Tack Pad Question

I've read some of the other posts regarding track pad issues, but mine is different.
When using the pointer/click/hold for scrolling (e.g., moving the blue bar to the left, up or down in a browser or other pages like Word), it takes a very firm depression in the very lower right hand corner to get the bar to move. It use to only take a light depression anywhere in the lower 1/2 of the pad.
Anyone had a similar issue? Any fix?

HI, Louis X!V
a similar thing has been reported recently here on this forum. I would say, it's not normal, but a hardware failure. contact apple.
sorry for the dry reply - but more than 200 years after the declaration of Human Rights, i can't be less polite to a self-declared souverein (unless he signs with the name of Sarko... and then i'll be even less polite).

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    2. Uncheck everything.
    3. Open Magicprefs
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    Hello Richy
    My first thought is, can't you just put the graphic elements in to the photo with your choice of editor?
    It looks like you are trying to position two yellowy-green lines in the page as well.  You could put one of those lines in to the image and one in the left panel as a background (I'm not absoulutely clear where they go but I think I've made a pretty good guess.)
    You could try adding a header div and using a slice of the image as a background and position your logo elements in that with float, margin, padding or whatever.
    Basically, you have a two column layout which is quite simple so there should be a solution.
    You could try putting the main image as a background image and position your graphic elements in the content panel (div)?
    If your main image is a background though, I think you might have a bit more difficulty with height so, you would have to perhaps use the left column content to determine height.
    These are just a few thoughts but given with the caveat of my novice status!  I've only just learned to tie my HTML shoe laces.
    Good luck
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    Message was edited by: dustinbrown

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    All you ever wanted to now about Rosetta is right HERE.
    Not to be snippy, but in the future, it is probably a good idea to start a new thread instead of tacking a question onto a related thread. That way, if someone has the same question, they can quickly find the answer in a search rather than wade through another thread.
    Stick around. We'd love to see you asking questions and helping others too.

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    Hi everybody,
    I want to create,configure and open a html file all that in a java class so can you help me please

    floulou_01 wrote:
    Hi everybody,
    I want to create,configure and open a html file all that in a java class so can you help me please
    Prune pointless queries
    Resist the temptation to close your request for help with semantically-null questions like "Can anyone help me?" or "Is there an answer?" First: if you've written your problem description halfway competently, such tacked-on questions are at best superfluous. Second: because they are superfluous, Forum regulars find them annoying - and are likely to return logically impeccable but dismissive answers like "Yes, you can be helped" and "No, there is no help for you."
    --Paraphrased from [How To Ask Questions The Smart Way|http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html] by Eric Steven Raymond
    So, the answer is yes. Your first step would be to post your actual question.

  • Writing to dat using GUI

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    I need help in overwriting what the text box said to what the user then changes it to and writing it to the dat file. any help on this would be greatly appreciated as its part of an assignment i have to do for next week and this is only one part of it cheers. My code is as follows:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class UpdateQuestions extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         Container cPane;
         JPanel p1,p2;
         JButton btnFind,btnUpdate,btnClose;
         JTextField tfNumberSearch,tfQuestionNum,tfQuestion,tfAnswerA,tfAnswerB,tfAnswerC,tfCorrect;
         JLabel lblNumberSearch,lblQuestion,lblAnswerA,lblAnswerB,lblAnswerC,lblCorrect;
         RandomAccessFile rf;
              cPane = getContentPane();
              //Build Update Window
              setTitle("Update Quiz Questions");
              //Absolute Layout Manager
              //Size & Layout For Top Panel
              p1 = new JPanel();
              //Top Panel
              lblNumberSearch = new JLabel("Enter Question No");
              lblNumberSearch.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,24));
              tfNumberSearch = new JTextField();
              tfNumberSearch.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,18));
              btnFind = new JButton("Find");
              btnFind.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,26));
              //Size & Layout For Bottom Panel
              p2 = new JPanel();
              // Question Label & Text Box
              lblQuestion = new JLabel("Question");
              lblQuestion.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,24));
              tfQuestion = new JTextField();
              tfQuestion.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,18));
              //Answer A Label & Text Box
              lblAnswerA = new JLabel("Answer A");
              lblAnswerA.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,24));
              tfAnswerA = new JTextField();
              tfAnswerA.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,18));
              //Answer B Label & Text Box
              lblAnswerB = new JLabel("Answer B");
              lblAnswerB.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,24));
              tfAnswerB = new JTextField();
              tfAnswerB.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,18));
              //Answer C Label & Text Box
              lblAnswerC = new JLabel("Answer C");
              lblAnswerC.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,24));
              tfAnswerC = new JTextField();
              tfAnswerC.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,18));
              //Correct Answer Label & Text Box
              lblCorrect = new JLabel("Correct");
              lblCorrect.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,24));
              tfCorrect = new JTextField();
              tfCorrect.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,18));
              btnUpdate = new JButton("Update");
              btnUpdate.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,26));
         private String pad(String s,int size)
              int x;
              for (x = s.length(); x < size; x++)
                   s = s + " ";
              return s;
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              int num;
                   catch(IOException ex3)
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Cannot Close Question.dat");
                   boolean eof,found;
                   int qNo;
                   long posQ, posAnsA, posAnsB, posAnsC, posCorrect;
                   String question="", answerA="", answerB="", answerC="", answerCorrect="";
                   num = Integer.parseInt(tfNumberSearch.getText());
                        rf = new RandomAccessFile("Question.dat","rw");
                   catch(FileNotFoundException ex1)
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Cannot Open Question.dat");
                   catch (IOException ex)
                             qNo = rf.readInt();
                             posQ = rf.getFilePointer(); question = rf.readUTF();
                             posAnsA = rf.getFilePointer(); answerA=rf.readUTF();
                             posAnsB = rf.getFilePointer(); answerB=rf.readUTF();
                             posAnsC = rf.getFilePointer(); answerC=rf.readUTF();
                             posCorrect = rf.getFilePointer(); answerCorrect=rf.readUTF();
                        catch (IOException ex)
                   }// End of While not !eof     
              }// End of Find Button
                   String question, answerA, answerB, answerC, answerCorrect;
                   long posQ, posAnsA, posAnsB, posAnsC, posCorrect;
                   question = tfQuestion.getText();
                   question = pad(question,80);
                   answerA = tfAnswerA.getText();
                   answerA = pad(answerA,20);
                   answerB = tfAnswerB.getText();
                   answerB = pad(answerB,20);
                   answerC = tfAnswerC.getText();
                   answerC = pad(answerC,20);
                   answerCorrect = tfCorrect.getText();
                   answerCorrect = pad(answerCorrect,20);
         }//End of Action Performed
    }//End of UpdateQuestions

    Create your JFrames, then use
    myFirstFrame.setVisible( true );
    // time to launch second
    mySecondFrame.setVisible( true );
    // time to hide second
    mySecondFrame.setVisible( false );The simplest file I/O will work for you. Use a FileOutputStream to write the file. I think three lines of code should do the trick. See the API docs for java.io.

  • 2gigs of ram? help?

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    All you ever wanted to now about Rosetta is right HERE.
    Not to be snippy, but in the future, it is probably a good idea to start a new thread instead of tacking a question onto a related thread. That way, if someone has the same question, they can quickly find the answer in a search rather than wade through another thread.
    Stick around. We'd love to see you asking questions and helping others too.

  • IP address not showing when creating Network Session

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    I created a new session and enabled it but where it used to show the IP address of my Mac Pro i.e.
    The iPad used to show up automatically in that window and I could select it and click connect and all would be fine.
    Now it only shows the bonjour/AD name of my Mac i.e.
    and the iPad no longer shows up until I either open a CoreMIDI app on the pad or I open MIDIBridge on the pad
    question 1: Why does my IP address no longer show up?
    question 2: Has MIDIbridge "hijacked" CoreMIDI on the pad so that it will only appear on my Mac Pro when it is open?

    Hi Jason,
    Possible answer to Q1: I don't think Audio/MIDI setup ever shows a raw IP address unless you keyed it in yoursel once upon a time. Given the IP address range you quote is dynamic, the iPad's IP address could change over time, I'd suggest you are safest using the bonjour name of the iPad to connect from the Mac (when it is visible - see below).
    Answer to Q2: No, MidiBridge hasn't hijacked CoreMIDI, but you need at least one CoreMIDI network aware app running in order for the network session to be activated on the iPad. MidiBridge is one such app and since you generally would start it and leave it running in the background will keep the session active for you.

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