Tektronix dpo 2000

I am using the Labview tektronix DPO 2000 driver to read data from an oscilloscope.  I can easily fetch two channels of data, but they are not simultaneous samples.
The Get Multiple Waveforms routine actually downloads the channels one after the other, and the scope updates the data between scans.
How can I do something like pause the scope long enough to get two channels (1,250,000 samples each) that contain simultaneous data?
TestGetWaveform v4.vi ‏44 KB

If you burrow into that example, you will find it defines an array of channels to read, and then reads one waveform at a time for each selected channel.  If the scope is running, the second waveform will have been taken later than the first and so on.
I need simultaneous samples.
Since posting, I found that you should be able to write ACQTATEFF, ON, RUN, or STOP and control the scope acquiisition.  I am about to go to the lab and try it.

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    Code d'erreur:
    Message d'erreur:
    VISA Read dans Tektronix DPO MSO 2000 4000 Series.lvlib:Error Query.vi->Tektronix DPO MSO 2000 4000 Series.lvlib:Fetch Waveform Measurement.vi->Tektronix DPO MSO 2000 4000 Series.lvlib:Read Waveform Measurement.vi->TEST BUG.vi
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    Test Bug.JPG ‏88 KB

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    Merci d'avance pour vos suggestions.
    Pièces jointes :
    Tektronix DPO MSO 2000 4000 Series Edge Triggered Acquisition Waveform Example.vi ‏28 KB

    Merci pour votre réponse.
    Oui j'ai joué sur tous les paramètres accessibles de l'oscilloscope pour le mettre "en attente" d'un trigger, et j'ai effectivement augmenté la valeur du trigger (10V) au dela de du bruit (rien de branché aux entrées du scope) il n'y a donc pas de solution à ce niveau la. Remarquez que j'ai également vérifié que les commandes envoyées par le vi étaient bien receptionnées et appliquées par le scope (interval de capture, niveau trigger, etc...)
    Après investigation, j'ai néanmoins trouvé que la détection du trigger dans le vi se réalisait en regardant le bit d'état via la commande "*STB?" dans la sous fonction "Wait for Operation Complete.vi". J'ai instrumenté ce bit d'état pour vérifier son évolution avant, pendant et après un trig, il s'avère qu'il ne bouge pas et qu'il est toujours à "1". Le vi  mis à disposition pour illustrer l'acquisition de signal d'un scope avec un trigger ne fonctionne donc pas car il n'attend pas le trig. Je pense que cela vient d'une fonction non implémentée dans le scope ou d'un bug de ce modele de scope. Toujours est-il que l'exemple ne fonctionne pas avec ce modele de scope. Je suppose qu'il doit fonctionner avec d'autre modèle.
    Comme solution : J'ai modifié cette sous fonction "Wait for Operation Complete.vi" pour mon application en remplacant la commande "*STB?" par la commande "TRIGger: STATE?", moins versatile, mais correspondant à mon besoin. Cette commande marche et renvoie bien l'état du trigger du scope (READY, TRIG, SAV). Il suffit alors de comparer le retourd du scope afin de connaître son état et de lancer la récupération de la courbe après que l'état du trigger soit passé de READY à SAV.
    En espérant que mon expérience puisse servir à d'autres programmeurs.

  • 0xBFFA0046 0xBFFC0006

    Hi there,
    This question pertains to:
    Tektronix MSO 2012B
    SignalExpress 2013
    NI driver package august 2013
    driver: tkdpo2k (IVI scope acquire)
    OS: Windows Vista 32bit
    The goal is to acquire the data from the analog and digital channels.
    However the digital channels present a problem..
    Error message (SignalExpress 2013):
    ivi_IviScope Configure Channel.vi<ERR>
    Primary Error: (Hex 0xBFFA0046) The attribute is not valid for the specified channel or repeated capability.
    Secondary Error: (Hex 0xBFFC0006) Parameter 6 out of range, or error occurred while setting Parameter 6.
    Elaboration: Probe Attenuation
    <b>Complete call chain:</b>
    ivi_IviScope Configure Channel.vi
    End of error message (SignalExpress 2013).
    Error message (NI I/O trace):
    > 20581. IviScope_ConfigureChannel (Scoop, "D0", 4, 0, 1, -1, VI_TRUE)
    > Process ID: 0x00002090 Thread ID: 0x0000275C
    > Start Time: 19:21:42.708 Call Duration 00:00:00.014
    End of error message (NI I/O trace):
    Whenever the driver tries to set the probe attenuation for one of
    the digital channels, the error is generated.
    Even when using the value -1, for automatic probe attenuation setting,
    the error persists, which also was the setting in the error messages cited above.
    The software does let me trigger on digital channels,
    but I can not acquire the digital signals.
    I need to log at least 6 digital channels simultaneously.
    How can I acquire the digital signal information?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Corné,
    Thanks for the links. The step by step walkthrough for the IVI driver does provide me with functionality for the analog channels (using the tkdpo2k IVI driver of course), but not for the digital channels., which repeat the error of my initial post. 
    I tried the project style driver in LabView 2012 SP1, which again worked for the analog channels, but not for the digital channels, LabView reported
    Error -1074000000 occurred at Tektronix DPO MSO 2000 4000 Series.lvlib:Error Query.vi
    Possible reason(s):
    Instrument reports:
    402,"Operation complete"
    221,"Settings conflict; Reduced resolution waveform not available; ATA&colon;ENC RIB;ATA&colon;SOUR D0;ATA&colon;STAR 0;ATA&colon;STOP 10000000;:WF"
    420,"Query UNTERMINATED"
    0,"No events to report - queue empty"
    Complete call chain:
    Tektronix DPO MSO 2000 4000 Series.lvlib:Error Query.vi
    Tektronix DPO MSO 2000 4000 Series.lvlib:Fetch Waveform (Digital Waveform).vi
    Tektronix DPO MSO 2000 4000 Series.lvlib:Read (Single Digital Waveform).vi
    Tektronix DPO MSO 2000 4000 Series Acquire Digital Waveform Example.vi
    I guess the DATA&colon;STAR 0;ATA&colon;STOP 10000000;  means that 10 million datapoints can not be collected by the scope? The manual states
    Digital Record Length
    1 Million Samples at all time base settings when a single set of 8 inputs are used, all from
    the same physical half of the digital probe cable
    1 Million Samples at time base settings from 100 sec/div to 200 μs/div when inputs from
    both halves of the digital probe cable are used
    500,000 Samples at time base settings from 100 μs/div to 2 ns/div when inputs from both
    halves of the digital probe cable are used
    I did not change anything in the project, other than pointing it to the scope. If I am correct, then the LabView error  differs from the error in my initial post, which is about probe attenuation settings.
    In fact, when I tried using the multiple digital channels example LabView crashed, with error
    Noncontinuable exception (0xC0000025) at EIP=0x00000000
    but what does it mean?

  • Vertical range of the oscillosco​pe during the measuremen​t

    Hi all,
    I am using Tektronix DPO 4104 series oscilloscope for a measurement.  When I start the measurement, the oscilloscope is in continuous mode.  During this period I want to adjust the vertical range of the two channels.  After that I will take the data using single acquisition.  In the programme, I am using Tektronix drivers.  Can I adjust the vertical range and offset using a knob or slides along with the channel configuring driver?  If yes, how?  Please help me.
    Thanks in advance,

    I do not know how you are downloading your data from your scope. Scopes are typically 8 bits of precision, although when they average data the effective bits can increase.
    So the data on the scope screen is typically an array of values from 0 - 255, (8 bit), possibly greater if someone averages the data, 0 - 65535. To get the real values in volts, you just do a linear transformation, ie, y = mx + b.
    So in my program, I download the voltage values as an array of 16 bit words, in case someone decided to average the data. Along with that data, there is a header. The header contains a voltage offset, b in the equation above, and a scaling factor, m, in the equation above. Multiply and add the values to the array and you get an array of real voltage values. Also contained in the header is a starting time, a time increment, and the number of points. You can use these values to create the time array if it is needed.
    The added advantage of downloading the data in this manner is that it is faster than downloading the values in ascii format.
    So I would say, look at your program and see how the data is being downloaded.
    Attached is a snippet from a program that converter the header and bytes from a HP54845A scope, I do NOT know whether your scope has the same format or not. But here is a description of what it is doing.
    The data and header are combined in one data stream; earlier in the program I removed any ascii descriptions from the header so only numbers and a byte stream are being downloaded. The header data are parsed, and the byte stream is converted into signed 16bit integers in this case, then converted to real voltage values.
    Hope this makes sense as I will be out of the office for a while and unable to follow up.

  • Can i use labview 2010 to acquire echoes using Fastframe function?

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    Any suggestions?
    Many thanks!

    I am actually wanting to measure the time interval for the series of echoes. I have a labview program to acquire all 20 echoes in a VI. I know I can pick any two echoes by a simple labview programming. However,  to acquire all the echoes took too much time as the sample rate of the oscilloscope is very high (40 Gs/s). What I want to do is acquire the first and last echoes using the Fastframe of this oscilloscope, which can pick any echoes.

  • Is there a way to change the time of a saved data to be as the same as the time-axis of the waveform graph?

    I've a problem while saving the waveform to a spreadsheet.
    The problem that I'm facing is that I'm not able to save/change the time-axis of the waveform graph into the excel spreadsheet.
    The attachments below are what I've programmed on.
    1st file that would be asked to save is the results of the waveform.
    2nd file, supposing to be the time-axis
    3rd file, is the multiplication of results of CH 1 and CH 2.
    Would be glad if someone can enlighten me with a solution which is suitable for LabView version 8.2 and Tektronix DPO 72004.
    Thanks. ((((:
    Modification of 2 CH waveforms (Multiply and Sum).vi ‏63 KB
    Modification of 2 CH waveforms (Multiply and Sum) Front Panel.JPG ‏220 KB
    Modification of 2 CH waveforms (Multiply and Sum) BD.JPG ‏92 KB

    I've saved it as text file which could be read if I open it with excel spreadsheet.
    My aim is to get the time-axis (x-axis) in the file rather than to get the date and time in the file.
    The attachment is the waveform results that I've obtained.
    waveform vaule.txt ‏433 KB

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    This is the error that we usually see:
    In a pop-up window:
    "VXI Resource Manager failed due to the following"
    "MXS: ERROR"
    and resman.exe hangs - does not complete execution and terminate as it normally does.
    After this error, any application calls (LabWindows/CVI 6.0 application) to the nivxi library function "InitVXIlibrary()" fail with an error return of 0xffffffff (-1). The only cure is to reboot the system.
    Additionally, the two red LEDs at the top of the VXIpc-872B controller ("Failed" and "SYSF") are illuminated.
    The version of the NI-VXI driver software that we are currently running with is 3.2.1.
    The "Resource Manager Delay" field under the "Settings" tab of the "VXI System 0 Properties" window of the MAX Explorer app was originally set to "5". We changed the value to "0" and this seemed to help quite a bit, however we still see occasional failures.

  • NI VISA TekTronix RSA3408A Writing OK, But Reading Fail 0xBFFF0015 (VI_ERROR_TMO)

    I am developing my own custom software for automated testing of our product. I need the software to start a session with a particular instrument (Tektronix RSA3408A) and read it's CH Power, and close the session.
    I am writing the software in C++ and of course using NI VISA as the interface.
    Now... writing is successful. I am sending the instrument commands to configure it before measurmenet, I know as I can see the display parameters changing on the display and the relays clicking away inside.
    It is when it comes to reading the data after writing the "*idn?" (Although sometimes this works after shutting everything down and restarting) and "FETCh: SPECtrum:CHPower?" commands that, regardless of the length of timeout set or whether the end terminator is surpressed or not, I get the 0xBFFF0015 timeout error.
    I have attached my code (in c++) and a screenshot of the NI I/O Trace captured data.
    This I imagine would be useful for anyone who is programming using NI VISA, so your help with be appreciated by many others I'm sure.
    Thank you in advance!
    NI IO Trace capture 5-11-2013.png ‏86 KB
    main.rtf ‏4 KB

    I thought I would try to duplicate your problems, but I only have a Tektronix TDS Scope that has USB.
    I am a big fan of using *OCP? to sync instruments control and your problem is of interest to me
    This very simple write/read returns the *OPC '1' return char consistently between 175-185 ms. No problem
    Trying your short timeout with a loop, I do not get what I or you expected.
    If I run this with an adequate timeout (something well longer than the needed 185 ms) it returns in between 175-185 ms with one time through the for loop. As expected. No problem.
    BUT! If I try setting the timeout to something below the needed 175 ms like your 100ms...
    Sometimes it works but it takes over 2000 ms to return but only goes though the for loop twice.
    But sometime it does not work at all, taking well over 10 sec to exit out of the for loop with a timeout error.
    I never see the queue error that you are seeing
    How long does it take to do a simple *SAV
    I don’t think the queue error is coming from the instrument. You would have to send the instruments the SYSTEM:ERROR? Request before the instrument would report any of the instruments errors. 
    Be sure to set your Termination Char setting. I prefer to turn it off for the Writes so I control when to send it. But turn it on for the Reads
    Also I noticed from your trace files that you use the *OPC? after a *IDN?. This is not needed as you will know the *IDN? is complete when your received the string back. In fact my Tektronix scope did not like it if I sent it "*IDN?;*OPC?\n". It would not send me anything back, not even the IDN.
    Is the SAV command on your instrument so long that you need to be able to break out of the loop?

  • Keithley 2000 with AD007

    I am new to LabView and am attempting to write a program that will record data from a keithley 2000 digital multimeter. So far I can only send "one-shot" commands to read the data. However, my expermiment requires readings to be taken many times a second. I am communicating with the multimeter via a AD007 Tektronix GPIB Lan Adapter. The LabView version I am using is Labview 6.1. If anyone has any idea on how to send GPIB commands to the multimeter using a labview interface, it would be GREATLY appreciated.

    I'm not sure what's in this driver that requires IVI 2.0. I use other IVI drivers with 1.83 that you can get Keyword Search: Keithley. If that doesn't work, you could try the LabVIEW driver for the same instrument.Message Edited by Molly K on 02-18-2005 11:55 PM

  • SignalExpress Tektronix Edition with TDS2014C

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    Add Step -> Tektronix -> Acquire Signals -> Tek TDS1000/2000
    The image below is what SignalExpress gives me.  Any suggestions?

    Hi Viper32,
    Here is a link to the lates version of the driver. Install it and see if this helps the issue. It was updated in 2008.
    Perry S.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Lock-ups on MCS-7825 after after OS Upgrade to 2000.4.4aSR6

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    Anybody else encountering a problem with this? I see in the release notes, some BIOS and firmware updates are included for the 7825, and am suspecting this is the problem.

    My problems actually turned out to be hardware, I think. I reviewed the logs and found out it had been happening for several months.

  • Installation problem on windows 2000

    Please help!
    I've been tring to install oracle on windows 2000 machine unsuccessfully. the setup program aborted without error message. I've tried many versions of oracle database, 8.1.7 all editions, 8.1.6ee, 9iAS. the only message error I got when 9iAS failed to install (iSetup.exe). the problem seems to be with the java runtime environment. the jre 1.1.7 came with 9iAS would not run properly. I've tried to install java2 and jdk1.1.8 from javasoft, still no luck.
    Any idea?
    Jay Lee
    [email protected]

    The problem of installing Oracle Product on P4 computers comes from the symcjit.dll (Java Jusit in time compiler) which doesn't recognize the P4.
    I installed Oracle products on my P4 just by copying the CD's on a harddisk and manually replacing the dll (which is Version 3...) by a one I found to be Version
    It is maybe not the best solution as it can result some instability (I don't know yet) but at least I didn't bought a brand new computer for nothing.
    The question is to know when Oracle will deliver some patches to allow a normal installation on P4s.
    Let me know if you want me to send you the dll.

  • Problem for Report Generation Toolkit for excel 2000

    Hi all,
    Now I am Developing my program with Report Generation Toolkit 1.1.0 and Labview 7.1.
    In my computer I am using Excel XP, and there is not any problem. But when I build to
    a exe file, and use in a computer with Excel 2000, it didn't work.
    And I try to check the source file in this computer, I found that there any some connection
    error. And this is caused by the active X class. As I know Excel 2000 is using Microsoft Excel
    Object Library 9.0, but i cannot find it in the list of active x. So it is using Microsoft Excel Object
    Library with a very old verison. So in the property node there are missing functions, such as the
    UsedRange in _Worksheet in the Excel_Get_Range.vi. However, In VBA, I can find the 9.0 Library.
    Is it the problem of 9.0 library? How can I solve the problem? How can I upgrade the library to 10.0?

    Hi Mike,
    Since my program is for all the staff in office, everyone may use it.
    I cannot call the whole office to upgrade the excel to XP.
    And I think Report Generation Toolkit is alway support Excel 2000,
    since the old version of it is not support for Excel XP.

Maybe you are looking for