Table Comparion and History Preservation

Hi all
I am new in using DI, I have a question about two most common objects in DI (Table Comparison and History Preservation).
Can we  compare different structure tables in Table comparison or the tables should have the same structure? The same question about History Preservation. Can we connect History Preservation to a different structure table based on our Table comparison?
Thanks for your help in advance.

You can as long as your primary key and comparison columns in both tables have the same names.   There are some situations for which a table compare transform could be useful when comparing differently structured tables.   But the History Preserve transform is pretty specific.  I'm can't imagine what you'd want to do with it besides loading a type 2 dimension.

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    I have created_dt and last_updated both date columns in source table and also in target table.
    Now under history preservation transform for Date columns:
    For "Valid from" and "valid to" properties: which column should i pick?
    how can i use created_dt and last_updated columns under history preservation?
    What is current flag property, should i leave this blank if i don't have any flag "bit type" column like indicator in source or target table.
    My Dataflow has:
    Source_table -> Qry_Transform -> Table_comparison > history_preservation - > Key_gen - > Target_table.

    Valid from and Valid to in History Preservation transform deals with SCD (slowly changing dimensions).
    In most of the scenarios, Valid From comes from the source (as Effective From date) for which the dimension has a particular value.
    SALES REP, Region, Effective From
    A, California, 01.01.2011
    Valid To column in History Preservation is the default value that you provide inside. In case of preserving history of an update, Valid To column of the old record can have the Valid From value of the new record, or one day before that. You have option to set the same in History Preservation.

  • Table name and field name

    hi frds
    Give me table name and field name of OPEN PO QUANTITY ..
    Pari Vendhan.R

    See the sample code for the open PO's based on Vendor
    and do accordingly
    *& Report ZMM_PO_REPORT
    REPORT ZMM_PO_REPORT message-Id yb
    LINE-COUNT 60(1)
    LINE-SIZE 230.
    D A T A B A S E T A B L E S D E C L A R A T I O N
    TABLES: lfa1, " Vendor Master
    t161, " PO Doc Types
    t024, " Purchase Groups
    ekko. " PO Header
    T Y P E S D E C L A R A T I O N S
    Purchase Orders Main Structure
    TYPES: BEGIN OF s_po,
    ebeln TYPE ebeln, " PO No.
    ebelp TYPE ebelp, " PO Item
    bstyp TYPE bstyp, " PO Category
    bukrs TYPE bukrs, " Company Code
    bsart TYPE bbsrt, " PO Type
    lifnr TYPE lifnr, " Vendor No
    ekgrp TYPE bkgrp, " Purchase Group
    waers TYPE waers, " Currency
    bedat TYPE etbdt, " PO Date
    txz01 TYPE txz01, " Material Text
    werks TYPE ewerk, " Plant
    lgort TYPE lgort_d, " Storage Location
    matkl TYPE matkl, " Material Group
    menge TYPE bamng, " PR Quantity
    meins TYPE bamei, " UOM
    bprme TYPE bbprm, " Price Unit
    netpr TYPE netpr, " Net price
    peinh TYPE peinh, " Price Unit UOM
    pstyp TYPE pstyp, " Item Category
    knttp TYPE knttp, " Account Assignment Category
    END OF s_po.
    Purchase Orders History Structure
    TYPES: BEGIN OF s_account,
    ebeln TYPE ebeln, " PO No.
    ebelp TYPE ebelp, " PO Item
    gjahr TYPE mjahr, " Fiscal Year
    belnr TYPE mblnr, " PO Invoice No
    menge TYPE menge_d, " PR Quantity
    wrbtr TYPE wrbtr, " Price in Local Currency
    dmbtr TYPE dmbtr, " Price in Foreign Currency
    waers TYPE waers, " Currency
    shkzg TYPE shkzg, " Dr/Cr Indicator
    END OF s_account.
    Purchase Orders History Structure(Item Sum)
    TYPES: BEGIN OF s_inv_sum,
    ebeln TYPE ebeln, " PO No.
    ebelp TYPE ebelp, " PO Item
    menge TYPE menge_d, " PR Quantity
    wrbtr TYPE wrbtr, " Price in Foreign Currency
    waers TYPE waers, " Currency
    END OF s_inv_sum.
    Purchase Orders Main Structure
    TYPES: BEGIN OF s_rep,
    lifnr TYPE lifnr, " Vendor No
    ebeln TYPE ebeln, " PO No.
    ebelp TYPE ebelp, " PO Item
    bstyp TYPE bstyp, " PO Category
    bsart TYPE bbsrt, " PO Type
    ekgrp TYPE bkgrp, " Purchase Group
    waers TYPE waers, " Currency
    bedat TYPE etbdt, " PO Date
    txz01 TYPE txz01, " Material Text
    werks TYPE ewerk, " Plant
    lgort TYPE lgort_d, " Storage Location
    matkl TYPE matkl, " Material Group
    menge TYPE bamng, " PR Quantity
    meins TYPE bamei, " UOM
    bprme TYPE bbprm, " Price Unit
    netpr TYPE netpr, " Net price
    peinh TYPE peinh, " Price Unit UOM
    pstyp TYPE pstyp, " Item Category
    knttp TYPE knttp, " Account Assignment Category
    name1 TYPE name1, " Plant
    orewr TYPE netpr, " To be Invoiced Price
    curr TYPE waers, " Inv Doc Currency
    END OF s_rep.
    D A T A D E C L A R A T I O N S
    DATA: gv_title1 TYPE sylisel, " Report title
    gv_dial. " Color flag
    C O N S T A N T S D E C L A R A T I O N S
    CONSTANTS: c_x VALUE 'X', " Flag X
    c_h VALUE 'H', " Debit
    c_vgabe TYPE vgabe VALUE '2'. " Transaction Type
    I N T E R N A L T A B L E S D E C L A R A T I O N S
    " Purchase Order
    " PO Invoice Values
    " PO Invoice Values
    " PO Invoice Values
    S E L E C T I O N S C R E E N *
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_lifnr FOR lfa1-lifnr MATCHCODE OBJECT kred,
    s_ebeln FOR ekko-ebeln MATCHCODE OBJECT mekk,
    s_bsart FOR t161-bsart,
    s_ekgrp FOR t024-ekgrp,
    s_bedat FOR ekko-bedat.
    I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N *
    A T S E L E C T I O N - S C R E E N *
    Validate the screen fields
    PERFORM validate_screen.
    S T A R T - O F - S E L E C T I O N *
    Fetch main data
    PERFORM fetch_data.
    T O P - O F - P A G E *
    Header of the List
    PERFORM header.
    E N D - O F - P A G E *
    E N D - O F - S E L E C T I O N *
    Display the Report Output data
    PERFORM display_data.
    At Line-Selection
    When double clicked on EBELN display the details of Purchase Doc
    PERFORM line_sel.
    *& Form validate_screen
    Validation of Selection Screen fields
    FORM validate_screen .
    Validation of Vendor Number
    CLEAR lfa1-lifnr.
    IF NOT s_lifnr[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT lifnr UP TO 1 ROWS
    INTO lfa1-lifnr
    FROM lfa1
    WHERE lifnr IN s_lifnr.
    IF sy-subrc 0.
    MESSAGE e000 WITH 'Invalid Vendor'(002).
    Validation of PO Number
    CLEAR ekko-ebeln.
    IF NOT s_ebeln[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT ebeln UP TO 1 ROWS
    INTO ekko-ebeln
    FROM ekko
    WHERE ebeln IN s_ebeln.
    IF sy-subrc 0.
    MESSAGE e000 WITH 'Invalid Document Number'(003).
    Validation of PO Document Type
    CLEAR t161-bsart.
    IF NOT s_bsart[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT bsart UP TO 1 ROWS
    INTO t161-bsart
    FROM t161
    WHERE bsart IN s_bsart.
    IF sy-subrc 0.
    MESSAGE e000 WITH 'Invalid Purchase Document Type'(004).
    Validation of Purchasing Group
    CLEAR t024-ekgrp.
    IF NOT s_ekgrp[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT ekgrp UP TO 1 ROWS
    INTO t024-ekgrp
    FROM t024
    WHERE ekgrp IN s_ekgrp.
    IF sy-subrc 0.
    MESSAGE e000 WITH 'Invalid Purchasing Group'(005).
    ENDFORM. " validate_screen
    *& Form fetch_data
    Fetching the PO related data from Database Tables
    FORM fetch_data .
    CLEAR i_po.
    REFRESH i_po.
    SELECT a~ebeln " PO No.
    b~ebelp " PO Item
    a~bstyp " PO Category
    a~bukrs " Company Code
    a~bsart " PO Type
    a~lifnr " Vendor No
    a~ekgrp " Purchase Group
    a~waers " Currency
    a~bedat " PO Date
    b~txz01 " Material Text
    b~werks " Plant
    b~lgort " Storage Location
    b~matkl " Material Group
    b~menge " PR Quantity
    b~meins " UOM
    b~bprme " Price Unit
    b~netpr " Net price
    b~peinh " Price Unit UOM
    b~pstyp " Item Category
    b~knttp " Account Assignment Category
    INTO TABLE i_po
    FROM ekko AS a JOIN ekpo AS b
    ON a~ebeln = b~ebeln
    WHERE a~ebeln IN s_ebeln AND
    a~lifnr IN s_lifnr AND
    a~ekgrp IN s_ekgrp AND
    a~bsart IN s_bsart AND
    a~bedat IN s_bedat.
    SORT i_po BY ebeln ebelp.
    IF NOT i_po[] IS INITIAL.
    Fetch the PO History/Invoice Details from EKBE Table
    CLEAR i_ekbe.
    REFRESH i_ekbe.
    SELECT ebeln " PO No.
    ebelp " PO Item
    gjahr " Fiscal Year
    belnr " PO Invoice No
    menge " PR Quantity
    wrbtr " Price in Local Currency
    dmbtr " Price in Foreign Currency
    waers " Currency
    shkzg " Dr/Cr Indicator
    INTO TABLE i_ekbe
    FROM ekbe
    WHERE ebeln = i_po-ebeln AND
    ebelp = i_po-ebelp AND
    vgabe = c_vgabe.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    SORT i_ekbe BY ebeln ebelp.
    LOOP AT i_ekbe.
    IF i_ekbe-shkzg = c_h.
    i_ekbe-wrbtr = i_ekbe-wrbtr * -1.
    MODIFY i_ekbe.
    Sum up the Item wise Invoice totals
    LOOP AT i_ekbe.
    AT END OF ebelp.
    READ TABLE i_ekbe INDEX sy-tabix.
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_ekbe TO i_inv.
    APPEND i_inv.
    CLEAR i_inv.
    SORT i_inv BY ebeln ebelp.
    Move the Vendor Name and Invoice Values to I_rep Internal Table
    LOOP AT i_po.
    CLEAR i_inv.
    READ TABLE i_inv WITH KEY ebeln = i_po-ebeln
    ebelp = i_po-ebelp.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    i_rep-orewr = ( i_po-menge - i_inv-menge ) * i_po-netpr.
    i_rep-curr = i_inv-waers.
    i_rep-orewr = i_po-menge * i_po-netpr.
    i_rep-curr = i_po-waers.
    Get the Vendor Name
    CLEAR lfa1-name1.
    SELECT SINGLE name1 FROM lfa1 INTO lfa1-name1
    WHERE lifnr = i_po-lifnr.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    i_rep-name1 = lfa1-name1.
    APPEND i_rep.
    CLEAR i_rep.
    SORT i_rep BY lifnr ebeln ebelp.
    DELETE i_rep WHERE orewr LE 0.
    ENDFORM. " fetch_data
    *& Form display_data
    Display the Report Output data
    FORM display_data .
    DATA: lv_flag, " New Flag
    lv_rec TYPE i. " No of Records
    CLEAR lv_rec.
    IF i_rep[] IS INITIAL.
    MESSAGE e000 WITH 'No Data found'(022).
    LOOP AT i_rep.
    Toggle Color
    PERFORM toggle_color.
    IF lv_flag space.
    At New Purchase Document
    AT NEW ebeln.
    WRITE:/1 sy-vline, 2(10) i_rep-ebeln INTENSIFIED OFF.
    lv_flag = c_x.
    lv_rec = lv_rec + 1.
    WRITE: 1 sy-vline,
    12 sy-vline,13(4) i_rep-bsart,
    17 sy-vline,18(10) i_rep-lifnr,
    28 sy-vline,29(35) i_rep-name1,
    64 sy-vline,65(4) i_rep-ekgrp,
    69 sy-vline,70(10) i_rep-bedat,
    80 sy-vline,81(5) i_rep-ebelp,
    86 sy-vline,87(40) i_rep-txz01,
    127 sy-vline,128(9) i_rep-matkl,
    137 sy-vline,138(1) i_rep-pstyp,
    139 sy-vline,140(1) i_rep-knttp,
    141 sy-vline,142(4) i_rep-werks,
    146 sy-vline,147(4) i_rep-lgort,
    151 sy-vline,152(13) i_rep-menge UNIT i_rep-meins,
    165 sy-vline,166(3) i_rep-meins,
    169 sy-vline,170(15) i_rep-netpr CURRENCY i_rep-waers,
    185 sy-vline,186(4) i_rep-waers,
    190 sy-vline,191(5) i_rep-peinh,
    196 sy-vline,197(4) i_rep-bprme,
    201 sy-vline,202(15) i_rep-orewr CURRENCY i_rep-curr,
    217 sy-vline,218(4) i_rep-curr,
    222 sy-vline,223(7) i_rep-bstyp centered,
    230 sy-vline.
    hide: i_rep-ebeln.
    WRITE : /2 'Total Number of Purchasing Documents:'(025) COLOR 3,
    lv_rec COLOR 3.
    ENDFORM. " display_data
    *& Form header
    Write the Report Header
    FORM header .
    WRITE:/1 sy-vline,2(10) 'Pur.Doc.No'(006) CENTERED,
    12 sy-vline,13(4) 'Type'(007),
    17 sy-vline,18(10) 'Vendor'(008) CENTERED,
    28 sy-vline,29(35) 'Name'(009) CENTERED,
    64 sy-vline,65(4) 'PGrp'(010) CENTERED,
    69 sy-vline,70(10) 'Doc.Date'(012) CENTERED,
    80 sy-vline,81(5) 'Item'(011),
    86 sy-vline,87(40) 'Material Short Text'(024) CENTERED,
    127 sy-vline,128(9) 'Mat.Group'(013),
    137 sy-vline,138(1) 'I',
    139 sy-vline,140(1) 'A',
    141 sy-vline,142(4) 'Plnt'(014),
    146 sy-vline,147(4) 'SLoc'(015),
    151 sy-vline,152(13) 'Quantity'(016) CENTERED,
    165 sy-vline,166(3) 'UoM'(017),
    169 sy-vline,170(15) 'Net Value'(018) CENTERED,
    185 sy-vline,186(4) 'Curr'(019),
    190 sy-vline,191(5) 'Per'(020),
    196 sy-vline,197(4) 'Unit'(021),
    201 sy-vline,202(15) 'To be Invoiced'(023) CENTERED,
    217 sy-vline,218(4) 'Curr'(019),
    222 sy-vline,223(7) 'Doc.Cat'(026),
    230 sy-vline.
    ENDFORM. " header
    *& Form toggle_color
    This routine alters the color of the records in the list FORM toggle_color.
    IF gv_dial = space.
    gv_dial = c_x.
    CLEAR gv_dial.
    ENDFORM. " toggle_color
    *& Form LINE_SEL
    *When double clicked on EBELN field display the details of Purchase Doc
    FORM line_sel.
    CASE sy-lsind.
    WHEN '1'.
    DATA: lv_field(20),
    lv_bstyp like i_rep-bstyp.
    clear: lv_bstyp,lv_value, lv_field.
    GET CURSOR FIELD lv_field VALUE lv_value.
    IF lv_field = 'I_REP-EBELN'.
    IF NOT lv_value IS INITIAL.
    READ LINE sy-index FIELD VALUE i_rep-bstyp
    INTO lv_bstyp.
    READ CURRENT LINE FIELD VALUE i_rep-bstyp INTO lv_bstyp.
    if lv_bstyp = 'F'.
    elseif ( lv_bstyp = 'K' or lv_bstyp = 'L' ).
    elseif lv_bstyp = 'A'.
    ENDFORM. " line_sel{code]
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Feb 18, 2008 2:03 PM

  • Firefox was low YOU Suggested refresh NOT COMPLETE RESET ALL passwords and History GONE! How do I get them beck, IF cant then SEREW FIREFOX after 20 year user

    Firefox was SLOW after LAST "3 UPDATES"
    Then "Firefox seems to be slow Click here so fix this.
    I Clicked and it said Try Refreshing Firefox.
    DID NOT warn me it would DELETE EVERYTHING! HISTORY, Passwords TABS. the File, Edit ETC at very top
    THIS and LAST 3 UPDATES if passwords are NO Longer be recovered then SCREW FIREFOX and I WILL tell people HOW BAD firefox has become.
    AFTER about 20 YEARS of HOW GREAT it is and BETTER than IE and Google Chrome!
    SO ANY FIREFOX APP or Firefox Based Browser I WILL NEVER use again.!
    As HERE in FIREFOX was ONLY PLACE I Had my Passwords and History! and BLOCKED SITES. ALL GONE!
    And Phsying sites blocked.
    ALL GONE How do I Get them back!
    PLEASE Let me KNOW
    And IF you can call as I HAVE MASSIVE Memory Problems because of a Brain infection I HAD in Jan. 2010.
    PLEASE Call me to Help.
    Wade, Oklahoma USA xxx-xxx-xxxx
    Thank YOU!

    Wade, there is a way "undo" the Refresh but it does have a lot of steps. See whether you can do this on your own.
    As you may have noticed, the Refresh/Reset feature copies your settings (profile) folder to the desktop into a folder named "Old Firefox Data".
    Check inside "Old Firefox Data" folder for a folder with a semi-randomized name. If there's only one, that probably has your old settings and add-ons. If there's more than one, you'll want to work with the one that was updated most recently.
    Once you have identified the profile folder you want to restore, here is my suggested "old profile resurrection procedure":
    These are the steps that are covered in more detail in the rest of this post:
    # Create a new Firefox profile
    # Remove everything from that new profile folder
    # Copy in everything from the old profile folder
    '''Create a new Firefox profile (Windows)'''
    Exit Firefox and start up in the Profile Manager by pasting the following into the Start menu search box, or the Start > Run dialog, and pressing Enter:
    firefox.exe -P
    ''Note: Any time you want to switch profiles, exit Firefox and return to this dialog.''
    Click the Create Profile button, assign a name like OldSettings, and skip the option to change the folder location. Then select that new profile in the dialog and start Firefox.
    '''Open the New Profile folder in Windows Explorer'''
    Firefox in the new profile should look like a factory fresh installation. Open the Troubleshooting Information page using either:
    * "3-bar" menu button > "?" button > Troubleshooting Information
    * Help menu > Troubleshooting Information
    * type or paste about:support in the address bar and press Enter
    In the first table, click the "Show Folder" button. Firefox will launch your brand new profile folder in Windows Explorer.
    Leaving that folder open, switch back to Firefox, and Exit. When Firefox closes, the profile folder should be front and center, or you can activate it using the Task bar.
    '''Copy Old Data in Place of New'''
    In that new profile folder, select all the contents and delete.
    Leaving that window open, open or switch over to your Old Firefox Data folder. Drill down into your old profile folder. At this level you should see a folder named bookmarkbackups among other things.
    Select everything (Ctrl+a) and Copy (either right-click > Copy or Ctrl+c).
    Switch to the empty new profile folder in other window and Paste (either right-click > Paste or Ctrl+v). This may take a minute since some of the files are large.
    '''Start Firefox'''
    Firefox should start up in that new profile with the resurrected old profile data. Success?

  • How do you have the bottom stroke of a table show up using Table Styles and Cell Styles only?

    I am using InDesign CS6, and I want to create a Table Style that has the bottom stroke show up, but does not have a table border, such as:
    However, whenever I try to change the Table or Cell strokes so that the last stroke shows up, I get the entire table border, or some strange combination of borders:
    Does anyone have any insight on how I can get the bottom stroke to show up while preserving my other stroke properties? Since I work with long documents, it's necessary to be able to control all of my tables through Table Styles and Cell Styles, and not by manually changing each and every table with the Stroke palette.
    For reference, here are the my current Table Style properties and the resulting table:

    Michael Murphy is the InDesign style-meister. He wrote "Adobe InDesign Styles" for Adobe Press, and did a great title on InDesign styling. Here's what he says in the book:
    "As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, with all the power of table and cell styles, it is important to understand not only how they work and what they can do for you, but also to understand their limitations.
    "Two formatting features missing in table and cell styles have already been discussed: You will always have to set the column width and row height of cells when applying a table style for the first time, and you will always have to convert body rows to header and/or footer rows every time you apply a table style for first time or update the table's data....
    "But there's another kind of limitation that's important to keep in mind as you are designing tables: It is very easy to design a table that cannot be completely defined by a table style. In many cases, you'll need to define an extra cell style or two that lets you complete for formatting. [my emphasis]."
    So I think that's what you have to do: Apply another cell style on top of the cells at the bottom of the table after applying the table style.

  • When i click to open a link a blank screen pops up that says search bookmarks and history.

    I open firefox to play games on yahoo home page. Click game, then click spades, then click the table to play at and the window opens but it is blank and says at the top of it "search bookmarks and history." This happens on my lap top but on my desktop it doesnot happen.


  • MS Access - Oraclec 8i: Spaces in Table Names and Columns

    I have an access database that i have split into two parts.
    1. Access data tables
    2. Access application
    The application has the data tables linked in for its use. With your workbench utility i have migrated my access data tables over but there is a big problem remaining. My access data tables have spaces in the table named and columns. In oracle all of the spaces have been replaced with underscores ... which changes things dramtically for the application. A table named "Foo Bar" is fundamentally different in access then "Foo_Bar". So, my question to you is, how can I deal with this issue. There are a lot of queries, forms, reports, etc. effected here. any ideas?

    The Migration Workbench has an option to use
    ANSI names (don't ask me about the exact wording or where it is, haven't got it installed here at work right now :-( )
    Using this option will preserve the original names unaltered. So you could just redo the
    migration step with this option checked.
    In my opinion, this is mixed blessings, though. Using ANSI names will certainly make
    your migration job much easier (no changes to
    Access application necessary) HOWEVER accessing the migrated tables from other
    tools (e.g. SQL*Plus) will be kinda messy.
    SELECT "Customer Name"
    FROM "Customer Table"
    WHERE "Customer Id" > 815.
    As always, the choice is yours. grin
    All the best
    Michael Istinger

  • In which table current /and in which table last 5 passwords are stored

    in which table current /and in which table last 5 passwords are stored

    The password may not be changed to any of a useru2019s last x passwords, if the user changes the password himself or herself.
    Until SAP NetWeaver 6.40 (inclusive), the password history was fixed to the value 5.
    After SAP NetWeaver 6.40, the administrator can set the size of the password history (up to 100 passwords selected by the user).
    The administrator can reset a useru2019s password to any initial password, therefore also to one of the last x passwords for this user. This is necessary, since the administrator should not know the passwords of the users. The user is prompted to change the initial password at the first interactive logon.
    You can change this with the profile parameter login/password_history_size.

  • How to find table name and field name in JSP FORM

    In JSP form's like XML publisher responsibility>templet
    In that form how can we see the system-last query . and how to see the table name

    hi yamini,
    plz go to help->record history (for fining table name)
    help->diagnostic->examine (for finding field name)& enter last_query
    in JSP form also same above only i think.
    or check in back end & apply who columns
    Edited by: raghava bandi on Nov 7, 2008 2:05 AM

  • How do you make bookmarks and history work. I follow instructions but nothing shows up in bookmarks or history

    I have a lonovo yoga 8 tablet downloaded Firefox for android go to a site tap the star to bookmark page then go to bookmarks to recall page but nothing their and history shows anything either.

    Hi, I had a similar case, apply the EXEC sp_removedbreplication, but in the replication monitor even the replication was visualized with a red x, which caused me a false alarm.
    The records MSreplication_monitordata table can not be deleted manually, it is only a guide for the monitor replication, because that's what I understood also try removing your records, but had no success.
    Reaches a point where I thought I had to recreate all replications, but I found a solution.
    Guide me in that table (MSreplication_monitordata), to search for agents publisher that had not been removed (eg DB: SDCGHJ), then search these agents and items in the tables: MSdistribution_agents, MSsnapshot_agents, MSlogreader_agents; located in the distribution
    database and delete records that made reference to publisher_db SDCGHJ, delete jobs that they made reference to the publication eliminated.
    With these steps the publication is no longer displayed on the monitor replication and "red x" stop appearing.
    I hope it is of your utility.

  • How do I get back my bookmarks and history which disappeared after downloading critical Windows Updates?

    On 10/16/14 I downloaded 11 critical Windows Updates (I have the 64-bit version of Windows 7 Pro).
    All updates ran successfully, but after the updates, Firefox would not run. Instead I got the error “Couldn’t Load XPCOM”. Internet Explorer was working. I reinstalled Firefox . I did not delete it and then reinstall it, I just downloaded Firefox.
    That worked and I can now use Firefox, but I have several other problems:
    • I lost all my Bookmarks
    • I lost some of my History. I can only view history for “Today” and “Yesterday” in the Library. I am missing “Last 7 days” (except for 10/16 and later) and “This Month” history view.
    I have been trying to research how to fix this on my own for the past several days, even though I am very non-tech savy.
    I tried the following, but none of these things has corrected the bookmarks or history problem:
    • I did a System Restore to 10/13/14
    • I tried to do a System Restore to 10/12/14. I got the error “Did not complete successfully. Unspecified error 0x8000ffff”.
    • I reset Firefox to its default state.
    • I tried to change the Privacy setting for Firefox history from “Remember History” to “Use custom setting for history” followed by checking “Remember my browsing and download history”, “Remember search and form history”, and “Accept cookies from site”. I am unable to change this. It always reverts back to “Remember History”.
    I located only one Profile Manager, which I found by going through the Windows start menu with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" –p.
    I found "bookmarkbackups" under my Profile Folder. The oldest bookmark folder listed is from 10/16/2014.
    Could someone please help me get all my Bookmarks and History back from before the 10/16/2014 updates? Thank you.

    Hi askmozilla, yes, the Previous Versions tab in the Properties dialog for the places.sqlite files in the oldest of those folders.
    I'm not sure whether Windows can match that file up with earlier restore points once the folder is moved from its original location to the desktop.
    I wonder whether there is any way to access the restore point created on 10/16 just before Windows installed the updates. That really would be the best place to look if possible.

  • What is difference between table space and shchema

    what is difference between table space and shchema ?

    784633 wrote:
    so each user has it own space of tables - schema ?yes, but let's clarify a bit ....
    The "schema" is the collection of all objects owned by a particular user. So if user SCOTT creates two tables, EMP and DEPT, and a view EMP_RPT, and a procedure GET_MY_EMP, those objects (tables, views, procedures) collectively make up the SCOTT schema.
    Those objects will be physically stored in a tablespace.
    A tablespace is a named collection of data files. So tablespace USERS will be made up of one or more data files. A specific datafile can belong to one and only one tablespace. If a tablespace has more than one data file, oracle will manage those files as a collection invisible to the application - much like the OS or disk subsystem handles striping across multiple physical disks.
    A specific object in the SCOTT schema can exist in only one tablespace, but not all objects of the schema have to be in the same tablespace. Likewise a tablespace can contain objects from multiple schemas.
    and can one user to access tables of other users?As others have said - FRED can access tables belonging to SCOTT as long has SCOTT has granted that access to FRED.

  • "Bookmarks and history system will not be functional" with corrupt files found by Avast and websites loading slow ONLY in Firefox

    Firefox is the only browser that lets me connect with my microphone. I need to use this feature for an online class. Earlier this evening, the message prompting me to allow or deny the class website permission to use the microphone stopped appearing, and without it the recording won't pick up any sound and I can't record anything.
    I tried exiting and restarting Firefox. I had some extensions in use at the time, in particular Session Manager. The allow/deny message still wouldn't appear, so I restarted my computer.
    Now when I open Firefox I see the "The bookmarks and history system will not be functional" error message. In addition, the browser loads websites extremely slowly; it takes several minutes to load each page or for me to be able to click on anything (the URL bar, the menus, etc) My other browsers (Internet Explorer and Chrome) are running normally and load websites at a normal speed. I tried downloading the latest version of Firefox but it didn't fix anything. I also tried restarting the computer again but that didn't help either.
    I ran my Avast software system check and it turned up that the following files under "C:\Users\(me)\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\Irozixj7.default" are "corrupted and unreadable":
    There was one more problem on the scan, but it probably isn't relevant: for the file "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition Updates\{9A2C6FA7-E04E-4819-B86A-8363A9D1E42A}\mpengine.dll" it says "The system cannot find the path specified." When I attempted to follow the path indicated, one of the folders (I can't remember which) said something along the lines of "You can't access this folder, do you want to permanently allow access to this folder?" I said yes and was able to access the folder.
    I have tried to add the Places Maintenance extension but the speed is too sluggish to download anything. Trying to access any of the menus results in the browser freezing for several minutes then unfreezing but with the menu still unopened. Therefore none of the solutions found here ( seem to work.
    My questions are as follows:
    -Is it possible to figure out what caused the problem in the first place?
    -Is there a way for me to fix it without losing my bookmarks and history?
    -How can I avoid this happening again in the future?

    First, I recommend backing up your Firefox settings in case something goes wrong. See [[Backing up your information]]. You can copy your entire Firefox profile folder somewhere outside of the Mozilla folder. To quickly access this folder:
    Help > Troubleshooting Information > "Show Folder" button
    Next, keep this folder open, exit Firefox, and try moving the "corrupted and unreadable" files to a different folder. With the exception of localstore.rdf, which stores window positions, toolbar customizations, and other nonessential data, the other files appear to be session-specific files that hopefully are not critical. If you restart Firefox, does it behave more normally?
    If not, try creating a fresh Firefox profile. It will have the Flash plugin, which is the control sites usually use to connects your camera and/or microphone, and other plugins, but otherwise will be a new setup. This article has the steps for starting up in the Profile Manager: [[Use the Profile Manager to create and remove Firefox profiles]].
    If sites work normally in the new profile, you can import your bookmarks from your old profile, as well as copying over other files that don't seem to be causing the problem. Some trial and error might be required to determine that. This article has some tips: [[Recovering important data from an old profile]].
    If the new profile is no better, you can exit Firefox and use the Profile Manager to switch back to your original profile.
    Any improvement?

  • Key fields in tables ce31000 and ce41000

    In transaction KE11 ( change sales and profit plan ), tables CE31000 and CE41000 are used. I have to read those tables in a report but I cannot find the relevant keys to find unique records.  There are some fields I know, but using those fields I get about 300 records where I only should have one.  I guess I should use another table which has the link to the other tables, but I have no idea which.  Does anybody have a clue ?

    As far as I remember there are 4 tables per operating concern, CE1xxxx for tha actuals, CE2xxxx for the planning, CE3xxxx for the summary lines and CE4xxxx for the objects.
    Depending on the defined characteristics there is one PAOBJNR in CE4xxxx for each existing combination. In CE3xxxx you should also find this PAOBJNR. At the moment I have no access to a SAP with COPA, but I hope, this helps you a little bit for the further search.
    Best regards

  • Attachments and history of my emails are not seen by Windows users

    attachments and history of my emails are not seen by Windows users

    Just guessing at what you mean, try this:
    In Mail, while composing a message, go to Mail's menu and click:
    Edit > Attachments > Always send Windows-friendly attachments

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