Swing and IE proxy

We have done a small GUI using NetBeans 6 . However it has a strange behaviour which we are not able to over come. With this GUI application , it has tried to load IE proxy SOCKS settings whenever it connects to a remote sql server (JDBC) . And it is not getting through
When we disable the proxy or whitelist the sql server host name, we can get through.
My questions is , how can we bypass this loading of IE proxy? Is it caused by Swing ? We did another simple console program, loading the same driver connecting to the sql server, it doesn't load IE proxy settings at all.
What are we missing?

Same issue here. Seems to be a bug with the way netbeans uses the system proxy settings. This needs to be filed with netbeans, and I'll post a work-around if I find one.
If your (Netbeans) Java application cannot connect, try explicitly adding your exception instead of using wildcards, due to bug 125588 http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=125588
Claims to be fixed for future Netbeans releases.
Edited by: FBL on Apr 28, 2008 11:28 AM

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    help yourself;
    Client Proxy (Sender Proxy)- /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/03/14/abap-proxies-in-xiclient-proxy
    Server Proxy (Receiver Proxy)- /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/04/03/abap-server-proxies

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    Proxies are nothing but a mechanism to shift the application logic from the XI server onto the sender or reciever system so as to reduce the effort on the side of XI.Depending upon where the proxies are generated ,it is differentiated as client proxy ( sender ) and server proxy ( receiver ) .In R3 system having WAS 6.2 and above its already has an inbuilt small IE so the proxy generation is favoured and possilbe,for more on this please go thru the following links
    Proxies: are interfaces which will get executed in the application system. They can be created only in the system from message interfaces using the proxy generation functions.
    The biggest advantage of the proxy is that it always by passes the Adapter Engine and will directly interact with the application system and Integration engine - so it will and should give us a better performance.
    The literal definition of a proxy is an object / process authorized to act for another; an agent or a substitute. In simpler terms, proxies in the XI context are objects used to encapsulate the creation (from a sender system) or parsing of XML (at a receiver system) as well as the communication with the relevant runtime components required to send or receive those messages. The Proxy Runtime controls these objects / processes, and can itself be controlled by the applications it communicates with.
    The Proxy currently has the following components available:
    1. ABAP Proxy – Communication using XI or Web Services
    2. Java Proxy– Communication using XI (J2EE)
    For further reference, visit the following sites,
    To test a connection - /people/vijaya.kumari2/blog/2006/01/26/how-do-you-activate-abap-proxies
    Client Proxy - /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/03/14/abap-proxies-in-xiclient-proxy
    Server Proxy - /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/04/03/abap-server-proxies
    Testing proxy - /people/stefan.grube/blog/2006/07/28/xi-debug-your-inbound-abap-proxy-implementation
    JAVA Proxies:
    ABAP Proxies:

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    hopefully, no business logic is in struts; only the application logic (i.e. order of screens, input type validation, etc.). If this is the case you have many options:
    - direct calls to the ejb (assuming you have a service defined as an EJB)
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    - your own custom protocol over HTTP
    - RMI (probably too much work; easier to just make direct EJB calls)
    - JMS (probably more work than just using SOAP or HTTP)
    - Socket based communication with your own custom protocol
    Probably the fastest to get going is direct calls from swing to the EJB.
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    Best of luck,

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    Edited by: 957466 on Sep 6, 2012 9:11 AM

    The idle-timeout on DSEE was set to none, which I believe is the default. I tried setting it to 1200 and 2400 seconds without success.
    h3. get-ldap-data-source-pool-prop
    client-affinity-bind-dn-filters : any
    client-affinity-criteria : connection
    client-affinity-ip-address-filters : any
    client-affinity-policy : write-affinity-after-write
    client-affinity-timeout : 20s
    description : -
    enable-client-affinity : false
    load-balancing-algorithm : proportional
    minimum-total-weight : 100
    proportion : 100
    sample-size : 100
    h3. get-ldap-data-source-prop
    bind-dn : none
    bind-pwd : none
    client-cred-mode : use-client-identity
    connect-timeout : 10s
    description : -
    down-monitoring-interval : inherited
    is-enabled : true
    is-read-only : false
    ldap-address : localhost
    ldap-port : ldap
    ldaps-port : ldaps
    monitoring-bind-dn : none
    monitoring-bind-pwd : none
    monitoring-bind-timeout : 5s
    monitoring-entry-dn : ""
    monitoring-entry-timeout : 5s
    monitoring-inactivity-timeout : 2m
    monitoring-interval : 30s
    monitoring-mode : proactive
    monitoring-retry-count : 3
    monitoring-search-filter : (objectClass=*)
    monitoring-search-scope : base
    num-bind-incr : 10
    num-bind-init : 2
    num-bind-limit : 1024
    num-read-incr : 10
    num-read-init : 2
    num-read-limit : 1024
    num-write-incr : 10
    num-write-init : 2
    num-write-limit : 1024
    proxied-auth-use-v1 : false
    ssl-policy : never
    use-read-connections-for-writes : false
    use-tcp-keep-alive : true
    use-tcp-no-delay : true

  • Difference In RFC Adapter and XI proxy

    I am using RFC adapter for master data and XI proxy for transaction data , can anyone tell me what is major difference and what is negative point in using RFC adapter
    Thanking you

    Adapters enable the Integration Engine and the Partner Connectivity Kit (PCK) to communicate with different applications.Adapters connect the Integration Engine to SAP legacy systems, as well as to external systems.
    In this way, adapters integrate existing SAP components with SAP Exchange Infrastructure, for example. In the process, XML and HTTP-based documents are converted to IDocs (IDoc adapter) and RFCs (RFC adapter) and the other way around. This enables you to integrate your existing SAP infrastructure with the new SAP infrastructure, which is based on system integration and the exchange of XML messages.
    The plain HTTP adapter gives application systems the option of communicating with the Integration Engine and exchanging business data in a simple format, using an HTTP connection.
    RFC Adapter :
    The RFC adapter enables you to use the functions of the Integration Engine or the PCK in existing SAP landscapes. It is used by SAP systems to connect to the Integration Engine or the PCK by using the RFC interface. It supports SAP systems as of version 3.1x.
    For FAQs about the RFC adapter, see SAP Note 730870
    The RFC adapter is provided by the Adapter Engine and the PCK. It essentially comprises two parts, namely a sender adapter at the Integration Engine inbound channel, and a receiver adapter at the Integration Engine outbound channel.
    The adapters are configured in the configuration part of the Integration Builder, or in the configuration part of the PCK. You use the SAP Java Connector (JCo), which enables you to manage metadata. This in turn enables you to map RFC data generically to RFC XML and the other way around.
    The receiver RFC adapter can be used for mapping lookups.A communication channel with a receiver RFC adapter can be created automatically for business systems that are defined in the System Landscape Directory.
    The RFC adapter maps the following RFC calls to XML messages and the other way around:
    Synchronous RFC calls (sRFCs) in messages with quality of service Best Effort (BE)
    &#9679;     Transactional RFC calls (tRFCs) in messages with quality of service Exactly Once (EO)
    &#9679;     The receiver RFC adapter can also process messages with quality of service Exactly Once In Order (EOIO). They are mapped to transactional RFC calls (tRFC).
    You require the sender adapter if you want to use the Integration Engine or the PCK to process RFCs. The RFC adapter converts the incoming RFC data to XML message format (RFC XML) so that it can be processed by the Integration Engine or the PCK.
    You require the receiver adapter if the determined receiver system expects the data from the Integration Engine or the PCK to arrive in RFC format. In this case, the Integration Engine or the PCK must transfer the received XML message (RFC XML) to the RFC adapter. The RFC adapter converts the RFC XML message to a valid RFC call and executes the call.
    Proxy :
    Generally speaking, interfaces are where functions in a system can be executed. In the context of SAP Exchange Infrastructure, only the following interfaces are relevant:
    ·        Interfaces designed for message exchange between application systems
    ·        Interfaces used by a cross-component integration process to receive or send messages, or both
    Starting with a cross-system integration process, you can then derive the corresponding interfaces required. SAP Exchange Infrastructure supports this process by using an integration scenario to describe the collaborative process. The integration scenario summarizes the interfaces required for this collaborative process.
    You can use SAP interfaces that already exist in systems, non-SAP interfaces that are connected to SAP Exchange Infrastructure using adapters, or define new interfaces called message interfaces in the Integration Repository. Both worlds can also be interconnected in a collaborative process.
    Interfaces are an essential component of SAP Exchange Infrastructure:
    ·        You define the interfaces to be used in an integration scenario.
    ·        Cross-component integration processes use interfaces to exchange messages.
    ·        You define the XML transformations for messages that are to be exchanged between two interfaces in a mapping.
    ·        You assign an interface in a sender system to one or more interfaces in a receiver system in logical routing.
    ·        You generate proxies to implement your scenario based on message interfaces.
    You save interface descriptions (message interfaces, BAPIs, RFCs, and IDocs) in the Integration Repository so that they can be referenced throughout SAP Exchange Infrastructure. However, adapters for external systems do not normally use interfaces; instead they access files or database tables in order to function, for example. For this reason, it is not necessary to import these interfaces into the Integration Repository. If the structure of the message is described using a WSDL, XSD, or DTD schema, you can import the schema as an external definition.
    Hope this will help you.
    Aashish Sinha
    PS : reward points if helpful

  • JDBC and ABAP proxy

    Hello guys , need help with the following scenario :
    ZTable as sender through Xi to db. i have never worked on this type before . Need some help in any blogs or scenarios dealing with the same . Interfacing ztable through a abap proxy.
    I am also confused on the concept of client and server proxy . Please suggest

    Hi Krishna,
    CLIENT PROXY:</b></u>
    A WSDL description from a UDDI server (or an Internet page) is usually used to make a service executable in the Internet and to describe the interface of this service. You require a client proxy and not a server proxy to call this service by using the Web service infrastructure.
    <u><b>SERVER PROXY:</b></u>
    You can only generate ABAP server proxies from a WSDL description if they originate in the Integration Repository.You can also generate server proxies for Java and client proxies for ABAP from message interfaces.
    To Know more about Client and Server Proxy Please go through these links:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/86/58cd3b11571962e10000000a11402f/content.htm">Proxy Generation</a>
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/62/8a5f3c31727d59e10000000a114084/content.htm">Implementing a Server Proxy</a>
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/9b/821140d72dc442e10000000a1550b0/content.htm">Data Transfer Using SAP XI</a>
    Also look at these Blogs which explain in detail about the Proxies.
    <a href="/people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/03/14/abap-proxies-in-xiclient-proxy Proxy</a>
    <a href="/people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/04/03/abap-server-proxies Proxies</a>
    This pdf should help you...It talks about implementing the various JDBC scenarios:
    <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/5474f19e-0701-0010-4eaa-97c4f78dbf9b">Step-By-Step Approach for Implementing XI Scenarios</a>
    To configure your JDBC adapter you can navigater thru this link:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/22/b4d13b633f7748b4d34f3191529946/frameset.htm">JDBC Adapter</a>
    Configuring sender JDBC adapter:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/7e/5df96381ec72468a00815dd80f8b63/frameset.htm">Configuring the Sender JDBC Adapter</a>
    Configuring receiver JDBC adapter:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/64/ce4e886334ec4ea7c2712e11cc567c/frameset.htm">Configuring the Receiver JDBC Adapter</a>
    This weblog deals with a complete JDBC scenario and is ideal for beginners:

  • EJB - inbound and outbound proxy

    I have implemented inbound and outbound proxy to transfer file. In proxyFTPClientREQIB method of ProxyFTPClientREQIB_PortTypeImpl class I want to invoke outbound proxy that sends structure to XI. I have a problem with context, because after invoking outbound proxy method from inbound proxy there is an incorrect context (concatenation of EJB inbound context and EJB outbound context: ejbContexts/bcc.com.pl/MonaApp/bcc.com.pl/MonaApp/ProxyFTPClientREQIB_PortTypeBean and localejbs/bcc.com.pl/MonaApp/ProxyFTPClientRESOB_PortTypeBean)
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    proxyFTPClientRESOB_PortTypeLocalHome = ProxyFTPClientRESOB_PortTypeLocalHome) ctx.lookup("localejbs/bcc.com.pl/MonaApp/ProxyFTPClientRESOB_PortTypeBean");
    proxyFTPClientRESOB_PortTypeLocal = proxyFTPClientRESOB_PortTypeLocalHome.create();
    Path to object does not exist at localejbs, the whole lookup name is ejbContexts/bcc.com.pl/MonaApp/bcc.com.pl/MonaApp/ProxyFTPClientREQIB_PortTypeBean/localejbs/bcc.com.pl/MonaApp/ProxyFTPClientRESOB_PortTypeBean.
    What should I do to avoid concatenation of contexts?

    Hi Julia,
    the correct call is:
    ... ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/ProxyFTPClientRESOB_PortTypeBean");
    The Reference to the JNDI name is done in the ejb-jar.xml:
    Hope that helps,

  • Swings and Threads

    My applet communicates with the database. To ensure that the GUI is updated in the Event-Dispatching Thread I am using a SwingWorker: in construct() the application communicates with DB, and in finished() it updates the GUI. In construct() of the SwingWorker thread I need to create a dialog box to prompt the user for an input like to chose a color or to answer yes/no.
    My question is: Do I need to use invokeAndWait() to create the dialog box? The more general question is: do we use invokeLater() or SwingWorker only for GUIs that are shared by several threads or we have to use it for every swing we create after Event-Dispatching Thread started running?
    Thank you

    One of the fun things about Swing and its EventDispatchThread is that
    doing things wrong (such as performing Swing operations from a thread
    other than the EDT) is that more often than not, even though they are done
    technically wrong, they will still appear to work, especially in small programs.
    (In a larger sense, this applies to any multi-threaded program: things might
    appear to work until the timing changes just a teensy bit...)
    What's even more fun is working with someone who has previously only
    done small programs and because of that, takes this approach in large programs, and then spending a large amount of time trying to figure out why
    something sporadically stops working, only to trace it back to a Swing
    operation being invoked from a thread other than the EDT. Fun!
    You know how to do it correctly.
    You know why to do it correctly.
    But you choose not to. Good luck with that.

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    Swing and SWT are two different framework. Usually, peoiple choose one and stick with it. I would not mess with mixing SWT with Swing or vice-versa. I really don't understand why you would choose to mix these two framework together. "better look and feel" is not the best answer for this. what i would look into is a look and feel for Java (like JGoodies look n feel)..and check for Swing component that pther people have made (or enhance upon the Swing library).
    Stick with one framework. Your life will be much easier.
    Futhermore, maintainance would be less difficult. (you only have to know one framework instead of two, plus how they interact)

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