Target group blank

Running WSUS 3.0 sp2 and SCCM 2012 on same windows server. 
 I've created a test (test windows) target group within SCCM with 4 clients in that group. When I check the clients windowsupdate.log "target group = " its blank, no "test windows" group shows up. Any thoughts ? 

You don't have to approve the updates when WSUS is integrated with the ConfigMgr, instead create a deployment where the patches are downloaded in the deployment package and sent to the DP. The patches get installed as per the schedule mentioned in the
deployment. And we have more logs for updates in ConfigMgr apart from the general WindowsUpdate.log.
Check this out:
Umair Khan |

Similar Messages

  • Screen become blank during the Manual Target Group creation

    Hi SAP,
    In the Marketing Segmentation, there is an option to allow the manual Target Group creation. I have a list of 5000 BP and I upload it via "Import Business Partner". It is just 5krecords and the screen goes blank. We have tried several times and encountering the same thing which there is no enhancement applied. Any idea if there is limit on BP to be uploaded?

    Hi Subhashish,
    High Volume Segmentation is recommended for segmentation activities for more than 500.000 BPs. In  your case Classic Segmentation fits perfectly.
    Please read the SAP documentation for more information:
    Segmentation - SAP Library
    Furthermore since the Import Business Partner functionality is not Java based this cannot be a Java problem.
    Do you receive a dump in transaction "st22" after trying the import?

  • Crm 2007- target group creation

    Hi all,
    I am not able to view my Graphical Modeler screen in my Webclient.I am getting a blank screen, but no error messages.
    Is there any additional settings to make Graphical Modeler active ?

    Hi Aravind,
    Is Java runtime installed in your system ? 
    The Graphical modeller in 2007 for creation of Target groups is a Java Applet.
    Hope this helps you.

  • Target group

    hi ,
      How to create the target group

    Create Attributes
    You create an attribute with a particular type of marketing activity in mind. Assume, for example, you wish to create attributes for an attribute set to be assigned to an online book store. One of the attributes you require is "Favorite author".
    Create the attribute "Favorite author" in the relevant attribute set.
    Enter Character Format as the format. Since you only want one author to be selected, leave the Multi Value checkbox blank. Since you want this information to be mandatory for all business partners, select Entry Required.
    You can now specify the possible values for this attribute.
    You can also specify that a given attribute value is to be proposed as a default value. For example, in a given scenario, you may want to prompt a business partner to choose a particular value.
    Attribute set
    A finite group of criteria used to create marketing profiles.
    Attribute sets are created in SAP CRM. They can be used in applications such as Internet Sales where they appear as a form. In Business Routing, they group attributes used to describe call center agents or business partners.
    Attribute Lists
    U can find the Attribute sets in Attribute lists
    Attribute lists are lists of selection criteria that are used to model marketing profiles. These selection criteria can derive from one of the following data sources:
    Business partner master data (obtained by means of InfoSet queries)
    Marketing attributes (grouped together as attribute sets)
    Allot points if helpful

  • Enhance target group result list

    Hi *,
    I'm faced a requirement to enhance the result list of a target group with some SAP standard fields. Essentially persons and organizations data have to be combined in one list to export to excel.
    In the configuration I found # 30 "blank" fields to use for this purpuse. Unfortunately I have no idea how to fill these fields.
    Any suggestions.
    Thanx a lot.
    Kind regards

    Hello Thomas,
    you can use BAdI CRM_MKTTG_SEG_MEM_EX to enhance the structure CRMT_MKTTG_GENIL_TG_I_ATTR. This contains up to 30 user defined fields. Please refer to the customizing:
    --> Marketing --> Segmentation --> Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)
    --> BAdI: Define Display and Export for Target Group Members List
    The fields are then mapped to the context node TARGETGROUPITEM in view SEGED_HV/TargetGroupItemEOL.
    best regards,

  • Creation of Target group.

    Hi All,
    I having one urgent requirement, we have maintained the Ztable for maintaning the information of Vehicles against Business partners.
    The Fields in the said Ztables are Vehicle type, vehicle Reg Number and BP number.
    I want to send the mails using target group to customer who is having Perticular vehicle type for that i have created Infoset using the Ztable, then i have created the data source for target group still i m not getting the desired result !!!!!!
    please anybody tell me that i  missing any of step for above requirement ???
    how to link up the BP to Ztables fields ???
    How to create the said Target group ???   

    You can try this alternative solution:-
    Instead of maintaining vehicle type etc in Z table, please crate it as "attribute", and assign it to Business Partners.
    You can use CRMD_PROF_BP transaction to assign Attributes to Business partners.
    Based on the attributes , you can subsequently create the "target group".
    Pl. Reward points if it helps !!

  • How to retrieve Business Partners Per Target group

    Hi experts!!!
    I am new to CRM development and i need to find the tables related to the target group.
    So far i have only found some tables that hold the T.G. GUID, but i cannot understand how these are connected among them.
    The requirement i have is to retrieve all the bussiness partners related to a specific target group.
    So in the selection screen i should use the target group. (Which field is that??)
    Please help!!!
    Thank u in advance!!!

    HI Grigoria,
    The tables that hold the information that you have requested for is as follows:
    Assuming you found the TG GUID for which you are trying to find the BP's inside it
    Go to Table CRMD_IM_ML_HEAD
    Paste the TG Guid value in the TARGETGRP_GUID field.This would return you "ML_GUID_H" value.
    Take this Guid value and go to table "CRMD_IM_ML_ITEM"
    Paste the ML_GUID_H value from the previous table in the field "ML_GUID_H" of the above table.
    This will return all the BP Guids associated in that TG , which you can convert into the BP # using an FM or from the table BUT000
    Hope this Help's

  • Custom Attributes in Target Group Email Campaign Not Refreshed

    We have a campaign sending emails to a target group of BPs.  To fill our custom attributes with values  we have implemented our code in badi CRM_IM_ADD_DATA_BADI method CRM_IM_BPSELE.  We tested our code using the Test Send feature from the email form and all worked fine.
    But when we ran the campaign in the background for a Target Group with multiple BPs it would not work correctly, our attribute values were incorrect. 
    We discovered while debugging the job, that the badi gets run once for each BP, but the attribute values from the previous BP do NOT get refreshed.  In fact there are 2 entire sets of attribute records in the CT_ATT_VALUES table parameter.  Each time through it multiplies by another set of our attributes.
    I have put code in the badi as a workaround that deletes the previously filled attributes for the previous BP, but I'd like to figure out what is causing this problem.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Lee,
    Is this issue resolved for you now??
    I am facing the similar problem.
    Though the BADi is not used for these two mails (it is used in some other mail forms), it is actually called in 'CRM_ERMS_MAIL_COMPOSE' Function Module and the process is same as u said. There are 2 sets of values.
    I am using a Mail Alert functionality where in a 'Mail Alert ON' is sent to field engineers (FE) and then upon FE accepting the work we will send a 'Mail Alert OFF' to FEs.
    Problem is, we get one or two fields data incorrectly sometimes. I am not able to find out the root cause yet.
    Please let me know if you have had any resolution to this!
    Thanks in advance.

  • Creating a target group based on the BP email address only in CRM

    Hi there,
    I am currently trying to create a target group based on the business partner email address only.
    I have a list of over 1000 email addresses - these email addresses equate to a BP in our CRM system, however I do not have a list of the equivalent business partner numbers, all I have to work on are the email addresses.  With these 1000 BP email addresses I need to update the marketing attributes of each of these 1000 BP records in CRM.
    What I need is a method to find the 1000 BP numbers based on the email addresses and then use the marketing expert tool (tx. CRMD_MKT_TOOLS) to change the marketing attributes on all of the 1000 BPs.
    The issue I am having is how can I find the list of BP numbers just based on the BP email address, I tried creating an infoset based on table BUT000, BUT020 and ADR6 but I after creating attribute list & data source for this I am stuck on what to do next. In the attribute list the selection criteria does not allow me to import a file for the selection range.  I can only enter a value but I have 1000 email addresses and cannot possibly email them manually in the filter for the attribute list.   I also looked at imported a file into the target group but I do not have any BP numbers so this will not work.
    Does anyone know a method where I can create a target group based on the email addresses only without having to do any code?
    Any help would be most appreciated.
    Kind regard

    Hi JoJo ,
    The below report will return you BP GUID from emails that is stored in a single column .xls file and assign the BP to a target group.
    REPORT  zexcel.
    * G L O B A L D A T A D E C L A R A T I O N
    TYPE-POOLS : ole2.
    TYPES : BEGIN OF typ_xl_line,
    email TYPE ad_smtpadr,
    END OF typ_xl_line.
    TYPES : typ_xl_tab TYPE TABLE OF typ_xl_line.
    DATA : t_data TYPE typ_xl_tab,
           lt_bu_guid TYPE TABLE OF bu_partner_guid,
           ls_bu_guid TYPE  bu_partner_guid,
           lt_guids TYPE TABLE OF bapi1185_bp,
           ls_guids TYPE  bapi1185_bp,
           lt_return TYPE bapiret2_t.
    * S E L E C T I O N S C R E E N L A Y O U T
    PARAMETERS : p_xfile TYPE localfile,
                  p_tgguid TYPE bapi1185_key .
    * E V E N T - A T S E L E C T I O N S C R E E N
           filename         = p_xfile
           inv_winsys       = 1
           no_batch         = 2
           selection_cancel = 3
           selection_error  = 4
           OTHERS           = 5.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         CLEAR p_xfile.
    * E V E N T - S T A R T O F S E L E C T I O N
    * Get data from Excel File
       PERFORM sub_import_from_excel USING p_xfile
       CHANGING t_data.
       SELECT but000~partner_guid FROM but000 INNER JOIN but020 ON
    but000~partner =
         INNER JOIN adr6 ON but020~addrnumber = adr6~addrnumber INTO TABLE
    lt_bu_guid FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_data WHERE adr6~smtp_addr =
       CLEAR: lt_guids,ls_guids.
       LOOP AT lt_bu_guid INTO ls_bu_guid.
         ls_guids-bupartnerguid = ls_bu_guid.
         APPEND ls_guids TO lt_guids.
           targetgroupguid = p_tgguid
           return          = lt_return
           businesspartner = lt_guids.
    *&      Form  SUB_IMPORT_FROM_EXCEL
    *       text
    *      -->U_FILE     text
    *      -->C_DATA     text
    FORM sub_import_from_excel USING u_file TYPE localfile
    CHANGING c_data TYPE typ_xl_tab.
       CONSTANTS : const_max_row TYPE sy-index VALUE '65536'.
       DATA : l_dummy TYPE typ_xl_line,
              cnt_cols TYPE i.
       DATA : h_excel TYPE ole2_object,
              h_wrkbk TYPE ole2_object,
              h_cell TYPE ole2_object.
       DATA : l_row TYPE sy-index,
              l_col TYPE sy-index,
              l_value TYPE string.
       FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_dummy> TYPE ANY.
    * Count the number of columns in the internal table.
         ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE l_dummy TO <fs_dummy>.
         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           cnt_cols = sy-index.
    * Create Excel Application.
       CREATE OBJECT h_excel 'Excel.Application'.
       CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Get the Workbook object.
       CALL METHOD OF h_excel 'Workbooks' = h_wrkbk.
       CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Open the Workbook specified in the filepath.
       CALL METHOD OF h_wrkbk 'Open' EXPORTING #1 = u_file.
       CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * For all the rows - Max upto 65536.
       DO const_max_row TIMES.
         CLEAR l_dummy.
         l_row = l_row + 1.
    * For all columns in the Internal table.
         CLEAR l_col.
         DO cnt_cols TIMES.
           l_col = l_col + 1.
    * Get the corresponding Cell Object.
           CALL METHOD OF h_excel 'Cells' = h_cell
             EXPORTING #1 = l_row
             #2 = l_col.
           CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Get the value of the Cell.
           CLEAR l_value.
           GET PROPERTY OF h_cell 'Value' = l_value.
           CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Value Assigned ? pass to internal table.
           CHECK NOT l_value IS INITIAL.
           ASSIGN COMPONENT l_col OF STRUCTURE l_dummy TO <fs_dummy>.
           <fs_dummy> = l_value.
    * Check if we have the Work Area populated.
         IF NOT l_dummy IS INITIAL.
           APPEND l_dummy TO c_data.
    * Now Free all handles.
       FREE OBJECT h_cell.
       FREE OBJECT h_wrkbk.
       FREE OBJECT h_excel.
    Just copy paste the code and run the report select any local xls file with emails and pass the target group guid.
    snap shot of excel file:
    Let me know if it was useful.

  • Need to change the targeting group of a Rule or monitor after a alert is created.

    Hi All,
    I have created many alerts and they are working fine. Currently due to business requirement we have installed Windows server 2012 operating systems in our production environment. But we have targeted the
    "Windows server 2008 r2 full operation system" group as per the below screen shot. As we now have to import the management pack for Windows server 2012 as well.
    What we have planned is to change the targeting group from "Windows server 2008 r2 full operation system"
    to "Windows server operating system group" so the alert / monitor or rule will target all windows server which has been discovered in SCOM rather that only the servers running Windows server 2008 r2.
    I was also not able to set overrides for this as that server was not coming under Windows server 2008 r2 full operation system as it was a Windows server 2012 agent.
    I can also go ahead and create new alerts but i have created custom of 1000 alerts and i cannot go ahead and re create them.
    Is there any way to change them. If yes Can i do a bulk change via powershell ?
    Below is the screenshot of what i really want. Can any on e please help.

    You can't really change the target class of a monitor in a sealed vendor pack. If this is your own custom pack, then you can change the target class no problem, but this would need to be done on the unsealed XML (using VSAE or some other authoring tool).
    Then you can seal the pack and re-import (should be upgrade compatible, since you are just changing the target).
    I'm not familiar with this particular monitor in your screenshot, but it looks like this should probably target Exchange? If this is the case, then I would recommend targeting the closest typed class that the monitor should run against. In this case, some
    type of Exchange class that is already in the Exchange management pack.
    Otherwise, you can also create your own custom class for targeting, which I describe in detail on my blog.
    Here are all my sample VSAE fragments.
    Here is an example of
    using the Application Component base for your new class.
    Here is an example of
    using Local Application base for your new class.
    Jonathan Almquist | SCOMskills, LLC (

  • Authorization Error while exporting a target group to local file

    Dear All,
    When we tried to export a created target group to local file, system gave an error message: "Authorization required. See SAP Note: 697572".
    In this note, it tells that we should add certain authorization entries into the Java policy file under: \lib\security. It mentioned:
    Authorization              Target name       Action
    RuntimePermission                                modifyThread
    PropertyPermission        user.dir           read
    FilePermission            <<ALL FILES>>   read
    FilePermission            <<ALL FILES>>    write
    RuntimePermission                                  shutdownHooks
    And what we put into the policy file is as below:
         permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";
         permission java.util.FilePermission "ALL FILES", "read";
         permission java.util.FilePermission "ALL FILES", "write";
         permission java.util.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";
         permission java.util.RuntimePermission "shutdownHooks";
    We are not sure about whether we should put  <<ALL FILES>> or ALL FILES, but tried both way and still didn't work.
    Could you please share your experience on this?

    Tried again and it worked.

  • How to create/assigh Target Group while creating Marketing Plan in CRM 6.0

    Hi all,
    I am new to this field  and would like to know that how can we assign the Target Group ( business Partners ) in the Campaign while creating a Marketing plan.
    It will be really handy for me if I get the detail steps to execute.

    perhaps this can help you:
    This describes step by step what you have to do to create a marketing plan / campaign.

  • Change Management and Target Group in STMS

    Hello, We use the Change Management (SolMan 4.0). Up to now it works fine. We deliver always one client in the System (E33.002; T33.002 and P33.002). Now we try to change this. We will deliver more than one client in every system at the same time (to have always the same status in every client). So we use Target groups in STMS. This works fine if I do the transports manualy. But if I try to do it with the change management it doesn't work. The change management still deliver one client (002).
    Can someone give me a hint?
    Best regards

    Hi Jose,
    check below link.
    Leads not getting created via ELM

  • Automatic Profile Set / Target Group Creation in SAP CRM

    Need some help on the listed process.
    Is there any procedure to create Profile Ser/Target group automatically based on certain criteria? We want to reduce the manual work of Profile/Target group creation for the users.
    We are currently using SAP CRM 5.0 and looking at options of creating Target Groups automatically based on infoset. The criteria used to model is below mentioned.
    - New Customers  & Head Office (They are the customer specific Z-fields in BP Master Data)
    - Relationship Data: Has contact person Relationship. This is based on the assignment of Contact person to the BP (i.e. Day when the Relationship assignment done to the respective BP Master Data --> under Relationship tab page.
    We are not using Attribute Set (that we assign to Marketing Attribute tab page of BP Master), for your information.
    Appreciate, if you could let us know whethe this is possible by Standard feature/ any work around on this.
    Kindly do the needful.

    Hello Rahul,
    it is possible to create a target group from an external list as far as i am aware. Maybe have a look at

  • Enhance output of Target Group opened in segment builder

    Hello Experts,
    We are implementing SAP CRM Lean Marketing using CRM 7.0. Our business requirement is to do segmentation based on Company attributes and Relationship Category. The output of the target group should enlist the persons related to the Company based on the relationship category selected while doing the segmentation.
    Using standard InfoSet CORM_MKTTG_BP_ORG_CDE and while creating data source selecting BUT000_PER-PARTNER_GUID in the field business partner, we are able to get the list of persons matching the segmentation query (based on the relationship category e.g. Has Supplier, Has Contact Person, etc) . But the issue is , the output of the target group (shown as an ALV grid , when the target group is opened in segment builder) only enlists matching Persons, it does not enlist the related company ID /name in front of the Person ID in the output of the target group. And this Company BP ID is not available if I try to modify the output layout. So business is unable to understand the Person enlisted in TG belongs to which Company. Can we enhance this ALV grid output of the target group displayed in segment builder ? if yes , how can it be achieved ? If this is possible and we are able to add related company BP ID/ name in front of every person enlisted in the target group then our issue gets resolved. Or is there any alternative solution to resolve this issue ?
    Highly appreciate your early response in order to resolve this critical issue.
    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: AMBAR ADHAV on Sep 10, 2011 11:52 AM
    Edited by: AMBAR ADHAV on Sep 10, 2011 2:21 PM

    Thanks for the response.
    As per your suggestion I made additions to my z Infoset , and added all the fields you suggested.
    While creating the data source I selected following fields
    Business Partner: BUT000_PER-PARTNER_GUID (as my requirement is to return Persons and this field works with only GUID)
    Reference Object: BUT051-RELNR
    Reference Object Type:  BUT051-RELTYP
    Now when I create the target group with this data source unfortunately I am still not getting the the relationship number when I click in Show assigned Objects in the target group screen of web UI.
    Please suggest where I am going wrong

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