Sync a CALDAV Calender via iTunes with iPodTouch

Hi there,
i have a nice Issue, i have a Calender via CALDAV in iCal, id tried to sync em via iTunes to my iPodTouch but unfortunaly it wont apear.
I almost never use my iPod´s Wifi, so all Solutions with Apps are kinda useless for me.
So im thinking about, that there is maybe a way to create an other Calender (local) and read/write sync em with the caldav one.
The Target i aim is to have my iPod when i leave my home and can see my Schedules and edit them and new ones.
Does someone knows anything that i can do for a nice Workaround?
Best Regards and Thanks in Advance

Afraid so > iTunes 11 for Mac: Sync contacts, calendars, and other info with iPod, iPhone, or iPad
You can send feedback to Apple >  Apple - Mac OS X - Feedback

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    Courcoul wrote:
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    Uninstall CleanMyMac2 >  How To Uninstall CleanMyMac
    Uninstall Cocktail > Uninstall Cocktail for Mac OS X
    Third party cleaning utilities are not necessary on a Mac and can only cause problems.
    Your Mac runs maintenance in the background for you >  Mac OS X: About background maintenance tasks
    Growl is un necessary and can slow  the system down > Growl - Removing Growl
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    Afraid so > iTunes 11 for Mac: Sync contacts, calendars, and other info with iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    You can send feedback to Apple >  Apple - Mac OS X - Feedback

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    I did it successfully! I just now:
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    2. Used File -> Add to Library ...
    3. Imported my iBook into iTunes
    4. When I started to drag the iBook icon towards the right, a panel displayed at right that contained an icon representing my iPad ... I dropped the iBook icon onto the iPad
    5. The iBook opened within the "iBooks" app on my iPad

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    The above is from here:
    Resolve iOS update and restore errors - Apple Support

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    These apps are downloaded firectly from iTunes (via wifi).
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    I used the option "Transfer purchases" for that.
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    If choose Sync App options, i am afraid i will loose all my folders and it will really time consuming to create them again.
    How can get my folders and Apps from iPhone to iTunes ?
    Ashwani Kr Sharma

    Apps are transferred automatically (most of the time, that is!) during the backup that runs prior to the sync (unless you've disabled backup)
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    (When I did a search I found similar question but they seems not using the latest app and iCloud, so sorry if I am duplicate question here)

    iCloud calendar will not do what you are asking.  Using Google calendar is a different thing, but I'm not familiar with it and using it with iCloud.

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    With your phone connected, iTunes running, click on the "Book" tab, scroll all the way down, is sync audiobooks checked? If not, put a check in the box.

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