TDMS for SAP BI 7.0

We are planning to buy TDMS for our BI 7.0 system and wondering how TDMS will work for Cubes, aggregates? Is this tool will work exactly like system copy? I am not able to find good documentation on TDMS for BI specific.
Can some one share experience with this tool.

I'm also looking for information on this.  We know that TDMS can offer reductions on Info Cubes and ODS objects.  The question is, what is the impact if a customer is doing aggregates on the InfoCubes?  How does TDMS handle this?
Relational aggregates allow you to improve the performance of BI queries when data is read from an InfoCube. The data of a BI InfoCube is saved in relational aggregates in an aggregated form. Relational aggregates are useful if you want to improve the performance of one or more specific BI queries, or specifically improve the performance of reporting on characteristic hierarchies.

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  • TDMS For BI

    I have done tdms for r/3 ,4 iterations for tdtcc,tdtim,bpl.Now my client require tdms solution for bi.Recently i had workshop with sap for tdms erp not bi from my client.Could anyone 
    what type of quetions will popup from bi functional people and answers for that questions.I have to give some presention for clinet before i start hands-on.
    Thanks in Advance

    Process Tree for TDMS for BI is much similar to that of ERPs.
    -  Master Data is completely transferred.
    - Transactional data is reduced.
       Only Active ODS tables are transferred by default . New tables and change Log tables are not copied.
       For Infocubes , only E and F fact tables are reduced, Dimensional tables are completely copied.
    - PSA data is not transferred by default.
    - Technical content is also not transferred.
    As of now only Time based reduction is possible with TDMS BI.  Kind of TDTCC is not currently provided with TDMS BI.
    It is possible to copy selected infocubes but appending to existing client is not possible. When ever we run any TDMS package,data in receiver client is deleted and then copied data is written to it.

  • TDMS for ISU?

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    SAP TDMS for ISU.
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    Could you help clarify and if there is one TDMS ISU could you tell more info about it?

    Its not clear from the link as to what they did or plan to do for TDMS for ISU. So no inference could be made. May be they are talking about some consulting solution or projectized solution over and above standard TDMS.
    Difficult to comment.

  • Row Level Security not working for SAP R/3

    Hi Guys
    We have an environment where the details are as mentioned below:
    1. Crystal Reports are created using Open SQL driver to extract data from SAP R/3 using the SAP Integration Kit.
    2. The SAP roles are imported in Business Objects CMC.
    3. Crystal Reports are published on the Enterprise as well.
    3. Authorization objects are created in SAP R/3 and added as required for the row level security as mentioned in the SAP Installation guide as well. The aim is when the user logs into the Infoview and refreshes the report he should only see data that he is meant to so through the authorization objects.The data security works very much fine when the reports are designed directly on the table but when the reports are built on the Business View it doesnt work hence the user is able to see all data.
    Any help in this issue is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards

    In order for row level security to work for you using the OpenSql driver, you need to configure the Security Definition Editor on your SAP server.  This is a server side tool which the Integration solution for SAP offers as a transport.
    This tool defined which tables are to be restricted based on authorizations.
    However since you are seeing the issue on reports based on Business Views, you need to identify whether the Business View is configured in such a way where the user refreshing the report is based on the user logging into Infoview.  If the connection to your SAP server is always established with the same user when BV is used then you security definition is pointless.
    You can confirm this by tracing your SAP server to identify what user is being used to logon to SAP to refresh the reports.

  • BODS : Datastore options for SAP R/3 - need clarity for use

    Hi All.
    Another request to understand the datastore optiono n BOXI 3.1 BODS existing installation.
    We are trying to pull a new table from SAP R/3 into BODS and we find that ABAP program is not getting generated as expected. And terminates. When we tested a simple workflow.
    While creating a new datastore for SAP R/3 Source :
    When we look at the datastore we find the following options for R3 Source ;
    ABAP Execution option :
    Execute preloaded
    Generate and execute
    Under data transfer method we find ;
    Shared directory
    Direct download
    Custom transfer
    Then we have working directory on sap server
    local directory
    generated ABAP Directory
    Am testing a simple workflow of pulling data from SAP R/3 in a dev machine.
    But am not understanding.
    which option of ABAP Execution, and data transfer , path would work in co-ordination.
    Because when i say direct download and say generate and execute it throws error.
    Can anyone help me with combinations of the options to choose for a R/3 source. And the implications thereof.
    I had created a folder under local bods server D:\Bodi. And given the path for data transfer.
    But the files are not getting generated for whatsoever reasons.
    Any advise on this would be helpful.
    Also found a bit unusual, that there was no button to test the connection to be correct or not, a TEST connection button is not there. Which i felt, could be included.
    Note : on the existing production system, we have chosen execute preloaded; shared directory on sap server. and shared that folder path for the user and given full rights. But while we try to do the same on the dev machine a test before transporting on production, a simple workflow does not work.
    would like to know what settings on sap server, really affect the data store options on the BODS
    Edited by: Indumathy Narayanan on Jul 19, 2011 4:14 PM

    Indeed, BODS <> SAP connectivity can be tricky.
    For a development environment, I suggest you select the option "Generate and execute" for your "ABAP Execution Option." What this means is that DS will create, on the fly, small-ish ABAP programs. These ABAP programs will be written, in plain text, to a local directory on the DS job server, in the folder specified in "Generated ABAP Directory".  You can see them in there after an attempted job execution, assuming the job involves the creation of an ABAP program.  The ABAP program name is specified in the properties of an ABAP data flow, under Options > ABAP Program Name.  If you can't, perhaps the DS job server process doesn't have full rights to that folder - ?  After being generated on-the-fly, they'll be transferred to SAP to execute.  The SAP user you use to connect to SAP must have sufficient rights to upload-and-execute these ABAP programs, and that's a fairly substantial set of rights. What's required is documented in the BODS supplement for SAP. Often, to get things running, your friendly local Basis admin will grant SAP_ALL to the DS user, to see what rights are being invoked.
    Once all that jazz is working, you need to get the data back. There are a number of ways to do this. The method of data transfer is specified in "Data transfer method," where, ignoring "Custom transfer," you have three choices:
    1) Direct Download: easiest and slowest.  This method tells SAP to attempt to stick data in the client-side folder specified in "Local directory." Try this first.
    2) Shared folder: This is recommended when you have SAP being hosted on a Windows box. Basically: you set "Working directory on SAP Server" and "Data Services path to the shared directory" to point to the same folder.  SAP uses the "Working directory on SAP Server" to find this folder, and DS uses the other setting. So, for instance, if you were going to use the Shared folder method, you could set "Working directory on SAP Server" to "E:\BODS_Transfer", and, assuming E:\BODS_Transfer was shared-out as "BODS_Transfer", you could set "Data Services path to the shared directory" to\BODS_Transfer .  Then, you'd need to setup all the relevant security, as both SAP and DS need rights to read and write files in this folder.
    3) FTP (this is the method I usually use): SAP writes the "transport files" you're after (i.e., the data) in the folder specified in "Working directory on SAP Server". Then, you need to establish ftp connectivity to that folder from the DS job server's perspective, which you do by entering the ftp host name and the path to that folder in "FTP host name" and "FTP relative path to the SAP working directory".  In my opinion, the "relative" business is a little confusing, and I just typically enter the full ftp path, beginning the path w/ a forward slash, like "/usr/sap/tmp/BOBJ" or something like that.  You also need to obtain a separate username and password for the ftp connectivity. Note that this name and password has NOTHING to do with the SAP username and password; you're just setting-up DS to act as an ftp client. I strongly encourage you to test ftp connectivity by using a regular ftp client from the DS job server and attempt to connect to your ftp host using the username and password you were given, and attempting to fetch some sample test file. If you can't do this, manually, then DS won't be able to do it, either.
    Best wishes,
    Jeff Prenevost

  • Crystal Reports background processing for SAP Business One 8.8

    Dear Partners,
    I have an SDK program developed in SAP Business One SDK that works in 2007, it calls crystal reports externally and can be executed as a background task using the windows schedular or from the command prompt.
    My problem is it does not work under SAP Business One SDK 2008 PL18 with SQL Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008.
    I receive the following message after this line in my code,"oReport.PrintToPrinter(CopyNo, False, 0, 0)".
    'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LogOnException: Logon failed.
    Error in File XX_Report_Ver_0.01 {1A6620A2-5D73-49D2-9347-32ED068AA64E}.rpt:
    Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8004100F): Logon failed.
    Error in File XX_Report_Ver_0.01 {1A6620A2-5D73-49D2-9347-32ED068AA64E}.rpt:
    Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ReportSourceClass.GetLastPageNumber(RequestContext pRequestContext)
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.EromReportSourceBase.GetLastPageNumber(ReportPageRequestContext reqContext)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ConvertDotNetToErom.ThrowDotNetException(Exception e)
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.EromReportSourceBase.
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.EromReportSourceBase.GetLastPageNumber(ReportPageRequestContext reqContext)
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormatEngine.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
       at BGProductionRpt.ECR_Common.ECR_PrintReport(Int32 CopyNo) in C:\SDK Development\8.8\test\XX_Rpt\ECR_Common.vb:line 485'
    My Question is what Crystal Reports libraries or other method should I be using ?
    Crystal Reports 2008 for SAP Business One eg. - downloaded from portal obviously dosn't contain the CrystalDecisions libraries.
    Crystall Reports 2008 - cr2008_sp3_fullbuild, cr2008fp33.exe, cr2008fp33_mm, cr2008fp33_clickonce - also download from the portal, the cr2008_sp3_fullbuild does contain the crystal decisions libraries.
    Finally other choices are crystal reports included with the visual studio 2008 and crystal reports full version direct from Business Objects.
    I have tried different versions of crystal decision libraries- eg, 12.0110 or 12.02 but still no joy.
    Also if I manage to get the report to fire what should the client be running eg, if they have the Crystal Reports 2008 for Business One do they also need to install the Crystal Reports Run time - cr2008fp33_clickonce.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi John
    Since the SDK works in 2007 it will be using the OLD DB access method.
    Change the Crystal report to use an OLE DB datasource rather than the SAP Business One data source.

  • RFC Connection error in SM59 for SAP J2EE

    Hi All,
    i am getting the following error description while testing the connection for
    SAP J2EE ...
    Connection Test SAPJ2EE  
    Connection Type TCP/IP Connection  
    Logon              Connection Error
    Error Details     Error when opening an RFC connection
    Error Details     ERROR: program sapfallback not registered
    Error Details     LOCATION: SAP-Gateway on host filip / sapgw00
    Error Details     DETAIL: TP sapfallback not registered
    Error Details     COMPONENT: SAP-Gateway
    Error Details     COUNTER: 1483
    Error Details     MODULE: gwr3cpic.c
    Error Details     LINE: 1694
    Error Details     RETURN CODE: 679
    Error Details     SUBRC: 0
    Error Details     RELEASE: 700
    Error Details     TIME: Tue Mar 31 02:44:35 2009
    Error Details     VERSION: 2
    Help me resolve this

    Please follow this steps:
    Creating RFC Destinations in the ABAP and Java Environment
    You need to create the following RFC destinations in transaction SM59 (ABAP) and the Visual Administrator (Java):
    u2022 LCRSAPRFC
    u2022 SAPSLDAPI
    Depending on your client settings, it may be necessary to be logged on your SAP Exchange Infrastructure host as SAP system user with the authorization to maintain customizing tables and to release transport orders. Note, that user "SAP*" or "DDIC" does not have these authorizations.
    Maintaining the RFC Connections (Transaction SM59)
    1. Log on to your SAP Exchange Infrastructure central instance host.
    2. Call transaction SM59.
    3. Choose Create.
    4. Enter at least the following:
    Connection type: T
    Description: <your description>
    5. Choose ENTER
    6. Choose the tab Technical settings and do the following:
    a. Select Registered Server Program
    b. In the Program ID field, enter: AI_RUNTIME_<SID> where <SID> is the SAP system ID of your Integration Server host. Use uppercase letters only.
    c. Enter Gateway host and Gateway service of your Integration Server host. To find out the required parameters:
    a. On the Integration Server host, call transaction SMGW
    b. Choose Goto u2192 Parameters u2192 Display (see entries for gateway hostname and gateway service)
    7. Choose tab Special Options and select the flag Unicode in the box Character Width in Target System.
    8. Save your settings.
    9. Repeat the steps 3 u2013 8 for the remaining destinations:
    Program ID: AI_DIRECTORY_<SID>, where <SID> is the SAP system ID of your SAP XI host
    Program ID: LCRSAPRFC_<SID>, where <SID> is the SAP system ID of your SAP XI host.
    Program ID: SAPSLDAPI_<SID>, where <SID> is the SAP system ID of your SAP XI host.
    10. Leave the transaction SM59 open for later tests.
    J2EE Configuration for the Destinations (Visual Administrator)
    1. On your SAP Exchange Infrastructure central instance host, start the J2EE Engine administration tool.
    2. Choose Cluster u2192 Server u2192 Services u2192 JCo RFC Provider
    3. In the section RFC destination, enter exactly the same program ID and gateway options for AI_RUNTIME_JCOSERVER that you used in the step Maintaining the RFC connection above. Additionally, set the number of processes to 10.
    4. In the section Repository, do the following:
    a. Enter the parameter for the SAP XI host: Application Server, System Number, Client and Language.
    b. For User and Password maintain the login parameters for the user SAPJSF.
    c. Select the flag Unicode.
    6. Choose Set.
    7. Repeat the steps 3 u2013 6 for the remaining destinations:
    u2022 Corresponding values from SM59
    u2022 Number of processes: 10
    u2022 Corresponding values from SM59
    u2022 Number of processes: 3
    u2022 Corresponding values from SM59
    u2022 Number of processes: 3
    Testing the RFC Destination
    After you have maintained all RFC destinations in both the ABAP and Java environment, you can check all the connections above as follows:
    1. Call transaction SM59 again.
    2. Open your RFC destination.
    3. Choose Test Connection. No error should be displayed.
    This will solve your problem.
    Laxmi Bhushan

  • Client ID range for SAP GUI logon?

    Does anyone know what is the range of client IDs allowed for SAP GUI logon? I am assuming it to be 000-999. Is that correct?
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Hi venkata,
    As Cherry mentioned above you can choose any client with exception of <b>000 SAP AG</b>, <b>001 Auslieferungsmandant</b> R11 and <b>066 Early Watch</b>, you can use the rest 997 clients to setup your system.
    Hope this help!

  • How to deploy BI  on EHP1 for SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1

    Hello Gurus,
    i have installed SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3 ABAP Trial Version  at home on vista 32 bits.
    it's running well...
    next i have installed EHP1 for SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1 - Preview Version
    and follow this guide :
    the portal is running well....coooool.. ( http//:localhost:50100/irj/portal)
    after i follow this documentation to create some cubes on BI abap trail (client 001).
    i create my report with the query designer,
    and i see my bi report with transaction RSRT and ABAP WEB tab ( http://localhost:80000)
    it's running well....whaooouuu !!!!
    Now i'm lost, i would like to deploy my bi report on the portal, but i don't know what i must do.
    ( and when i try with the query designer or rsrt + java web i have a error message )
    - perhaps create an user communication  between portal/bi abap  where ?
    - how to deploy bi java on portal (EHP1 for SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1)
    by the way, i can't find the bi post install template in the configuration wizard on the the portal...
    thank's for your help.
    Edited by: Florent BUTTY on Mar 24, 2009 1:43 PM

    Can you please tell me what is the diff between 7.01 & 7.1? if you can share any docs, is highly appreciated.

  • UK Payroll Modul for SAP Business One

    Dear all,
    is there already a Payroll Add-On or Modul Solution available for SAP Business One for the UK Market?
    Regards, David

    You will want to check the Channel Partner Solution Network SAP website.  Here you can search for soltions that integrate with Business One and you can find out which market these solutions serve.
    The link is ...

  • Query on components to be used for SAP SRM Installation

    We have a requirement for SRM Server.. I need some help on what installation objects should I download. This is on AIX and DB2
    for "EHP1 FOR SAP SRM 7.0 -> based on SAP NetWeaver 7.02"
    I'm sure that I'll need :
    1) Installation Master
    2) Export (SAP SRM 7.0 EHP1 Installation Export 1-3 of 3)      51038765_1
    I have queries on this:
    3) For Java stack, the component available is BS7i2010 Java Components 1x4 of 4
    I have NW 7.3 based EP system. Can that be used for Java or Do I need to install another stand alone Java ?
    If it can be used:
    - Will it not create problems b'coz portal is on 7.3 and SRM is based on 7.02
    - are there any SRM Java specific components in this installation object or is it a plain NW 7.02 Java stack ?
    4) What is SAP SRM 7.0 EHP1 Components in terms of functionality given?
    5) We need MDM Server:.
    For MDM Server: Where do I need to download MDM Server from ? I am not sure If we have license under our S-user.. Can you give me the path where download starts ?
    For MDM Catalog :what is the difference in
    - SAP Application Components"> SAP SRM"--> SAP SRM ENHANCE PACKAGE" >EHP1 FOR SAP SRM 7.0>Installation -->based on -->based on SAP NW 7.02 --> 51039147_1      SRM-MDM CATALOG 7.01 1 of 5
    ---SAP Application Components --> SAP SRM Catalog -->  { SAP MDM Catalog Mgmt 7.01 ; SAP MDM CATALOG MGMT 3.0/NW701 ; XI CONTENT SRM-MDM CATALOG 3.0; SAP CATALOG CONT.MGMT. 2.0_700}
    Any clue, please help..

    Go with: SAP Application Components"> SAP SRM"> SAP SRM ENHANCE PACKAGE" >EHP1 FOR SAP SRM 7.0>Installation -->based on -->based on SAP NW 7.02 --> 51039147_1 SRM-MDM CATALOG 7.01 1 of 5
    Download relevent OS copy as its AXi and DB2. What ever It can be: OS Bit 64 or OS Bit 32.
    As it's DVD so it contains all version info in file. Read it before you start installation.
    reward if helps

  • Initial password for SAP* in SAP NetWeaver 2004s ABAP Edition

    I have just installed the SAP NetWeaver 2004s ABAP Edition on my PC and I want to setup some new clients to simulate an ALE model.
    Does anyone know the initial password for SAP* ?
    I have already tried PASS and pass because I know it is case -sensitive now but it did not work.
    Thanks a lot.
    Wim Van den Wyngaert

    initial SAP* password is 06071992 
    DDIC is 19920706

  • Where to find Crystal Report Formats for SAP B1 8.8 (India Localization) ?

    Hi Experts,
    do anybody knows Where to find Crystal Report Formats for SAP B1 8.8 (India Localization) ?
    For example
    Sales Register
    Purchase Register
    Journal Register
    Sales Analysis - Crystal Report
    Purchase Analysis - Crystal Report
    Check Register - Crystal Report
    Production register
    Pending Sales Order
    Outstanding Receivable
    Outstanding Payable
    General Ledger
    BP Ledger (Customer / Supplier)
    Trial Balance
    Balance Sheet
    Profit & Loss Statment
    Cash Flow statment
    Excise reports
       RG 23 A Part I
       RG 23 A Part II
       RG 23 C Part I
       RG 23 C Part II
       Daily Stock Account
       RG 1
       ER 1
    Documets Layout
       Incoming Payment
       Outgoing Payment
       Journal Entry
       Transaction Journal Report - Crystal Report
       Sales Quotation
       Sales Order
       Sales Delivery
       Sales Return
       Sales Invoice (A/R Invoice)
       Purchase Order
       Goods Receipt PO
       Purchase Goods Return
       Purchase Invoice (A/P Invoice)
      Inventory Transfer
      Inventory - Goods Receipt
      Inventory - Goods Issue
    Best Regards,
    Samir Gandhi

    Hi Neetu,
    Do you wish that at all customer site all concern involved in implemtation do the same work ?
    I believe ERP is meant for single entry system, and it should be true for implementation also, why to invest man hours for the same task ?
    I expect it standard reports should be released by SAP, so that speed of implementation improve, we have more nos. of satisfied customers.
    customised reports is all together different and it is understood that it is needed to be developed after study the exact requirement.
    Best Regards,
    Samir Gandhi

  • How do we reset password for SAP* and DDIC user in SAP R/3 ECC 6.0?

    How do we reset password for SAP* and DDIC user in SAP R/3 ECC 6.0?
    I tried with acual method as below from client '000':
    After this when I tried to logon '001' using SAP* with password PASS it is giving  the message that Incorrect logon and password.
    (Also when I checked for 'SAP*' in 001 it looks like it is not got created as I queried as below:
    Can anybody throw some light on this? RewardS is guranteed for solutions!
    -B S B

    Hi again:
    I forget to tell.
    You must restart the system. So, that a new user with the name "sap*" gets generated with password "pass"
    Hope this wil help,

  • Crystal Report for SAP B1 8.8

    Hi All !
    I can not finish for designing template layout for Sales Quotation by Crystal Report 2008 for SAP 8 8
    I have already done for template of sale quotation but when i print preview in SAP for this one, system did not understood and it get all data from Sale quotation in database. I would like to assign specify Sales Quotation Doc number which i want to Print preview on my template.
    How can i assign or how can i have to create what parameter.

    Try this:
    For Sales Order
    The DocKey@ token is mandatory in a Crystal Reports .rpt file that you want to use as a
    layout. The DocKey@ token is used to identify the current active document. SAP Business One
    populates its value when you preview or print a layout.
    When you apply the DocKey@ token, in the Select Expert window, you need to specify a filter
    condition, such as:
    If the DocKey@ token does not exist, create a new parameter with the following settings:
    In the Name field, enter DocKey@
    In the Type dropdown list, select Number
    In all other fields, leave the default settings
    Then Save report as layout to B1
    Try previewing this layout as you will notice it will no longer ask for a parameter.
    This likely behaves as a standard layout
    Try searching forums or channel portal regarding Parameter Tokens

Maybe you are looking for

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