T-code FB01 ,validation on field XBLNR require?

is there any way available to validate XBLNR-Reference Document Number field of T-code FB01.
I want to validate it if the value entered by user already exists or if this field is blank than i have to send error message.
Is there any user-exit or Standard way available or
simply can i make this field mandatory.
Please suggest..

You can do this using FI-Validations (trxn. GGB0). The node will be Financial A/c'ing --> Document Header.
You can search in SDN as to how to implement the "Validation".
Hope this will be of some help.

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    pls help me in this regard ,matter most urgent.
    Thanks & regards

    for f-48 you could use FI-validation with tcode OB28
    use an exit (UK...) for your check in Program ZGGBR000

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    Yes you have to check for drop down value "Type 1".
    when you hit on submit it goes to the validation function right ...
    there add a condition. Check if tpe 1 is selected , if so proceed validation the text box , else skip that validation and come out.

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    Account group field status determine the status while creating/ changing the master data.
    For posting, you can control via posting key setting or field status assigned to gl.
    As you need to make it as required only for one time vendors, so create a validation in OB28/ GGB1 for it.

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    We do the same thing here. We haven't had any issues with the submit not validating the field correctly though. Our only issue was the red highlighting. To get around this, we would call resetdata on the field. resetData clears out the value of the field so you need to store it off and then reset it.
    if (form1.BP1.ChangeActivities.Pos1.Department==1) then $.validate.nullTest = "error" else $.validate.nullTest = "disabled"
    var x = $
    $ = x


    pL. PROVIDE THE SOLUtion for making pan ( personal account no.) field as required either in T-code- J1ID OR XK01.
    Edited by: nirupama swain on Mar 31, 2010 5:57 AM

    Try these links,
    PAN NO. mandatory in Vendor Master
    Re: Vendors PAN Number field Mandatory in Vendor Master Data
    Re: PAN Number Field Mandatory in Vendor Master

  • Validating some fields like Co Code & Bus Area

    Dear Friends,
    I am uploading Co Codes & Bus Area from excel sheets into the Ztable. Now I want to check if the Co Codes & Bus Area are not existing in the table T001 & TGSB then those values should not be uploaded in the zTable & should throw the error.
    Plz help me in doing this.
    Waiting for ur responses.
    Thanks & Reg,

    Hi Satesh,
    I am posting the code for you, plz tell me where to put the correct code to check the fields from the table.
    tables: bseg, zfi_tbl_qty.
            t_excel like alsmex_tabline occurs 0 with header line,
            l_excelfile(128)  type c,
            l_excelfile1(128) type c,
            l_excelfile2(128) type c,
            l_excelfile3(128) type c.
    data: begin of t_type,
           bukrs like bseg-bukrs,
           gsber like bseg-gsber,
           count type i,
         end of t_type.
    data: l_charlen1 type i,
          l_charlen2 type i.
    data:  t_type2 like t_type occurs 0 with header line.
    data:  l_end_row type i,
           l_endrow1 type i,
           l_count type i.
    data : q_count type i value 1,
           v_flag  type i value 0,
           v_gsber like t_type2-gsber.
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    parameter :  p_file1  type rlgrap-filename obligatory,
                 p_file2  type rlgrap-filename obligatory,
                 p_file3  type rlgrap-filename obligatory,
                 p_file4  type rlgrap-filename obligatory.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    *perform updation_tbl.
    *clearing the contents of database table before uploading a new file everytime
    delete from zfi_tbl_qty.
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_file1.
      call function 'KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4'
          field_name = p_file1
          file_name  = p_file1.
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_file2.
      call function 'KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4'
          field_name = p_file2
          file_name  = p_file2.
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_file3.
      call function 'KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4'
          field_name = p_file3
          file_name  = p_file3.
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_file4.
      call function 'KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4'
          field_name = p_file4
          file_name  = p_file4.
    at selection-screen.
      l_excelfile  = p_file1.
      l_excelfile1 = p_file2.
      l_excelfile2 = p_file3.
      l_excelfile3 = p_file4.
    if l_excelfile = l_excelfile1 or l_excelfile = l_excelfile2 or l_excelfile = l_excelfile3
        or l_excelfile1 = l_excelfile2 or l_excelfile1 = l_excelfile3 or l_excelfile2 = l_excelfile3.
            message e010(zn) with 'Files with the same name found Please enter again. '.
      perform upload_table using l_excelfile   5 2 6 4000.
      perform upload_table using l_excelfile1  5 2 6 4000.
      perform upload_table using l_excelfile2  5 2 6 4000.
      perform upload_table using l_excelfile3  5 2 6 4000.
      message i010(zn) with 'Files Uploaded Successfully.'.
    ************Calling the other program for posting
    *Calling the subroutine.
    form upload_table using filename
                           i_begin_col type i
                           i_begin_row type i
                           i_end_col type i
                           i_end_row type i.
      clear   : t_excel.
      refresh : t_excel.
      v_flag = v_flag + 1.
      call function 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE'
          filename                = filename
          i_begin_col             = 5
          i_begin_row             = 2
          i_end_col               = 6
          i_end_row               = 4000
          intern                  = t_excel
          inconsistent_parameters = 1
          upload_ole              = 2
          others                  = 3.
      case v_flag.
        when '1'.
          perform fill_int_tab.
        when '2'.
          perform fill_int_tab.
        when '3'.
          perform fill_int_tab.
        when '4'.
          perform fill_int_tab.
    endform.                    "upload_table
    *uploading data from internal table into database table
    *&      Form  fill_int_tab
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form fill_int_tab .
      clear   : t_type2, q_count.
      refresh : t_type2.
      describe table t_excel lines l_endrow1.
      l_endrow1 = l_endrow1 / 2.
        loop at t_excel where row = q_count.
          if t_excel-col = 1.
            t_type2-gsber = t_excel-value.
          elseif t_excel-col = 2.
            t_type2-bukrs = t_excel-value.
        l_charlen1 = strlen( t_type2-bukrs ).
        l_charlen2 = strlen( t_type2-gsber ).
        if ( t_type2-bukrs <> ' ' and t_type2-gsber <> ' ' ).
          if ( l_charlen1 = 4 and l_charlen2 = 4 ).
            append t_type2. clear t_type2.
        q_count = q_count + 1.
        if q_count > l_endrow1.
      sort t_type2 by bukrs gsber.
      loop at t_type2.
        clear v_gsber.
        l_count = l_count + 1 .
        v_gsber = t_type2-gsber.
        at end of gsber.
          at end of bukrs.
            zfi_tbl_qty-company_code = t_type2-bukrs.
            zfi_tbl_qty-barea = v_gsber.
            zfi_tbl_qty-comb = l_count.
            if v_flag = 1.
              zfi_tbl_qty-type = 'D'.    " Desktop
            if v_flag = 2.
              zfi_tbl_qty-type = 'L'.    " Lap Top
            if v_flag = 3.
              zfi_tbl_qty-type = 'N'.    " Lotus Notes
            if v_flag = 4.
              zfi_tbl_qty-type = 'S'.    " SAP ID
            insert into zfi_tbl_qty values zfi_tbl_qty.
            clear l_count.
    endform.                    " fill_int_tab

  • Setting form fields to required not working in Adobe Acrobat XI Pro

    This should be a simple matter. However, I'm stuck in a rut with it, and cannot seem to get out.
    I have created a form. All I need is for users to be prompted that they have to complete the form field when they try to tab or click out of that particular field where there needs to be information input. I have tried the following "on blur" java script code:
    if (!event.value) {
        app.alert("This field is required. Please enter a value.");
    What continues to happen is when the user clicks out of that field, the error message comes up asking them to click "okay." The problem is that the error message does not go away after the user clicks it.
    What I've learned is that if you right click on a field and click "set as required field," it doesn't work in the way I need it to. In fact, it hasn't been working at all for me.
    Does anyone have a simple suggestion? I more than willing to try anything at this point.

    OK, so the custom calculate script for field B could be something like:
    (function () {
        // Get field values as strings
        var sA = getField("A").valueAsString;
        var sC = getField("C").valueAsString;
        var sD = getField("D").valueAsString;
        // Only perform the calculation if all fields are filled
        if (sA && sC && sD) {
            var sum = +sC + sD;
            event.value = sum;
            // Alert the user if the sum is more than A
            if (sum > +sA) {
                app.alert("Error message goes here");
        } else {
            // Blank this field if all fields are not filled in
            event.value = "";
    Instead of (or in addition to) an app.alert popup, you could place this message in a read-only form field, and clear it if there is no error condition.

  • Using javaScript to change a field from required to not required

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    e.g . I have a pull down list and when I click on one of the values it calls a function in javascript which changes a text field from required to not required .
    Hope this is clear .
    Thanks for your help.

    Instead of having the field required on the component defeiniton, put that requirement on code.
    Either way you can't do that on javascript. If you could do that then you could fool the aplication...

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    Hi All,
    How to make InfoObject or field as required/Mandatory Entry in the Data Selection TAB of InfoPackage.(Flat File Extraction)
    Actually I have already Checked Selection Option of my required fields  in DataSource/Transfer Structure  TAB  but unable to make mandatory

      you can do that using an ABAP program in teh infopackage. You should write code to trigger an exception and throw a message if the selection is not given.
    If it is possible to give selection by calulating a date like thing you can automate with ABAP code once again and can use it in teh process chain.

  • Validating Input fields in Interactive Adobe Forms with Webdynpro ABAP

    Dear Friends,
    Am new to Interactive Adobe forms with Webdynpro Abap,
    My scenario is, I have few Input fields, i need to handle the Messages when am not entering values in any of the Input Field,
    and raise the message when i click on Save Button.
    I have tried with setting the field as Required in Form itself, but i can't set the Field as Mandatory.
    I don't know how to do, Please give some needed points, as well needed some Script/Formcalc code.

    Hi Pradeep,
    You can validate the fields by using javascript/formcalc logic in onclick event of button.
    Please refer the below links
    Adobe Form -How to make an Input Field Mandatory
    Validate Intercive Adobe Form
    Hope it helps you.

  • "Valid on field" on VK13 screen

    Hi SD Gurus,
    Can anyone tell me if there is any link between the "valid on" field on condition records screen (VK11, VK12, VK13) and pricing reports.
    Thank You,

    Hi Alekhya,
    The field valid on in VK11/VK12/VK13 is for the validity of your condition record what ever you are maintaining.
    Till the given date your condition record will be valid.For example if the date is 1/12/2008.Means that price will come in the sales order for that condition type will come if you have created the order on or before that date.If that condition type is mandatory and if you create another order on 2/12/2008 means it will not fetch your price because it's validity expires.Then you have create new condition record for that or extend the validity period in change mode by VK12 T.Code.

  • HCM F&P - How to set the field as Required based on drop down values

    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement to set the Date field as mandatory when a particular value is selected in drop down list. I have already tried with MessageBox though it displays the error message but process moves further i.e. on clicking Check & Send button it throws an error message but still it moves further and i can see only Send button. Ideally it should halt there itself.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jitesh Talreja

    Thanks for your valuable inputs
    I have already tried this. It only highlight the field with the red border but still allow to move further.
    Yes, we can definately control this from the backend but that would be the last option i should execute. Ideally, this is something to be controlled in front end itself
    By setting the field attrbiute Required will set the field mandatory as a whole irrespective of drop down values or any other UI element.
    Jitesh Talreja

  • CR12 - Formula editor, why do I get message "A field is required here"?

    In both cases below, I get the error "A field is required here".  How do I sum a text column that has numbers in it?

    Hi John,
    Your if statement is a bit off.  Try doing it this way instead:
    If NumericText ({data.TextColumn}) Then
        ToNumber ({outbound_bol_detail.weight})
    Else 0;
    Also, have a look in File | Report Options and turn on Convert NULL Values to Default.  It's possible you may have NULLs in the data that Crystal is having problems with. 
    Good luck,

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    We don't offer that type of input restriction for a text field. 
    Can you create a list of all allowed codes and use a Drop Down menu or Single/multiple Choice field? 

Maybe you are looking for

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