System Temprature

Need some help! Recently built this system and my system temperature reads between 55-61 C, CPU is fine between 27-31 C. Do I need to get worried about SYS temp? It does seem very high.
(K8N Diamond Plus,AMD 4800+ X2,2X Maxtor 300GB Raid 0, 2X Samsung DVD RW, 2X 1GB Mem, MSI 7900GT VGA,Gigabyte Poseidon Case 2x 120 mm Fans ,KMEX 500W (+12V1/V2, +5V, +3.3V, -12V, +5VSB))

so, if you open the case, the temp drops down to 35? i guess that's a bad airflow, but i still cannot explain why the CPU temp is that low. it should be at least in the vicinity of the case temperature. do you have any funnel guiding the air from the CPU fan out the case?

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    Check the BIOS i9f it's that bad, just stick in there for like 10 minutes....

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    Hello and thank you for your fast reply
    It sounds like either a problem with the program itself or a problem with your OS
    Yes it is a problem with Windows Xp, but I dont want to use Win2000 or any older version.
    (Submit a ticket->Solve a Problem->My Answer is not here->Type infinite loop->"DEVICE DRIVER is STUCK IN INFINITE LOOP")
    I would recommend checking to see if the program has an patches, and if not, then try a fresh install of the program
    Well the problem is not only by games, the problem occurs by every simple 2D/3D application, so a patch wont help.
    If that does not work, then it might be time for a fresh install of your OS
    I have done that last week, but the Bluescreen occur as soon as I install any Graphic Driver.
    I would also recommend using the latest nVidia nForce Drivers & ATi Catalyst Drivers
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    I am happy for every further suggestion.

  • TempMonitor Critical Error??

    Hey Guys,
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    Just to be safe, I'd run the Hardware test on the install CD.
    I've been getting these same messages from Hardware Monitor for about 3 weeks now at seemingly random times, although all when the system is CPU bound. I figured it was just missing some interrupts and the program was just being cautious and termininating itself. I ran the hardware test today and it told me that I have a hardware error on the logic board. Took it into a store today, and got a confirmed error. Since the machine is working, I'm keeping it until they are ready to perform the repair (replace Main Logic Board) which should be in the next couple of days.
    Apple may not like Hardware Monitor, but I don't think I would do without it. It has helped me diagnose issues with my machine on the last two laptops I've had. The first time diagnosed an error with the fans, it told me that the noise I was hearing was correlated to the fans working, which was repaired but failed again causing Apple to replace it with the current MacBook Pro. While it didn't directly diagnose the problem with the logic board in the current machine, it did give me the only outward symptom of my current problem before the machine just up and died on me.
    This is not to say that you are experiencing the same problem, but I'm definitely in the future going to pay more attention to this program.

  • Does these tempratures are high?

    I know it has been dealt many times.
    I read many threads, with no clear determination.
    See my signature for my Specs.
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    Normal :
    CPU ~ 40-43
    Sys ~ 39-42
    NB ~ 49-50
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    Sys ~ 39-42
    NB ~ 54-55
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    I saw many threads which claim that the CPU should work normally @28-35, and with stress in the low 40.
    I never ever saw such reading in my system.
    Does my system is too hot, or maybe these are false readings? or maybe there is no such low tempratures on these systems (forget about water cooling)?
    Please clarify.

    AZ7 : The main differences between our systems are 875P, top & side fan - which I don't have, this seems to lower your system in ~~ 7-8 in compare to mine.
    My system is quiet well ventilated - Full Tower case (Enermax), fans, all cables are together, good CPU cooling.
    Except the side & top fan, there is not to much I can do, but enjoy the hit.
    What more frastrating, is that you O/C, with low temps, and I don't.
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    Or this is something beyond my knowledge...

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    Hi Shubham,
    Now day excel problems are due to some MS update.  Not sure but  have a look at below note.
    2107965 - Issues in EPM Add-in after installing Microsoft updates

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    Kaushik Banerjee

    You are right Kaushik,
    I have not done Data Syndication but my concept tell if there is duplicate record with same remote system but different remote keys both will be syndicated back.
    Yes, but if they are duplicate, they needs to be merged.
    But if same record have two remote keys for same remote system then only the default remote key is syndicated back.
    This is after merging. So whichever remote key has tick mark in key mapping option(default) , it will be syndicated back.
    Pls refer to these links for better understanding.
    Hope this helps,
    + An

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    an RFC connection Message was Not Created ))
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    for the user in the solman .
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    hi rohit,
    thanks for u r immmediate response
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    Where do I begin? 

    There is a system backup tool called System Image Backup, follow these steps to conduct this:
    Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search.
    (If you're using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer down, and then click Search.)
    Enter File History in the search box, tap or click File History, and then click System Image Backup at the left part.
    See the screenshot as below, you can backup it on local machine or a DVD or a network share folder:
    Besides, I need to point out that this backup method will generate a vhd file, if you want to restore the system you need an DVD installation midia.
    You cannot just restore a vhd file directly to the hard drive.

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    Major panic....
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    Several take home messages here:
    always back up before you update.
    always back up anything you don't want to lose. Kind of like flossing. Only floss the teeth you don't want to lose.
    Norton is very, very bad software, and you should get rid of it.
    You don't need antivirus software on your mac. Antivirus software on macs causes more trouble than it is worth.
    Your hard drive may be failing and thus may not be salvageable.
    You could try booting into the recovery partition and seeing if you can repair your hard drive.
    If that doesn't work, then there is a small chance that a third party utility (like Disk Warrior or TechTool) might be able to fix your drive (if it is not failing).
    If that doesn't work, you may be able to send your drive and a lot of cash to a drive recovery service and see if they can get your files off it.
    In the mean time, get notes and slides from a (smart) friend.

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    The system is OSX10.5.8 Leopard on a 2009 imac. A new system was installed from the installation disks and the original system saved to a folder.
    I need to use my Adobe programs, rescue my email, i-tunes and iphoto data.  The disk utility indicates that my Time Machine back-up disk is damaged and I don't want to take a risk of having Time Machine erase my hard drive and try to reinstall the exact system existing at the time of the crash.  There was over 650 gb of stored files that I was copying and removing from the drive at the time it crashed. The total size of the original system file is still about 650 Gb.
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    No, the disk was backed up with time machine a few hours prior to the crash.  I was unable to open the computer when I tried to restart it- got a grey screen with the spinning disk- after a few minutes the screen would go black and would reboot continuously, but not load any images or programs. I started the computer from the 10.5.4 installation disks and checked both the time machine external hard drive and the Imac internal drive with the disk utilities. Both showed as damaged --the internal drive and permissions were repaired, but the external drive (time machine back-up)  was damaged and not repairable by disk utilities. I don't believe that the external drive for Time Machine was connected to the computer at the time of the crash as I was copying files to a different hard drive drive. And I was not having any problems with the TM back-up drive prior to the crash.
    I accessed the Imac internal disk by firewire (as a target disk) and copied as many data files as I had room for on my external hard drives available.  And I deleted quite a few files from the imac internal drive (mostly just jpegs, duplicate tifs, etc--nothing that was used by i-photos, i-tunes or the Mail program).
    Then I installed a new OSX10.5.4 system from the installation disk and the old system was moved to a folder on the hard drive.  I previousy had had the option to reinstall the complete system from Time Machine when I connected that drive and booted with the installation disks with the C key depressed.  But it didn't seem like a good option because I was unsure of the condition of that external disk and whether it would be able to reinstall my data correctly, once it had erased my internal hard drive. 
    I'm considering buying some new external hard drives and backing up the present system to time Machine (so I'll still have my old data in the old system folder).  And then I would try using the old Time Machine back-up to try to reinstall the sytem previous to the crash.  That back-up would reinstall about 700gb of data and operating software and programs which sounds like a lengthy back-up.  Since I have never used Time Machine to do a full reinstallation (I've only used it for individual files), I'm reluctant to do anything rash.
    I'm a professional designer (with a deadline) but I can still use my Illustrator and Photoshop by opening them from the old system folder and saving the files to an external drive.  So it's not neccessary to do anything hasty except to delete some of the excess art and document files that were causing the computer to run slowly and the  Adobe programs to crash when I tried to save my work. I have quite a few books on tape in the i-tumes folder which is probably talking up tons of space but I don't where the i-tunes files live.
    Thanks for any help. Peggy
    Message was edited by: peggy toole

  • Logical Systems in Business Services

    In Business Service creation, for Adapter Specific Identifiers, the parameter for the Logical System. It is only possible to assign one logical system to one Business Service ?.
    i.e. to do
    MyBusServ1, Z_LS_1 
    MyBusServ2, Z_LS_1
    is not possible ?
    When trying to assign Z_LS_1 to MyBusServ2 I get the error that Z_LS_1 is already assigned. Is there a way to circumvent ?, I do not want to create two logical systems in R/3 as the IDOCS types submitted by the Business Services are the same.

    Thanks for the replies
    Sarvesh - The Business service is the sender of the information \ IDOC. If I remove the Adapter specific config then how will XI know what Logical system to apply to the IDOC ?.
    Jaishankar - I am creating two IDOC's in SAP. MATMAS and PORDCR. The input file are coming from two different source systems. lets say sys1 and sys2. Both of thse for clarity are created in my scenario as Business Services. sys 1 creates MATMAS and PORDCR IDOC's int he syatem, sys2 creates PORDCR IDOC's in the system. As sys1 and sys2 are related in that they created the IDOC's as part od the same project then I would like to collect in the same partner profile in SAP e.g. Partner Profile ZPP_IDOC with IDOC types MATMAS PORDCR that serve as input for both systems. Logically I would assume that I can assing the logical system ZPP_IDOC to both the adapter specific parameter in both sys1 and sys2.

  • Logical System in IDOC-XI scenario

         I need help to understand few things in IDOC-XI scenario, could any one help me in this regard.
        we use Adapter specific identifiers to map services, we have following type of identifiers 1) Sys.ID & Client No.  2) Logical System. 
    my questions are
    a) Are we use Logical System in B to B scenario ?
    b) Are we use LS in reference to the SAP system or Non SAP system ? if a non SAP a non SAP system send an IDOC and why a non SAP system receive an IDOC ( conversion is possible in XI ) ?
    Thanks and Regards

    Hay Kumar,
    Logical systems can also be used for SAp sytems wich are not installed yet as a virtuall placeholder.
    a) yes. if on of your business is a non sap system or a propritery system that you developed yuo'll ue LS.
    b) non SAP system can send and recieve IDOCs. so it's possiable to get an IDOC from a system and turn it into an RFC for SAP or get an IDOC from an SAP system and then turn it into something else for another system.
    Have a Good One,
    Uri Lifshitz.

  • Refresh System Data in Integration Directory PI 7.11

    I have setup a new technical system and a business system in SLD, but now I still can't find it in Integration Directory.
    I knew from the later PI Version, that there was an option to transfer SLD data to integration directory, but now I can't find it
    Can anybody help?

    I have setup a new technical system and a business system in SLD, but now I still can't find it in Integration Directory.
    I knew from the later PI Version, that there was an option to transfer SLD data to integration directory, but now I can't find it
    Tools (or right-click in ID) --> Assign Business System --> follow the will assign the business system from SLD to ID

  • Support package / add on import error in DB2 V9.1 / windows 2003 system

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    I have selected "Row Compression" and "Deferred Table Creation" during installation.
    Now when I am importing add on BI Content 7.03, I am getting error during Movename tabs phase.
    Error in phase: IMPORT_PROPER
    Reason for error: TP_STEP_FAILURE
    Return code: 0008
    Error message: OCS Package ALL, tp step "6", return code 0008
    The error message in the file D:\usr\sap\trans\log\P090113.IDS is as follows,
    2 ETP301
    3 ETP361 "96" Shadow-Nametabs activated, DDL executed
    2 ETP362 "6" Shadow-Nametab activations failed
    2 ETP360 Begin: Act. of Shadow-Nametabs with DDL ("2009/01/13 02:57:51")
    2 ETP363 End : Act. of Shadow-Nametabs with DDL ("2009/01/13 02:58:07")
    2 ETP301
    1 ETP110 end date and time : "20090113025807"
    1 ETP111 exit code : "8"
    1 ETP199 ######################################
    I have read some notes it may be due to "Row compression" and "Deffered table creation" option in DB2. Please help me in resolving this issue if it is DB2 related.

    Please find the real error message which I found in the same log file. This is a new installation.
    System configuration details:
    ERP 6.0 IDES SR3 + Windows 2003 enterprise server SP2 + DB2 V9.1 / FP5
    BASIS and ABAP support pack level: (700) 13.
    Error message:
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:53:26: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/OSP/T_REPINFO                " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:53:38: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#BTABD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/OSP/T_REPINFO   
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:54:05: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG                " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:54:17: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#POOLD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG   
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    2EETP334 02:54:17: error in DDL, nametab for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG" not activated
    3 ETP399 IN "IDS#POOLD"
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:54:17: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR              " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:54:29: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#POOLD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR 
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    2EETP334 02:54:29: error in DDL, nametab for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR" not activated
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:54:29: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/F_ASG                  " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:54:41: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#POOLD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/F_ASG     
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    2EETP334 02:54:41: error in DDL, nametab for "/SAPPO/F_ASG" not activated

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