Synchronous proxy issue

Hi Gurus,
I created ,saved and activated sysnchronous outbound proxy in SPROXY in ECC 6.0 system by using prefix Z and package name.
My message interface is synchronous interface..
Im not getting the Execute_synchronous method insted im getting the method with the message interface name created in PI.
Im not getting the green color for the method
still my outbound proxy is working.
do i need to create  proxy in PI or ECC system?????
Can you please tell me why Im not getting Execute_synchronous method.

     Guess your code looks something like this :
        "code for export written here
     commit work
       "code for import written here
This is the way the sproxy is called now, the previos method of Execute_synchronous/Execute_asynchronous is no longer used.
For synchronous, the code for import of the response is written under IMPORTING part of the CALL METHOD.
Also, the proxy code is always created in ECC. The interface/message type/data type are created in PI.

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    Hi all,
    We are experiencing an issue with a synchronous Proxy to SOAP scenario. Getting below error message in the SOAP receiver communication channel for the response message.
    SOAP: Response message contains an errorXIAdapter/HTTP/ADAPTER.HTTP_EXCEPTION - HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
    Returning to application. Exception: Error encountered while executing mapping: Could not determine mapping steps for message 1364b76e-ecbf-11e4-85f4-000023acfde6.
    We are running PI 7.4.
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    Seems the Receiver Webservice is not reachable. Did you try to test it using SOAP UI tool.
    1. Test a fresh message from local SOAP UI tool.
    2. Pick 3rd party WSDL file and Import in SOAP UI tool.
    3. Put some dummy data for mandatory fields
    4. Trigger it msg and ckh if you get successful / response msg.
    5. Check if firewall is open and that URL is not blocked.
    Hope it helps

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    XI System:
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    Following SAP notes may help you-  804124, 807000

  • Regarding  inbound synchronous proxy

    Hii All,
    Can anyone help me regarding inbound synchronous proxy (request-response scenario)

    Hi Raj,
    We declare flat structure like this : 
    wa_input like input-mt_get_notification-message_payload.
    To move the data from proxy to work area :
    move input-mt_get_notification-message_payload to wa_input.
    Now ucan do your desired operation in a method passing it the input and receiveing the output from the method.
    call method me->get_task_det_for_notif_no
              p_input         =  wa_input
              p_output        =
    Hope this will help.
    Still you face any issue , please feel free to ask.
    Regards ,
    Reward if Useful

  • Debugging Synchronous Proxy

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    Have u tried this?
    XI: Debug your inbound ABAP Proxy implementation

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    [RPC Fault faultString="Security error accessing url"
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    at mx.rpc.soap::WSDLParser/::dispatchFault()
    at mx.rpc.soap::WSDLParser/
    at mx.rpc::AbstractInvoker/
    at mx.rpc::AbstractInvoker/
    at mx.rpc::Responder/fault()
    at mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/fault()
    at ::DirectHTTPMessageResponder/securityErrorHandler()
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    Thanks in advance

    I am not sure if what I am suggesting may be the source for
    the problem, but it could be that you will need a
    crossdomain.xml file deployed on your production server, so
    that it can accept the requests from the Portal. Also, I guess you
    will be using a
    flex-config.xml or
    services-config.xml. Just make sure that all server paths
    have been properly mapped to the values entered in the destination
    attributes of the WebService tags.
    I hope that helps.

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    You can't have more than one receivers in Sychronous case. If you designed the scenario , then u will get the error as "TOO_MANY_RECEIVER CASE_BE".

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    Please confirm if the below scenario is possible or not, provided that both the systems are ECC 6.0
    Request:  RFC 1----> XI -
    > RFC 2
    Response RFC 2 -
    >xi -
    > RFC1

    Sure, We can use RFC
    Agasthuri Doss

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    So, I just have Inbound sync ABAP-Proxy. I developed inbound AIF interface, entered the inbound proxy class. My interface is working, FM in Action is calling and works correctly.
    But, I have two problems:
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    2) I can't see a payload of my interface in AIF Monitoring.
    SP level of AIF is 04.
    Thank you in advance.

    1) I don't understand, how should I get back a response to the Proxy?
    I really want to know how did you implement in you proxy class. In general, if you call /aif/cl_enabler_proxy=>process_message, this doesn't support your synchronous interface.
    My idea is, in proxy class, you could call  CALL FUNCTION '/AIF/FILE_PROCESS_DATA' to process your input request and add you own coding to get back a response or another function module   /AIF/FILE_TRANSFORM_DATA to transform your own SAP data to your response data structure(This need you to define another outbound interface and mapping).
    Brecht is right, this is similar to his outbound synchronous interface.
    You could refer to function module /AIF/SEND_WITH_PROXY.  This function module is designed to support synchronous outbound interface
    2) I can't see a payload of my interface in AIF Monitoring.
    If you want to see input and output structure in Error Handling, I think you need to use XML persistency engine to save your own payload and save this payload via class   /aif/cl_persist_engine_xml method  /aif/if_persistency_engine~update.
    This also could be found in  function module /AIF/SEND_WITH_PROXY for example.
    Best Regards,

  • IWork '09 startup hang...proxy issue?

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    Is iWork trying to check in with at launch? If so, is there any way to disable this behavior or transparently handle the proxy issue without my having to edit preferences every time I switch network settings?
    Thanks for reading this!

    I was able to eliminate the iWork '09 startup hang by properly configuring my global HTTP proxy. I ran "netstat -an" from the console during the hang and found that iWork was attempting to connect to one of the servers at startup.
    Here's what I saw:
    hostname:~ username$ netstat -an
    Active Internet connections (including servers)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state)
    tcp4 0 0 SYN_SENT
    tcp4 0 0 SYN_SENT

  • Disadvantage on synchronous proxy compared to asynchronous proxy

    Hi friends,
          Please tell me any disadvantage on Synchronous Proxy compared to asynchronous proxy.
    My integration JDBC to PROXY and PROXY to JDBC. Inspite of using the proxy in syn mode i have used asyn proxy, now i have to give the proper answer y i have used asyn proxy, so please give me any drawbacks of syn proxy.
    Thanks in advace

    Hi Karthikeyan,
    The main disadvantage of synchronous communication is for every request there should be corresponding response from the receiver, if for any reason receiver doesnt respond there will not be any further message processing. So, its better to go with asynchronous communication.

  • Synchronous Proxy to Synchronous JDBC scenario

    I have a scenario for a synchronous  PROXY  to a synchronous JDBC  scenario. I have set 4 message types .
    MT_PROXYOUT u2013 o/b synch with a response MT_PROXYIN
    MT_JDBC   - i/b synch with a response MT_JDBC_RESPONSE
    I then set up an interface mapping for both the request and response message interfaces. The design looks good but I got stuck in the configuration part.
    Since itu2019s a proxy sender, the sender agreement is not needed(Correct me if I am wrong). In the interface determination, there is provision for only the inbound interface which in case would be the JDBC (request/response) back to the proxy and the interface mapping is applied.
    So do I need just one interface determination from the proxy as sender and jdbc as receiver and also one receiver determination again with the proxy as sender and the jdbc as receiver. I am confused here because when I try to create a receiver determination for the response back from JDBC to proxy receiver , the interface mapping comes blank. Is it taken in account by the single receiver determination in synchronous to synchronous scenarios??

    Hi Teressa,
    Java Proxy to Synchronous JDBC scenario and SAP XI:
    ABAP proxies-
    Client proxy:
    Server Proxies

  • Openbox and proxy issues[Solved]

    I am using openbox as my wm. I am facing a proxy issue.
    I have added two functions in my .bashrc (based on
    function proxyon(){
    echo -n "username:"
    read -e username
    echo -n "password:"
    read -es password
    export http_proxy="http://$username:$password@proxyserver:8080/"
    export ftp_proxy="http://$username:$password@proxyserver:8080/"
    echo -e "\nProxy environment variable set."
    function proxyoff(){
    unset HTTP_PROXY
    unset http_proxy
    unset FTP_PROXY
    unset ftp_proxy
    echo -e "\nProxy environment variable removed."
    but after login when i run the command 'proxyon' and then launch firefox from openbox menu, firefox doesn't pick up the env variables but if I launch firefox from the same shell where i run 'proxyon' command firefox picks up the variables perfectly.
    I have tried adding:
    export http_proxy="http://$username:$password@proxyserver:8080/"
    export ftp_proxy="http://$username:$password@proxyserver:8080/"
    to .bashrc directly still launching firefox from openbox menu doesn't pickup proxy settings.
    Also I want to know how do I add proxy exception for a perticular url.
    Last edited by jaideep_jdof (2011-01-31 11:00:05)

    Try adding them to .bash_profile. I think .bashrc is only read when launching a shell.
    Edit .bash_profile, then log out and log back in to test it.
    If nothing else works, you can write your own wrapper script for Firefox and launch it via the script in Openbox, e.g.
    export http_proxy="http://$username:$password@proxyserver:8080/"
    export ftp_proxy="http://$username:$password@proxyserver:8080/"
    firefox "$@"
    It might not be the most elegant solution, but it's the first thing that came to mind.

  • HTTP timeout issue in synchronous Proxy to HTTP interface

    Hi All,
    I am working on an Proxy(interface - TCode-sproxy) to HTTP Synchronous scenario.
    In few cases the target API link takes 15-30 minutes to respond back.
    But I'm getting timeout error saying that connection timed out within 5-6 minutes only.
    What parameters(eg.integration engine configuration) I need to set in SAP CRM as well as in SAP PI so that the correct response should get updated into SAP CRM system and for not having timeout problems?
    Amit P

    Hi All,
    I have got below mentioned error response after 10 minutes in SAP PI PRD system. But HTTP_TIMEOUT value is set as 72,00,000 in sxmb_adm. Is there any other parameter set which is overwriting the above parameter value.
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
      <!--  Call Adapter
      <SAP:Error SOAP:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="">
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:Stack>HTTP client code 402 reason ICM_HTTP_TIMEOUT</SAP:Stack>
    Also in SAP CRM system, (after 7 minutes) response not received has got updated in the database table. Don't know about parameters set in SAP CRM system.
    But my target HTTP system is still processing the request and yet to respond. Mostly it'll respond after around 30 minutes.
    We'r monitoring in the target system also.
    Please guide me to resolve this issue at the earliest since this is the Production system's issue.
    Amit P

  • Error in synchronous proxy to soap

    Hi Experts,
    I am doing synchronus proxy to synchronous soap
    I am gettin the below error while i am testing.
    java stack(RWB)
    SOAP: response message contains an error XIAdapter/PARSING/ADAPTER.SOAP_EXCEPTION - soap fault: ErrorCode:104 - updatePerson operation failed: Failed to create context: [LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object]
    exception caught with cause SOAP: response message contains an error XIAdapter/PARSING/ADAPTER.SOAP_EXCEPTION -
    - updatePerson operation failed: Failed to create context: [LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object]
    19.05.2011 05:30:58 Error Adapter Framework caught exception: SOAP: response message contains an error XIAdapter/PARSING/ADAPTER.SOAP_EXCEPTION - soap fault: ErrorCode:104 - updatePerson operation failed: Failed to create context: [LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object]
    Error Delivering the message to the application using connection SOAP_ failed, due to: SOAP: response message contains an error XIAdapter/PARSING/ADAPTER.SOAP_EXCEPTION - soap fault:
    104 - updatePerson operation failed: Failed to create context: [LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object]. Setting message to status failed.
    <SAP:AdditionalText> SOAP: response message contains an error XIAdapter/PARSING/ADAPTER.SOAP_EXCEPTION - soap fault: ErrorCode:104 - updatePerson operation failed: Failed to create context: [LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object]</SAP:AdditionalText>
    Kindly help the same
    Edited by: eltonsaranya on May 19, 2011 8:56 AM

    ErrorCode:104 - updatePerson operation failed: Failed to create context: LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object</
    It seems that you are trying to call an updatePerson operation through the WSDL and the call is failing at this stage.
    Can you check if the request send by PI is correct in structure and that the WSDL is not facing any issue (check with the end system developer).

Maybe you are looking for