System Preferences System Accounts -- It hangs!

Hello All!
I have a terrible mistake! I couldn't let the 'System Preferences > System > Accounts' to load. It gives me "Loading Accounts ..." message forever!.
It happened because I tried to setup gitosis on my MacBook running Snow Leopard. I followed this guide:
Following that guide, I have created a 'git' User and a 'git' Group (through dscl*). But, there was 'something' makes the 'installation-of-gitosis' didn't work!. I tried to delete from Preference Pane, but the git User didn't show up. I put an initiative to delete it (the User and Group) by using dscl as well! Then I restarted my MacBook. I tried to open 'Preference Panes > System > Accounts' and had no luck. It hangs!
Please give me clues to revert back my "Accounts-configuration". Thanks for your help!
*Creating 'git' group and user
$sudo dscl . create groups/git
$sudo dscl . create groups/git gid 401
$sudo dscl . create users/git
$sudo dscl . create users/git uid 401
$sudo dscl . create users/git NFSHomeDirectory /Users/git
$sudo dscl . create users/git gid 401
$sudo dscl . create users/git UserShell /bin/bash
$sudo dscl . create users/git Password '*'

did you run
sudo dscl . delete /users/git
sudo dscl . delete /groups/git
run this and restart. this should undo anything you've done using dscl with git.

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  • System Crashes, Unable to open System Accounts

    Hi and thanks for having a look at my topic.
    I've had this issue for quite a while but was worried that my fix would be complicated and take a while so haven't tackled this yet.
    1. periodically (1 every 6 days or so) my Mac crashes
    -doesn't seem consistent, but have noted that it will happen when watching video, but feel the crash has been triggered just running Entourage in the past
    -I use Google Chrome primarily
    -I have Entourage open at all times and I have a VPN on at all times. Also am running VMWare with Windows XP often.
    2. unsure if related, I can't get into Sys.Prefs/System/Accounts at all
    -Computer tries to open Accounts and it just never opens. Eventually I get an error, after waiting a long time.
    It seems that a fresh install of OSX may be the ticket, but I really would like to avoid this if possible, for what i think are obvious reasons (time, effort, would like to not work on my computer during "off" hours)? I was told to wipe my preferences at one time by my Mac store, but looking for a second opinion of the ramifications of doing so. I do run regular time machine backups on an external hard drive.
    So, am open to suggestions, I can post error reports if anyone is literate, I tried reading mine and didn't know what to do with the info

    I get a Problem Report. See below (I was going to edit this, but here is the whole enchilada)
    In regards to the re-install comment, you may have a point...
    Process: System Preferences [350]
    Path: /Applications/System Preferences
    Version: 7.0 (7.0)
    Build Info: SystemPrefsApp-1750100~6
    Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [258]
    Date/Time: 2011-01-28 22:29:49.092 -0400
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.5 (10H574)
    Report Version: 6
    Interval Since Last Report: 1518267 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report: 2
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 80112 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 1
    Anonymous UUID: F0AF25F6-B6B4-401B-9E62-E8276CC00535
    Exception Type: EXCBADACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERNINVALIDADDRESS at 0x00000001172c0860
    Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:
    Application Specific Information:
    objc_msgSend() selector name: willSelect
    objc[350]: garbage collection is ON
    Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue:
    0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff85c0011c objc_msgSend + 40
    1 0x0000000100008426 0x100000000 + 33830
    2 0x0000000100006fb8 0x100000000 + 28600
    3 0x00007fff8300623c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 404
    4 0x00007fff838ebbe8 __CFRunLoopRun + 6488
    5 0x00007fff838e9dbf CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575
    6 0x00007fff82cfa91a RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333
    7 0x00007fff82cfa67d ReceiveNextEventCommon + 148
    8 0x00007fff82cfa5d8 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59
    9 0x00007fff86023e64 _DPSNextEvent + 718
    10 0x00007fff860237a9 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155
    11 0x00007fff85fe948b -[NSApplication run] + 395
    12 0x00007fff85fe21a8 NSApplicationMain + 364
    13 0x0000000100001cf4 0x100000000 + 7412
    Thread 1: Dispatch queue:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff86b7416a kevent + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff86b7603d dispatch_mgrinvoke + 154
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff86b75d14 dispatch_queueinvoke + 185
    3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff86b7583e dispatch_workerthread2 + 252
    4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff86b75168 pthreadwqthread + 353
    5 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff86b75005 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 2:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff86b74f8a _workqkernreturn + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff86b7539c pthreadwqthread + 917
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff86b75005 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 3:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff86b74f8a _workqkernreturn + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff86b7539c pthreadwqthread + 917
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff86b75005 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
    rax: 0x0000000000000001 rbx: 0x00000002000470a0 rcx: 0x0000000200057871 rdx: 0x00007fff5fbfe340
    rdi: 0x00000002000f55e0 rsi: 0x00007fff87aa46bc rbp: 0x00007fff5fbfe850 rsp: 0x00007fff5fbfe618
    r8: 0x0000000000000008 r9: 0x0000000000000000 r10: 0x0000000000000001 r11: 0x00000001172c0850
    r12: 0x0000000000000002 r13: 0x00000002000f55e0 r14: 0x0000000200049ac0 r15: 0x00000002000484e0
    rip: 0x00007fff85c0011c rfl: 0x0000000000010202 cr2: 0x00000001172c0860
    Binary Images:
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    Model: MacBookPro5,3, BootROM MBP53.00AC.B03, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.66 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.48f2
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT, NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT, PCIe, 256 MB
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, PCI, 256 MB
    Memory Module: global_name
    AirPort: spairportwireless_card_type_airportextreme (0x14E4, 0x8D), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 2.3.8f7, 2 service, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: ST9320423ASG, 298.09 GB
    Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW GS23N, 4.64 GB
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8403, 0x26500000
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8507, 0x24400000
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x0236, 0x04600000
    USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0x04500000
    USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x06100000
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8213, 0x06110000

  • GPP runs in System account even if specified that it should run i user context

    The user 'xlsx' preference item in the 'USER-Microsoft-Office  Group Policy object did not apply because it failed with error code '0x80070005 Access is denied.' This error was suppressed.
    I have a problem with GPP that should make a program (Libreoffce or Microsoft office) the default opening option for certain file-types (.doc, xls, .ppt etc...)
    But the GPP runs in system account even tho I have set the policy to "Run in user's security context"

    Hi Martin,
    Thank for your patiences!
    Here is another log of a user that I'm certain that it is a failure on
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.800  Entering ProcessGroupPolicyExFolderOptions()
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.800  SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Group Policy\{A3F3E39B-5D83-4940-B954-28315B82F0A8}
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.801  BackgroundPriorityLevel ( 0 )
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.801  DisableRSoP ( 0 )
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.801  LogLevel ( 2 )
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.801  Command subsystem initialized. [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.818  Background priority set to 0 (Idle).
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.819  ----- Parameters
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.819  CSE GUID : {A3F3E39B-5D83-4940-B954-28315B82F0A8}
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.819  Flags : (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_MACHINE - Apply machine policy rather than user policy
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.819          ( X ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_BACKGROUND - Background refresh of policy (ok to do slow stuff)
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.819          (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_SLOWLINK - Policy is being applied across a slow link
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.819          (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_VERBOSE - Verbose output to the eventlog
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.819          ( X ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_NOCHANGES - No changes were detected to the Group Policy Objects
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.819          (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_LINKTRANSITION - A change in link speed was detected between previous policy application and current policy application
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.819          (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_LOGRSOP_TRANSITION - A change in RSoP logging was detected between the application of the previous policy and the application of the current policy.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.819          (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_FORCED_REFRESH - Forced Refresh is being applied. redo policies.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.820          (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_SAFEMODE_BOOT - windows safe mode boot flag
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.820          (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_ASYNC_FOREGROUND - Asynchronous foreground refresh of policy
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.820  Abort Flag : Yes (0x003967d0)
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.820  HKey Root : Yes (0x000015e0)
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.820  Deleted GPO List : No
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.820  Changed GPO List : Yes
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.820  Asynchronous Processing : Yes
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.820  Status Callback : No (0x00000000)
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.821  WMI namespace : No (0x00000000)
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.821  RSoP Status : Yes (0x068ced48)
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.821  Planning Mode Site : (none)
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.821  Computer Target : No (0x00000000)
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.821  User Target : No (0x00000000)
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.821  Calculated list relevance. [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.822  ----- Changed - 0
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.822  Options : (   ) GPO_FLAG_DISABLE - This GPO is disabled.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.822            (   ) GPO_FLAG_FORCE - Do not override the settings in this GPO with settings in a subsequent GPO.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.822  Options (raw) : 0x00000000
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.822  Version : 2293795 (0x00230023)
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.822  GPC : LDAP://CN=User,cn={A357D87E-6F4D-4762-9F9A-6B5D3BE436F7},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=domain,DC=net
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.822  GPT : \\\sysvol\\Policies\{A357D87E-6F4D-4762-9F9A-6B5D3BE436F7}\User
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.822  GPO Name : {A357D87E-6F4D-4762-9F9A-6B5D3BE436F7}
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.822  GPO Link : (   ) GPLinkUnknown - No link information is available.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.823             (   ) GPLinkMachine - The GPO is linked to a computer (local or remote).
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.823             (   ) GPLinkSite - The GPO is linked to a site.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.823             (   ) GPLinkDomain - The GPO is linked to a domain.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.823             ( X ) GPLinkOrganizationalUnit - The GPO is linked to an organizational unit.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.823             (   ) GP Link Error
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.823  lParam : 0x00000000
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.823  Prev GPO : No
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.823  Next GPO : Yes
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.823  Extensions : [{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}{2EA1A81B-48E5-45E9-8BB7-A6E3AC170006}{3BFAE46A-7F3A-467B-8CEA-6AA34DC71F53}{BEE07A6A-EC9F-4659-B8C9-0B1937907C83}{CF848D48-888D-4F45-B530-6A201E62A605}][{25537BA6-77A8-11D2-9B6C-0000F8080861}{88E729D6-BDC1-11D1-BD2A-00C04FB9603F}][{35378EAC-683F-11D2-A89A-00C04FBBCFA2}{D02B1F73-3407-48AE-BA88-E8213C6761F1}][{5794DAFD-BE60-433F-88A2-1A31939AC01F}{2EA1A81B-48E5-45E9-8BB7-A6E3AC170006}][{A2E30F80-D7DE-11D2-BBDE-00C04F86AE3B}{FC715823-C5FB-11D1-9EEF-00A0C90347FF}][{A3F3E39B-5D83-4940-B954-28315B82F0A8}{3BFAE46A-7F3A-467B-8CEA-6AA34DC71F53}][{B087BE9D-ED37-454F-AF9C-04291E351182}{BEE07A6A-EC9F-4659-B8C9-0B1937907C83}][{E4F48E54-F38D-4884-BFB9-D4D2E5729C18}{CF848D48-888D-4F45-B530-6A201E62A605}]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.823  lParam2 : 0x33d71cd8
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.824  Link : LDAP://OU=ou,DC=domain,DC=net
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.827  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.830  Read GPE XML data file (1124 bytes total).
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.831  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.831  Starting filter [AND FilterCollection].
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.831  Starting filter [AND NOT FilterOs].
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.832  Starting filter [AND NOT FilterOs].
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.832  Starting filter [AND NOT FilterOs].
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.833  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.841  ----- Changed - 1
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.841  Options : (   ) GPO_FLAG_DISABLE - This GPO is disabled.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.841            (   ) GPO_FLAG_FORCE - Do not override the settings in this GPO with settings in a subsequent GPO.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.842  Options (raw) : 0x00000000
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.842  Version : 12517567 (0x00bf00bf)
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.842  GPC : LDAP://CN=User,cn={F45570D0-E3E9-4C02-B471-11E5708EC6F8},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=domain,DC=net
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.842  GPT : \\\SysVol\\Policies\{F45570D0-E3E9-4C02-B471-11E5708EC6F8}\User
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.842  GPO Display Name : USER-Microsoft-Office
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.842  GPO Name : {F45570D0-E3E9-4C02-B471-11E5708EC6F8}
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.842  GPO Link : (   ) GPLinkUnknown - No link information is available.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.842             (   ) GPLinkMachine - The GPO is linked to a computer (local or remote).
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.842             (   ) GPLinkSite - The GPO is linked to a site.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.842             (   ) GPLinkDomain - The GPO is linked to a domain.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.843             ( X ) GPLinkOrganizationalUnit - The GPO is linked to an organizational unit.
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.843             (   ) GP Link Error
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.843  lParam : 0x00000000
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.843  Prev GPO : Yes
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.843  Next GPO : No
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.843  Extensions : [{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}{3BFAE46A-7F3A-467B-8CEA-6AA34DC71F53}{CEFFA6E2-E3BD-421B-852C-6F6A79A59BC1}][{35378EAC-683F-11D2-A89A-00C04FBBCFA2}{D02B1F73-3407-48AE-BA88-E8213C6761F1}][{A3F3E39B-5D83-4940-B954-28315B82F0A8}{3BFAE46A-7F3A-467B-8CEA-6AA34DC71F53}][{C418DD9D-0D14-4EFB-8FBF-CFE535C8FAC7}{CEFFA6E2-E3BD-421B-852C-6F6A79A59BC1}]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.843  lParam2 : 0x382b2bc8
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.843  Link : LDAP://OU=ou,DC=domain,DC=net
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.847  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.851  Read GPE XML data file (4376 bytes total).
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.852  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.853  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.857  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.861  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.864  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.868  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.872  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.876  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.880  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.884  Properties handled. [ hr = 0x80070005 "Access is denied." ]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.887  Error suppressed. [ hr = 0x80070005 "Access is denied." ]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.888  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.892  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.896  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.899  RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.909  Completed get next GPO. [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.909  Completed get GPO list. [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-07-04 08:06:04.927  Leaving ProcessGroupPolicyExFolderOptions() returned 0x00000000

  • How do I have an exe in a logon script run as a different user (either a domain admin or even the local system account)

    So, I'm having some problems getting a logon script to work.  I need a way to deploy the agent that we use via login/startup scripts and what I have works fine if the user has admin rights, or if UAC is disabled.  I've tried to convert the .exe
    to an .msi to make it easier, but the .msi never works and it's only distributed as an .exe.  We deploy this to different clients, I can't disable UAC in their environment unless they specifically tell us to.  Can anyone think of a way around this? 
    I've been searching for days and I'm just lost.  If we could execute the file as the system account, or connect to shares using a startup script instead of logon, that would be perfect.  Basically what it does is check to see if the process for the
    agent is running (agentmon.exe) so we don't attempt to install it if it is already installed, if it's not, then it calls on a different agent installer depending on the IP address of the system (for clients that have more than one location).  Here's what
    I've got written that works for me in my test environment:
    Const strAgent1 = "\\home.wiginton.local\SysVol\home.wiginton.local\Policies\{CD4ED3BD-0709-4E3D-A303-C9E3B0F5198D}\User\Scripts\Logon\Test-KcsSetup1.exe"
    Const strAgent2 = "\\home.wiginton.local\SysVol\home.wiginton.local\Policies\{CD4ED3BD-0709-4E3D-A303-C9E3B0F5198D}\User\Scripts\Logon\Test-KcsSetup2.exe"
    Const strAgent3 = "\\home.wiginton.local\SysVol\home.wiginton.local\Policies\{CD4ED3BD-0709-4E3D-A303-C9E3B0F5198D}\User\Scripts\Logon\Test-KcsSetup3.exe"
    Const strFolder = "C:\Temp\"
    Const Overwrite = True
    dim objFSO, objNIC1, arrNIC, strIP, strMask, objShell, objWMIService
    'Checks for Kaseya agent process, AgentMon.exe, exits if running
    Set objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts:")
    Set proc = objWMIService.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process Where Name='agentmon.exe'")
    If proc.count > 0 Then
    End If
    'Instantiate a NIC configuration object
    Set objNIC1 = GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
    'Instantiate a shell object
    Set objShell = CreateObject("")
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'Create Temp Dir if it doesn't exist
    If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strFolder) Then
        objFSO.CreateFolder strFolder
    End If
    For Each arrNIC in objNIC1
        if arrNIC.IPEnabled then
            StrIP = arrNIC.IPAddress(i)
            strMask = arrNIC.IPSubnet(i)
            Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
        end if
    Function NetworkID(Address, Mask)
        Dim AddressOctets, MaskOctets, Result, N
        AddressOctets = Split(Address, ".")
        MaskOctets = Split(Mask, ".")
        ReDim Result(UBound(AddressOctets))
        For N = 0 To UBound(AddressOctets)
            Result(N) = AddressOctets(N) And MaskOctets(N)
        NetworkID = Join(Result, ".")
    End Function
    Select Case NetworkID(strIP,strMask)
        Case ""
        ' Kaseya install commands for subnet
        objFSO.CopyFile strAgent1, strFolder, Overwrite
        Wscript.Sleep 1*60*1000 "C:\Temp\Test-KcsSetup1.exe"
        Case ""
        ' Kaseya install commands for subnet
        objFSO.CopyFile strAgent2, strFolder, Overwrite
        Wscript.Sleep 1*60*1000 "C:\Temp\Test-KcsSetup2.exe"
        Case ""
        ' Kaseya install commands for subnet
        objFSO.CopyFile strAgent3, strFolder, Overwrite
        Wscript.Sleep 1*60*1000 "C:\Temp\Test-KcsSetup3.exe"
        Case Else
        ' Some sort of error checking. Maybe a BLAT SMTP command to send an email
    End Select
    Set objWMIService = Nothing
    Set objNIC1 = Nothing
    Set objShell = Nothing
    Set WshNetwork = Nothing

    You need to read the documentation carefully:
    The Deploy Agents install package is created using a Configure Automatic Account Creation wizard. The wizard copies agent settings from an existing machine ID or machine ID template and generates an install package called
    KcsSetup.All settings and pending agent procedures from the machine ID you copy from—except the machine ID, group ID, and organization ID—are applied to every new machine ID created with the package.
    Including Credentials in Agent Install Packages
    If necessary, an agent install package can be created that includes an administrator
    credentialto access a customer network. Credentials are only necessary if users are installing
    packages on machines and do not have administrator access to their network. The administrator credential is encrypted, never available in clear text form, and bound to the install package.

  • Requirement is to run CMD.EXE under the Local System Account. So that we can map a network drive to be used by a windows service, which will be created by command: - net use z: \\servername\sharedfolder /persistent:yes

    OS:  Windows 7 32/64 bit, Windows 2008 Server 64
    bit/ Windows 2012 Server 64 bit
    - Critical
    Requirement: - Since
    the Windows Service is running under the Local System Account, we would like to emulate this same behaviour.
    Basically, we would like to run CMD.EXE under the Local System Account. So that we can map a network drive to be used by a service using following
    net use z: \\servername\sharedfolder /persistent:yes.
    Already Attempt:
    We tried to launch the CMD.exe using the DOS Task Scheduler AT command.  Here’s a sample command:
    AT 10:36 /interactive cmd.exe
    But I received a warning that “due
    to security enhancements, this task will run at the time excepted but not interactively.”
    It turns out that this approach will work for XP, 2000 and Server 2003 but due to session isolation
    Interactive services no longer work on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and above.
      2.  We
    tried to create a secondary Windows Service via the Service Control (sc.exe) which merely launches CMD.exe.
    <Drive>:\sc create RunCMDAsLSA binpath= "cmd" type=own type=interact <Drive>:\sc
    start RunCMDAsLSA
    In this case the service fails to start and results it the following error message:
    FAILED 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
      3. One
    suggestion, we found to launch CMD.exe via a Scheduled Task, but
    it is not giving any option to launch CMD.exe in interactive mode; so that I can map network drive using net command.
      4. I read an article, which
    demonstrates the use of PSTools from SysInternals. I launched the command line and executed following command
    psexec -i -s cmd.exe
    PSTools worked fine, but It seems that in scope of Sysinternals Software License
    Terms. You may not "use the software for commercial software hosting services."
    Application will deploy on client, which will be like commercial,
    so we are not able to use PSTools.         
    Kindly assist us for achieving the requirement. We have tried all the ways, but nothing is working for us. Kindly suggest.
    I will be really thankful.

    Hi Sir,
    Nothing worked from above for us. You can see our remarks on posted query.
    That’s why, we posted on forum.
    And there will not be any vulnerability, because, if we will use "net
    use ..."
    in network domain; definitely,
    we will provide username and password of mapped drive system.
    And, that system, itself is given by client; so that, there must not be any vulnerability; they are ready to provide user name and password.
    We need a way; by which we can complete the requirement. Kindly assist.
    S. P. Singh

  • Firefox with multiple system accounts: solutions or alternatives?

    The subject isn't exactly clear but I couldn't think of a good way to summarize the issue.
    I want to share a subset of Firefox bookmarks, extensions, settings and search plugins across different system accounts.
    For example, I have a bookmark hierarchy with directories named foo, bar and baz. I want to keep bar and baz synchronized across multiple accounts but I want foo to remain private for a given account. I want to have extensions x, y and z installed on all accounts with the same settings, but I want extension w only on one account.
    General and plugin settings are easy enough to do with user.js.
    Interface settings, extensions and search plugins can be shared with some scripting and rsyncing but that's a minor pain.
    Sharing a subset of bookmarks is major pain. Either I have to automatically export HTML bookmarks files, write a parser, copy the subset around, import it manually with each account, and finally arrange the imported bookmarks in the hierarchy or I have to open each account in the same X session and copy+paste bookmarks between accounts.
    I could probably write a script to  extract and insert what I want in places.sqlite3, but I don't want to rely on the stability of the database format with the new release plan.
    Does anyone have any suggestions? Firefox Sync is not an option because I do not want to share everything.
    At this point I'm open to alternatives, but there is some functionality that I'm not willing to give up:
    * NoScript (per-site Javascript and Flash blocking)
    * RequestPolicy (per-site permissions for loading content from other sites)
    * Cookie Monster (per-site cookie permissions)
    * Add to Search Bar (easily add any search form to the search bar)
    * Organize Search Engines (create hierarchical structures of aforementioned search engines)
    I've started considering Chrome but the matching extensions don't seem to be mature enough yet (e.g. Request Maker is based on RequestPolicy, but the author admits it lacks features). Besides, I don't really want to rely on the Google apps store if I can avoid it.
    I looked at uzbl too, but the script-blocking scripts apparently fail sometimes because uzbl lacks hooks. An unreliable script-blocker is a no-go for me.
    tl:dr; need suggestions for something that lets me:
    * control outgoing requests from browser
    * control code execution in browser
    * synchronize subsets of bookmarks, extensions, search engines
    * organize bookmarks and search engines
    p.s. Life would be so much easier if Firefox didn't pack shit into SQLite databases like it was playing Tetris.  Just give me some decent command-line options and simple configuration file formats ffs.

    ngoonee wrote: I don't use bookmarks AT ALL.
    What do you use instead? Memory and auto-completion?
    This did give me an idea... I could just as well write a basic server to host my bookmarks and run that as a daemon.
    As for the suggestions so far:
    * Pentadactyl: I'll look into it, but installing it would be a bit like buying a car just for the seat.
    * Xmarks: that might do what I want, but I don't like the idea of storing all of my bookmarks on  a third-party server and I definitely don't want to let them collect data about me as per their ToS.
    * xxxterm etc.: I'll look into those.
    I'll post an update as soon as I decide on a solution.
    Last edited by Xyne (2012-05-09 16:08:30)

  • Cannot Retrieve referenced URL in wscript file from Local System Account, but not other accounts on the computer.

    I have a WScript File that includes an external resource (js file).
    It works on one computer and it does not work on another computer.
    If I run this file from a normal admin command prompt everything runs fine on both computers.
    If I run this file from the Local System account using PsExec it runs fine on one of the computers and throws an error "Cannot Retrieve referenced URL" on the other computer.
    The reason I want it to run from the Local System account is that it is executed from a Windows Service.
    Is there some setting or some way for the IE cache to get corrupt on the Local System account or something like that?

    You are by far the worst 'support' person I've ever seen. If you aren't going to be thoughtful in providing support, don't pretend. If you're going to pretend, leave your condescension on the shelf. You have provided no thoughtfulness whatsoever to his issue,
    and have in no way improved the discourse. You are arrogant and condescending without exhibiting any intelligence whatsoever. I'm impressed Matt kept calm through your demeaning, counterproductive diatribes.
    First I'd check UAC settings, because I believe that can change how elevation works substantially.
    Second, I would check the versions of wscript.exe on both machines, both in System32 and SysWow, and I'd check for updates bypassing WSUS to make sure there's not something silly going on there (totally a shot in the dark, catch-all theory).
    Have you made any headway in the last few weeks?
    This is not a support forum and it is not for assistance in fixing broken configurations.  It is a scripting forum. The OP proved that the issue is not the script but the environment it is running in.  You should not get mad just because you are
    not getting satisfaction.

  • Workflow Error Message: System Account - The Workflow could not set Content Approval Status

    This is the first time I try an approval workflow. I am using a template in MS Word and assigned an approval workflow to it. The approval workflow is only going to one person in this case.
    When I start the work flow the following 3 error messages show up:
    Workflow Error Message: System Account - The Workflow could not set Content Approval Status. Enable content moderation for this list and run the workflow again.
    Workflow Error Message: System Account - The e-mail message cannot be sent. Make sure the e-mail has a valid recipient.
    Workflow Error Message: System Account - The e-mail message cannot be sent. Make sure the outgoing e-mail settings for the server are configured correctly.
    Thank you for your kind guidance.

    For the first error: Did you set Content Approval in the workflow?  If so, see if you have it in the versioning settings of the list settings.
    For the second error: double check your recipient is set up as being valid.  Did you type in the email address or is it referring to a people picker field?  also, make sure that in the workflow for the email that you actually populated it in the
    To: field.
    for the third error: I suspect that either your farm is not configured for email.  Or, this error is a knock on from the second error.  If you get the second error rectified it may clear this error.  If not then double check the email settings
    for your farm.
    Johnathan Lightfoot

  • Printing from JBOSS (on a windows server as system account) on a mapped (shared) printer (installed as administrator)

    I have JBOSS running on a Windows Server. Our applications on JBOSS use network printers which are installed on the server for printing purposes. This works fine so far, except for one case for which I ask you for support:
    If I map a printer, which is (only) conneted via USB with a PC and shared in the network, the printer is available on the server with JBOSS and can be mapped, BUT JBOSS is not able to see this particular printer and print on it, while the other installed
    network printers are available and functional via JBOSS.
    My researchs have led to the conclusion, that JBOSS doesn't see this printer, as JBOSS is running unter the SYSTEM account, while the printer was installed with an administrator account. Strangely network printers don't cause this issue.
    If I start JBOSS with an administrator account, it can see and use the shared printer. But unfortunately this is not an option, as it causes other issues with our applications.
    So the question is: Is there a way to make the printer visible for the SYSTEM account? Or any other suggestions?
    Many thanks in advance and best regards,

    simple solution is to install your printers locally rather than connecting to a network resource, locally installed printers have the advantage of being
    visible to every user on your system including system accounts. To install a printer locally rather than connecting to a network printer start the "Add Printer Wizard" and select "Local printer attached to this computer"

  • Client object model - Usage of System account

    We are about to start using Client object model (C#) for SharePoint 2010. We have been using Server object model and used Run with elevated privileges for most of the SP operations.
    In Client object model, there is an option to use system account credentials as the context credentials.
    Is there a security hole with this approach or is it advised to proceed with this approach?
    Refer the below link where it is mentioned as a security hole.
    Reason for adopting COM - We want to use ASP MVC 4, Web API 2 for writing API for our application which uses SP 2010 as a backend. As SP2010 does not support .net runtime 4.0, we wanted to use COM and host the API separately.

    I will suggest you to pass credentials of a user with site admin permissions in your code which can act similar to elevated privileges for all SP operations.
    I have used in almost similar requirement where I was using ASP.NET MVC and SharePoint 2013, and using SharePoint for document management.
    Adnan Amin MCT, SharePoint Architect | If you find this post useful kindly please mark it as an answer.

  • JDK 1.6+ 32bit version on Vista 64 - SYSTEM account issue

    I am just fishing for experience here with installing the Java JDK 1.6 (32 bit version) on Vista64 using the SYSTEM account. My test case that I am using is I can download any of the 1.6 JDK exe versions then create a simple task to run as SYSTEM that will execute the exe with the /passive (tried /qn as well) option this fails with "return code 1619" which is something about package can not be opened. However when the task is changed to run with an admin account this task completes return code 0 and the the JDK is installed.
    The root problem here is we are attempting to install apps that require the 32 bit version of the JDK to be present to install where everything is being installed through SMS using the SYSTEM account.
    Any insight anyone might have on this would awesome

    Zia wrote:
    but my OS is 64 bit as "uname -a" command shows.No ...
    i686 i686 i386... these are part of the x86 family, which is 32-bit.

  • A friend's eMac was working fine until the name of the administrator was changed incorrectly in Systems Accounts

    I am trying to fix a friend’s eMac. It was working fine until the name of the administrator was changed incorrectly in Systems Accounts. Upon restart the computer failed to mount. I tried to reinstall Tiger and could not. The destination to do this install could not be found. While in Disk Utilities I tried to repair and then zero out erase the hard drive, this also could not be successfully done. The hard drive was working perfectly before the name change. I may try to load Tiger from the eMac onto an external drive and then hope to erase the eMac internal drive.
    Thank you for your thoughts on this as it would be a shame to retire this trusted computer.
    Nick M.

    Thank you very much for your attention to this. Yesterday I was able to get the eMac to install Leopard onto an external drive. I had hoped that once done I would be able to initialize or erase the content of the internal drive in Disk Utility, but was not able to do so, I only received error messages telling me my request failed. This was also true when I tried to create partitions on it. So in effect, the computer runs, but only from the external drive. I could not even find the internal drive while running from the external drive. Where is it? And the internal drive only occasionally shows up in Disk Utility.
    As for holding Option and Alt, the internal drive did not show up.
    And Leopard was running on the eMac when I lost contact with it. Again, all failed when a name of the administrator was changed, but was not properly done. Or something like this.
    Is there anyway I can use Terminal to help reach the internal drive?
    I realize I am asking a lot of questions.
    And I thank you for your time,
    Nick M.

  • Workflow Task not able to be completed due to "System Account" in Requested By field not resolving.

    I have a workflow firing on create and update in a list. The list is a calendar that is email enabled. The tasks are assigned with the requested by set to be the System Account, which shows underlined in red when trying to complete the workflow task. This
    is a sharepoint designer 2010 workflow using the assing approval task action. I was hoping to see a variable used when assigning the task to allow changing that from the system account to the created by on the original list, which I am able to assign for the
    approval workflow starting notification since that also was trying to go to the system account.
    Here is the task as it looks which will not allow completion even by site collection administrator.
    If the workflow starts with direct entry in the list, all works fine. This is related to the system account creating the initial item, but was hoping to override that during the task process.
    Anyone else run into this and have solution?

    Hi Alan,
    I can’t reproduce your issue, but you can change the requested by on the task form to “created by” column. Go to SharePoint
    designer, open the workflow, under forms section, click task type form workname.xsn to open it in InfoPath form, then you can change the requested by to created by.
    For more information, see
    Best Regards.
    Kelly Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Ifweb60 processes run as local system account on w2k- how do i change?

    i am running forms 6i on an 2000 box using
    the forms servlet config and oc4j with 9ias.
    this runs fine except that the ifweb60 processes
    are owned by the local system account. this in
    turn means i can't map the forms60_path to a
    network drive because i can't give network
    privileges to a local system account. so,
    how do i change the account that spawns the
    ifweb60 processes?

    Never mind, resolved this myself by using the netbios name to substitute the value I need on each individual domain.
    $domain = Get-ADDomain | Select-Object -expandproperty netbiosname 
    Set-Location "dc=$domain,dc=dom,dc=co,dc=uk'
    Sets location as:
    PS AD:\dc=a,dc=dom,dc=co,dc=uk>
    ON another domain same script results
    PS AD:\dc=b,dc=dom,dc=co,dc=uk>
    Exactly what I needed!

  • Designer Workflows with System Account

    I created a SharePoint List Workflows using SharePOint Designer and i want to know the reason why workflow not working for
    System Account and for remaining users it working fine.

    Check these may find your answer here...
    ***If my post is answer for your query please mark as answer***
    ***If my answer is helpful please vote***

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