Swing app keyboard stops working, mystery ESCAPE keystrokes appear in EDT

Java 6 Swing app. In our development environment, works great. In QA, they use it for a bit, type in a text field, click out to a Windows XP/7 app, click back in the text field, and the keyboard stops accepting keystrokes. The mouse continues to work, and the Swing app continues to paint to the screen.
I hooked up a KeyEventDispatcher to listen to what is going on. I'll post a more verbose log at the end of this post, but the short version is this. When the keyboard hangs, the log shows that 'escape' keys are being sent, though we do not do any keystroke injection in our app, ESCAPE or otherwise. Nothing on the Swing app can be determined visually to have focus.
Just before the app starts hanging, it has a side effect of not being able to be brought into the foreground by clicking on it, if, for example, one was working with Excel or Notepad, then try to click on the JFrame title of the app, or anywhere else on the app frame/internals. Once this condition happens, moving away to another Windows app, then going back to the Swing app, causes the keyboard to stop working and the KeyEventDispatcher to see 'escape' keystrokes being sent out.
Connecting remotely to the app via JVisualVM/JConsole does not show any of the threads hanging/blocked.
Sometimes you can work for hours before seeing this problem, and other times, you can start the app up and it happens right away. Once it happens, sometimes you can't recover, and sometimes you can click on a button on a navigator panel on the left side that displays an info panel on the right side, and you can start typing again in text fields.
Once this problem happens, you can start (or have already running) a completely different Swing app (ex.: StackTrace), and the keyboard will stop working for that app too, even though its running in its own separate VM.
This problem (ALMOST!) always happen when typing in a Swing text field (JTextField, JTextArea, etc.), clicking on and then typing in a Windows text area (Excel cell, Notepad), then clicking back into the Swing app's text field. A few times, we've gotten this to happen by typing in a text field, tabbing to a button, pressing a button, then tabbing/clicking back into the text field, all without leaving the Swing app. But this latter scenario is rare, usually going to/from Swing/Windows XP/7 apps cause the problem to occur more readily.
The QA computers normally use Citrix to connect and run the app, but this also happens if we run the app completely locally. But again, this only happens to some computers, all of the ones in the QA department; the development computers (the app has not been released into production yet) does not see this problem.
I had thought that our problem was this problem (Wrong characters in KeyEvents generated from input of barcode scanner but purposely slowing down the acceptance of KEY_PRESSED and KEY_RELEASED events before allowing them to go on to the Swing app (via a KeyDispatcher) did not solve the problem.
Also, we had thought it might be a Citrix problem and how it (or does it?) hook into the Windows keyboard. The fact that once one Swing app gets into this keyboard doesn't work and escape keys are being sent out by the EDT can affect another Swing app makes me wonder. We're not seeing any VM exceptions either like this (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION - JRE 6.0_23 - Citrix, windows 2003
Been trying to get this one solved for over a week, but with no luck. Any help/advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time.
P.S. Here's the detailed log info I generated via my KeyEventDispatch listener...
2011-04-01 11:58:17,493 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:36 - KEY1-keystroke [java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager@377369]: java.awt.event.KeyEvent[KEY_PRESSED,keyCode=27,keyText=Escape,keyChar=Escape,keyLocation=KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD,rawCode=27,primaryLevelUnicode=27,scancode=1] on javax.swing.JTextField[,320,28,175x18,layout=javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$UpdateHandler,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=com.ep.skin.lnf.framework.utils.internal.RoundedBorder@c3a7c0,flags=296,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=,caretColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],disabledTextColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],editable=true,margin=javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource[top=0,left=0,bottom=0,right=0],selectedTextColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],selectionColor=javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=184,g=207,b=229],columns=15,columnWidth=11,command=,horizontalAlignment=LEADING]
2011-04-01 11:58:17,494 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:42 - KEY2-ActiveWindow: javax.swing.JFrame[mainFrame,128,128,1024x768,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=My - HQ - 17601,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,0,1024x768,invalid,layout=com.ep.skin.lnf.framework.internal.RootPaneUI$MetalRootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource@d0e678,flags=16777673,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
2011-04-01 11:58:17,496 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:48 - KEY3-CurrentFocusCycleRoot: javax.swing.JFrame[mainFrame,128,128,1024x768,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=My - HQ - 17601,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,0,1024x768,invalid,layout=com.ep.skin.lnf.framework.internal.RootPaneUI$MetalRootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource@d0e678,flags=16777673,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
2011-04-01 11:58:17,497 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:54 - KEY4-FocusedWindow: javax.swing.JFrame[mainFrame,128,128,1024x768,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=My - HQ - 17601,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,0,1024x768,invalid,layout=com.ep.skin.lnf.framework.internal.RootPaneUI$MetalRootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource@d0e678,flags=16777673,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
2011-04-01 11:58:17,498 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:60 - KEY5-FocusOwner: javax.swing.JTextField[,320,28,175x18,layout=javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$UpdateHandler,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=com.ep.skin.lnf.framework.utils.internal.RoundedBorder@c3a7c0,flags=296,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=,caretColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],disabledTextColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],editable=true,margin=javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource[top=0,left=0,bottom=0,right=0],selectedTextColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],selectionColor=javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=184,g=207,b=229],columns=15,columnWidth=11,command=,horizontalAlignment=LEADING]
2011-04-01 11:58:17,499 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:66 - KEY6-PermanentFocusOwner: javax.swing.JTextField[,320,28,175x18,layout=javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$UpdateHandler,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=com.ep.skin.lnf.framework.utils.internal.RoundedBorder@c3a7c0,flags=296,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=,caretColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],disabledTextColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],editable=true,margin=javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource[top=0,left=0,bottom=0,right=0],selectedTextColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],selectionColor=javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=184,g=207,b=229],columns=15,columnWidth=11,command=,horizontalAlignment=LEADING]
2011-04-01 11:58:17,501 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:74 - KEY7-stacktrace...
com..client.util.MyKeyEventDispatcher$StackTraceGenerationException: This exception was created to generate a stack trace, and can be safely ignored.
     at com..client.util.MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent(MyKeyEventDispatcher.java:73)
     at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.preDispatchKeyEvent(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.typeAheadAssertions(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)
2011-04-01 11:58:17,504 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:36 - KEY1-keystroke [java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager@377369]: java.awt.event.KeyEvent[KEY_RELEASED,keyCode=27,keyText=Escape,keyChar=Escape,keyLocation=KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD,rawCode=27,primaryLevelUnicode=27,scancode=1] on javax.swing.JTextField[,320,28,175x18,layout=javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$UpdateHandler,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=com.ep.skin.lnf.framework.utils.internal.RoundedBorder@c3a7c0,flags=296,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=,caretColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],disabledTextColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],editable=true,margin=javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource[top=0,left=0,bottom=0,right=0],selectedTextColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],selectionColor=javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=184,g=207,b=229],columns=15,columnWidth=11,command=,horizontalAlignment=LEADING]
2011-04-01 11:58:17,506 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:42 - KEY2-ActiveWindow: javax.swing.JFrame[mainFrame,128,128,1024x768,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=My - HQ - 17601,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,0,1024x768,invalid,layout=com.ep.skin.lnf.framework.internal.RootPaneUI$MetalRootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource@d0e678,flags=16777673,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
2011-04-01 11:58:17,507 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:48 - KEY3-CurrentFocusCycleRoot: javax.swing.JFrame[mainFrame,128,128,1024x768,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=My - HQ - 17601,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,0,1024x768,invalid,layout=com.ep.skin.lnf.framework.internal.RootPaneUI$MetalRootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource@d0e678,flags=16777673,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
2011-04-01 11:58:17,508 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:54 - KEY4-FocusedWindow: javax.swing.JFrame[mainFrame,128,128,1024x768,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=My - HQ - 17601,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,0,1024x768,invalid,layout=com.ep.skin.lnf.framework.internal.RootPaneUI$MetalRootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource@d0e678,flags=16777673,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
2011-04-01 11:58:17,509 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:60 - KEY5-FocusOwner: javax.swing.JTextField[,320,28,175x18,layout=javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$UpdateHandler,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=com.ep.skin.lnf.framework.utils.internal.RoundedBorder@c3a7c0,flags=296,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=,caretColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],disabledTextColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],editable=true,margin=javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource[top=0,left=0,bottom=0,right=0],selectedTextColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],selectionColor=javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=184,g=207,b=229],columns=15,columnWidth=11,command=,horizontalAlignment=LEADING]
2011-04-01 11:58:17,510 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:66 - KEY6-PermanentFocusOwner: javax.swing.JTextField[,320,28,175x18,layout=javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$UpdateHandler,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=com.ep.skin.lnf.framework.utils.internal.RoundedBorder@c3a7c0,flags=296,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=,caretColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],disabledTextColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],editable=true,margin=javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource[top=0,left=0,bottom=0,right=0],selectedTextColor=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],selectionColor=javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=184,g=207,b=229],columns=15,columnWidth=11,command=,horizontalAlignment=LEADING]
2011-04-01 11:58:17,512 [AWT-EventQueue-1] DEBUG MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent:74 - KEY7-stacktrace...
com..client.util.MyKeyEventDispatcher$StackTraceGenerationException: This exception was created to generate a stack trace, and can be safely ignored.
     at com..client.util.MyKeyEventDispatcher.dispatchKeyEvent(MyKeyEventDispatcher.java:73)
     at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.preDispatchKeyEvent(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.typeAheadAssertions(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)
The above log info repeats multiple times, KEY_PRESSED and KEY_RELEASE, over and over again, for 'escape' keys.
Edited by: 850693 on Apr 7, 2011 10:16 AM (typo fix)
Edited by: 850693 on Apr 7, 2011 10:19 AM (Fixed links)

<discaimer>Don't put too much hope in my reply</disclaimer>
The only real difference is QA has the Citrix client installed on them, and development does not. You don't need to run our Swing app through a Citrix client though to cause the bug/freezing, just running it on a PC with the Citrix client seems to be enough (in theory). We've been working down a checklist of possible problems/solutions, and we've gotten to the "Install Citrix to the dev PC" item now, so I'll post back if that makes a difference or not in reproducing the problem.
I've also had QA people actually come over to a dev PC, without the Citrix client, and try to reproduce the problem, and they have not been able to. There's 'something' about their environment vs. ours, but not sure how that would manifest itself as a AWT/Swing keyboard event of mysterious escape keystrokes followed by the locking up on the keyboard, but not the whole Swing app. My personal guess is the Citirix client installing funky Windows-level keyboard driver(s), but I may be totally off on that. /shrugI read your initial post twice and couldn't find out whether you reproduce that on several different machines, so one "environmental" difference comes to mind: have you tried using another keyboard on the defective QA configuration?
Of course that doesn't explain in itself how the problem would manifest only after switching back and forth to a native Windows app, but then, with the hint that Citrix may make a difference, maybe one driver filters out repeated "Esc" keystrokes, while another doesn't, and that manifests only after a few app switches, and the system event queue, or whatever it's called in Windows, redirects the events to the target app/window?
Other than that, I wish you had investigated Jeanette's pacemaker hypothesis more... ;)
Otherwise, yeah. I have a hook in to see all AWTEvent's, but I still need to see/find what's posting the mysterious escape keys to the event queue.I assume it's what you mean, but I'll try to make that clear: you have to investigate, at the OS level, what is posting escape key events to the OS queue.
I am not a Windows developper, but I seem to understand that the following programs claims to capture keystrokes on the whole screen (not limited to a single window), with some limitations: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/winsdk/WIN_RECORDER.aspx
More generally, you should search for a Windows way to peek at the Windows' (keyboard?) event queue.
I'm not sure this could identify which DLL (if it's not originated by the material, see the defective keyboard hypothesis) is posting the events, but that's worth a try (Java for example, would enables to stuff a custom event queue that would trace info about a Java-poster).
Even if you can't identify the posting DLL, running the "key captuyre" on both the Windows host that has the Citrix window, and the Windows host that you are accessing via Citrix, may give you hints as to where the heck the key strokes originate...
Good luck, and keep us informed,

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    I suggest you try the very clean and very forceful AutoLoader method:
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    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "Dual Layout"
    Screen "Screen0"
    Section "ServerFlags"
    Option "AutoAddDevices" "on"
    Option "AutoEnableDevices" "on"
    Option "AllowEmptyInput" "on"
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Acer"
    HorizSync 30-81
    VertRefresh 56-76
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "GeForce 210"
    Driver "nvidia"
    Option "NvAGP" "3"
    Option "NoLogo" "1"
    Option "RenderAccel" "true"
    Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true"
    Option "TwinView" "true"
    Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "24-70"
    Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "56-75"
    Option "MetaModes" "1680x1050, 1600x900 @1600x900"
    Option "TwinViewOrientation" "RightOf"
    Option "WrappedFB" "true"
    Section "Extensions"
    Option "Composite" "true"
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen0"
    Device "GeForce 210"
    Monitor "Acer"
    DefaultDepth 24
    Subsection "Display"
    Depth 24
    Modes "1680x1050" "1600x900"
    ViewPort 0 0
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    While I've read several threads about the built-in keyboard on MBPs stop working I've never seen one quite like this.  We're on a late 2012 17" MBP, Core i7 with 4GB memory.  Randomly both the built-in keyboard on the machine AND the Bluetooth keyboard stop working - but not fully.  On both the arrow keys and backspace key still work but nothing else (CMD, space bar, etc).
    What's really odd is a USB keyboard works perfectly when this happens.  We plugged one in and blamo, it worked just great - but the built-in and the bluetooth ones continued to not work (just as described above).
    The user commented that this has been the case on her last 2 machines and both were built from scratch.  That leads me to think it's software rather than hardware - I went through everything that was running, shutting down everything I could - with no good results.  If you log out/back in (or reboot) that fixes the problem as well (further leading me to software)
    Thoughts anyone??

    Hello RosslnCO2,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    About NVRAM and PRAM
    Best of luck,

  • What would cause my Game Center app to stop working ?

    What would cause my Game Center app to stop working &amp; other apps to just shut off .

    I've attached a stripped down version of the subVI which handles the UDP connection.
    In the Init and Disconnect cases, I've had to remove the startup and shutdown commands as that's protected info, but they are just fixed U8 arrays.  The subVI does not have any incoming errors when executed by itself or as part of the main VI nor does the Init case generate any errors.  Also, the UDP Open and UDP Write functions process a nonzero Connection ID.
    Let's see, what else?  The Init and Disconnect cases operates just once at the beginning and end, as you might expect.  While the Read case operating at 1x/sec during normal operation.
    Let me know if there's any more insight I can provide.
    UDP_Connection Manager.vi ‏17 KB

  • I have a problem with my PC mobile device that the keyboard stop working and the mouse also

    I have a problem with my PC mobile device that the keyboard stop working and the mouse also

    All I can suggeset is:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Have you looked at the AMDS topic of:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Do you have han image capture programs linstalled like for a camers or scanner?

  • Half of keyboard stopped working.

    Half of my Compaq V6000T laptop keyboard stopped working this morning- the right half. A USB keyboard works without issue. Will replacing the keyboard be sufficient or is there an underlying issue here?
    Many thanks!

    Follow this tutorial until you see that you remove the keyboard.  http://www.insidemylaptop.com/disassemble-compaq-presario-v6000-laptop/  Make sure to keep track of all screws and parts, and be careful not to shock your laptop with static electricity!  When the keyboard is removed check to see that the wire that plugs in is seated properly; you may want to clean it off a bit or unplug it and plug back in.
    Please give Kudos. What other kind of recognition could I get?
    Have I solved your problem? Mark solution as accepted.
    I try to hate Macintosh. I really do. But I can't bring myself to hate any electronic device.

  • HT204266 hello i would like to know why my gnome village app as stop working since ihave done a up date to ios6 on my ipod touch

    hello I would like to know why my gnome village app as stop working since I have done a software up date to a ico6 on my ipod touch

    iOS: Troubleshooting applications purchased from the App Store
    Have youwent to the developer's site?

  • Alt key make my keyboard stop working

    I have notice this in photoshop,most time i hold alt key.it make the keyboard stop working,until i do restart,Now it happening in mac..when i try to view my library by holding the alt key in finder...my keyboard stop working
    anyway to fix this?

    Go to System Preferences, Keyboard, Modifier Keys, Restore defaults
    Then Keyboard Short cuts, Restore defaults
    Then if not working
    Reset the PRAM
    Reset the SMC

  • G72-c55dx keyboard stop working within 15 min of use

    G72-c55dx keyboard stop working within 15 min of use or at rest check setting power bios updated late;s driver ver.?

    Hi @rimesci ,
    Thank you for your query, I will do my best to assist you!
    I understand that when you start your notebook the keyboard works for approximately 15 minutes and then stops responding.
    You have checked the power settings, updated the bios and drivers but it still persists.
    It sounds as if you have a conflict somewhere.  The keyboard works OK and then something kicks in and keyboard stops.
    I would try a clean boot to try and locate the issue. Perform a clean startup to determine whether background programs are interfering with your game or p... (from support.microsoft.com)
    If this has not located the issue, do you feel any overheating  on the unit?
    If the issue persists, you can try a restore back to before this issue occurred.   Using Microsoft System Restore (Windows 7)
    If that did not work or is not a possibility, I would do a recovery back to factory.
    Performing an HP System Recovery (Windows 7)
    During the recovery process you will receive an opportunity to backup your personal files to prevent data loss.
    If you have not done one recently, I suggest you do one now.
    restoring Files that were Backed Up Using HP Recovery Manager (Windows 7)
    If you are still having an issue, I suggest contacting HP support. They can remotely log onto your system to help with resolving issues.
    Please call our technical support at 800-474-6836. If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get the support number for your region  Technical Support Sitemap
    I hope this helps.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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