Take ownership of a registry key, and change permissions

I am writing a powershell script to configure a W2008-R2 Server. In one of the steps, I need to take ownership of an existing registry key, and then give full control permissions to the administrators.
I have done this:
$acl = Get-Acl $key
$me = [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]"$env:userdomain\$env:username"
$person = [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]"Administrators"
$access = [System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights]"FullControl"
$inheritance = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]"None"
$propagation = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]"None"
$type = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]"Allow"
$rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule($person,$access,$inheritance,$propagation,$type)
Set-Acl $key $acl
But it fails in "set-acl" command, with the message "Set-Acl : Requested registry access is not allowed."
Any ideas of how to do this? or if it is even possible?
Thank you!

Here is the code to take ownership of a registry key.  You first need to set the SeTakeOwnership permission on your process
The enable-privilege function is taken from a posting by Lee Holmes (http://www.leeholmes.com/blog/2010/09/24/adjusting-token-privileges-in-powershell/), but
I've been meaning to get around to tidy it up a bit for my purposes.  Perhaps this thread is the motivation I need to do this.  I should also note that the PowerShell Community Extensions has cmdlets to work with tokens already.  
I also never tested whether you can do the PowerShell native methods of get-acl set-acl if you set the token.  I don't have time to play with that now, but if you want to try it and let us know if it works that would be great.  The opensubkey method
I'm using I've documented here for changing permissions when you don't have permissions: http://powertoe.wordpress.com/2010/08/28/controlling-registry-acl-permissions-with-powershell/
function enable-privilege {
## The privilege to adjust. This set is taken from
## http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb530716(VS.85).aspx
"SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege", "SeAuditPrivilege", "SeBackupPrivilege",
"SeChangeNotifyPrivilege", "SeCreateGlobalPrivilege", "SeCreatePagefilePrivilege",
"SeCreatePermanentPrivilege", "SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege", "SeCreateTokenPrivilege",
"SeDebugPrivilege", "SeEnableDelegationPrivilege", "SeImpersonatePrivilege", "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege",
"SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege", "SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege", "SeLoadDriverPrivilege",
"SeLockMemoryPrivilege", "SeMachineAccountPrivilege", "SeManageVolumePrivilege",
"SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege", "SeRelabelPrivilege", "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege",
"SeRestorePrivilege", "SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeShutdownPrivilege", "SeSyncAgentPrivilege",
"SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege", "SeSystemProfilePrivilege", "SeSystemtimePrivilege",
"SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege", "SeTcbPrivilege", "SeTimeZonePrivilege", "SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege",
"SeUndockPrivilege", "SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege")]
## The process on which to adjust the privilege. Defaults to the current process.
$ProcessId = $pid,
## Switch to disable the privilege, rather than enable it.
[Switch] $Disable
## Taken from P/Invoke.NET with minor adjustments.
$definition = @'
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class AdjPriv
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool AdjustTokenPrivileges(IntPtr htok, bool disall,
ref TokPriv1Luid newst, int len, IntPtr prev, IntPtr relen);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool OpenProcessToken(IntPtr h, int acc, ref IntPtr phtok);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool LookupPrivilegeValue(string host, string name, ref long pluid);
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
internal struct TokPriv1Luid
public int Count;
public long Luid;
public int Attr;
internal const int SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 0x00000002;
internal const int SE_PRIVILEGE_DISABLED = 0x00000000;
internal const int TOKEN_QUERY = 0x00000008;
internal const int TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 0x00000020;
public static bool EnablePrivilege(long processHandle, string privilege, bool disable)
bool retVal;
TokPriv1Luid tp;
IntPtr hproc = new IntPtr(processHandle);
IntPtr htok = IntPtr.Zero;
retVal = OpenProcessToken(hproc, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, ref htok);
tp.Count = 1;
tp.Luid = 0;
retVal = LookupPrivilegeValue(null, privilege, ref tp.Luid);
retVal = AdjustTokenPrivileges(htok, false, ref tp, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
return retVal;
$processHandle = (Get-Process -id $ProcessId).Handle
$type = Add-Type $definition -PassThru
$type[0]::EnablePrivilege($processHandle, $Privilege, $Disable)
enable-privilege SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege
$key = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\powertoe",[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKeyPermissionCheck]::ReadWriteSubTree,[System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights]::takeownership)
$acl = $key.GetAccessControl()
$me = [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]"t-alien\tome"
write-host ((0..56)|%{if (($_+1)%3 -eq 0){[char][int]("116111101110117102102064103109097105108046099111109"[($_-2)..$_] -join "")}}) -separator ""

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    Get-Acl : Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
    + get-acl <<<< -path F:\testpath\locked
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-Acl], UnauthorizedAccessException
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    Set-Acl : Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
    At line:1 char:8
    + Set-Acl <<<< -path "F:\testpath\locked" -AclObject $DirAcl
    + CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (F:\testpath\locked:String) [Set-Acl], UnauthorizedAccessException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetAclCommand
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    Last, here is the script I used to reset permissions on the "My Documents" tree structure that admins did not have access to:
    Example:  Powershell script to parse a directory of User-owned "My Document" redirection folders and reset permissions.
    #Script to Reset MyDocuments Folder permissions
    $domainName = ([ADSI]'').name
    Import-Module "PSCX" -ErrorAction Stop
    Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeRestorePrivilege", $true) #Necessary to set Owner Permissions
    Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeBackupPrivilege", $true) #Necessary to bypass Traverse Checking
    #Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeSecurityPrivilege", $true) #Optional if you want to manage auditing (SACL) on the objects
    Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege", $true) #Necessary to override FilePermissions & take Ownership
    $Directorypath = "F:\Userpath" #locked user folders exist under here
    $LockedDirs = Get-ChildItem $Directorypath -force #get all of the locked directories.
    Foreach ($Locked in $LockedDirs) {
    Write-Host "Resetting Permissions for "$Locked.Fullname
    #######Take Ownership of the root directory
    $blankdirAcl = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
    ###################### Setup & apply correct folder permissions to the root user folder
    #Using recommendation from Ned Pyle's Ask Directory Services blog:
    #Automatic creation of user folders for home, roaming profile and redirected folders.
    $inherit = [system.security.accesscontrol.InheritanceFlags]"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
    $propagation = [system.security.accesscontrol.PropagationFlags]"None"
    $fullrights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"FullControl"
    $allowrights = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]"Allow"
    $DirACL = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
    #Administrators: Full Control
    $DirACL.AddAccessRule((new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("BUILTIN\Administrators",$fullrights, $inherit, $propagation, "Allow")))
    #System: Full Control
    $DirACL.AddAccessRule((new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM",$fullrights, $inherit, $propagation, "Allow")))
    #Creator Owner: Full Control
    $DirACL.AddAccessRule((new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("CREATOR OWNER",$fullrights, $inherit, $propagation, "Allow")))
    #Useraccount: Full Control (ideally I would error check the existance of the user account in AD)
    #$DirACL.AddAccessRule((new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("$domainName\$Locked.name",$fullrights, $inherit, $propagation, "Allow")))
    $DirACL.AddAccessRule((new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("$domainName\$Locked",$fullrights, $inherit, $propagation, "Allow")))
    #Remove Inheritance from the root user folder
    $DirACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $False) #SetAccessRuleProtection(block inheritance?, copy parent ACLs?)
    #Set permissions on User Directory
    Set-Acl -aclObject $DirACL -path $Locked.Fullname
    Write-Host "commencer" -NoNewLine
    ##############Restore admin access & then restore file/folder inheritance on all subitems
    #create a template ACL with inheritance re-enabled; this will be stamped on each subitem to re-establish the file structure with inherited ACLs only.
    #$NewOwner = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("$domainName","$Locked.name") #ideally I would error check this.
    $NewOwner = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("$domainName","$Locked") #ideally I would error check this.
    $subFileACL = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity
    $subDirACL = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
    ######## Enable inheritance ($False) and not copy of parent ACLs ($False)
    $subFileACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($False, $False) #SetAccessRuleProtection(block inheritance?, copy parent ACLs?)
    $subDirACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($False, $False) #SetAccessRuleProtection(block inheritance?, copy parent ACLs?)
    #####loop through subitems
    $subdirs = Get-ChildItem -path $Locked.Fullname -force -recurse #force is necessary to get hidden files/folders
    foreach ($subitem in $subdirs) {
    #take ownership to insure ability to change permissions
    #Then set desired ACL
    if ($subitem.Attributes -match "Directory") {
    # New, blank Directory ACL with only Owner set
    $blankdirAcl = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
    #Use SetAccessControl to reset Owner; Set-Acl will not work.
    #At this point, Administrators have the ability to change the directory permissions
    Set-Acl -aclObject $subDirACL -path $subitem.Fullname -ErrorAction Stop
    } Else {
    # New, blank File ACL with only Owner set
    $blankfileAcl = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity
    #Use SetAccessControl to reset Owner; Set-Acl will not work.
    #At this point, Administrators have the ability to change the file permissions
    Set-Acl -aclObject $subFileACL -path $subitem.Fullname -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host "." -NoNewline
    Write-Host "fin."
    Write-Host "Script Complete."
    I hope you find this useful.
    Thank you,
    Final Thought: There are great non-PS tools like
    Set-Acl and takeown which are external to PS & can also do the job wonderfully.  It may be much simpler to call those tools than recreate the wheel in pure
    code.  Feel free to use whatever best suits your time, scope & cost.

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    "Auto Delete Enabled"="Yes"
    "Save Received from Internal"="No"
    "Save Sent to Internal"="No"
    "Auto Delete - Amount"=dword:00000001
    "Auto Delete - Units"="Weeks"
    Book - User Interface\Search Books]
    @="Selected List, Manual RFQ"
    "AB.4E6F76656C6C47576162703139393500.Novell GroupWise Address
    "AB.0081D836918BCE1187EB00805FB4B2BE.Frequent Contacts"=dword:00000001

    Robin Witkop-Staub,
    > I found some registry keys I need to change. But they are in the HK_USERS
    > section of the registry which will be different on every PC. Can I make ZEN
    > search for the key name and change it fi found?
    But they should be the same for CURRENT_USER. Ie HKEY_USERS is just all users'
    - Anders Gustafsson, Engineer, CNE6, ASE
    NSC Volunteer Sysop
    Pedago, The Aaland Islands (N60 E20)
    Novell does not monitor these forums officially.
    Enhancement requests for all Novell products may be made at
    Using VA 5.51 build 315 on Windows 2000 build 2195

  • Read Registry Keys and store it in Inventory DB

    Hallo together,
    I am looking for a program to extract some Registry keys into the ZENworks 7 inventory database.
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    A Script or any other small program would be helpful. I know how I could read the Registry values with REG.exe but I do not know how to store the values in the correct syntax in CUSTOM.ini?
    I found zRegScan but I did not get it to work. I found out that the Program is called by the Inventory process (it appears in the TaskManager for a short time). When I run zRegScan by hand (or with a manual launched ZfDInvScanner.exe) I get the following error windows:
    Title: zRegScan.exe - Common Language Runtime Debugging Services
    Warning: Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process id=0x814, Thread id=0xf14
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    I tried for several hours to get it operational - with no success.
    The zRegScan.log does not show anything helpful.
    I have WinXP SP2 and SP3 machines and ZfD7ir3a.
    Thanks for your help

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    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • Cannot open registry key and /usr/bin/lib: invalid option --N patch 7237313

    I am trying to install autoconfig TXK patch 7237313 for cloning an EBS 12 on windows server 2003.
    When I run adpatch it returns 2 errors:
    *1 -*
    setEnvAdrelink: Error: Cannot open registry key:
    *2 -*
    Relinking module 'CONCSUB.exe' in product fnd ...
    gnumake -f E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/out/link_fnd_2548.mk E:/o
    Starting link of fnd executable 'CONCSUB.exe' on Fri Feb 5 09:25:07 SAST 2010
    /usr/bin/lib: invalid option -- N
    Try `/usr/bin/lib --help' for more information.
    E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/out/link_fnd_2548.mk:2901: warning:
    overriding commands for target `E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/bin/
    E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/out/link_fnd_2548.mk:752: warning: i
    gnoring old commands for target `E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/bin
    E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/out/link_fnd_2548.mk:2948: warning:
    overriding commands for target `E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/bin/
    E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/out/link_fnd_2548.mk:1333: warning:
    ignoring old commands for target `E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/bi
    link.exe -MAP:E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/bin/CONCSUB.map -NODEF
    s/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/bin/CONCSUB.exe E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/1
    2.0.0/lib/fdpocr.obj \
    E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/lib/FNDCORE.lib E:/oracle/PR
    OD/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/precomp/lib/msvc/orasql10.lib E:/oracle/PROD/apps/tech_st
    /10.1.2/precomp/lib/msvc/orasqx10.lib E:/oracle/PROD/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/RDBMS/l
    ib/oraclient10.lib E:/oracle/PROD/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/RDBMS/lib/oracommon10.lib
    E:/oracle/PROD/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/NETWORK/lib/oranro10.lib E:/oracle/PROD/apps/
    tech_st/10.1.2/NETWORK/lib/oran10.lib E:/oracle/PROD/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/NETWORK
    /lib/oranl10.lib E:/oracle/PROD/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/lib/oranls10.lib E:/oracle/P
    ROD/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/lib/oracore10.lib /LIB/MSVCRT.LIB /LIB/OLDNAMES.LIB /P
    latformSDK/LIB/KERNEL32.LIB /PlatformSDK/LIB/USER32.LIB /PlatformSDK/LIB/ADVAPI3
    2.LIB /PlatformSDK/LIB/WINSPOOL.LIB /PlatformSDK/LIB/COMDLG32.LIB /PlatformSDK/L
    link: invalid option -- M
    Try `link --help' for more information.
    gnumake: *** [E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/bin/CONCSUB.exe] Error
    Done with link of fnd executable 'CONCSUB.exe' on Fri Feb 5 09:25:08 SAST 2010
    Relink of module "CONCSUB.exe" failed.
    See error messages above (also recorded in log file) for possible
    reasons for the failure. Also, please check that the Unix userid
    running adrelink has read, write, and execute permissions
    on the directory E:/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/bin,
    and that there is sufficient space remaining on the disk partition
    containing your Oracle Applications installation.
    egrep version is 2.5.1 and gnumake is 3.80.
    please help,
    Hassane Cabir

    Are the application services down?
    setEnvAdrelink: Error: Cannot open registry key:
    SOFTWARE\ORACLEyes, the services are down, using adstpall.cmd and Maintenance mode enabled using adadmin.
    Get the version 3.80-1 of the make file -- See (Note: 414992.1 - Using Cygwin to Maintain Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 on Windows).The make is already 3.80-1.
    Hassane Cabir

  • Registry key to change desktop icon size

    By default Windows 7 has desktop icon view set to Medium. I want to change the default user NTuser.dat hive as part of SCCM build so that each new user has small size by default, but can change if they wish (hence can't do it as a GPO)
    Does anyone know the registry key(s) to change?
    Ian Burnell, London (UK)

    This view size is controlled by HKU specific user registry. Thus it can't be mapping to another user account.
    If you insist, there is a complex workaround(However I wouldn't like to recommend you use this method):
    Copy the following registry value to place another user's registry.
    Note: It can't be imported, just copy its value.
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • New User Account and Changing Permissions?

    Yesterday I opened a new user account for each of my kids. I moved and/or imported all their stuff to their respective accounts and all seems fine. Except for one folder... The most important one (of course ;o). It has a big red circle saying "..you don't have access".
    This work was done while he was still using my account. So I have since brought it back to my desktop and all is fine. Am I correct in assuming I need to change permissions on this before he can access his folder on his account? If so.. I've never done this before. Can somebody please be good enough to walk me through this? I can not lose this file. There are no copies anywhere else. Please help!

    There are no copies anywhere else.
    This would be good time to make one, before you do anything else!
    I have since brought it back to my desktop and all is fine. Am I correct in assuming I need to change permissions on this before he can access his folder on his account?
    Rather than trying to change any permissions, my suggestion would be:
    1) Log into your own account and move the folder from your Desktop to your Public folder.
    2) Log into your son's new account, navigate to the Public folder back on your account
    and drag the folder from there onto the current (your son's) Desktop.
    This will COPY the folder into the new account rather than move it, and in doing so will correct all the permissions automatically. If the folder is very large, make sure you have enough free disk space for this copy. You can later delete the original from your own Public folder if you wish.

  • Primary key and change indicator

    So I was creating an employee and then I committed the records and then I tried to delete a record from the same table. I encountered an error like below:
    "Another user has changed the row with primary key"
    So I searched the solution of this problem, and then I read this article https://blogs.oracle.com/onesizedoesntfitall/entry/the_case_of_the_phantom
    This is the solution according to the above article:
    Alternatively you can set the Change Indicator on one of the attributes.  This will work as long as the relating column for the attribute in the database itself isn't inadvertently updated.  In turn you're possibly just masking the issue rather than solving it, because if another developer turns the Change Indicator back on the original issue will return.*
    Well, then set the Change Indicator of the EmployeeID attribute (which happens to be the primary key of the table). Now its working fine.
    But my question is: Is this okay if I am setting the Change Indicator of a primary key attribute to be True?

    Sonull wrote:
    I have set the Type property of employeeID as DBSequence. So when the system creates a row, the values displayed for the employee ID is in the form of negative numbers (-1, -2, -3). Only after committing the rows does the trigger gets fired, and the next number in the sequence is generated, and the row is saved in the database.
    I don't understand you? are you asking a question or provide information?
    When set the type of an attribute to DBSequence, by default Jdeveloper sets the Refresh on Insert property.
    What I want to say is that the problem is not in the EmployeeId attribute.

  • Create a new writable folder and change permissions

    This is for a customer job; I fix PCs and MACs (mostly PCs) for a living.
    (1) How do I create a new writable folder on a BRAND new external HD under OS X (assume 10.5 or 10.6). Note I will first reformat the external usb HD to Apple OS extended using Disk Utility. I will then do Cntrl-I (Apple Key-I) and select reset permissions checkbox at the bottom of the Info window.
    ie. I know how to create a writable folder and and rename it under Windows Explorer BUT NOT under OS X Finder.
    Please provide step by step instructions. I apologize for asking such a trivial question but I need it for a job in two hours.
    (2) After I copy the user home directories from another MAC HD (the other HD is connected via Target Disk to a MAC laptop as well as having the new external HD being connected) someone in another thread on a forum said to do "chmod 777 -R /Volumes/Copied_Folder" to make the resulting copied folders accessible to anyone.
    chmod 777 -R /Volumes/Copied_Folder sounds like a DOS command under Windows OS which is entered by creating a DOS window on the Windows Desktop and entering the command in the DOS window.
    HOW DO I DO THIS UNDER OS X 10.5 OR 10.6 ?
    (3) I do not know what /Volumes means in the command above. Please provide a real life example. i,e Again under Windows we have (for external HDs) F: or G: etc. What are Volumes called under OS X ?
    I have connected usb sticks/flash drives to a MAC and copied in needed files but never paid any attention to what the OS X FInder called them. i.e this question (3) is about SYNTAX. I do not know OS X Finder Syntax for Volumes
    Again, I apologize for asking such trivial questions.

    I want all security OFF and all access for everyone on external HD.
    At jobsite box at bottom of CMD-I properties on entire external HD was ALREADY checked as Ignore OWNERSHIP (not permissions) on drive. Permissions were logged-in-admin account R/W and all other R which is fine as others only need read access going forward.  HD was already MAC formatted as I told customer to get a MAC external HD at Best Buy.
    Thanks for your reply.

  • Migrating my contacts and changing permissions

    I have just bought the latest retina 13 inch Macbook Pro and today migrated my old data from my old Macbook Pro ... the OSx Lion .... Most of it worked, but my contacts and a couple of others won't let me and tell me I don't have sufficient permissions. But I can't work out what to do. Can anyone help me??!!

    Hey ktkatiekatie,
    It sounds like a permissions issue - I would check out the troubleshooting steps in the following document and see if that helps:
    Troubleshooting permissions issues in Mac OS X
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
    Have a great day,

  • Unable to change registry key permissions using group policy

    In order to fix a problem with a piece of software not saving it's settings I need to change the permission on a registry key of our client machines.
    I've setup a GPO and in Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Registry specified the registry key I want to change the permission on, added our staff security group and given the full control over that key.
    The permission are not being changed and when I run rsop I'm getting the following error:
    The policy engine did not attempt to configure the setting.  For more information see %windir%\security\logs\winlogon.log on the target machine.
    I've looked in the winlogon.log file and can see nothing meaningful that relates to this GPO.  I set the logging to be verbose and this doesn't include any additional information.  There appears to be nothing meaningful in the event logs on the
    local machine.
    The OS is Windows 7 SP1
    Anybody shed any light why the policy wouldn't be applying the permissions to the registry key?

    Is this client running Windows 7 64bit? If so, this problem is expected since the Wow6432Node key is only recognizable in 64bit applications.
    Security Client Side extension is a 32 bit application and therefore cannot see the key to change permissions. In this situation, you need to change permission in HKLM/Software/[appname]. For more information, please refer to
    If it is Windows 7 32bit, this is a GPO not apply issue. Please check if the following registry keys exist on the Windows 7 client:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SMART Technologies Inc.
    If so, please help collect the following information:
    Did this problem only occur on one Windows 7 client or occur on all Windows 7clients?
    What’s the Operating System on the DC?
    Enable debug logging for the Net Logon service. Reproduce the problem and check if there is any relevant error.
    Enabling debug logging for the Net Logon service

  • Unplanned adjustment for closed FY and changing of depr key for new FY

    Hi Everyone,
    i understand that this is a common problem and some folk have already post similar post, however i find that confusing or maybe i have not search enough.
    here is my problem:
    we have gone live for 2 year, since 2009. we have posted depreciation based on the old depre key for the last 2 years. in the current FY, the auditor have found a mistake and wanted to change the depreciation key and post the unplanned depreciation for the overcharge. may i know the correct steps to execute this change? and is there any important area that i have to pay attention to?
    please take note that the current FY is already coming to an end.
    example of steps:
    1. post the overcharge amount through unplanned depreciation AFAA
    2. change the depreciation key and change the start of depreciation date, expired useful life
    3. run depreciation posting for planned and unplanned

    1. post the overcharge amount through unplanned depreciation AFAA
    2. change the depreciation key and change the start of depreciation date, expired useful life
    3. run depreciation posting for planned and unplanned
    1. You create a separate transaction type for this purpose of else use 640 or 641. Posting them by using AB01 or ABSO. At this point this will be at FI-AA only, when you run depreciation to AFAB, then the GL entries will be posted.
    2. You need to execute LSMW in order to change the Dep. Key, Depreciation Start Date and Expired Useful.
    3. You run the repeat run in AFAB, if you have already posted the depreciation, otherwise, usually select "planned posting run".
    Edited by: Ravi Sankar Venna on Dec 9, 2011 1:49 PM

  • Skype corrupted registry keys (?) and error 1603

    The predecessor version to the version had error code 1603. The error code basically stated that there was an error with the registry keys. I never found the solution to the problem. I think it was either the registry keys failing to completely uninstall, they were corrupted or it was both of them. I asked for help wherever I could ask for it and I got none; all the responses were the typical, generic ones that said to re-install Skype, linked me to past people's problems with the same issue. It got very frustrating.
    I figured that if I tried installing the new version of Skype I would get my Skype back (I've been Skype free since about September now) as the registry keys may be different for it.
    I tried re-installing the new Skype today using Google Chrome, but the Skype file that opened up was the "SkypeSetUpFull" as opposed to the "Skypesetup", that was supposed to show. I got the same "error code 1603" message and Skype failed to install.
    So, I went on to Internet Explorer to try to install the newest, updated Skype. I got the same Skype error as above.
    Screenshots from the original error:
    I'd appreciate the help in finally fixing this registry key error of mine. Please help if you can.

    I really do apologize for my recent inactivity. I'm back now and I'd like to solve this issue once and for all.
    I've tried the above (except for the hotfixes because I do not know how they work) and nothing's worked.
    I've tried the generic help solutions and nothing's worked. I believe the issue is with registry keys or with corrupted registry keys and missing startup software.
    I have a question that needs an answer:
    In an effort to completely remove Skype from my system, I removed its startup software from the startup list on CCleaner. Subsequently, whenever I try to install Skype from the official Skype website or any other site, the installer that I'm presented with is "SkypeSetUpFull" and not "Skypesetup".
    Is there any way to fix this error?

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