Testing DB in Standby Mode

I have a log shipping configuration and its working and restoring to another server just fine.  What Im wanting to do is connect a client to that standby database and test how to switch to the backup box in case of failure.  How do I do that?  And,
once Im done, does shipping just pick up where it left off?
Thank you.

I have a log shipping configuration and its working and restoring to another server just fine.  What Im wanting to do is connect a client to that standby database and test how to switch to the backup box in case of failure.  How do I do that?  And,
once Im done, does shipping just pick up where it left off?
Thank you.
As said above since Secondary DB wont be read write your application might not work.To work it you need to make it online( read write mode).
One inportant point to make sure is when Secondary DB comes online it will have orphanned users .I means users wont have logins associated with them you need to fix it before you start your application or it might crash during startup.
when you point your application to secondary online database make sure you make chnages to connection string.
If you make Secondary online and want to get back to primary as main database you need to reconfigure Log shipping.Although ther are methods which might say they can reverse log shipping but I am not aware about any.Nor I have used that method
hope this helps
Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

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    somanna wrote:
    I guess I need to set my own 'protocol' in these matters.
    somanna wrote:
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    No it should go into standby without disconnecting it.
    That is correct, if it is disconnected then CCC will not backup. If you are using the same drive for editing and CCC, then you will need to test it to see if CCC will bring it backup from standby. If not, then maybe that is not a good combination of uses for one drive.
    somanna wrote:
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    No you should first Eject it before Switching it off.
    No CCC will not turn it back on.
    somanna wrote:
    The 2 other Seagate drives also have got some functions to do regarding backups. These Seagate drives have no power switches. Should I just eject these drives and keep their power cables on or do I have to also have to remove their power supply cables from the drives after they are ejected.
    As with any automated backup, the drive(s) must be connected and powered on in order for the automated backup to take place.
    somanna wrote:
    Further guidance and instructions in these matters will be highly appreciated.
    While I also get a little anal about backup, I do like to save power whenever I can.
    To be honest, I would probably only use the Thunderbolt drive for editing and keep one other drive online to back it up. Then rotate the other drives in and out on a daily or weekly basis keeping them off line, off site or at least in a firesafe.
    Keep at least one or two aces up your sleeve! Heck' a single lighting strike, power surge or simple mistake could take out everything in the blink of an eye if it's all hooked together and running.

  • Standby Mode - Does it work on Late 2012 MacBook Pro (non-Retina)

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    Can the community verify if "Standby Mode" (controlled by pmset) be used on a late 2012 MacBook Pro.  This is a model without the Retina display, however, when I do pmset -g... I do see standby in the display (as seen below) which implies it should be active.
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    I have reset the SMC and currently have the following pmset conditions (modified for testing)
    Battery Power:
    lidwake              1
    autopoweroff         1
    autopoweroffdelay    14400
    standbydelay         60
    standby              1
    ttyskeepawake        1
    hibernatemode        3
    hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
    displaysleep         1
    sleep                2
    acwake               0
    halfdim              1
    sms                  1
    lessbright           1
    disksleep            10
    AC Power:
    lidwake              1
    autopoweroff         1
    autopoweroffdelay    14400
    standbydelay         1800
    standby              1
    ttyskeepawake        1
    hibernatemode        3
    hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
    womp                 0
    displaysleep         10
    networkoversleep     0
    sleep                60
    acwake               0
    halfdim              1
    sms                  1
    disksleep            10
    Also, an auxilary question.  Can anyone explain the autopoweroff and autopoweroffdelay settings?  They appear to undocumented in manpages and can not locate any info on the web.

    Thanks for the input Michael.
    The thing that started this, is the new Late 2012 MacBook Pro simply uses much more power in "sleep" mode than what I experienced on my old Late 2007 White MacBook.  Every night, the "sleep" mode would result in almost a drain of the battery and the result is that I was unneccessary cycling the battery. With no OS revisions to address this, I have changed the defaults to enable hibernate for both the charging and battery mode.
    The strange thing about this is that even to get a true hibernation in battery mode I have to unplug all USB devices or the device will not hybernate.  Again, never had to do this on the old White MacBook and the power usage at night was very small.
    This works for now, but I think a device should sleep with very little (less than 4%) power loss when power is disabled.
    Thanks again for the input.  Here are the current settings.
    Battery Power:
    lidwake              1
    autopoweroff         1
    autopoweroffdelay    14400
    standbydelay         1800
    standby              1
    ttyskeepawake        1
    hibernatemode        3
    hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
    displaysleep         1
    sleep                10
    acwake               0
    halfdim              1
    sms                  1
    lessbright           1
    disksleep            5
    AC Power:
    lidwake              1
    autopoweroff         1
    autopoweroffdelay    14400
    standbydelay         1800
    standby              1
    ttyskeepawake        1
    hibernatemode        3
    hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
    womp                 1
    displaysleep         10
    networkoversleep     0
    sleep                60
    acwake               0
    halfdim              1
    sms                  1
    disksleep            5

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    Thanks in advance.
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    If you can get the computer to start in Recovery, then access OS X Utilities,
    an attempt could be made to Repair Disk using the Disk Utility there...
    Several instances of an upgrade leading to issues in Mac OS X was due
    to some previous condition in the computer, or problem in the hard drive,
    or maybe insufficient or low-quality RAM installed; among others, before
    the last OS X upgrade was installed. And then the extra effort of processing
    a new OS on top of other bits, can cause the computer to act up or fail.
    What was the previous OS X version? How old is the iMac...?
    Did you upgrade from Snow Leopard 10.6.8 to Mavericks 10.9.2?
    •Apple - OS X Recovery restores your Mac
    •OS X: About OS X Recovery
    •OS X: About Recovery Disk Assistant
    •OS X System Recovery: Explored & Explained - Tuts+ Mac computer skills tutorial
    http://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/os-x-system-recovery-explored-and-explai ned--mac-60375
    There may be a hardware problem behind the issues your computer
    presents, and a diagnostic inspection &/or testing may need to be
    done at a Genius bar, at an Apple Store; this is cited as a free service
    at US and Canada Apple Stores. If you do not have one, you could
    enlist the aid of an independent authorized Apple service company
    who has trained technicians on staff; these are often also resellers.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    The quickest way (and really the only way) to charge your iPad is with the included 10W USB Power Adapter. iPad will also charge, although more slowly, when attached to a computer with a high-power USB port (many recent Mac computers) or with an iPhone Power Adapter (5W). When attached to a computer via a standard USB port (most PCs or older Mac computers) iPad will charge very slowly (but iPad indicates not charging). Make sure your computer is on while charging iPad via USB. If iPad is connected to a computer that’s turned off or is in sleep or standby mode, the iPad battery will continue to drain.
    Apple recommends that once a month you let the iPad fully discharge & then recharge to 100%.
    How to Calibrate Your Mac, iPhone, or iPad Battery
    At this link http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/galaxy-tab-android-tablet,3014-11.html , tests show that the iPad 2 battery (25 watt-hours) will charge to 90% in 3 hours 1 minute. It will charge to 100% in 4 hours 2 minutes. The new iPad has a larger capacity battery (42 watt-hours), so using the 10W charger will obviously take longer. If you are using your iPad while charging, it will take even longer. It's best to turn your new iPad OFF and charge over night. Also look at The iPad's charging challenge explained http://www.macworld.com/article/1150356/ipadcharging.html
    Also, if you have a 3rd generation iPad, look at
    Apple: iPad Battery Nothing to Get Charged Up About
    http://allthingsd.com/20120327/apple-ipad-battery-nothing-to-get-charged-up-abou t/
    Apple Explains New iPad's Continued Charging Beyond 100% Battery Level
    http://www.macrumors.com/2012/03/27/apple-explains-new-ipads-continued-charging- beyond-100-battery-level/
    New iPad Takes Much Longer to Charge Than iPad 2
    http://www.iphonehacks.com/2012/03/new-ipad-takes-much-longer-to-charge-than-ipa d-2.html
    Apple Batteries - iPad http://www.apple.com/batteries/ipad.html
    Extend iPad Battery Life (Look at pjl123 comment)
    New iPad Slow to Recharge, Barely Charges During Use
    http://www.pcworld.com/article/252326/new_ipad_slow_to_recharge_barely_charges_d uring_use.html
    Tips About Charging for New iPad 3
    http://goodscool-electronics.blogspot.com/2012/04/tips-about-charging-for-new-ip ad-3.html
    Prolong battery lifespan for iPad / iPad 2 / iPad 3: charging tips
    In rare instances when using the Camera Connection Kit, you may notice that iPad does not charge after using the Camera Connection Kit. Disconnecting and reconnecting the iPad from the charger will resolve this issue.
     Cheers, Tom

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    I think I paid over than 3,500$ for this macbook pro cto
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    because I am one of customer don't want to pay over 3,500$ for using 1 computer by one year and this problem I havent do anything I just leave it.

    Active Profiles:
    Battery Power                    -1*
    AC Power                    -1
    Currently in use:
    halfdim          1
    sms                    1
    hibernatefile          /var/vm/sleepimage
    gpuswitch          2
    disksleep          10
    sleep                    0 (imposed by 223)
    hibernatemode          3
    ttyskeepawake          1
    displaysleep          5
    acwake                    0
    lidwake          1
    Also I broke down and called support again this time a senior advisor's boss recorded the events and sent the data to their "engineering department" still waiting on the results hopefully they will get back to me sometime between today and saturday. will post the results of the tests. also this is a 2011 17in intel i5

  • Does an unmounted but still inserted SD card prevent standby mode?

    This apple support document lists a number of things preventing standby mode on SSD portable macs (MBA 2010-, MBP mid 2012 & MBPr)
    To enter standby, the computer must:
    - Have no SD card inserted.
    Does this apply to inserted but unmounted SD cards as well?
    This question arose from the Kickstarter page for The Nifty Minidrive, a microSD card adapter that fits perfectly into the SD slot on portable macs but which according to the aforementioned support document will prevent standby mode on the models that support it.
    If anyone knows or is able to test this that would make 8 602 Kickstarter backers pretty grateful!

    Hi and welcome to the community! Since you're new please be sure that you have checked out our Discussion guidelines.
    Sorry to hear that you're having issues with your SD-card.
    I recommend that you first test your SD card in your PC using a test software like http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/System-Miscellaneous/H2testw.shtml or similar. I also recommend that you test your phone with another SD card to see if there's something wrong with the phone or SD card.
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • Monitor never leaves standby mode

    I posted this in response to another thread, but after reading that original thread I realized our issues were different enough that I should probably post my own.
    P4 2.6 (OEM heatsink/fan)
    Antec Sonata Case (380w PSU)
    1gb (matched pair of 512mb x 2) Kingston HyperX DDR 400 RAM
    MSI FX5600 AGP card
    Maxtor Diamondmax 120gb SATA
    Viewsonic af70+ monitor
    I have checked and re-checked all connections.  All fans on the motherboard are running when power is turned on.  I do *not* have the keyboard or mouse connected.
    The monitor, however, never leaves standby mode.
    I've tested the monitor and the AGP card in another machine and they work fine.  I've tried the new monitor in the new machine with 2 other AGP cards that I know work, and my result is the same... the monitor never leaves standby mode.
    Do I not have something connected properly?  My first thought was the AGP card was bad, but I've tested it in another machine and it works perfectly.  My second thought was the AGP slot was bad, but something like that is so rare that I find it hard to believe.
    I'd rather not ship the motherboard back and wait 3 weeks for a replacement if I don't have to.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    are you taking the
    I've no idea what that means.
    Sorry, didn't realize I was spelling your name incorrectly.  It was simply a typo, nothing intentional.
    I do appreciate the help though.

  • Waking up computers in standby mode

    Is it possible to wake up computers that are in standby mode?
    I used the EPA's EZ GPO to push out group policies for power management. However, when the computers go into standby, I can't use ZENworks to wake them up for lights-out patching.

    Did some further tests. After disabling the option for only allow management stations to bring the computer out of standby, on one Dell Optiplex GX280, the computer goes into standby, wakes up, then goes back into standby after 30 seconds of being up. On another Optiplex GX280, after putting the computer into standby, the computer wakes itself up (no scheduled WOL in other words) after 30 seconds. If the option is enabled again, the computer that wakes itself up after being put into standby stays in standby and wakes up with the scheduled WOL. I also tested using a Lenovo ThinkCentre with the option enabled and after going into standby, the computer woke up.
    On the EPA's EZ GPO web site, this is what is said about this option:
    'Enable "Only allow management stations to bring the computer out of standby" by checking the box. This will require a Magic Packet to wake up your computer. Not selecting this will allow any traffic directed to your computer to wake it up.'
    Does the server send out a Magic Packet to wake up computers during a scheduled scan? I know we can manually wake up the computers with the option enabled from ConsoleOne.
    I'm compiling a list of settings to figure this all out. Will report back. But any thoughts you have will be most helpful.

  • Qosmio F60-10J - Standby mode function

    Hello all,
    most computers can be set to standby mode and switch back to wortking state after some time automatically.
    There is a feature in the windows operating system which manages it and it is for example used by the task manager. When you create a task in the windows task manager, you can request it to wake up the computer from the standby mode at the moment when the task has to be executed. And it is what happens on most computers. Some other applications use the same feature and are able to wake up a computer for executing tasks at a given time.
    None of these applications seem to work on my Toshiba Qosmio F60-10j and this means probably that the BIOS and the electronics of the computer do not take in account the necessary features. This is the first computer I see failing in this kind of use. It's a pity because it's a way to save power. For executing a task with this computer at a given moment, it seems necessary to keep it completely working and waiting for the moment when the task has to be executed. On most other computers, it's possible to turn them in standby mode, they restart when it's time working.
    May be it's a bug in the BIOS and a fix is available?
    Best regards.

    I'll try to be clearer.
    When you set your computer in standby mode, usually, you restart it by pressing on the power switch or on the keyboard.
    But there is another way.
    Before the computer is set to standby mode, a program can request windows to restart automatically the computer at a given moment wiithout any action of the user. I use this a lot for example for capturing videos on TV. The computer stays in standby while waiting for the broadcast, and retarts at the moment when it has to record it.
    If you want to be more technical, the windows API which does that is named SetWaitableTimer, and the parameter to start this function is a boolean named fResume.
    So for example; if your program requested to resume the computer at 9 AM and if you set it to standby at 8:30 AM (or if it went in standby mode by itself ar 8:30) the computer will restart without any new action at 9 AM.
    I use it for a long time on several computers, 2 Compaq, one Acer, and one IBM, with Windows XP and Vista.
    A standard program shipped with windows uses this feature, it's the task manager (the windows scheduler) which is able to resume a computer in standby mode at the moment when a task is scheduled if it requests it.
    What happens on the Qosmio ? simply nothing. Even if a program or the task manager requested it to resume at a given time, it stays in stanby mode. Of course, once the power switch is pressed, the computer restarts normally. But it seems that this computer has not the ability to restart automatically after a given time.
    The O.S. is Windows 7 64, the one that was shipped with the computer.
    I have no way to see if this comes from windows or from the computer. I never tested this on another windows 64 configuration. Anyway, it's a kernel function of windows and it's used by an important and standard windows tool, so that I don't think that there is a bug in the windows part. But of course, when the computer is on standby, windows is stopped and the restarting process relies completely on the electronics and BIOS of the computer, and in my opinion, the failure is probably there.
    For now, the consequence for me is that i let the Qosmio running for example when waiting for recording a video, but I don't like it because it wastes power and makes the computer, its fan and disk run for nothing.
    Best regards.

  • HT202124 Is plug in a USB wireless receiver (Logitech Unifying Receiver) prevents Macbook Pro Retina going to standby mode?

    As the title implies, is this prevent Macbook Pro Retina (Mid 2014) from going to standby mode? It's not convenience to unplug the wireless receiver every time I don't use the notebook though.

    That kind of panic can be caused by an adapter for an external display that isn't connected to anything. See this thread.
    There are also reports that the panic may be triggered by waking an external display from sleep. To test that theory, open the Energy Saver preference pane and click the lock icon to unlock the settings, if necessary. Move the Display sleep slider all the way to the Never position on the right. See whether there's any change.

  • Restore Log with Standby Mode on VHDX disk problem - hotfix for SQL 2014 needed

    Restore Log with Standby Mode on Virtual VHDX disk cause a 9004 error in SQL Server 2014 ( test performed on Web edition and Standard version )
    Similar Bug for SQL 2008R2 is already registered with number hotfix
    Restore operations always fail in Hyper-V R2 Server in situations ( text copied from
    KB2987585 page )
    The primary database has its transaction log file (.ldf) stored on a disk that has "Bytes per Physical Sector" set as 512 bytes.
    You take the transaction log backups of this database, and then you try to restore it by using the standby option on the secondary database.
    The secondary database transaction log file (.ldf) is located on a VHDX disk that has "Bytes per Physical Sector" set as 4,096 bytes.
    In this scenario, the restore operation fails and returns the following error message:
    Error: 9004, Severity: 16, State: 6.
    An error occurred while processing the log for database '<databasename>'. If possible, restore from backup. If a backup is not available, it might be necessary to rebuild the log.
    After this error occurs, the secondary database goes into a suspect state.
    So restore from Generation1 to Generation2 machine ( where only VHDX disk is possible ) always fails and database is not accessible.
    Please create hotfix for SQL 2014 version

    Please create hotfix for SQL 2014 version
    This is a community forum, no one of use can create a hotfix for SQL Server.
    Raise a case at Microsoft Support or create an entry at MS Connect:
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • My new macbook pro retina randomly goes into standby mode

    My new macbook pro retina randomly goes into standby mode. I have to close the screen and wait a few seconds and re-open it in order for it to come back on.
    Sometimes it immediately goes back into standby mode again after closing and reopening the screen. I have checked the battery level everytime, and it has never been below 40% when this occurs. Is this a Mountain Lion issue?

    Well I fixed my problem.
    I took it into the Apple store. Even without the other two monitors they were able to recreate the problem. One symptom (I had) was that one of the Hot Corners was set to Disable screen saver. If you then put your cursor there, you'd go into screen saver mode. Change the setting to another corner and the problem follows you there.
    The Apple person at the Genius bar logged out as me and back in as test and same problem. He tried some stuff and finally said I needed to wipe the drive and reinstall the OS (Lion). I'd only had the machine for 12 hours and had just migrated my data to it, so I didn't mind doing that. I did it at home.
    Problem solved.
    BUT... then I reinstalled the driver for my EVGA UV Plus 19 (most current drivers) and bingo problem back. Uninstall. Problem gone. I'm now using mini display port to DVI for one monitor and HDMI for the other I think the machine is a bit warmer this way (versus using a USB to the EVGA device) but at least it's not sleeping all the time. Someone might say "it (the heat) is your imagination" or something else. Or someone might say "use the other thunderbolt port for another mini-display port to DVI" but I need that for the LAN... c'est la vie.
    Maybe I'll write to evga and see what they say. Maybe they'll fix their driver and/or Apple will fix it.

  • Iphone 6 randomly shutdown in standby mode

    My Iphone 6 16gb randomly shutdown in standby mode, i only can turn it on by hold POWER + HOME. here is the log :
    {"name":"Reset count","bug_type":"115","os_version":"iPhone OS 8.1 (12B411)"}
    Incident Identifier: F0B79DBE-0BE1-431A-813E-70E7E2C17942
    CrashReporter Key: 7305c452a84bf7ce3738c4bedf794c8e76fc4c58
    Date: 2014-11-24 09:17:58 +0700
    Reset count: 1
    Boot failure count: 2
    Boot faults: wdog btn_rst
    Boot stage: 32
    Boot app: 2681261667
    Is this a hardware issue or software issue? thanks

    Hi hnguyen1982,
    If you are having an issue with your iPhone shutting down unexpectedly, I would suggest that you troubleshoot using the steps in this article - 
    If your iOS device restarts, displays the Apple logo, or powers off while you're using it - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L 

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