Systemd - dbus gets killed

Hey all,
I recently switched to systemd. But now on some boots (not all) dbus gets killed after about a minute.
Here's the part in journalctl:
Aug 17 13:52:03 rhaego dbus-daemon[290]: dbus[290]: [system] Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.Avahi': timed out
Aug 17 13:52:03 rhaego dbus[290]: [system] Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.Avahi': timed out
Aug 17 13:52:03 rhaego dbus[290]: [system] Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1': timed out
Aug 17 13:52:03 rhaego dbus-daemon[290]: dbus[290]: [system] Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1': timed out
Aug 17 13:52:03 rhaego dbus-daemon[290]: process 290: arguments to dbus_message_set_reply_serial() were incorrect, assertion "reply_serial != 0" failed in file
Aug 17 13:52:03 rhaego dbus-daemon[290]: This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.
Aug 17 13:52:03 rhaego dbus-daemon[290]: D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace
Aug 17 13:52:03 rhaego systemd[1]: dbus.service: main process exited, code=killed, status=6
full log:
Does anyone know why this is?
Or how to rebuild dbus with -rdynamic, I already tried adding --enable-rdynamic or -rdynamic to the ./configure line in the PKGBUILD, but that's not working..

Ok I "solved" this a while ago. MPD is trying to start avahi and that fails and causes dbus to crash... I don't know if the problem is that it can't find avahi-daemon.service, or something else.
I don't need avahi so now I have this in /etc/mpd.conf
zeroconf_enabled                "no"
EDIT: tried again without this line after an update. It's still failing to start avahi, but not crashing dbus anymore :
Sep 11 12:48:11 rhaego dbus-daemon[286]: dbus[286]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.Avahi' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.Avahi.service'
Sep 11 12:48:11 rhaego dbus[286]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.Avahi' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.Avahi.service'
Sep 11 12:48:11 rhaego dbus[286]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.Avahi.service': Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.Avahi.service failed to load: No such file or directory. See system logs and 'sy
Sep 11 12:48:11 rhaego dbus-daemon[286]: dbus[286]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.Avahi.service': Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.Avahi.service failed to load: No such file or directory. See s
Last edited by wildebeestje (2012-09-11 08:53:07)

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    You can use Heapshots to see where memory is being allocated but not released.

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    [17/Feb/2005 12:33:20:5] warning: UTIL-013: GXGUID: NameTrans lookup failed (Applogic Servlet com_EmployeeReferralFriendsViewJobsAtIntra)
    [17/Feb/2005 14:14:02:9] warning: UTIL-013: GXGUID: NameTrans lookup failed (Applogic Servlet com_EmployeeReferralFriendsViewJobsAtIntra)
    [17/Feb/2005 15:25:59:3] error: CONN-003: socket receive error (RecvBuffer 1) (conn 0x10c72d8, sock 24, host 0xac8312f, port 0)
    [17/Feb/2005 15:25:59:3] error: CONN-003: socket receive error (RecvBuffer 1) (conn 0x10f7be8, sock 34, host 0xac8312f, port 10824)
    [17/Feb/2005 16:53:05:0] error: CONN-003: socket receive error (RecvBuffer 1) (conn 0x1575978, sock 28, host 0xac8312f, port 10822)
    [17/Feb/2005 16:53:05:0] error: CONN-003: socket receive error (RecvBuffer 1) (conn 0x14cd6c8, sock 32, host 0xac8312f, port 0)
    [17/Feb/2005 16:54:24:0] error: CONN-003: socket receive error (RecvBuffer 1) (conn 0xab08d8, sock 34, host 0xac8312f, port 10824)
    [17/Feb/2005 16:54:24:1] error: CONN-003: socket receive error (RecvBuffer 1) (conn 0xa655a0, sock 26, host 0xac8312f,.Pls suggest me what could be the problem.

    You might have more luck posting your question in the Sun ONE Application Server 6 forum.

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    I am on IOS 4

    Read here to understand the multitasking bar: n/

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    sir ,
    i have posted before the same problem but i found very poor response even after assighning duke dollers.Why its getting delayed ???
    My qurey is i have iplanet webserver 4.1 and appserver 6.0 installed on separate sun servers.In the app server i am seeing my kjs engines gets killed frequently even my server load and no of connections are normal.What could be the possible reasons for this???
    Pls respond immedietly....

    You might have more luck posting your question in the Sun ONE Application Server 6 forum.

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    (12/41) upgrading systemd
    upgrading systemd Error getting authority: Error initializing authority: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1: Timeout was reached (g-io-error-quark, 24)
    does this mean an install broke, or what..

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    in the 'default' queue are getting killed i.e the server hangs and if
    you take a thread dump, none of the threads in the default queue are
    visible ...
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    Any inputs would be appreiciated.
    Vipul Kapadia

    Hi Gautier,
    We were able to solve the problem. It was to do with the JVM
    We were using Sun JDK 1.3.1_03.
    Set the parameter in the Java command line
    See if this works for you.
    Also go thru the Weblogic Server Performance and tuning guides which
    has some useful information.
    Vipul Kapadia
    "Gautier Lobry" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<3def348d$[email protected]>...
    We are facing the same Problem for ten days and could not find out what leads to
    that. For some reason, a number of the pool's threads are getting lost within
    a few minutes, after the server had been running for hours.
    If you've found something, it would be nice if you could help.
    "Cameron Purdy" <[email protected]> wrote:
    We are facing a problem where after few hours of usage all the threads
    in the 'default' queue are getting killed i.e the server hangs andif
    you take a thread dump, none of the threads in the default queue are
    visible ...
    Using WL 6.1 SP 3 on RH Linux.Check your WL logs.
    Typically this points to a serious JVM or config issue.
    Cameron Purdy
    Tangosol, Inc.
    Tangosol Coherence: Clustered Replicated Cache for Weblogic
    "Vipul Kapadia" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..

  • Java API - EventHandler threads not getting killed

    Hello everybody,
    I didn't know whether to post this in the PI forum or in the MDM forum. I use the following scenario:
    We run an EJB session bean in the Java Proxy environment of PI 7.1. In this bean we create an MDM session, log on to a repository and then attach a RecordListener that reacts to any change of the records. When an interesting change took place, the record is distributed to PI.
    The code looks like this:
    EventDispatcher evDis = new EventDispatcher(servername);
    RecordListener recLis = new RecordListener();
    evDis.registerDataNotifications(username, password, repIdent, regions[0]);
    The problem arises when we try to undeploy or stop the application. You would assume that it would stop everything connected to the application. However, it does not. The mentioned EventDispatcher creates a thread object when invoked, and this thread is never killed. The consequence: Records keep getting distributed as if nothing had happened, although the application is gone (even undeploying doesn't help). But when we redeploy the application, a new thread is created. So after some development you get 10 or more threads firing every change to PI. The only thing that helps is a restart of the J2EE engine.
    So, my question: Has anybody here made a similar experience? Is this common for MDM or is rather PI the cause of this issue?
    Any comments on that are very welcome.
    Best regards,

    Hi Veera,
    thanks a lot, that pot me on the right track! In fact, it's the @PreDestroy annotation which has to be used for some cleanup method. When we execute this and included the coding you mentioned the threads are killed properly.
    Currently we're facing the issue that somehow the commit status of the bean is not set to "Committed" and from the second message on we get exceptions. If anybody came across this, help is appreciated.
    Best regards,

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