TDM Excel plugin truncating number data with 000

I have a strange one. I have created a TDM file with several groups and channels. One of my channels has the name IMEI_MEID and the data shows 270113178003159793.  When this channel imports to excel the number is changed to 27011317800315000.  I'm not sure why this is happening. I saved the data in the TDM file as a DDC_String so it should be ok.
My plugin version is

Hi jsmalley,
It seems to be a problem with Excel in general. If you edit in Excel a number with more than 15 significant digits this phenomenon occurs. Example:
123456789012345111 is shown in Excel as 123456789012345000
It is not a problem of the Excel Add-In.

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    Hi Shashi,
    Below content is taken from oracle certification matrix.Microsoft office 2010,2008 supports the lastest version of info check with the oracle certification matrix.
    Version Supported
    Certification Type
    Exceptions and Additional Information
    Office Productivity Suite
    Office 2007 (all SP levels included)
    Office 2010 (all SP levels included)
    1. MICROSOFT OFFICE IS REQUIRED FOR: Smart View and Offline Planning when used with Reporting and Analysis, Financial Management, and Planning. Microsoft Office is also required for Disclosure Management, FDM, Financial Reporting Client, Performance Management Architect File Generator, and Strategic Finance.
    2. Offline Planning and Excel must be installed on the same machine.
    3. Microsoft Office 2010 (32-bit Office on 32 or 64-bit operating systems, 64-bit Office on 64-bit operating systems)
    4. EXCEPTION:  Disclosure Management has installation prerequisites. For Office 2007. See
    5. EXCEPTION: FDM server only supports the 32 bit version of Office.

  • TDM Excel Add-In truncate

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    We haveTDMS (binary encoded data) files on a lab PC and copies of these files in a server folder.
    When we run the TDM Excel Add-In to import these files the behavior is different when it comes from a "local" drive versus when the same data file (binary compare confirms they are the same) comes from a server folder.
    We normally get ~8900 rows and when it is read from the server we get ~1400 rows per control.
    A test of a different server was also performed with the same baffling results.
    This previously worked as expected from both locations.
    Is anyone else seeing this issue?  Do you have a fix??

    Hi Perkin,
     Just to clarify, when you import from a local file, you are able to load the entire file (approx 8900 rows). However, when you load the same file from the server, you are only able to load a portion of the file (approx 1400 rows). 
    Does this happen every time you load the file?
    You mentioned that this used to work, do you know of any changes that you have made since that time? (Consider software installation, removal, firewall or network changes).
    If you try to load a smaller file (such as one with fewer than 1400 rows) does the entire file get loaded? 
     Also, please do let us know about your software versions, share types, etc. as AndreasK mentioned.
    Thanks, and have a great afternoon!
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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             E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        

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    I found this on one of the forum questions.
    Excel dont preserve the trailing zeros.
    try opening the xcel and type 5.0000 and tab out, it wont preserve the trailing zeros after decimal.
    try finding out how to disable the option in excel. if you do that, you will see what you send out from the report.
    But you can try to convert the number into a text by trying to append a space at the beginning. See if that would work.

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    Thank You.

    You'll have to *alias* your columns, not prefix it with the table names:
    $[CHE_TEST@asterix1_impl] r
      1  declare
      2    cursor cData is
      3      with data as (
      4        select 1 id, 'test1' val1, 'a' val2 from dual
      5        union all
      6        select 1 id, '1test' val1, 'b' val2 from dual
      7        union all
      8        select 2 id, 'test2' val1, 'a' val2 from dual
      9        union all
    10        select 2 id, '2test' val1, 'b' val2 from dual
    11      )
    12      select,, a.val1, b.val1, a.val2, b.val2
    13      from data a, data b
    14      where =
    15      and a.val2 = 'a'
    16      and b.val2 = 'b';
    17  begin
    18    for rData in cData loop
    19      null;
    20    end loop;
    21* end;
      for rData in cData loop
    ERROR at line 18:
    ORA-06550: line 18, column 3:
    PLS-00402: alias required in SELECT list of cursor to avoid duplicate column names
    ORA-06550: line 18, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    $[CHE_TEST@asterix1_impl] r
      1  declare
      2    cursor cData is
      3      with data as (
      4        select 1 id, 'test1' val1, 'a' val2 from dual
      5        union all
      6        select 1 id, '1test' val1, 'b' val2 from dual
      7        union all
      8        select 2 id, 'test2' val1, 'a' val2 from dual
      9        union all
    10        select 2 id, '2test' val1, 'b' val2 from dual
    11      )
    12      select a_id, b_id, a.val1 a_val1, b.val1 b_val1, a.val2 a_val2, b.val2 b_val2
    13      from data a, data b
    14      where =
    15      and a.val2 = 'a'
    16      and b.val2 = 'b';
    17  begin
    18    for rData in cData loop
    19      null;
    20    end loop;
    21* end;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    Formula reads =IF(SUM(A11)>0,(D11−C11),"") where A11 is a date and D11- C11 are times, ie 4PM and 5PM
    Message was edited by: iamzoran

    Jerrold Green1,
    I agree with your words about using Sum with a single cell [have no idea why the "creator" of the file did that]; same for the parentheses enclosing subtraction. Yet cleaning it up as you showed me [=IF(A11>0,D11−C11,"") ] I got the same comment
    "You can’t compare a date with a number because their data types are different."
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    PS: I am so happy that I am able to use Spelling and Grammar Checker with Safari on these posts. I was born and raise in old Yugoslavia and I use the Checker with all my emails etc and its a life saver. hahaha

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    Thanks all,

    Hello Val_Auto.
    You're Brazilian, no? Me too. = ^ - ^ =
    I converted VI to version of your LabVIEW (8.5). Is attached in this reply.
    This VI search all your TDMS in a range of dates and join them in a single TDMS. I hope this is what you wanted.
    Query TDMS is the main VI. The TDMS VI Search changes the date format that out from calendar control (which is DD / MM / YYYY) to DD-MM-YYYY. This is because you can't name files using "/". I chose "-" but, if necessary, you should change to keep the same format of your TDMS files.
    If you have any doubt as to its operation or how to make changes to adapt VI for your application, keep at your disposal.
    Thank you for your contact; I hope have helped you and succeed in your application.
    Wesley Rocha
    Application Engineer
    National Instruments Brazil
    Visite a nossa comunidade em PORTUGUÊS!!!
    Query ‏62 KB
    tdms ‏24 KB

  • Excel tdms add in not showing data in spreadshee​t

    I've succesfully installed the Excel TDM Add In on several computers.
    The latest computer I tried to set up lets you select a TDMS file to import but the channel data does not appear. I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times with no luck. There are two example files attached. One from a successful import and another that is missing the data. Both files used the same source TDMS file which is also attached.
    It is running Windows 7 64-bit with MS Office 2010 - no different from the computers that the add in works on.
    Any idea what could be wrong?
    Failed Export Example.xlsx ‏17 KB
    Successful Export Example.xlsx ‏27 KB ‏8 KB

    What you forgot to mention is what process did you do to import the one that worked, and the one that didn't work?
    Was it the same process?
    All I did was double click the TDMS file.  By default it will open it with the TDMS Importer and open it in Excel.  For me the import was fine and I had all the data that your Successful version did.
    If you are interested in automating this feel free to try out my importer utility.
    It relies on the TDMS Excel add-in but it allows for other formatting, and freezing rows/columns in the data as well as providing an alternative summary page.
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines - Hooovahh - LabVIEW Overlord
    If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.

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    Hi All,
    I have developed an oracle report which fetches upto 5000 records.
    The requirements is to fetch upto 100000 records.
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    Have anyone faced this issue??
    Any idea to fetch huge amount of data by oracle report in excel format.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Manikant,
    According to your description, the performance is slow when display huge amount of data with more than 3 measures into powerpivot, so you need the hardware requirements for build a PowerPivot to display huge amount of data with more than 3 measures, right?
    PowerPivot benefits from multi-core processors, large memory and storage capacities, and a 64-bit operating system on the client computer.
    Based on my experience, large memory, multiprocessor and even
    solid state drives are benefit PowerPivot performance. Here is a blog about Memory Considerations about PowerPivot for Excel for you reference.
    Besides, you can identify which query was taking the time by using the tracing, please refer to the link below.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Alpha channel data with layered format plugin

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    // set up the pixel buffer
    int32 bufferSize = imSize.h*imSize.v;
    Ptr pixelData = sPSBuffer->New( &bufferSize, bufferSize );
    if (pixelData == NULL)
         *gResult = memFullErr;
    // Define the source and destination rectangles
    ReadChannelDesc *alphaChannel = gFormatRecord->documentInfo->alphaChannels;
    PIChannelPort port = alphaChannel->port;
    PSScaling scale;
    scale.sourceRect = scale.destinationRect = alphaChannel->bounds;
    VRect destRect = scale.sourceRect;
    // Set up the descriptor for reading pixel data
    VRect wroteRect = {0};
    PixelMemoryDesc dest = {0};
    dest.rowBits = imSize.h*alphaChannel->depth;
    dest.colBits = alphaChannel->depth;
    dest.depth = alphaChannel->depth; = pixelData;
    // Put the pixel data into the buffer
    *gResult = gFormatRecord->channelPortProcs->readPixelsProc(port,&scale, &destRect, &dest, &wroteRect);
    if(*gResult != noErr)
    The alpha channel gives me the proper name, but I just can't get the data associated with it. Thanks.

    I am still trying to find a solution to this.  The propChannelName is read only and the documentInfo structure is NULL when reading.  Any suggestions?

  • Ho to Comapre with Number Data Type

    My reqt is to do validation in ValidateEntity Method.
    How to compare the with Number Data type:
    For ex: Number a = gatAbc();
    throw new oaExcption...
    But while comapring i got compiler Error
    Error(218,17): method >(oracle.jbo.domain.Number, int) not found in class
    So plz tell me how to compare the integer value with Number data type

    Check with float. It will work definitely.
    float number = Float.parseFloat(HrsPerDay); //HrsPerDay is a String and I am converting it to float
    if(( number <= 0) || (number >= 21))
                            throw new OAAttrValException(OAAttrValException.TYP_VIEW_OBJECT,
                       }Here in this code i am also checking that the Hours cannot be less then 0 and greater than 20.

  • I bought Numbers because my Excel files would not work with Mavericks. How can I import a non-functioning Excel file into numbers? (As of now, the file NAME transfers but data is not.) but

    I bought Numbers because my Excel files would not work with Mavericks. How can I import a non-functioning Excel file into numbers? (As of now, the file NAME transfers but data does not.)

    HI Dave,
    I'm surprised you get no message when you attempt opening the Excel document in Numbers.
    I'm assuming Numbers 3.1, since you are running Mavericks.
    Does the Numbers file that opens show any content?
    Does it contain a table?
    How large?
    Does it contain more than one tab (indicating more than one sheet)?
    Do those other tabs contain a table?
    Have you checked those tables for data content?
    There have been cases in the past of imported documents opening with white text on a white background, giving the appearance of containing nothing. Check for this by selecting a block of cells, then applying a Fill colour or a Text colour using the Format button (paintbrush).
    I'd also suggest attempting to open the Excel files using LibreOffice, which can be downloaded from the linked website.

  • Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications

    I'm using Excel 2010 and when I try to open several workbooks a message "Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications" appears.  This happens when I open email attachments from MS Outlook
    and files on my C-Drive.
    Thank you for your help

    Hi NFL1,
    Could you tell me which version of office are you using, 32bit or 64bit? You said this issue always happened when open attachments from outlook and files in C-Driver.
    For opening attachments from outlook, it might there is a conflict between the preview pane and Excel. You can try to hide the preview pane as a workaround to solve this issue. Please refer to this link:
    It is often the case, if your file is large or contains a large amount of features, it is possible you are running low on available memory resources. If you work with extremely large data sets, the 64-bit version of Office may perform better for you. 32-bit
    office you run are limited to making use of only 2GB of RAM. And this is one of the reasons occur the issue, you can via these links to get more information about this issue and detailed methods to solve this problem.
    Please try these methods and let me know if they work, I am glad to help and forward to your reply.

  • How to clone data with in Table with dynamic 'n' number of columns

    Hi All,
    I've a table with syntax,
    create table Temp (id number primary key, name varchar2(10), partner varchar2(10), info varchar2(20));
    And with data like
    insert itno temp values (sequence.nextval, 'test', 'p1', 'info for p1');
    insert into temp values (sequence.nextval, 'test', 'p2', 'info for p2');
    And now, i need to clone the data in TEMP table of name 'test' for new name 'test1' and here is my script,
    insert into Temp  select sequence.nextval id, 'test1' name, partner, info from TEMP where name='test1';
    this query executed successfully and able to insert records.
    The PROBLEM is,
    if some new columns added in TEMP table, need to update this query.
    How to clone the data with in the table for *'n' number of columns and*
    some columns with dynamic data and remaining columns as source data.
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: pavankumargupta on Apr 30, 2009 10:37 AM

    Thanks for the quick reply.
    My Scenario, is we have a Game Details table. When ever some Game get cloned, we need to add new records in to that Table for the new Game.
    As, the id will be primary key, this should populate from a Sequence (in our system, we used this) and Game Name will be new Game Name. And data for other columns should be same as Parent Game.
    when ever business needs changes, there will be some addition of new columns in Table.
    And with the existing query,
    insert into Temp (id, name, partner, info) select sequence.nextval id, 'test1' name, partner, info from TEMP where name='test'_
    will successfully add new rows but new added columns will have empty data.
    so, is there any way to do this, i mean, some columns with sequence values and other columns with existing values.
    One way, we can do is, get ResultSet MetaData (i'm using Java), and parse the columns. prepare a query in required format.
    I'm looking for alternative ways in query format in SQL.
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: pavankumargupta on Apr 30, 2009 11:05 AM
    Edited by: pavankumargupta on Apr 30, 2009 11:05 AM

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