Tcode MD02 - PurchReq number range

Dear Experts,
I try to make sure whether it is eventually isn't possible to create a purchase requisition using Tcode MD02 (MRP run) using a defined number range (Tcode OMH7).
As known a reservation exists and afterawards during the MRP run a purchase requisition is created.
Using the enhancement MEREQ001(EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_009), M06B0003 (EXIT_SAPMM06B_001) and M06B0004 (EXIT_SAPLEBNE_001) I can only manage the number range for several Tcodes like ME51, ME51N, etc. ...
Does anybody know whether it's possible to hang on my logic for the Tcode MD02 eventually MD51.
Please advice
PS: Please don't concern the Tcode OPTT which is only preordained for networks at all.

Hmm ... the exit seems to be designated only for purchase orders as I see. There is no feature to link it to purchase requisition number range ... OR?

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    I think number ranges of inventory documents are on client level not on company code wise . because even though  your creating new document and assigned different number ranges for the documents but  these while assigning  ranges to T codes (MIGO or MIRO) you dont have option like company codes ( tcode OMBA) so number ranges for inventory documents are at client level  not at company code level.

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    Hi Mr.Arthur Duman,
    <b>Plz check with T code SNUM - Number Range for Settlement Documents CO objects.</b>
    or else check with this menu path
    SPRO- Logistics Execution - Direct store Delivery back end-Route Accounting-Basic Functions-Number ranges-Maintain Number ranges for Settlement documents.
    If helpful reward points.
    Thanks & Regards

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    Points will be assigned.
    Regards to all.

    Go to the Following path and maintain the Number range:
    SPRO- Financial Accounting - FA Global Setting - WTH - Extended - Posting - India - WTH Tax Certificate for Vendor & Customers -1) Maintain Number Groups 2) Assign Numer Groups.3)Mainatin Number Ranges.
    Also goto SM30
    Maintain the following :
    Hope its useful,

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    Prabu S.

    For project defination internal number is assigned by system.
    When you saves's project then system allocate one number to project defination, you can view it,
    SE11 >>> table  PROJ >> Click on contents >>> execute,
    here you will get your project defination & number is assigned to project defination.

  • Purchase requisition  number Range in MRP Run (MD02)

    Hi Experts ,
    When I run the MRP through T-Code MD02 even in test mode the Purchase requisition number getting consumed with out saving the entries.
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    Please guide me....

    Nothing is missing.  This is standard behavior.  It appears to me that SAP makes no effort to ensure that all Purchase request numbers are contiguous.
    You can try turning off number range buffering.  This will reduce the number of gaps in your purchase req number sequences.  However, I don't know if it will eliminate all gaps.  Be aware that there is a performance tradeoff when you deactivate buffering.  Making this change is considered to be a system modification, and is not supported by SAP.

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    Please respond.
    Best Regards,

    hi al,
    Use transaction ML10 to create service specification.
    Service specification can be also be created in the form of Purchase requisition. The document must contain the set of service specification listing the necessary services in detail. The details of service specifications can be maintained at item detail level wher u can enter description, qty, price and other details. We can summarize both service with master records and without master records in service specifications.
    We can have a maximum of 4 hierarchy levels at outline levels.

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    I have requirement while creating purchase order my client want to generate internal number range based on company code,document type and, we are making one custom table to hold compny code,plant,doc.type and Number range number.I am using me_process_po_cust badi for the same.I got the po header and item data from this problem is how i can pass this number range number in me21n to respective fields.
    Sleela Patil

    Thank u both of you..I tried that exit.following is the code I have written for that exit.
          WERKS LIKE T001W-WERKS.
                    WHERE BUKRS EQ NEKKO-BUKRS.
                      INTO WA_TAB
                      WHERE BUKRS EQ NEKKO-BUKRS
                      AND WERKS EQ WERKS    "T001K-BWKEY
                      AND BSART EQ NEKKO-BSART.
      IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0.
        MESSAGE 'Please maintain Number range in table zvs_mm_range' TYPE 'E'.
    Here, I am getting data as I needed but problem is client having multiple plant for single company code.I am not able to capture plant in this, it is in item,later on tried to do it using me_process_po_cust badi.
    Now my problem is that how to pass this number range number in me23n tansaction.
    Sheela Patil

  • Lexicographic flag setup and material number range change

    Hi gurus,
    got the following situation:
    AS IS:
    Tcode MMNR: Number range for material master part number: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA   to   ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ  (lenght 18, external assignment)
    Tcode OMSL: Lexicographic flag IS NOT setup
    Tcode OMS2: For all material types flag "External no. assignment w/o check" IS SETUP
    Basically we can't create numeric only part numbers.
    The new requirement is to be able to create numeric part numbers like:
    01234  (where the leading zero is a significant character for the part number)
    By doing the following changes:
    MMNR: change number range 000000000000000000  to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
    OMSL: setup lexicographic AND leading zeros flag
    OMS2: clear flag for External no. assignment w/o check
    I see I do achieve the result: numeric part numbers can be created, leading zeros are managed in the correct way and all numeric part numbers are LEFT-aligned, so looking to MARA you would see part numbers like this:
    I did already tried all the above changes in the quality system, then created a numeric part number and an alfanumeric part number, for both of them did create a PO, Inbound delivery, posted MIGO, created a sales order, outbound delivery, PGIed without any issue, stock was displayed and managed correctly by the system, same for material docs.
    We already thought about BW, so in case we do the changes BW would be ok.
    Apparently everything is fine so I should go for the production system BUT........  in my mind I'm thinking that OMSL Tcode is usually setup day 1 of an Sap project and then usually you forget it... I have the fear that even if everything looks fine (and Sap allows me to change the customizing), I'm going to muck up the system...
    Have you ever had the same to do ?  I already saw posts similar to this one but already existing conditions were different so to me this case looks like unique so far..
    Any help, suggestion, whatever will be highly appreciated, especially cause I have to take a decision by tomorrow morning
    Many thanks in advance !!
    Edited by: Matt on Aug 13, 2011 7:39 AM - profanity removed

    As you never had numeric numbers, it should not create a big problem.
    I am working in a system with lexicographical setting in use.
    But you have to keep in mind that your sort sequence is quite different to numeric numbers, like this:
    And you may get the one or other issue if you download material numbers to Excel, with wrong settings you will loose your leading zeros.
    A similar effect happens most of the time if user not very familiar with Excel give you a file for an upload, as this often is prepared without leading zeros, which could cause a load to the wrong material if the remaining number would be a duplicate:
    0123 and 123
    Of course is a selection by number range  not that easy as it is with numeric numbers.  Usingthe first example a range from 1 to 3 includes materials 10, 11 and  12 as well

  • Excise invoice number ranges

    I want to define number ranges for particular sales document type. Am aware we can do it through Tcode SNRO. But pls guide me step wise what field to  selct from drop down .
    /BEV1/EMLG     Empties Update Sequence Number
    /BEV3/CHAB     Number Range for Settlement Runs
    /BEV3/CHBK     Number Range for Purchase Control Results
    /BEV3/CHBU     Number Range for Posting Document
    /BEV3/CHEG     Number Range for Supplementary Documents
    /BEV3/CHEV     Sequence Number of BTEs Used in Contract Handling
    /BEV3/CHLE     Sequence Number of Amount when Entering External Amount
    /BEV3/CHOB     Number Range for Objects in the Beverage Industry
    /BEV3/CHSO     CH Assortment Number
    /BEV3/CHVA     Number Ranges for Contract Statement
    /BEV3/CHVD     Contract Handling Document Number
    /DSD/FSR     DSD: Run Number of Final Settlement
    /DSD/ME_CO     Number Range Cockpit
    /DSD/ME_CP     Customizing Cockpit
    /DSD/ME_KY     DSD Mobile Key
    /DSD/PR_NR     Number Range for MDSD Promotion Numbers

    In SNRO , Give object type RV_BELEG. In that you maintan your number range.

  • Number Range (series) for Billing Document (F2) and Excise Invoice

    Hi All,
    I want to know how the number ranges / number series is defined for billing documents (F2) and excise invoice, for India business scenario.
    In India, the excise invoice is given to the customer so that he can the excise duty/ cenvat. This invoice acts as the Tax invoice (having all pricing elements apart from excise duty) against which customer outstanding is considered. That is, the payment due will be tracked against this Tax (excise) invoice.
    But in SAP, the accounts posting is done (customer a/c debited) when we creaate and post the billing document (type F2). Hence, the outstanding amount is tracked against the billing document created. This billing doc/invoice will have all the pricing components like price, discount, freight, etc apart from excise duty.
    The excise invoice is created separately....with ref to the above billing doc....for posting the excise duty.
    If the number ranges for billing document and excise invoice are different then it is difficult to trace the outstanding amount from a particular customer on the basis of excise invoice created in the system.
    Can somebody provide inputs/solution on this?
    Thanks indvance.

    Hi Saurabh,
    My question is not how to define number range for billing doc and excise invoice? i mean what procedure / tcode to be used for the same?
    My question is whether we need to define same number range for Billing doc (F2) as well as Excise Invoice.
    For example: number range 1000 to 1999  --- same for F2 and excise invoice....
    Lets say billing doc 1000 is created. Further, when we create excise invoice w.r.t. this billing doc....the excise invoice created will also need to be 1000. that we can identify that against this excise invoice, we need to collect the payment from customer.
    If the number ranges for billing doc and excise invoice are different, then it is difficult for the user to trace the outstanding payment .....because genarally the excise is treated as Tax invoice by companies in India ...(so that the customer can claim the excise duty....when he purchases the goods from the company).
    Whereas the customer account is hit when the billing doc is posted .....hence i feel, we need to keep the same number range for billing doc and exice invoice.
    Hope the question/scenario is clear now.
    I would appreciate the inputs on the above, from the consultants/experts who have worked on SAP implementation projects in India.

  • Same Number Range for OTHR and DLFC

    Hi All,
    I want to know whether we can mantain different number range for OTHR and DLFC transaction Type for same Series Group.
    i.e for Returns Vendor Delivery Excise Invoice(MM side-OTHR) and Outgoing Excise Invoice(Sales Side-DLFC).
    Pls guide me..
    With Regards

    even when you sell SFG / Trading goods -( HAWA / HALB) , then also you have to update RG1, though they are not FG materials.
    Material type in terms of excise, but not in terms of SAP.
    When customer returns the goods, you can process it in 2 ways-
    either by creatign Excise JV - J1IH
    or by following MM route, nothing but by creating Incoming excise Invoice wrt:inbound delivery-LR in Tcode:J1IEX-
    where in excise tab, material type will be defaulted as "F-RG1", but it has to be changed to "Raw Material".
    similarly, Vendor returns also treat as the same,
    for your info, adjustment of excise duty for vendor returns will be routed through excise JV in J1IS & mov type:122 -ret to vendor is activated for RG1.

  • Interval 01 was not created for number range object HRTEM_REFN

    Dear expert!
    Now, I'm getting some issues in Training and event management module.
    - The first, I created business event
    - Second, I process to book for business event by tcode: PSV1 --> book --> book/payment info --> activity allocation.
    But when I was booking, the system displayed error: "Interval 01 was not created for number range object HRTEM_REFN"
    Help me, please!
    Best regards, Huy!

    Go to the customization as below
    Training and event mgt>Basic settings>Number range maintanence>Define number ranges for External operation
    and maintain number ranges as 01 Internal
    Hope ur problem will solve
    with regards

  • Number range 01 is internal, do not enter a personnel number

    Im using PA40, and when I propose a personal number, the transaction sends this message "Number range 01 is internal, do not enter a personnel number"...  BUT I NEED to propose a personal number for my employees!!!... is it possible???!!!...
    Can anybody help me?...
    Thanks in advance!.

    hi alfredo
    see "Number range 01 is internal, do not enter a personnel number"... " if the message comes like this that means that particular number range is set for the internal number range i think so you are giving the personnel number if you remove that personnel number in IT0000 then save this case if you want to take the personnel number internal. if you want to take your personnel number then go to pa04 and assign personnel number range make it as external in the last column you can see there check box just click on that check box. and assign this same personnel number range (for ex you have given in pa04 07-00000000-10000000) the 07 in my example you have to assign in the numkr feature in TCODE PE03. in that assign countrygrouping-company code-personnel area-personnel subarea-ee group-eesubgroup- number range 07. i hope it is clear

  • Service Entry Sheet & Accounting number range

    Dear Experts,
    While I'm trying to Release a Service Entry Sheet this error appear :
    +Error analysis+
        +Short text of error message:+
        +Document number ENR 5000000000 2010 was already assigned+
        +Long text of error message:+
             +Document number 5000000000 in company code ENR and fiscal year 2010+
             +has already been assigned.+
         +System Response+
             +Termination of processing.+
             +Check document number range 50 in company code ENR and fiscal year+
             +2010 and correct the number range status if necessary.+
        +Technical information about the message:+
        +Message class....... "F5"+
        +Number.............. 152+
        +Variable 1.......... "ENR"+
        +Variable 2.......... 5000000000+
        +Variable 3.......... 2010+
        +Variable 4.......... 50+
    I think t is related to the FI document that should be created from the Service Entry Sheet and the number range assigned for it
    Please Advice
    Best Regards

    Yes, it seems you are right. Check the current number ranges using TCode FBN1 to know the current status for number range number 50 for your company code. Material documents are not company code specific.
    To know the status of the document in the table, check table BKPF and read the table for your company code, year 2010 and document number 5000000000 to 5000001000 and check how many entries are already there. Change the status of the number range in FBN1 to a number higher than the max in the range (This may be done by FI consultant).

Maybe you are looking for