System utility

Hi. I was trying to run a new program on my iMac called YaSu (system Utility) to perform maintenance. While it was checking the system YaSu stopped running and said to check my logs. So looking at both the system and console logs I'm seeing lots of errors. For instance, in system log there are vast MDS Errors relating to including other types concerning Also I can no longer connect to Safari browser! Fortunately firefox seems o.k. for now at least.
My console log is describing all sorts of different issues too. I don't know where or how to begin fixing the problems.
Can somebody help please tell what I need to do!

Hi Junieart, and a warm welcome to the forums!
Could be many things, we should start with this...
"Try Disk Utility
1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
*Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
3. Click the First Aid tab.
4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
5. Select your Mac OS X volume.
6. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
Then Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
The usual reason why updates fail or mess things up, is if Permissions are not fixed before & after every update, with a reboot... you may get a partial update when the installer finds it doesn't have Permissions to change one obscure little part of the OS, leaving you with a mix of OS versions.
Some people get away without Repairing Permissions for years, some for only days.
If Permissions are wrong before applying an update, you could get mixed OS versions, if Directory is the slightest messed up, who knows!
If many Permission are repaired, or any Directory errors are found, you may need to re-apply some the latest/biggest updates.
May even need to do an Archive and Install if you have room on the HD...
I only use Software Update to see what is needed, then get them for real via...
That way I can wait a week or so, check the forums for potential problems, and get Permissions & such in order before installing.

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    You didn't need to try and reconfigure, it is possible to try and recover the ldap database, though it had to work in the first place to recover it.
    I am not sure of the state of your environment so it may be that you have to drop the database and start again, it is not easy to diagnose the problem from the information given.

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    just delete the install folder and then use a registry cleaner such as that in tweakxp pro or vcome systemsuite.

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    The posts I read said to reset CMOS and Reflash. Neither worked.  So here's what I did.
    The first thing I tried was just reset the CMOS.  No go.  Then I wanted to re-flash, but my floppy wouldn't read.  So I did:
    1) With Power Supply Plugged into wall and turned on, reset the CMOS
    2) Turned off power supply and unplugged from wall.
    3) Removed CMOS battery
    4) Reinstalled CMOS battery
    5) Waited another minute for capacitors to fully flush any remaining charge
    6) Reflash BIOS
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    Hope this helps someone in the future!

    MSI Warn about 1) in manual
    (P34 7025)
    MSI Reminds You...
    You can clear CMOS by shorting 2-3 pin while the system is off.
    Avoid clearing the CMOS while the
    system is on; it will damage the mainboard.
    There are two methods for clearing the Bios:-
    1) Short Mathod
    1-1) disconnect the power cable.
    1-2) push the power button to drain the capacitors
    1-3) Move the CMOS jumper to the clear position, from it's original 1-2 position to 2-3
    1-4) Wait a minute to be sure the CMOS has been cleared. Take your Time
    1-5) Return the CMOS jumper to it's original position 1-2
    1-6) Plug in power cable.
    1-7)restart computer
    1-8) enter bios and select load optimized Bios defaults - save & exit
    1-9) let pc reboot, if you have any settings you want changing do them now.
    like hard disk boot order etc.,
    1-10) hopefully youll boot to windows
    2) Long Reset (Battery Removed)
    From Syar2003 21-11-04 03:02 Thread 5 Short Beeps
    Try disconnecting the AC Lead from PSU .
    push the power button to drain the capacitors
    Remove the battery for the cmos rom .
    And place the jbat jumper in discharge (check manual for instructions) .
    Leave it until tomorrow like this .
    Later ,, first set the jumper back in "keep cmos" position .
    Mount the battery .
    Connect AC to the PSU .
    And try starting the computer .
    When/if bios posts with cmos checksum error .. press F1 or "del" key
    Dont use F1 but hit "del" key
    and load optimized BIOS defaults + save + exit

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    I have and use two Itunes accounts ( one for US and one for Germany store)
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    Anyways it's time to get serious again.
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    Question 2:
    Digitial Quality: Does streaming via airplay to a receiver give digitial quality in music? I read that most Iphone/pod docks only offer analog hookup. What about digital. I know there are a few ie. Onkyo ND-S1 that are digitial. Does airplay give the same quality over wifi as a hook-up??
    Question 3: I am willing to have most of my library on a ipod/ipad , but what would be the best way to access my itunes library via the exterrnal drive WITHOUT having to run a computer?? also do Airplay and appletv work together, same thing? or need both?
    Question 4: Our house is big and not open. this means investing in a single set- up in main area downstairs. But what are some cheaper options ( Sonos too much money for us) for a system more spread out. Can I run from one receiver  one set of speakers with wire hook-up in main room and wireless elsewhere . and how does the wireless work ( wifi?)
    I hope I made sense, kinds still brainstorming in my head.

    I see no one has taken up the challenge so I'll give it a go
    Here's the Apple info for multiple iPods:
    How to use multiple iPods with one computer
    It has a link to an article on how to share music between different accounts on the same computer which you should read.
    1. When you say 'Archive entire CD collection...' I assume you are talking about loading all your CDs into one or more iTunes libraries?
    2. Assuming one or more iTunes libraries then all you need to do is set the import options correctly. iTunes>Preferences>Advanced>Importing>Import using Apple Lossless Encoder
    3. This would seem to indicate you need one iTunes library. It is the computer that is authorised: iTunes: About Music Store authorization and deauthorization
    4. For each user to have unique song ratings you will need multiple iTunes libraries.
    If Lossless and AAC are in the same Library then Smart Playlists will do the trick as you can have the condition 'Kind does not contain Apple Lossless'
    You can set the view options to show you what Kind of track in iTunes.
    Hope this gets you going on the right tracks.
    Colin R.

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    # Contributor: Chris Osgood <archlinux at>
    pkgdesc="MBR boot utility allows arbitrary boot partition selection."
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    make || return 1
    make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install

    MBR is a handy little utility that installs an MBR that allows you to select a partition (or floppy) to boot from.   I normally put lilo or grub on the Linux  partition and then use MBR to select which partition to boot from (Windows or Linux or ...).  That way I don't have to worry about complex bootloader configurations.
    # Contributor: Chris Osgood <archlinux at>
    pkgdesc="MBR boot utility allows arbitrary boot partition selection."
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    make || return 1
    make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install

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    In this thread, the link is in CMCSK Dec 31, 2011 6:04 PM post.

  • System image utility fails "Unknown error has occurred"

    I can create disk images from 10.8.3 clients but when i'm putting them through system utility on the 10.8 server it fails after hours of running.
    The log is set to debug and shows the image creates upto 83% then jumps to 100% and later shows unknown errors and failed to create image from restore souce.
    I've created several disk images and saved them to different locations on the server as the source and final image.
    Below i've put in the debug log. Someone please help!!
    Workflow Started (2012-01-02 13:56:58 +0000)
    OS X Server 10.8.3 (12D78), System Image Utility 10.8.3 (624)
    Starting action: Define Image Source (1.4)
    Finished running action: Define Image Source
    Starting action: Create Image (1.7.2)
    Starting image creation process...
    Create NetRestore Image
    Initiating NetRestore from installed volume.
    ++ progressPrefix=_progress
    ++ scriptsDebugKey=DEBUG
    ++ imageIsUDIFKey=1
    ++ imageFormatKey=UDZO
    ++ mountPoint=
    ++ ownershipInfoKey=501:20
    ++ blockCopyDeviceKey=0
    ++ dmgTarget=NetInstall
    ++ potentialRecoveryDevice=disk3s3
    ++ asrSource=ASRInstall.pkg
    destPath="/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/NetBoot/NetBootSP0/NetRestore of Macintosh 10-8_2.nbi"
    ++ destPath='/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/NetBoot/NetBootSP0/NetRestore of Macintosh 10-8_2.nbi'
    ++ skipReorderingKey=0
    sourceVol="/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1"
    ++ sourceVol='/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1'
    ++ postInstallHelperKey=1
    . "${1}/"
    + . /tmp/niutemp.YPRmigsL/
    # Common functionality for the Image creation process.
    # sourced in by the various SIU scripts
    # Copyright © 2007-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
    # Using dscl, create a user account
    # $1 volume whose local node database to modify
    # $2 long name
    # $3 short name
    # $4 isAdminUser key
    # $5 password data
    # $6 password hint
    # $7 user picture path
    # $8 Language string
    local databasePath="/Local/Default/Users/${3}"
    local targetVol="${1}"
    # Find a free UID between 501 and 599
    for ((i=501; i<600; i++)); do
    output=`/usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -search /Local/Default/Users UniqueID $i`
    # If there is already an account dscl returns it, so we're looking for an empty return value.
    if [ "$output" == "" ]; then
    # Create the user record
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -create $databasePath
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to create '${databasePath}'."
    return 1
    # Add long name
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath RealName "${2}"
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to set the RealName."
    return 1
    # Set up the users group information
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath PrimaryGroupID 20
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to set the PrimaryGroupID."
    return 1
    # Add some additional stuff if the user is an admin
    if [ "${4}" == 1 ]; then
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append "/Local/Default/Groups/admin" GroupMembership "${3}"
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to add the user to the admin group."
    return 1
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append "/Local/Default/Groups/_appserveradm" GroupMembership "${3}"
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to add the user to the _appserveradm group."
    return 1
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append "/Local/Default/Groups/_appserverusr" GroupMembership "${3}"
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to add the user to the _appserverusr group."
    return 1
    # Add UniqueID
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath UniqueID ${i}
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to set the UniqueID."
    return 1
    # Add Home Directory entry
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath NFSHomeDirectory /Users/${3}
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to set the NFSHomeDirectory."
    if [ "${6}" != "" ]; then
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath AuthenticationHint "${6}"
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to set the AuthenticationHint."
    return 1
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath picture "${7}"
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to set the picture."
    return 1
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -passwd $databasePath "${5}"
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to set the passwd."
    return 1
    # Add shell
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${targetVol}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath UserShell "/bin/bash"
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to set the UserShell."
    return 1
    # Create Home directory
    if [ -e "/System/Library/User Template/${8}.lproj/" ]; then
    /usr/bin/ditto "/System/Library/User Template/${8}.lproj/" "${targetVol}/Users/${3}"
    /usr/bin/ditto "/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/" "${targetVol}/Users/${3}"
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to copy the User Template."
    return 1
    /usr/sbin/chown -R $i:$i "${targetVol}/Users/${3}"
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to set ownership on the User folder."
    return 1
    # Copies a list of files (full paths contained in the file at $1) from source to the path specified in $2
    local theFile="$1"
    local theDest="$2"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    while read FILE
    if [ -e "${FILE}" ]; then
    local leafName=`basename "${FILE}"`
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Copying ${FILE}."
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${FILE}" "${theDest}/${leafName}" || return 1
    done < "${theFile}"
    return 0
    # Copies a list of packages (full path, destination pairs contained in the file at $1) from source to .../System/Installation/Packages/
    local theFile="$1"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    while read FILE
    if [ -e "${FILE}" ]; then
    local leafName=`basename "${FILE}"`
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Copying ${FILE}."
    read SUB_PATH
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${FILE}" "${mountPoint}/Packages/${SUB_PATH}${leafName}" || return 1
    done < "${theFile}"
    return 0
    # Create an installer package in ${1} wrapping the supplied script ${2}
    local tempDir="$1"
    local scriptPath="$2"
    local scriptName=`basename "${scriptPath}"`
    local entryDir=`pwd`
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Create installer for script ${scriptName}"
    # shouldn't exist on entry...
    if [ -e "${tempDir}/emptyDir" ]; then
    /bin/rm -rf "${tempDir}/emptyDir"
    # make some directories to work in
    /bin/mkdir $opt -p "${tempDir}/${scriptName}.pkg/Contents/Resources" || return 1
    /bin/mkdir $opt "${tempDir}/emptyDir" || return 1
    # Create Archive.pax.gz
    cd "${tempDir}/emptyDir"
    /bin/pax -w -x cpio -f "${tempDir}/${scriptName}.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax" .
    /usr/bin/gzip "${tempDir}/${scriptName}.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax"
    cd "${entryDir}"
    # Create the file
    /usr/bin/mkbom "${tempDir}/emptyDir/" "${tempDir}/${scriptName}.pkg/Contents/" || return 1
    # Create the Info.plist
    /bin/cat > "${tempDir}/${scriptName}.pkg/Contents/Info.plist" << END
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    echo "pkmkrpkg1" > "${tempDir}/${scriptName}.pkg/Contents/PkgInfo"
    echo "major: 1\nminor: 0" > "${tempDir}/${scriptName}.pkg/Contents/Resources/package_version"
    # Copy the script
    /bin/cp "$scriptPath" "${tempDir}/${scriptName}.pkg/Contents/Resources/postflight"
    # clean up
    /bin/rm -r "${tempDir}/emptyDir"
    return 0
    # Validate or create the requested directory
    local targetDir="$1"
    if [ ! -d "${targetDir}" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Creating working path at ${targetDir}"
    /bin/mkdir -p "${targetDir}" || return 1
    # If any exist, apply any user accounts
    # $1 volume whose local node database to modify
    local count="${#userFullName[*]}"
    local targetVol="${1}"
    if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Adding $count user account(s) to the image"
    for ((index=0; index<$count; index++)); do
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Adding user ${userFullName[$index]}"
    #lay down user here
    AddLocalUser "${targetVol}" "${userFullName[$index]}" "${userUnixName[$index]}" "${userIsAdmin[$index]}" "${userPassword[$index]}" "${userPassHint[$index]}" "${userImagePath[$index]}" "${userLanguage[$index]}"
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to create the User '${userUnixName[$index]}'."
    return 1
    #suppress the Apple ID request
    DisableAppleIDRequestForUser "${targetVol}" "${userUnixName[$index]}"
    # "touch"
    /usr/bin/touch "${targetVol}/private/var/db/.AppleSetupDone"
    /usr/bin/touch "${targetVol}/Library/Receipts/.SetupRegComplete"
    # retry the hdiutil detach until we either time out or it succeeds
    local mount_point="${1}"
    local tries=0
    local forceAt=0
    local limit=24
    local opt=""
    forceAt=$(($limit - 1))
    while [ $tries -lt $limit ]; do
    tries=$(( tries + 1 ))
    /bin/sleep 5
    echo "Attempting to detach the disk image again..."
    /usr/bin/hdiutil detach "${mount_point}" $opt
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    # Dump a list of any still open files on the mountPoint
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    /usr/sbin/lsof +fg "${mount_point}"
    if [ $tries -eq $forceAt ]; then
    echo "Failed to detach disk image at '${mount_point}' normally, adding -force."
    if [ $tries -eq $limit ]; then
    echo "Failed to detach disk image at '${mount_point}'."
    exit 1
    # Create the dyld shared cache files
    local theMount="${1}"
    local mountLoc=`mount | grep "${theMount}"`
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Detaching disk image"
    # Dump a list of any still open files on the mountPoint
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    /usr/sbin/lsof +fg "${theMount}"
    # Finally detach the mount (if it's actually mounted) and dispose the mountPoint directory
    if [ "${mountLoc}" != "" ]; then
    /usr/bin/hdiutil detach "${theMount}" || retry_hdiutil_detach "${theMount}" || return 1
    /bin/rmdir "${theMount}" || return 1
    return 0
    # Turn off the Apple ID request that happens on first boot after installing the OS
    local targetUserLib="${1}/Users/${2}/Library"
    # Only do this if the file doesn't exist
    if [ ! -e "${targetUserLib}/Preferences/" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Disabling Apple ID request for user '${2}'"
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :DidSeeCloudSetup bool 1" "${targetUserLib}/Preferences/" > /dev/null 2>&1
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :LastSeenCloudProductVersion string 10.8" "${targetUserLib}/Preferences/" > /dev/null 2>&1
    return 0
    # If the pieces exist, enable remote access for the shell image
    local srcVol="${1}"
    local opt=""
    if [ -e "${srcVol}/usr/lib/pam/" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Enabling shell image remote access support"
    # install some things (again which aren't part of BaseSystem) needed for remote ASR installs
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${srcVol}/usr/lib/pam/" "${mountPoint}/usr/lib/pam/" || return 1
    if [ -e "${srcVol}/usr/sbin/installer" ]; then
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${srcVol}/usr/sbin/installer" "${mountPoint}/usr/sbin/installer" || return 1
    # copy the sshd config and add our keys to the end of it
    if [ -e "${srcVol}/etc/sshd_config" ]; then
    /bin/cat "${srcVol}/etc/sshd_config" - > "${mountPoint}/etc/sshd_config" << END
    HostKey /private/var/tmp/ssh_host_key
    HostKey /private/var/tmp/ssh_host_rsa_key
    HostKey /private/var/tmp/ssh_host_dsa_key
    return 0
    # If it exists, install the sharing names and/or directory binding support to the install image
    local tempDir="${1}"
    local targetVol="${2}"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    if [ -e  "${tempDir}/bindingNames.plist" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing Directory Service binding information"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${tempDir}/bindingNames.plist" "${targetVol}/etc/bindingNames.plist" || return 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${targetVol}/etc/bindingNames.plist"
    /bin/chmod 644 "${targetVol}/etc/bindingNames.plist"
    if [ -e  "${tempDir}/sharingNames.plist" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing Sharing Names support"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${tempDir}/sharingNames.plist" "${targetVol}/etc/sharingNames.plist" || return 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${targetVol}/etc/sharingNames.plist"
    /bin/chmod 644 "${targetVol}/etc/sharingNames.plist"
    if [ -e  "${tempDir}/NetBootClientHelper" ]; then
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${tempDir}/NetBootClientHelper" "${targetVol}/usr/sbin/NetBootClientHelper" || return 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${targetVol}/usr/sbin/NetBootClientHelper"
    /bin/chmod 555 "${targetVol}/usr/sbin/NetBootClientHelper"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${tempDir}/" "${targetVol}/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/" || return 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${targetVol}/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/"
    /bin/chmod 644 "${targetVol}/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/"
    # finally, make sure it isn't disabled...
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete" "${targetVol}/var/db/launchd.db/" > /dev/null 2>&1
    return 0
    # If any exist, install configuration profiles to the install image
    local tempDir="${1}"
    local targetVol="${2}"
    local profilesDir="${targetVol}/var/db/ConfigurationProfiles"
    if [ -e  "${tempDir}/configProfiles.txt" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing Configuration Profiles"
    /bin/mkdir -p "${profilesDir}/Setup" || return 1
    # Make sure the perms are correct
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${profilesDir}"
    /bin/chmod 755 "${profilesDir}"
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${profilesDir}/Setup"
    /bin/chmod 755 "${profilesDir}/Setup"
    /usr/bin/touch "${profilesDir}/.profilesAreInstalled"
    CopyEntriesFromFileToPath "${tempDir}/configProfiles.txt" "${profilesDir}/Setup" || return 1
    # Enable MCX debugging
    if [ 1 == 1 ]; then
    if [ -e  "${targetVol}/Library/Preferences/" ]; then
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :debugOutput" "${targetVol}/Library/Preferences/" > /dev/null 2>&1
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :collateLogs" "${targetVol}/Library/Preferences/" > /dev/null 2>&1
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :debugOutput string -2" "${targetVol}/Library/Preferences/" > /dev/null 2>&1
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :collateLogs string 1" "${targetVol}/Library/Preferences/" > /dev/null 2>&1
    # Converts a list of scripts (full paths contained in the file at $1) into packages in $3
    local tempDir="${1}"
    local theFile="${2}"
    local targetDir="${3}"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Converting scripts into install packages"
    while read FILE
    if [ -e "${FILE}" ]; then
    # make an installer package out of the script
    CreateInstallPackageForScript "$tempDir" "${FILE}" || return 1
    # copy the resulting package to the Packages directory
    local leafName=`basename "${FILE}"`
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${tempDir}/${leafName}.pkg" "${targetDir}/${leafName}.pkg" || return 1
    # clean up
    /bin/rm -r "${tempDir}/${leafName}.pkg"
    done < "${theFile}"
    return 0
    # Prepare the source by deleting stuff we don't want to copy if sourcing a volume
    local tempDir="${1}"
    local destDir="${2}"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Performing post install cleanup"
    # delete the DS indices to force reindexing...
    if [ -e "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/indices/Default/index" ]; then
    /bin/rm $opt "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/indices/Default/index"
    # detach the disk and remove the mount folder
    DetachAndRemoveMount "${mountPoint}"
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to detach and clean up the mount at '${mountPoint}'."
    return 1
    echo "Correcting permissions. ${ownershipInfoKey} $destDir"
    /usr/sbin/chown -R "${ownershipInfoKey}" "$destDir"
    # Prepare the source by deleting stuff we don't want to copy if sourcing a volume
    local srcVol="$1"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    if [ -e "$srcVol/private/var/vm/swapfile*" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Removing swapfiles on $1"
    /bin/rm $opt "$srcVol/private/var/vm/swapfile*"
    if [ -e "$srcVol/private/var/vm/sleepimage" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Removing sleepimage on $1"
    /bin/rm $opt "$srcVol/private/var/vm/sleepimage"
    if [ -d "$srcVol/private/tmp" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Cleaning out /private/tmp on $1"
    /bin/rm -r $opt "$srcVol/private/tmp/*" > /dev/null 2>&1
    if [ -d "$srcVol/private/var/tmp" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Cleaning out /private/var/tmp on $1"
    /bin/rm -r $opt "$srcVol/private/var/tmp/*" > /dev/null 2>&1
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Cleaning out devices and volumes on $1"
    if [ -d "$srcVol/Volumes" ]; then
    /bin/rm -r $opt "$srcVol/Volumes/*" > /dev/null 2>&1
    if [ -d "$srcVol/dev" ]; then
    /bin/rm $opt "$srcVol/dev/*" > /dev/null 2>&1
    if [ -d "$srcVol/private/var/run" ]; then
    /bin/rm -r $opt "$srcVol/private/var/run/*" > /dev/null 2>&1
    # Copy kernel and build the kext cache on the boot image
    local srcDir="$1"
    local destDir="$2"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Preparing the kernel and kext cache for the boot image"
    # Insure the kext cache on our source volume (the boot shell) is up to date
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Updating kext cache on source volume"
    /usr/sbin/kextcache -update-volume "${srcDir}" || return 1
    # Copy the i386 and, if it exists, the x86_64 architecture
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing the kext cache to the boot image"
    # make sure this doesn't exist
    if [ -e "${destDir}/i386" ]; then
    /bin/rm -rf "${destDir}/i386"
    # Install kextcaches to the nbi folder
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Creating a kernelcache for the boot shell"
    /bin/mkdir -p $opt "${destDir}/i386/x86_64" || return 1
    /usr/sbin/kextcache -arch x86_64 -L -N -S -z -K "${srcDir}/mach_kernel" -c "${destDir}/i386/x86_64/kernelcache" "${srcDir}/System/Library/Extensions" || return 1

    I am seeing a very similar output trying to make a netrestore image of a 10.8.4 Macbook Air on a 10.8.4 Mac Mini running OSX Server.  Gets to 84% and then shows the -1 progress and then just hangs until I cancel it (I haven't tried leaving it over night but left it that way for hours).
    Did you ever figure out what was going on or have a workaround to create an image?

  • BI-IP implementation in BI 7.0(NUC)+ Java Add-In(UC) system

    Hi Experts,
    We want to implement BI-IP in our existing SAP BI 7.0 system which we upgraded from BW 3.5 to BI 7.0 followed by adding the Java Add-In. During the installation of the Java Add-In central instance the BI-Java, EP Core & EP software units were selected as well, so technically this system has all the components needed for the BI-IP implementation i.e BI(ABAP), AS Java/EP/EPC, BI(Java), the question or concern now raised is
    "As we know BI 7.0 is a non-unicode setup, while Java Add -In is a unicode setup", will a combination of the unicode & non-unicode in the same BI server be able to be utilized for the BI-IP implementation purpose?, does SAP support such combination?.
    Please advice if the BI-JAVA & BI-ABAP installed in the same BI7.0 system utilizing unicode & non-unicode kernel will work for the BI-IP implementation just like it works under scenario where BI-JAVA, EP, EPC are running under the EP7.0 system & BI-ABAP is running in the BI7.0 system.
    Find attached some info on the BI, ECC6 & EP systems.
    ECC6: It was upgraded from R3 4.6C to ECC6, It's on AIX 5.2, Oracle 10.2 & Kernel is Non- Unicode
    EP 7.0: It was upgraded from EP 6.0 to 7.0. It's on AIX 5.2, Oracle 10.2 & Kernel is Unicode
    BI 7.0: It was upgraded from BW 3.5 to BI 7.0 with Java Add-In installed later, It's on AIX 5.2, Oracle 10.2, ABAP kernel is Non-Unicode, Java kernel is Unicode
    Thanks & Rgds,

    I'm in exactly the same boat.
    BI Publisher is a COM Add-In... Clicking the GO... with COM Add-In selected gives me an unselected BI Publisher Template Builder for Word and the following statement for Load Behavior:
         Not Loaded. A runtime error occurred during the loading of the COM Add-in.
    Any thoughts?

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