Template Updates Not Feeding to Page

The org I worked for changed locations, so I need to update the address on the bottom of one of our websites. When I change the template, it appears on index1.asp (the homepage) it does not feed to the rest of the pages. Here is what I do know:
- I did not change an editable field. It is in an area that is not editable except within the template
- When I make changes to the template and answer "yes" to "Do you want to update all documents in your local site that use this template," the "Update Pages" window says that 83 files were examined, but none were updated. (Usually when I make a change to a template, the number examined will match the number updated.)
This page was designed by an external web design company that designed some other pages for us, and I have never had this problem when updating other templates on these other sites.
Here is the website: http://www.cleanerairpartnership.org/index1.asp

Looking at the index1.asp, it does not appear to run off of the template. However, about.asp
and other pages run off of the template. Here is about.asp:
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            <td height="40" align="left" valign="middle"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="header" -->
            <p class="Header"><br>
              <a name="Top"></a>Protecting our economy and well-being through cleaner air<br>
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                  <td height="15"><br></td>
                  <td><p><a href="http://www.sacbreathe.org/" target="_blank"> <img src="images/Breathe-California-logo.gif" width="115" height="54" border="0" align="right"></a></p></td>
                  <td height="15"><br></td>
                  <td><a href="http://www.valleyvision.org/index.html" target="_blank"> <img src="images/Valley-Vision-logo.gif" width="100" height="88" border="0" align="right"></a></td>
            <p class="Arial12"><em class="Header"><strong><br>
              </strong></em><span class="Header">Related Links:<br>
              <a href="PDFs/CAP region map.pdf" target="_blank">A map of Sacramento<br>
            regional air basin</a>            <br>
            <a href="http://www.valleyvision.org/capital/index.html" target="_blank">A description of the six-county Sacramento region</a> </p>
            <p class="Arial12"><a href="http://www.sacbreathe.org/" target="_blank">Breathe Sacramento of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails</a><br>
                <a href="http://www.metrochamber.org/" target="_blank">Sacramento Metro Chamber </a><br>
            <a href="http://www.valleyvision.org/index.html" target="_blank">Valley Vision            </a><br>
            <a href="http://www.cleanerairpartnership.org/PDFs/Calendar_2011_FINAL.pdf" target="_blank">2011 Cleaner Air Partnership calendar </a></p>
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              <p><table width="225" border="0" align="right" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                  <td align="right"><strong><img src="images/downtown-Sac-skyline.jpg" width="215" height="161" hspace="0" align="right"></strong></td>
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              <ul type="disc">
                <li><a href="#About"><u>About us </u></a></li>
                <li><a href="#Mission"><u>Our mission</u></a></li>
                <li><a href="#Work"><u>Our work  </u></a></li>
                  <a name="About"></a>About Us </strong><br>
                For more than two decades <a href="http://www.sacbreathe.org/" target="_blank"><u>Breathe  California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails</u></a>, the <a href="http://www.metrochamber.org/" target="_blank"><u>Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce</u></a> and now <a href="http://www.valleyvision.org/index.html" target="_blank"><u>Valley Vision</u></a> have teamed  up through the Cleaner Air Partnership to help <a href="http://www.valleyvision.org/capital/index.html" target="_blank"></a>the  Sacramento Federal Nonattainment Area meet the clean air standards  that protect health and promote economic growth.<br>
              It&rsquo;s  a unique collaboration between the region&rsquo;s major business organization and its  major health and environmental group &ndash; groups that can be at odds with each other in other locales, but have been working together here since 1986 with significant  results...</p>
              <p>Our geographic focus includes portions or all of Sacramento, Yolo, Placer, El Dorado, Yuba, Sutter and Solano counties, and especially the large <a href="PDFs/CAP region map.pdf" target="_blank"><u>air basin</u></a> that they share. <br>
                  <a href="#Top"><u>Top</u></a><br>
                <a name="Mission"></a>Our Mission: </strong><br>
            Our  efforts generally center on programs that help minimize smog-forming  emissions from mobile sources such as cars and trucks. We favor an approach that features incentives to reward cooperation, innovation and proactive efforts. </p>
              <p>Our  historic focus is reducing nitrogen  oxides (NOx), which are one of the two major ingredients of ground-level ozone or smog. By working to reduce ozone pollution and NOx, we also  help reduce two other major kinds of air pollution in our region: </p>
              <ul type="disc">
                <li>small particles or soot; and </li>
                <li>greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide that are linked to global warming. </li>
              <p><a href="#Top"><u>Top</u></a><strong><br> 
                  <a name="Work"></a>Our Work: </strong><br>
            Our work includes:</p>
              <ul type="disc">
                <li>Public education;</li>
                <li>Facilitation and building agreement;</li>
                <li>Policy work at the local, state and federal       levels;</li>
                <li>Legislative endorsements at the local, state and       federal levels;</li>
                <li>Support for air-friendly smart-growth       principles and their local implementation; and </li>
                <li>Support for targeted research activities.</li>
            <p>It  makes a difference. Our air is cleaner today than in past decades, thanks to  efforts like the Partnership&rsquo;s ongoing campaigns to enhance Smog Check and our  promotion of diesel pollution-control incentives. But there's still more to do...<br>
              <a href="about_leadership.asp"><u>Our leadership</u></a><br>
              <a href="about_chair message.asp"><u><br>
              A note from our chairman</u></a><a href="about_leadership.asp"><u> <br>
              </u></a><a href="about_chair message.asp"><u><br>
              </u></a><a href="about_members & supporters.asp"><u>Our members and supporters</u></a><u><br>
              </u><a href="about_accomplish.asp"><u>Some highlights and accomplishments</u></a><u><a href="about_accomplish.asp"><br>
              </a></u><a href="about_strategic agenda.asp"><u>Our strategic agenda</u></a><br>
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          <td height="120" valign="bottom" class="Arial11Brown"><p ><a href="about.asp">About Us</a> | <a href="air_quality.asp">Our Air Quality</a> | <a href="health_impacts.asp">Health Impacts</a> | <a href="bus_impacts.asp">Business Impacts</a> | <a href="newsletter.asp">Latest News</a> | <a href="events.asp">Events</a> | <a href="resources_main.asp">Resources</a> | <a href="help.asp">How to Help</a> | <a href="join.asp">Join/Support</a></p>
            <p>&copy; 2006 The Cleaner Air Partnership<br>
              1900 S Street | Sacramento, CA 95814 | Ph 916 325 1630 | <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br>
            <p> </p></td>
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    How do I reroute a template so that it can find the pages that were derived from it..
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    I get when I make a change to a template and it can't find its child page is the following:
    Error accessing file
    "macintosh_hd:Users:elizabethwallace:Desktop:mtti:mtti:Templates:news.dwt":finel not found (error code -43)
    would someone be kind enough to help... thank you so much.

    Before you do any of this, make a backup copy of your site files (not the definition, the folder and files themselves) and preserve them in case anything goes wrong in the process.
    First, make sure your site is properly defined and all contained within a site folder.
    Then make sure the Templates are all in the Templates folder.
    Make sure each page is where you want it to be in your site file structure.
    Go into each Template and correct any paths that need tweaking. If your site has been seriously discombobulated (technical term!), you will want to check and fix every link by the Browse for File method or the Point to Link. DO NOT try to type the paths into the Template yourself manually.
    Open each page in succession, and re-apply the Template that it should be linked to. You do that in Modify > Templates > Apply Template to Page.
    You may have to "assign" copy to editable regions at this step.
    When you finish with each Template, test it by making a minor change to the Template and propagating the change to the child pages. Check the child pages to make sure they are updating when the Template is changed.
    If everything looks good, it is good. Shake your own hand and pat yourself on the back for retrieving a difficult situation.
    If this does not work, post back and we will think about it some more. But it sounds like a reasonable course of action to me.

  • Template Updates not working

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         Files that use...
         Templates checkbox ticked
         Updating E:\Webserver\test_site\
    just hangs here.
    Tried to resolve this all day and am now left wishing I just did all the updates manually as I would have been finished long ago.  However, this wouldn't be any good for future updates.
    I've seen the following info posted on most of the threads, but none of the points relate to my site.
    Here are seven common mistakes that will result in changes not propagating
    from Template to child -
    1. Rename the Templates folder
    2. Move the Templates folder to some other folder level in the site other
    than root level
    3. Move a template out of the Templates folder.
    4. Make changes to an editable region of the template (which will not
    5. Assume that template changes can be uploaded to the server without also
    uploading the changed local files
    6. Corrupt the site cache so that the link between template and child page
    is broken
    7, Improperly create your child pages by simply opening the template,
    adding page specific content, and resaving the template with an *.html
    extension rather that its *.dwt extension. (you can tell if this is the case
    by looking at the code on a child page - if you see anything like <!--
    TemplateBeginEditable... then this is what you have done)
    The 6th problem can be repaired by using SITE | Advanced > Recreate Site
    Cache, and the six others can be fixed by just not doing them. Have you
    done any of those?
    done everything I can think of
    Renamed Templates folder to foortemplates and then back to Templates
    Delete Win...cache.dat
    Recreated my site cache
    I'm exhausted of this problem but would like to know if anyone can shed any light on a possible resolution.  I was contemplating buying CS5 but with nonsense like this happening I'm reluctant to upgrade

    Welcome to the Dreamweaver Forum!
    You may rest assured that the problem is not with the Dreamweaver program, and if you are stumbling over templates in CS4, you will be stumbling over them in CS5... So all you need is a little more practice!
    Do not ever rename the Templates folder.
    At this point,
    opens new popup Update pages
         Files that use...
         Templates checkbox ticked
         Updating E:\Webserver\test_site\
    One of your choices for buttons should be "Close", which you may do as soon as it is available, because the site has already updated the pages. You can wait forever, but since it has already finished, it's on your time, not the program's!
    If the pages are open when you update, you must save them again. (The page names in the tabs will have asterisks noting that they need saving.)
    I recommend making another test site and test page and trying again. Remember, don't rename the Templates folder, and as soon as you make a Child page (your number 3), save it.
    In fact, it doesn't hurt to save frequently:
    Make a page. Save it.
    Then save it as a Template. DW creates the Templates folder and saves your new Template in it.
    Make a child page. Save it.
    Change the Template. Save it. (it should update the child pages upon this save)
    Once you get the hang of templates, they are very useful. They can be a little frustrating at the beginning, but they don't usually require the great efforts you have gone through already!

  • Pages '09 Templated Forms Not Printing in Pages 5.5.2

    I have an older Macbook Pro (circa 2009) running OSX 10.10.2 and Pages 5.5.2.  I am connected to a Canon MX320 printer.  While running my iWorks 09 version of Pages, I created a template that allowed me to print customizable checks.  I setup a template with customized settings (2.75" X 6.0" paper, 0" margins on all sides).  I would open the check "form", enter the payee, amounts, date, memo, then place the blank check into the printer and the check would print.   Since I upgraded OSX and Pages, my template no longer works.  The blank check slides through the printer with no printing being done.  I have tried changing the orientation and paper dimensions but I am unable to print with the defined paper size.  It will print with a larger sized paper (it doesn't seem to recognize the small form size).  I seek possible solutions.

    Then if you have exhausted all possible tests and printer drivers, go with what works, use Pages '09 and get a bonus 100+ features.
    Or switch to another application that does the job and has a long term future (hint not Pages 5).

  • Omg help-template does not create the page I want

    I got my site all finished, it's uploaded, works fine online.  I went to go make a site map in DW CS4 and I went to apply template(the one I have used for all my pages) and it came up completely different then what my template looks like.  It is white, the links are blue(my sitemap links) and the pictures show up.  So I closed out of everything restarted DW and went to new/page from template, the preview looks like what I want but when I click on create it comes up as the white page with the blue links.  I do not know if I just hit a button or what but I am freaking out.  I am a newbie to DW so I don't know if there is some setting I can fix and it will all be better. Please Help, it took me a long time to create the template I wanted and now it's gone!

    I got my site all finished, it's uploaded, works fine online.  I went to go make a site map in DW CS4 and I went to apply template(the one I have used for all my pages) and it came up completely different then what my template looks like.  It is white, the links are blue(my sitemap links) and the pictures show up.  So I closed out of everything restarted DW and went to new/page from template, the preview looks like what I want but when I click on create it comes up as the white page with the blue links.  I do not know if I just hit a button or what but I am freaking out.  I am a newbie to DW so I don't know if there is some setting I can fix and it will all be better. Please Help, it took me a long time to create the template I wanted and now it's gone!

  • Update not available for Pages, Numbers, Keynote

    I'm trying to update numbers, pages and keynote (after I performed the os x yosemite update), and I keep receiving an error message that says "This update is not available for this Apple ID either because it was bought by a different user or the item was refunded or cancelled." I am using the same Apple ID as when I bought the computer back in '09 (macbook pro), any suggestions?

    Perform the following, stopping with the first one which works:
    1. Open the Mac App Store's Purchases tab. If you're prompted to accept them into your Apple ID, do so.
    2. Move them out of the Applications folder(they may need to be put into the Trash temporarily), and then see if you can download them for free from their individual product pages. If you're asked to buy them, see #3.
    3. Click here, contact Apple, and wait for a response.
    4. Buy them.

  • Why is the update not working for Pages vs5

    I've been updating pages since this morning, its now 6:51pm.
    Shouldn't the update process be simple? Where you click on the update and the update happens.
    Very confused here!
    The software last update was a  year ago. I'm currently running OS X 10.8.5 and have updated that to.

    Apple's servers are probably very busy. You may want to wait for a little while before trying again. 

  • Modifying a Template will not update the pages

    I have a template that is having problems to update all the
    pages built with the template. When I edit > save > Update
    template used in these files, everything looks fine- the updates
    log shows that it has updated 12 of 12 pages, BUT, when I check the
    pages, they won't have the changes made. Here are some things that
    I have being trying:
    1. When I created each page based on the template - In the
    new document log > page from template, I checked the option
    "update page when template changes"
    2. I tried changing the area that I edited (Menu Botons) to
    repeat region, then to editable region, and so on... But the
    problem persist.
    3. I chose modify > Templates > Apply Template to
    page.... and nothing.
    4. I re-read the DW Help, tutorials and watch the adobe
    videos on this topic...
    If somebody can tell me what I might be doing wrong, I will
    appreciate your help

    Why are you using the gotoURL behavior on your menu images
    instead of an
    ordinary hyperlink? In other words, you have this -
    <img src="
    name="sobre_turoc" width="195" height="24" vspace="2"
    onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" />
    and you should have this -
    <a href="index.html"
    name="sobre_turoc" width="195" height="24" vspace="2"
    id="Image6" /></a>
    Anyhow, since you are using IMAGES for the menu buttons it
    complicates your
    solution a bit, but you can use this method -
    Put this in script tags in the head of the document -
    function P7_downImage() {
    var g7="<imagename>"
    var g7url="<pathname>"
    if ((g7=MM_findObj(g7))!=null) {g7.src=g7url;}
    and this on the <body> tag
    Then on each page you would need to make two edits:
    Set g7 to the *name* of the button (not the file name but the
    HTML name -
    e.g., "productsbutt"), and g7url to the pathname to the
    button (e.g.,
    "images/nav/button3.gif"), and bada bing, bada boom!
    There is an excellent tutorial here -
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Pablo163" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Ok, I just uploaded the layout to this address:
    > You will notice that the menu is in gray color, when
    they land in a
    > particular
    > topic/page, that page button will be in blue: Example:
    I just don't know where and
    > how is
    > done in the CSS, - Here is the external code, just in
    > body {
    > background-color: #FFFFFF;
    > font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    > font-size: small;
    > font-style: normal;
    > color: #424242;
    > line-height: 20px;
    > }
    > body, td, th {
    > color: #424242;
    > }
    > h1, h2, h4 {
    > color: #000099;
    > font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    > font-style: normal;
    > }
    > h3, h5, h6 {
    > color: #000099;
    > font-size: small;
    > }
    > a {
    > color: #000099;
    > }
    > a:link {
    > }

  • Template will not update in pages

    I've changed the template and saved. The other pages will not
    update to show
    this change. I try to manually do it through
    >File>Templates>update current
    page. It displays a message saying ".....contains an invalid
    path." Then
    another window that says "Error accessing file .......bad
    file path (error
    code 3).
    I just downloaded this whole website from where it was
    hosted, made some
    changes and then I am going to upload changes. The only thing
    I can't get to
    work is updating pages from the template. Any help would
    greatly be

    > The "template.dwt" is in the Templates folder as it
    should be.
    Is the Templates folder in the root level of the site?
    Nothing in that template looks out of place or improper.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Andrena Lefdahl" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Here is a link to the template:
    > Also when I go to >Modify >Templates >Apply
    Template to Page
    > The "template.dwt" is not listed anymore. How do I get
    it in there?
    > The "template.dwt" is in the Templates folder as it
    should be.
    > Thanks
    > "Murray *ACE*" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> Clearly something is wrong. Can you show me the
    template page? Post a
    >> link to it, please?
    >> --
    >> Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    >> Adobe Community Expert
    >> (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do
    >> ==================
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    >> ==================
    >> "Andrena Lefdahl"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>> I've changed the template and saved. The other
    pages will not update to
    >>> show this change. I try to manually do it
    through >File>Templates>update
    >>> current page. It displays a message saying
    ".....contains an invalid
    >>> path." Then another window that says "Error
    accessing file .......bad
    >>> file path (error code 3).
    >>> I just downloaded this whole website from where
    it was hosted, made some
    >>> changes and then I am going to upload changes.
    The only thing I can't
    >>> get to work is updating pages from the template.
    Any help would greatly
    >>> be appreciated.

  • Templates updating on local server but not on remote in DW CS3

    I'm using Dreamweaver CS3 and am trying to update some templates.  At first, when I checked out the file on the remote server, made the change and saved, it asked me if I want to upload to all pages using that template.  I said yes, and it checked them out and applied them (it says).  I noticed that the files were only updated on the local server and not on the remote so I had to synchronize.  No problem there.
    However, now when I go and update templates and apply to all pages using that template, it checks them out, but when I go check them on the servers, none of the files on either the local or remote server are updated even though I verified that the template itself did update.
    I'm a self-taught newbie, so please forgive me if some of this sounds way less than techie.

    Updated child pages need to be uploaded  (put) to server

  • Can not create new page from template

    I have been working on a new site for the last couple of
    weeks and have created several pages using a basic template.
    All of the child pages of this template still update when
    changes are made to it, however I can no long create new children
    from this template.
    Any ideas as to what the problem might be.

    > It is basically just creating a copy of my template, and
    not linking to it in
    > any way.
    > This allows me to change any section of the html.
    my guess is that you are opening the .dwt template file and
    doing a "Save
    As". That page is not a "child" page of the template.
    > I want to be able to create new pages off this template
    and have it work like
    > all of the first pages I created.
    dw menu-->File-->New
    in the new files dialog box, click the Templates tab
    from list in left, click This Site Name
    from list in right, pick This Template
    make sure x is in box to Update if template changes
    click okay
    save file with filename you want to within this local site
    add content to within the editable areas
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

  • Templates not uploading all pages using same template.

    Hey guys, I'm having difficulties with Dreamweaver at the moment.
    Here's the problem:
    I've created a template for my current website. This file has .dwt so it's the template.
    I've created so far 3 different pages using html and the template.dwt file.
    The template has a editable region for the content.
    But, I was editing the non editable regions, like the naviagation links and names.
    I changed some information on the template file, pressed Ctrl+S then this window popped up:
    Yes, it works so far according to dream weaver template guides, but I have 2 other pages using the templates which are named index.html and staffinfo.html, which is not showing up there.
    After I pressed update: It shows:
    I'm wondering what might be the problem there. I had a look at the html code on my other 2 pages that wern't displayed, and at the top it was linked with the template file name which was the same as the "offguides".
    Another question i want to ask is, is there a way to update a template without already having to open the files with the templates on? Because at the moment, I have to open all the files with the template on, then save them manually after I saved the template. Because if i have like 1000 different pages using the same templates it would be quite time consuming to keep pressing save and open 1000 different tabs for the pages. So is there like a auto update & save? The two other pages doesn't show up in the pop-up window, but if I open them the templates updates them, but i still have to save manually.
    Thanks for reading, hope this can be solved.

    Jon, ohh, I'd try it, but there is no Page from template:   http://prntscr.com/nd7oa
    Nancy, Dreamweaver CS5. Windows Vista.
    Which code do you want?
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
              <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
              <meta name="description" content="Your description goes here" />
              <meta name="keywords" content="your,keywords,goes,here" />
              <meta name="author" content="Your Name" />
              <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Dosis' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/origo.css" title="Origo" media="all" />
        <link rel="icon"
          href="/images/favicon.png" />
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
              <title>Pokemon Creed Help Site - Beta</title>
              <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
              <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" -->
              <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    Thats the start of the template code.

  • Template Used to Update; Not anymore

    My template used to work and used to update the pages without
    problem, but now I receive errors. It started by not updating some
    of my pages, while it updated others, and now is site-wide. Most of
    the errors it says are on line 1, with "Unbalanced InstanceBegin"
    tags. However, usually these are in portions of the pages that are
    locked by the template. I read through other posts, and tried some
    suggestions, but nothing seems to work!
    I'm incredibly desperate. Please help!!!
    The main page of my site is:
    www.sapch.org It says the error
    here is an unbalanced tag on Line 4. Please help!
    There are lots of problems site-wide that I'm trying to fix,
    but can't do it when I can't update the pages.

    > However, usually these are in
    > portions of the pages that are locked by the template.
    I've never seen a false positive on this error. Let's have a
    look at your
    I've just looked at your child page, and for sure, there's a
    problem -
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    <html xmlns="
    <!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/Home.dwt"
    codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    Note the duplicate <head> tags, and the misplaced
    <!-- InstanceBegin clause.
    Let's see the template now.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Jrowe11" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fsugft$92p$[email protected]..
    > My template used to work and used to update the pages
    without problem, but
    > now
    > I receive errors. It started by not updating some of my
    pages, while it
    > updated others, and now is site-wide. Most of the errors
    it says are on
    > line
    > 1, with "Unbalanced InstanceBegin" tags. However,
    usually these are in
    > portions of the pages that are locked by the template. I
    read through
    > other
    > posts, and tried some suggestions, but nothing seems to
    > I'm incredibly desperate. Please help!!!
    > The main page of my site is:
    http://www.sapch.org It says the
    error here
    > is
    > an unbalanced tag on Line 4. Please help!
    > There are lots of problems site-wide that I'm trying to
    fix, but can't do
    > it
    > when I can't update the pages.

  • ITunes not updating RSS feed.

    I am hoping someone will be able to help me figure this out:
    After a hiatus of several months, I have started releasing new podcast episodes. The last episode in the iTunes store directory was Nov. 14, 2012.
    In the last week I have released 2 new episodes, but since the content was time sensitive I backdated them. I changed the Nov. 14 podcast to July 20 and then added a September 15 and a February 22, 2013 episode.
    The changes show up through iTunes software, but not in the iTunes store. It still shows the last episode as being Nov. 14, 2012. It has been 4 going on 5 days without any changes.
    Also, iTunes is not displaying my podcast logo, even though I have uploaded a 1400 X 1400 jpeg.
    I have checked and the podcast feed validates without a problem.
    I am at a loss as to what to look for or try next. If anyone has any ideas I would be very appreciative for any advice.
    https://itunes.apple.com/jp/podcast/down-to-business-english-business/id36626569 7?l=en&mt=2
    Thank you.

    Hi Roger,
    I contacted Apple and received this confusing reply (cut and paste below). It is confusing on 2 counts; 1) My feed validates just fine and 2) within minutes of receiving it, iTunes updated my feed to show 2 missing episodes.
    Still, the artwork is not showing and I posted another (backdated) episode over a week ago and it still hasn't shown up in the store yet either.
    I am wondering if I should resubmit my feed as the Apple support email suggests but do not want to loose my current subscribers.
    Any thoughts?
    This is the email I received from Apple:
    Dear Malcolm,
    Welcome to iTunes Store Customer Support. My name is Abdul and I will be happy to assist you.
    I'm sorry to hear that you have been unable to get your podcast listed on the iTunes Store. Addressing your concern is important to me.
    Malcolm, it appears that your podcast's RSS feed is not validating. To help find the problem, you may want to use a feed validator, such as this one:
    You can get help with many specific issues, learn how to test a feed, and view a sample feed in the iTunes Making a Podcast page:
    If you can successfully subscribe to your podcast and listen to each of the episodes, try resubmitting the feed to the iTunes Store. If you receive a message that the feed has already been submitted, the iTunes Store is detecting that the podcast is a duplicate. Please follow these steps to resubmit the podcast:
    1) Change the title and link fields of your RSS feed to something other than what they are now.
    2) Resubmit the podcast feed via iTunes.
    3) Once you have successfully submitted the podcast, you can change the title and link fields back to what they were.
    If you're still having trouble, consider consulting the Apple Discussions forums, which have a wealth of information about specific issues. Click Producing Podcasts in the Pro Digital Production area of this page: http://discussions.apple.com
    I hope the above information will help you.
    If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
    Have a nice day!
    iTunes Store Customer Support

  • Page Break In XML Publisher RTF Templates Are Not Working

    Please refer to the Metalink Doc below:
    Subject:      Page Break In XML Publisher RTF Templates Are Not Working.
    Doc ID:      559111.1      
    Type:      PROBLEM
    Modified Date:      24-MAR-2008      
    Status:      MODERATED
    In this Document
    This document is being delivered to you via Oracle Support's Rapid Visibility (RaV) process, and therefore has not been subject to an independent technical review.
    Applies to:
    Oracle XML Publisher - Version: 5.6.3
    This problem can occur on any platform.
    Using XML Publisher version 5.6.3 in 11.5.10.
    Find <?split-by-page-break:?> syntax is ignored.
    Expect page breaks to occur at point set by "split-by-page-break:" code.
    The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
    1. Create a template.
    2. Call split-by-page-break: inside a loop.
    3. Output is not formatted correctly, page break call is ignored,
    Unpublished BUG 5011628 matches the client issue as it is a call to split-by-page-break inside a loop.
    Fix is in ScalableStringList.java version 115.4.
    This is delivered in <Bug 6165466> XDOFX:CHR(N) FUNCTION FAILING.
    To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
    1. Apply Patch 6165466 when it is released.
    2. Test your report.
    Help us improve our service. Please email us your comments for this document. .

    Hi JDev,
    Check this out:
    Hope this might help.

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