editorPane.getCaret().getMagicCaretPosition(); jEditorPane,
    Here you can show JComboBox too. (Absolute positioning).
    Now as you need to use JEditorPane implement DocumentListener on it.
    Using caret listener you can get the current word.
    You can use getClass() for that. Add all the methods and properties in JComboBox or Popup.
    As for other properties such as saving keywords, search, 'files opened' etc.
    you can use xml.

  • Bgcolor in IE

    In my current page design, I have a menu bar across the top
    which consists of a one row of a table in which the row has a red
    background color with white text, i.e.,
    <td colspan="3" bgcolor="#CC0033">
    <a href="index.html"
    This works as desired in Firefox, but in IE it is not
    displaying the background color, so I have white text on a white
    background ... works, but is hard to read. Anyone got a fix, other
    than switching to a different background color with black

    > Isn't DW validating it every time I make a change and
    If you have it turned on, DW will highlight invalid markup
    for you.
    Sometimes you will only see this if you look in Code view,
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "TM-H" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:gb6d00$pmt$[email protected]..
    > Isn't DW validating it every time I make a change and
    refresh? It
    > complains or does something obvious other places where I
    make typos ...
    > surprised it didn't do something here.

  • Vim latex-suite and auto completion

    according to this introduction you have to hit <enter> to chose a bib entry after pressing F9 in \cite{ :
    My problem is that I see the bib entries but when I hit enter the windows close and I'm back in my tex file with no entry in the \cite bracket. When I typed in the first letters of the bib key these are also erased.
    Any ideas?
    Here's my .vimrc
    " Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!).
    " This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect.
    set nocompatible
    filetype plugin on
    filetype indent on
    set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
    let g:tex_flavor = "latex"
    " switch on syntax highlighting
    syntax on
    let g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat = 'pdf'
    let g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'latexmk -pdf -pv -g'
    set runtimepath=~/.vim,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,~/.vim/after
    " A clean-looking font for gvim
    set guifont="DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 8"
    " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
    set backspace=indent,eol,start
    set history=100 " keep 100 lines of command line history
    set ruler " show the cursor position all the time
    set showcmd " display incomplete commands
    " set mouse -=a
    set shortmess+=I " disable the welcome screen
    " line numbering
    set nu
    " wrap like other editors
    set wrap " word wrap
    set textwidth=0 "
    set lbr " line break
    set display=lastline " don't display @ with long paragraphs
    " searching
    set hlsearch " highlight all search results
    set incsearch " increment search
    set ignorecase " case-insensitive search
    set smartcase " upper-case sensitive search
    " nice colours
    set t_Co=256
    " colorscheme twigight
    " colorscheme desert256
    " colorscheme tlvb
    " colorscheme zenburn
    colorscheme ir_black
    " scroll one screen line regardless of editor line length
    :noremap <Up> gk
    :noremap! <Up> <C-O>gk
    :noremap <Down> gj
    :noremap! <Down> <C-O>gj
    :noremap k gk
    :noremap j gj
    set enc=utf-8
    " Scrollbars
    set sidescrolloff=2
    set numberwidth=4

    Hi davvil,
    thanks for your reply. There are no whitespaces. The only thing I've noticed is, that the indention of the entries is different (INCOLLECTION, BOOK, etc isn't idented, though).
    My bib was partly created by JabRef and by entries made by me. I'll check if the problem also occurs with a new bib made from scratch.

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