Switching platforms to OSX from Windows

How may we switch our licenses from PC to Mac. All of our current software is PC based, but we are switching platforms. We will de-authorize same on the PC's.

if your software is current, you can use a cross-grade, http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/order-product-platform-language-swap.htm l

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    My bad I should have been more clear. The problem is actually with a XP install via bootcamp, my Win 7 install is in VM Ware Fusion.
    The XP install is on a second drive. Since you asked about this I'm assuming it may be the reason Im having problems.
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    Sys tray icon - small diamond shapped icon in systray for accessing bootcamp functions.

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    If you used iTunes on your Dell, then all you have to do is replace the iTunes folder on your Mac with the iTunes folder from your Windows. You should do this before starting iTunes on your Mac for the first time. Then, when you open up iTunes after replacing the folder with all your content, your iTunes will just treat it as if you've always had the same content. This is what I did before, except I had to reinstall my Mac OS, so I just copied the Mac iTunes folder, but on Windows it has the same file name, in the music section, I think.

  • Migration of SAP Business Objects BI Platform 4.1 from Windows(OS), SQL Server(DB) to AIX(OS) and Oracle(DB).

    Dear All,
    I have SAP Business Objects BI Platform 4.1  running on window servers and sql server database. We want to migrate this to  AIX and oracle.
    Can you please share what should be the best approach to carry on this migration?

    Hi Mohammed,
    Regarding your Query below is the suggestion:
    Step I: Preparing for moving BOBJ application from Windows to AIX
    There are some tasks that you need to perform:
    To configure the existing deployment
    Perform inventory and cleanup, to ensure that only the required content is moved.
    Run the Repository Diagnostic Tool to detect any inconsistencies between the File Repository and the CMS repository. The upgrade management tool will not run successfully if there are inconsistencies between the File Repository and the CMS repository.
    Identify any content that the upgrade management tool can't upgrade, along with the process required to upgrade that content. There is some content like Voyager Workspaces or Desktop Intelligence documents that require manual intervention before running the upgrade management tool.
    Back up existing repositories, including the system database and the Input and Output File Repository Servers.
    Back up custom web applications, HTML pages, and scripts in your existing deployment.
    To configure the planned BI 4.x deployment
    Setup and configure the Middleware and ODBC connections.
    Ensure that your machines meet the deployment system's requirements, you can find information about the supported platforms in the Platform Availability Matrix (PAM) http://service.sap.com/support -> Help and Support -> SAP BusinessObjects Support -> Documentation -> Supported Platform s/PARs -> SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.x
    Step II:
    You can use database backup & FRS backup (Offline) in new environment (AIX) to deploy BOBJ 4.x Version
    Take the help of DBA to move CMS & AUDIT database backup from SQL Server (Windows) to Oracle (AIX)
    Test the Universe,reports, Check the rights
    Step III:
    If you are configured any SSO then make sure that same configuration is deployed in new environment (AIX).
    Test the user SSO in new environment (AIX).
    You can also use Promotion manager to move the contenet from Windows (Business Objects Application) to UNIX (Business Objects Application)
    Only prerequisite is Business Objects Application version should be same.
    You can copy content only 50 Object at a time in One Job
    FRS Offline backup is required.
    Necessary files regarding custom web applications, HTML pages, and scripts in your existing deployment.
    Please refer the below KBA for more details
    BOBJ Deployment Link:
    BIP on Linux with Tomcat and Sybase ASE Pattern Book
    Installing SAP BI 4.1 SP01 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x Step-by-step
    Promotion Manager KBA:
    Hope this will help!!!!

  • Considering switching to Apple Pro from Windows PC, but have questions.

    Repost from the MacbookPro forums (erroneously posted it there first).
    Hi all,
    I'm currently a Vista PC user who has a long time history in PC usage. I'm an old timer who even used the very first PCs, among which were Tandy TRS80, Commodore, Synclair, PCM, etc. I'm very familiar with lots of different OSs due to my IT background (was a system's admin and a programmer for quite some years), so I know my way around in different systems (IBM, HP-Unix, Linux, etc.).
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    Now I know nothing about Macs. Only dealt with them in one company where I didn't have to work with them at all. So I'm completely new to this matter.
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    Here are the things that I am wondering about but haven't been able to find clear information about:
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    2) Is PC hardware compatible with the Mac? With that I don't just mean printers and monitors, but also HDDs, video cards, sound cards, etc.
    3) For those of you who made the switch recently, is it an improvement in your experience over Vista/XP? And why?
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    5) I'm a big MMO fan, so play one at any given time as a hobby. Do these kind of games run well in a Windows emulated environment on a Mac (provided a Mac version doesn't exist)?
    6) I'm reading in the forums that new models might be announced soon. Is there any place where I can find information on that?
    That is about what I had in mind after having browsed a bit and read the forums here.
    Thanks in advance for any replies. I have to admit that the costs of a Mac system are what are holding me back still. But my current system is going to need replacement in the next 6 months or so, and building a new one from scratch is probably going to cost me almost as much as a brand new medium range Mac Pro. Hence the reason I'm considering making the switch.
    I'm looking forward to your ideas and experiences.

    1) If I were to buy a Mac Pro, can I upgrade/change it to my hearts content? Or am I limited to Mac hardware only? Let's say I want to upgrade the processor and maybe I want to put a different (read better) cooling fan and body in there, can I do that?
    You are able to change RAM, HDDs and PCI Hardware (must be Apple Versions most the time (eg. graphics) afaik). Everything else will propably void your warrenty (don't know about optical devices...
    But you will propably not not want to change the fans oder body as the Mac Pro is extremly well engineered. You will notice that after changing the harddrives and compare that to a standard PC procedure.
    2) Is PC hardware compatible with the Mac? With that I don't just mean printers and monitors, but also HDDs, video cards, sound cards, etc.
    As stated above, all the internal stuff will not be so easy (as Video cards, sound cards ...) (except RAM and HDDs). External Hardware like Printers, Monitors, etc. will propably work ootb without even thinking about installing drivers. Some though need some (e.g. Logitech mice) for full functionality.
    3) For those of you who made the switch recently, is it an improvement in your experience over Vista/XP? And why?
    I switched about a year ago to a Mac Pro having quite a similar background (IT) as you. And I didn't regret it. The OS is just like it should be and in 99% of times the slogan "it just works" really is true. (My "wow" moment was syncing my mobile with iSync and Bluetooth wich took me (alone for the bluetooth installation) about 2 days in Windows))
    I think Mac OS is - especially if you have an IT background - the better choice over Windows because of its rock solid unix foundation and well-thought-through-ness . At first it was a little bit as if I was in a cage as I didn't know how to do some things but knew how I would do it on Windows but after a (very litte) while I just relaxed and everything now works for me. It sometimes even a bit boring as things just work out as they should and you don't spend hours of setting up the system.
    4) How well does Windows software run on a Mac? Can I just run any type of Windows software on the Mac if I want to?
    In Boot Camp yes. It makes your Mac an ordinary Windows PC. There is also virtualization software that make you able to run windows and mac apps side by side but there will be much slower performance and no usage of all 8 cores the mac pro has and 3d wont run well too. But nice if you lets say have one piece of software that has no mac equivalent and you just want do use it quickly without rebooting (wich is needed for Boot Camp).
    5) I'm a big MMO fan, so play one at any given time as a hobby. Do these kind of games run well in a Windows emulated environment on a Mac (provided a Mac version doesn't exist)?
    Emulated they wont work well I guess but in Boot Camp no problem. I myself played Wow for quite some time (in mac os with great performance) and now play Warhammer in Boot Camp with all settings maxed out 1920x1200 even on 2 gb of ram no problem at all.
    6) I'm reading in the forums that new models might be announced soon. Is there any place where I can find information on that?
    No. If Apple didn't announce them its all rumors. Macrumors.com though has a "buyers guide" where you can see how long the hardware has been without updates which is a good indicator for updates.
    hth, scurra

  • Booting to osx from windows

    how do i boot my minimac to osx, im on windows right now, and when i reboot it just goes back to windows, someone help, thanks

    You can either:
    1. Use the Startup Disk control panel in Windows to set the Mac OS X system as the startup disk.
    2. Restart with the Option key held down, and then click on the Mac OS X system followed by the button with the straight arrow. This action doesn't change the default startup disk, which can also be changed from the Startup Disk pane of System Preferences.
    3. Restart with the X key held down. Doing this will change the startup disk.

  • Switching Adobe Creative Suite from windows to Mac.

    I purchased Adobe Creative Suite 4 for windows a few years ago. We recently purchased a Mac and I'd like to use it on the Mac. Is there a way to switch computers without having to pay for the whole thing again?

    There is a platform swap process but it only applies to CS6. CS4 is too old to qualify.
    Order product | Platform, language swap
    Unfortunately your options are to:
    Install Windows via Bootcamp or Parallels on the Mac then run CS4 in the virtual Windows environment on the Mac, or
    Buy the full version of CS6, or
    Join the Cloud

  • Macbook Pro (2010) slow/unresponsive booting OSX from Windows

    Hello All,
    Let me introduce myself. My name is Josh and I am currently deployed in Afghanistan and also pursuing an Info Sec degree. As such I was forced to boot camp Windows 7 on my Mac in order to complete certain classes needing Windows and Windows software. I am running into some issues that I can not seem to work around. First I will give the stats of my computer then try to explain the issues I am encountering.
    Macbook Pro 13inch  Mid 2010
    2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    16GB memory
    Crutial 256 GB SSD
    OSX 10.9.2
    Windows 7 Professional
    New battery
    I partitioned the SSD in half for both Windows and OSX. Each has around 30 GB of data on each side. I installed the SSD and memory around 6 months ago and everything worked flawlessly. Needing Windows and being cheap I decided to dual boot, through bootcamp, the two operating systems. Install, although a pain, was completed sucessfully and worked great. It has been installed for about 3 months and ran flawlessly. I have kept up with updates on both sides and running antivirus on Windows. I rarely do any work besides school on Windows but run the antivirus regularly for protection. These issues arose a few days ago. One issue I encounter periodically is that when booting to Windows I hold down the control key and it still loads OSX. I have to try several times to get it to boot Windows. Sometimes it works first try. Once in Windows everything works as it should and fast with the memory and SSD. When I shut down the computer and return to OSX everything loads as normal with the same speed except when I go to open an application. It takes several minutes of spinning wheel for it to open. Until then it is slow and often unresponsive. If I let it run its course it will eventually calm down and work correctly. During this time the fan kicks on. Another issue is that sometimes one of my external hard drives fails to read. I can unplug and plug it back into each of the USB hubs with no luck. The two external hard drives I have are one for Time Machine backups- 1TB Western Digital and the other for all my work- 1TB Western Digital. Each hard drive is scanned with Windows 7 during antivirus checks. Finally, I installed a new battery, as mine was gone, and since the install I do not get the same life span out of a charge (around 5 hours max with little use). If anyone has any advise please feel free to contribute. I would like to solve the issue. Thank you for your time and if you need any more information I would happily provide.
    Also: I will be creating another thread for two more Macbook Pros I am working to resolve issues.

    have you tried resetting your MacBook Pro’s System Management Controller, to see if it would have any effect on your battery life and fan frequency?

  • How do i change the platform for elements from windows to Mac?

    I Bought photoshop elements a while back for windows. I just bought a Macbook & would like to know how to download to my macbook with the right platform. Thanks in advance.

    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 | 12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7
    Lightroom:  5.6| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

  • Change platform of CS6 from Windows to MAC

    I have Photoshop CS6 on a Windows platform. Can I change it to MAC platform.  If possible how do I go about it and is there a fee.

    Order product | Platform, language swap

  • After I've switched back to mac (from windows on the mac) will it allow me to go back to windows? if so how?

    i have installed windows onto my mac and know how to get back o mac after that, but will it let me go back to windows after selecting mac?

    If you just changed the startup disk setting, use the Startup Disk pane of System Preferences or restart with the Option key held down.
    If you removed the Boot Camp partition, you'll need to create a new one first.

  • Printing to a network printer connected to osx from windows 98

    When I try to print to any of my printers connected to my imac I get the following error.
    There was an error writing to \\imac\PrinterName for the printer (PrinterName):
    The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
    Any ideas?

    When I try to print to any of my printers connected to my imac I get the following error.
    There was an error writing to \\imac\PrinterName for the printer (PrinterName):
    The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
    Any ideas?

  • How to switch back and forth from mac to windows????

    for some reason, i'm unable to switch back and forth from windows to mac right now. i rarely shut down my mac, but did today and when it restarted, it naturally restarted in windows. i then held down the keys i thought i was supposed to and restarted it, but don't have the option of getting back into my mac side. what keys am i supposed to hold down while restarting the computer?? i feel like the mac side is being held hostage! i thought it was ctrl & the apple key that i was to hold down at the same time. anyone? anyone??

    Hi and welcome to Discussion,
    to 'release the hostage' you have to hold down the 'Option/Alt'-key during restart and are then greeted by a Boot-Menu from which you can choose which one to boot.
    Once in OSX you might want to go to System Preferences - Startup Volume and choose OSX as the default.
    After the needed restart OSX boots up automatically unless you again use the Option-key to choose Windows.

  • Viewing OSX partition from Windows

    G'day all
    Ok this may be a fairly obvious question but is Windows able (via any means) to view the data stored on my mac partition? When I load windows, I've got both partitions available however when I load windows I can't see the mac side of things. I presume this is due to the native HDD format that OSX uses but still, I want to be able to access files saved in OSX from Windows. Sure I can load OSX and transfer the files to the windows partition but that involves logging out, logging in, loggin out, logging in.
    Any ideas?

    The file system you refer to is hfs. Sadly you will need an app in the windows side to be able to use it.
    This app http://www.mediafour.com/products/macdrive/ worked for me, i don't know how it will go in a bootcamp partition, but it should work fine.

  • Office 2004 for Mac:: Problems Importing Data from Windows

    I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this but:
    I am switching from Windows and Outlook 2003 and trying to move my data from Outlook into Entourage. I was somewhat successful using O2M to import my Contacts and E-Mail.j However O2M created a bunch of .ics files that I can’t seem to get into Entourage’s calendar.
    I also have a lot of Outlook Notes and Tasks that I can’t seem to import or drag into Entourage’s Notes and Task windows.
    Any suggestions? I didn’t think it would be so hard. You would think that Microsoft as the vendor of both programs would have provided a smoother method of moving data between their programs.

    Thanks for the response. I will check the site that you reference.
    Just out of curiousity--why is this not a good place to ask this question? As a new user to the Apple/Mac community am I relegated to asking questions only about Apple hardware and software written only by Apple? One of the enticements for switching over to Apple from Windows, besides getting tired of having to be a technical wizard, were all the platitudes about how easy it is to switch. Well it isn't all that easy.
    Don't get me wrong, I am loving my new MacBook Pro and I imagine once I get my Outlook data over to the Mac I will be really happy. But given that all my email, notes, tasks, calendar and contacts for years have been on my Windows machine I would have liked a little less hair pulling trying to get it over to my mac. It has not been clean and it hasn't been easy [over a week now].
    Somehow I thought "Well I'm probably not the first person to be taking this route and where would I find the largest number of people who may have already gone before me and could offer directions/suggestions." I did do my research and based on the number of postings concluded that Office2004 for Mac was the best choice if I was using Outlook on Windows and needed to continue to use Word/Excel/Powerpoint with the rest of the business world. And it did appear from all the postings that a lot of people use this package.
    Again, this is not meant to come off harsh, but it is a little off-putting to be told "This isn't the appropriate place for this question"

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