SWF and Resources folder

I have a swf file exported from an InDesign document. Inside this swf is another embedded swf. When I export the InDesign document to swf, the swf file is created along with a Resources folder containing the embedded swf. I would like to create one standalone file that has the embedded swf included. Is there a way to do this, or to create a runtime of the file to run in a standalone flash player?
Thanks for the help,

Exporting a swf from idd by default it comes with an html file which you dont want, what you do in export in, General options uncheck the radio button for Generate Html file meaning you will get one swf stand alone file, now your good to go

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    I am using an email blast program to create a micro-site, but it doesn't let me store the html file with the swf and resources. When I upload the swf and resources to an external server and go directly to the swf address, the swf plays and the sound works. When I reference the swf in an html document on a different server  than the swf and it's resources, the swf plays but the resources don't (sound files). Is there a way to make this work?

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    A few thoughts for diagnosis/testing purposes:
    Have you recently run the disk utility and repaired HD and permissions? If not do so.
    Boot into the Safe mode - hold down shift key on boot - and see if the problems are still there. Some functions won't work but see if anything odd happens.
    Check your startup items. Get rid of them temporarily.
    Create a new user account and see if the problems occur with the new account.
    Lastly, be sure your backup is up-to-date.

  • JSF 2 resources folder for js and css files

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    To see what the Widget Browser is and does, have a look here http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/wb/dev_guide.html.
    This means, that anyone can create a widget which can then be used via the Widget Browser.
    It also means that the included code can be of any format including having references to files that are located elsewhere, as in your case, by Google.
    This is not a bad thing. You could alsways copy the contents of the file into a local file if you wish.
    I hope this helps.

  • Deploying swf with resources into a single sis on Nokia

    Hi finally i have my first question on the mobile forum . I am trying to package a sis file which will contain the main swf and a settings text file.
    The problem is the i have to compile them to deliver both together on Nokia device for flash lite 2.1. There is not a single decent packager out there as o see that solves my issue.
    Generally i use Nokia carbide. Here is a glimpse of my PKG file:
    ; Add any installation notes if applicable
    ;"MobiStore.txt"          -"!:\private\E4B653CF\MobiStore.txt"
    ;required for application to be covered by backup/restore facility
    "..\sis\backup_registration.xml"          -"!:\private\E4B653CF\backup_registration.xml"
    ;Add all the files needed by your flash app here. don't forget to set correct folder names!
    "..\data\MobiStore.swf" - "!:\private\E4B653CF\MobiStore.swf"
    "..\data\settings.txt" - "!:\private\E4B653CF\settings.txt"
    Now what happens is that after the application installs on a actual Nokia device It gives error "private\E4B653CF\settings.txt" Not found !!
    I confirm that the file is there manually but the swf cannot find it. In the swf i load the file "settings.txt" using loadvars.load method and providing just the file name "settings.txt",  no sub-folders or anything. So basicaly the file "MobiStore.swf" and "settings.txt" are in same folder but when i run the application it says:
    "private\E4B653CF\settings.txt" Not found !!
    I will really appreciate if some one can help me out with this. How to package a swf with resource files into sis and deploy on a real device.

    i have the same problem. Flash Lite 3.1., N97 The application is published with network only. I have even tried local only with same results.
    When i try to load an image with loadMovie(image.jpg), image is not show. But this only occurs when the application is installed on E:/private/UID/. If i install the application on C:, everything is working ok.
    Also same problem with loading images from If installed on E:, images are not shown, but if installed on C:, all images are visible. Is this problem with security? My servlet is never called.

  • How to Read all files inside resource Folder inside Jar?

    I have a Jar file,,,, The program reads for resource files in the resource folder inside the Jar. I want my program to read all files inside this folder without knowing the names or the number of files in the folder.
    I am using this to make an Applet easy to be updated with spicific files. I just want to add a file inside the resource folder and Jar the program and automatically the program reads what ever is in there!!
    I used the File class to get all file names inside the resource folder. it works fine before Jarring the program. After I jar I recieve a URI not Herarichy Exception!!
    File fold=new java.io.File(getClass().getResource(folder).toURI());
    String[] files=fold.list();
    I hope the question is clear!!

    How to get the directory and jar file that you class resides in:
    // returns path and jarfile (ex: /home/mydir/my.jar)
    public String getJarfileName()
            // Get the location of the jar file and the jar file name
            java.net.URL outputURL = YourClass.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
            String outputString = outputURL.toString();
            String[] parseString;
            int index1 = outputString.indexOf(":");
            int index2 = outputString.lastIndexOf(":");
            if (index1!=index2) // Windows/DOS uses C: naming convention
               parseString = outputString.split("file:/");
               parseString = outputString.split("file:");
            String jarFilename = parseString[1];
           return jarFilename;
    }If your my.jar was in /home/mydir, it will store "/home/mydir/my.jar" in jarFilename.
    note: getLocation returns "file:/C:/home/mydir/my.jar" for Windows/DOS and "file:/home/mydir/my.jar" for windows, thus why I look for the first and last index of the colon so I can correctly split the string.
    If you want to grab a file in the jar file and get an InputStream, do the following:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    // jar stuff
    import java.util.jar.*;
    import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
    public class Jaris
       private JarFile jf;
       public Jaris(String jarFilename) throws Exception
                           jf = new JarFile(jarFilename);
           catch (Exception e)
       public InputStream getInputStream(String matchString) throws Exception
           ZipEntry ze=null;
              Enumeration resources = jf.entries();
              while ( resources.hasMoreElements() )
                 JarEntry je = (JarEntry) resources.nextElement();
                 // find a file that matches this string from anywhere in my jar file
                 if ( je.getName().matches(".*\\"+matchString) )
                    String filename=je.getName();
          catch (Exception e)
          InputStream is = jf.getInputStream(ze);
          return is;
       // for testing the Jaris methods
       public static void main(String[] args)
               String jarFilename=getJarfileName();
               Jaris jis = new Jaris(jarFilename); // this is the string we got from the other method listed above
               InputStream is=jis.getInputStream("myfile.txt"); // can be used for xml, xsl, etc
          catch (Exception e)
             // this is just a test, so we'll ignore the exception
    }Happy coding! :)

  • I applied a template to a page with SWFs and now that page does not play the SWFs. Why?

    I applied a template to a page with SWFs and now that page does not play the SWFs (just a blank area where the SWF should be). When I detach the template it will play the flash file. This site will eventually be updated via Adobe Contribute. And I just discovered that when applying a template to a page that uses HTML datasets (Master/Detail),it no longer reads the Master/detail regions and displays a blank. Any thoughts?
    [Moved to Dreamweaver forum by moderator]

    Firstly, you shouldn't really 'apply' a template to a page, you should create a child page by going to FILE>NEW>Page from Template.  Too many things can happen when applying a template the way you are doing it. eg:; editable and non-editable regions not matching up and being asked where to place these regions and in all likelihood, you end up with 2 or more of the same region.
    When a swf file is inserted into a page, a corresponding Scripts folder is written automatically is stored in the root of the site - it is also linked to in the head of the document. What I believe is happening is that when you apply a template to the page, the Template has no idea that there is a swf file on the page and is not aware of the correct link to the Scripts folder.  If you do a test and add the swf file to the template page itself, I bet that the links to the swf and the scripts folder are correct - because DW knows the correct path to the script file.   Hence the reason the page probably works when you detach it from a template.

  • SWFLoader loded swf and relative path issue

    Before explaining the problem, let me describe the usecase.
    I have dashboard flex application hosted on Host1.
    I have another flex application which acts as plugin to dashboard and is hosted on Host2.
    I am using proxy to load plugin into dashboard using SWFLoader. With proxy SWFLoader in dashboard thinks that the plugin is coming from same host.
    For plugin to load I specify SWFLoader source something like - source="Proxy/Host2WebappDir/plugin.swf.
    Everything is fine upto this point. plugin.swf get loads successfully without any issue.
    Now the problem -
    If plugin.swf made some request - the url path of that requrest is expected to be relative - i.e. if it make request say getIndianStates.xml, I am expecting the request should look for resource at "Proxy/Host2WebappDir/getIndianStates.xml". Instead it tries to look for getIndianStates.xml into dashboard hosting directory on Host1.
    Can this issue be resolved without making any modification in source of plugin.swf.
    Thanks in advance,
    Prithveesingh Zankat.

    I don’t know if any way to fix this without changing the URL the plugin wants to load.  Now if the plugin stores that URL in a publicly accessible variable, you might be able to access it from the main SWF and change it.  But it would be better to have the plugin detect relative paths and make sure they are relative to the SWF.  The SWFLoader component uses a LoaderUtil class to do that for SWFs it loads, but loads that don’t use SWFLoader need similar fix ups.

  • SRSP: [resources] folder not exist

    My environment is SCCM 2012 R2, SQL 2008 R2 SP2 on another server,
    the problem is the reporting service not working because SRSRP.log refer to this Error "the error with Bold and Italic line"
    Set configuration~  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:04.278-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Check state~  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:04.293-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Check server health.~  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:04.309-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Successfully created srsserver~  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:04.324-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Reporting Services URL from Registry [http://sql2008-srv/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx]~  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:04.356-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Reporting Services is running  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:54.869-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Retrieved datasource definition from the server.  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:55.212-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    [sql2008-srv.horizonssoftware.com] [CM_HS1] [ConfigMgr_HS1] [SQL2008-SRV.HORIZONSSOFTWARE.COM]~  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:55.243-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    [MSSQLSERVER] [1] [] [HORIZONSSOFT\Administrator]~  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:55.243-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    [1] [0]~  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:55.259-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Confirmed version [10.50.4000.0] for the Sql Srs Instance.  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:55.680-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Extract resource language packs if exists  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:55.914-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Loading localization resources from directory [D:\SrsResources.dll]   $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:56.054-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Looking for 'English (United States)' resources  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:56.569-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Looking for 'English' resources  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:56.709-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Found resources for 'English'  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:56.772-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Confirmed the configuration of SRS role [ConfigMgr Report Users].  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:59.908-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Confirmed the configuration of SRS role [ConfigMgr Report Administrators].  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:42:59.939-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Retrieved datasource definition from the server.  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:00.001-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Updating data source {5C6358F2-4BB6-4a1b-A16E-8D96795D8602} at ConfigMgr_HS1  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:00.017-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Successfully get report server from Registry  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:00.376-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Moved folder from /ConfigMgr_HS1 to /ConfigMgr_HS1.OLD.64.  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:02.404-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Created folder [ConfigMgr_HS1].  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:02.513-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Creating data source {5C6358F2-4BB6-4a1b-A16E-8D96795D8602} at ConfigMgr_HS1  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:02.887-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Stopping service 'ReportServer'  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:04.088-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Service 'ReportServer' has stopped  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:04.650-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Delete old SCCMErrorResources folder  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:04.666-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\SCCMErrorResources'.  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:05.321-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Delete all srs* files from Reporting Service Location  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:05.336-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Gathering resource files to deploy from directory [D:].  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:05.368-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    (!) The path [resources] does not exist, unable to gather files.  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:05.508-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    (!) InitializeSrsWhenNeeded error = The system cannot find the path specified.~  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:05.633-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=0  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:05.648-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    Failures reported during periodic health check by the SRS Server SQL2008-SRV.HORIZONSSOFTWARE.COM.~  $$<SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT><02-15-2014 16:43:05.664-120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    120><thread=3024 (0xBD0)>
    why this Error is occur
    Thanks and BR, Hatem M. Salah IT Manager Horizons Software Address: 93 Haroun Al Rasheed Street, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. 11351. Tel: +202-26443709 Mobile: +2012-989-3406 Fax: +202-26320661 Website: www.horizonssoftware.com

    Thanks for all answers<o:p></o:p>
    I check all log files in SMS\LOG\ but I see only the above Error<o:p></o:p>
    the problem was that the srsrp can't find resources folder to deploy the reports in reporting server, despite I set the Resources folder in the D: directory, after many searching I
    found this registry key that related to srsrp directory because the Error say
    "Gathering resource files to deploy from directory [D:].
    (!) The path [resources] does not exist, unable to gather files" where the Resources folder
    already exist in D: directory, so I added dote in this registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\SRSRP\InstallDir
    D:\.], after that the srsrp found the Resources folder and it is working fine now.
    Thanks and BR, Hatem M. Salah IT Manager Horizons Software Address: 93 Haroun Al Rasheed Street, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. 11351. Tel: +202-26443709 Mobile: +2012-989-3406 Fax: +202-26320661 Website: www.horizonssoftware.com

  • How to create .swf and .lib font files?

    Hello All!
    I'm working with a flash template I bought but I'd like to change the fonts.
    According to the documentation:
    To add a new font new .swf files should be transferred to  the “fonts” folder, and necessary changes should be done in fontsLibrary.xml file as well, using the same format.
    In the "fonts" folder I have both .swf and .lib files.
    I've managed to create what I believe to be a healthy .swf font file following the steps in here: http://www.communitymx.com/content/article.cfm?cid=67A61
    Still, after editing the XML accordingly, it won't work, and I believe it's because I don't hava the .lib file.
    Here's what the XML looks like, pretty simple actually:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <font name="standard 07_57" url="standard07_57.swf"/>
      <font name="standard 07_58" url="standard07_58.swf"/>
      <font name="Marketing Script" url="MarketingScript.swf"/>
      <font name="extravaganza" url="extravaganza.swf"/>
    Anyone has any idea how I can progress on this?
    What other info can I give to help you help me?
    Many thanks!!!

    Hi I found the SAP note:897289, which I got answer for my post.

  • How to set src attribute of embed tag to a swf in resource ?

    Hi all,
    I'm working on a C++ project that uses Internet Explorer engine (through Microsoft Web Browser component) to render HTML pages.
    All HTML and images files are in the project resource, and the final artifact is a standalone*.exe.
    I have an embed tag like this to add the *.swf
    <object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width="314" height="64" id='player1' name='player1'>
       <param name='movie' value="res://appName.exe\res\torreVermelha.swf">
       <param name='allowfullscreen' value='true'>
       <param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always'>  
       <embed id='player1'
              width="314" height="64"
    The file torreVermelha.swf is also inside the resource, but I can't access it from HTML.
    So, how can I embed a *.swf from resource?

    Obviously because I've misplaced it.
    My bad.

  • Linking to multipage pdf in HTML Resources folder

    Have a multipage pdf in HTML Resources folder that I'm linking to from various parts of my folio. Would be ideal if instead of always opening on page 1, I could set it to open on page 4 from one button and page 12 from another. For legal reasons, I cannot split the pdf. Is this possible?

    Hi there
    If you are testing this from your local PC, odds are you are generating with Mark Of The Web enabled. The side effect of this is that links to things such as PDF documents won't work. But after you upload to a web server and test, things should work fine.
    Cheers... Rick

  • Help newbie understand .swf and .flv

    I don't know if I'm the idiot or if I'm dealing with some.
    I'm from a video background and trying to learn the web end
    of things, had never looked at Flash before this situation. I
    produced some videos for a client, each is 4-5 minutes in length.
    They want to post them on their web site and asked for .swf files.
    After reading up it seemed what I should do was produce an .flv
    file of the movie from Final Cut then create a .swf from that in
    Flash, send both off; the web company would post them in the same
    folder and it would run perfectly. I fumbled my way through doing
    that for the first clip, and it played great on my computer (much
    to my surprise, nothing ever works the first time). I sent both
    files off to the client and got a snippy letter back that they
    wanted only an .swf, not 2 files to deal with. I tried embedding
    the .flv in the .swf and of course it played like crap, audio out
    of sync, etc. They are an ad agency and don't seem to want to let
    me talk to the folks actually posting the stuff. So:
    Am I just missing something huge in the workflow, is there a
    way to embed a long video and make it play cleanly?
    Doesn't the web hosting company usually produce the .swf file
    so they can control the look of the interface?

    Thanks for your reply.
    I eventually got everything working with swfobject.
    I think i'm finally getting the hang of flash, well the basic stuff anyway, lol.

  • Narrowed down the swf asset issue, can anyone advise on where expressInstall.swf and such should be?

    Here is my file structure, pretty simple, but am told that I need to upload expressinstall.swf and (I believe) swfobjectmodified,
    "to the server" for the swf object to work correctly.  The domain as it is, is www.desertpalmyoga.com
    So frustrating as it works properly but I don't know how/why at cachetrade.com

    not sure how I fixed it, but now it works.
    I think one thing is to not just use dreamweaver to ftp the main + supporting files (expressinstall, for example, was uploaded by DW but not accessed by the file) - my trick was to ftp the entire 'deploy to web' folder and then additionally make a copy of all those files raw (not in a folder) to the root.
    I really have no idea why but it works now, I guess I did a few things not sure what helped...
    See the swf in question when you roll over the yogi on the LEFT:
    I just hand't understood, either, that you needed to put the whole deploy to web folder too...
    and still kinda confused but still better

  • Flash CC does not publish swf and html files

    I'm having issues with Flash CC. When I go to publish my movie the status bar appeaers then quickly disappears and the html and swf files are not created. I'm also not able to export the movie as a quicktime or AVI file. Is there specific settings I must have to publish and export? Note: I am working with AS3 and tried to do a simpple test with a box moving left to right and I have the same problem.
    Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    Are you sure the HTML and SWF are not currently in use? For example if you publish and preview it in a browser, it can lock those files because they're "in use". Then Flash cannot overwrite them. You'd need to close the browser or any Flash Players displaying them. If that still won't overwrite, delete the files and see if they're re-created.
    If no files are being created at all, gointo publish settings and set a path to export the SWF and HTML file to, don't leaving it at the default (same folder as FLA). Try various places in fact to test permissions.
    If you're on Windows you could try running Flash CC as Administrator to also get around any file writing permission issues. Right-click on the Flash icon and select Run as Administrator.
    I've only really encountered this when my SWF/HTML was in use or stuck in a process.

Maybe you are looking for

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